JDBC Driver for Zoho Books

Build 22.0.8479


Fine Tuning Data Access

You can use the following properties to gain more control over the data returned from Zoho Books:

  • OrganizationId: The Id associated with the specific Zoho Books organization you wish to connect to. In Zoho Books, your business is termed as an organization.
    If you have multiple businesses, you simply set each of those up as an individual organization.
    Each organization is an independent Zoho Books Organization with its own organization ID, base currency, time zone, language, contacts, reports, etc.
    If the value of Organization Id is not specified in the connection string, then we will make a call to get all the available organizations and will select the first organization Id as the default one.
  • AccountsServer: The full Account Server URL. Most of the time, the value of this property will be https://books.zoho.com, but if your account resides in a different location, then the domain should change accordingly (.eu, .in, .com.au, ...).

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Build 22.0.8479