ODBC Driver for Sage 300

Build 24.0.8963

Linux DSN Configuration

This section describes how to set up ODBC connectivity and configure DSNs on several Linux distributions: Debian-based systems, like Ubuntu, and Red Hat Linux platforms, like Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Fedora.

Minimum Linux Versions

Here are the minimum supported versions for Red Hat-based and Debian-based systems:

OSMin. Version

Installing the Driver Dependencies

Run the following commands as root or with sudo to install the necessary dependencies:

  • Debian/Ubuntu:
    apt-get install libc6 libstdc++6 zlib1g libgcc1
  • RHEL/Fedora:
    yum install glibc libstdc++ zlib libgcc

Installing the Driver

You can use standard package management systems to install the driver.

On Debian-based systems, like Ubuntu, run the following command with root or sudo:

dpkg -i /path/to/driver/setup/Sage300ODBCDriverforUnix.deb 

On systems that support the RPM package format, run the following command with root or sudo:

rpm -ivh /path/to/driver/Sage300ODBCDriverforUnix.rpm 

Licensing the Driver

Run the following commands to license the driver. To activate a trial, omit the <key> input.

cd /opt/cdata/cdata-odbc-driver-for-sage300/bin/
sudo ./install-license.sh <key>

Connecting through the Driver Manager

The driver manager loads the driver and passes function calls from the application to the driver. You need to register the driver with the driver manager and you define DSNs in the driver manager's configuration files.

The driver installation registers the driver with the unixODBC driver manager and creates a system DSN. The unixODBC driver manager can be used from Python and from many other applications. Your application may embed another driver manager.

Creating the DSN

See Using unixODBC to install unixODBC and configure DSNs. See Using the DataDirect Driver Manager to create a DSN to connect to OBIEE, Informatica, and SAS.

Before Authenticating

Sage 300 requires some initial setup in order to communicate over the Sage 300 Web API. The logged in user must have API access to one or all modules of the Sage300 instance. In Sage300 a user is assigned a security group. A security group is a set of permissions for each module. It is recommended that you use a different user other than the ADMIN user to access the API. The ADMIN user has a couple of extra steps in order to gain access to the API. Follow the steps below in order to obtain access to the API.

Creating a User

Skip this step if you have already created a new user or you would like to use an existing account.

  • Open the Sage300 Desktop Application which is included in the installation of Sage300. Log in with the ADMIN account.
  • Go to Administrative Services -> Users
  • Fill in the required information and click Add

Setting up the Security Group

  • Open the Sage300 Desktop Application which is included in the installation of Sage300. Log in with the ADMIN account.
  • Go to Administrative Services -> Security Groups
  • In the Application you will find all the modules of Sage300. The Group ID represents the security group you want to modify. Below you will find a list of permissions that you can check.
  • (Optional)Create a new Security Group fill the Group ID, Group Description and check any of the permissions including the Sage 300 Web API permission. Lastly click Add(per each application required)
  • Or select an existing Security Group you are going to assign to the User under Group ID and check the Sage 300 Web API permission in the end of permissions(per each application required).

Assigning a Security Group

  • Open the Sage300 Desktop Application which is included in the installation of Sage300. Log in with the ADMIN account.
  • Go to Administrative Services -> User Authorization
  • Under User ID select your new/existing User
  • Now for each Application assign the Group ID which you created/modified
  • Once the user access is done, ensure that they have access to the web API. Replace 'server' with your Sage300 instance URL.

Connecting to Sage 300

The CData ODBC Driver for Sage 300 communicates to Sage 300 over the OData API. You can authenticate to Sage 300 using Basic authentication.

Basic Authentication

You must provide values for the following properties to successfully authenticate to Sage 300. Note that the provider will reuse the session opened by Sage 300 using cookies.

This means that your credentials will be used only on the first request to open the session. After that, cookies returned from Sage 300 will be used for authentication.

  • Url: Set this to the url of the server hosting Sage 300. Construct a URL for the Sage 300 Web API as follows: {protocol}://{host-application-path}/v{version}/{tenant}/ For example, http://localhost/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/.
  • User: Set this to the username of your account.
  • Password: Set this to the password of your account.

Set the Driver Encoding

The ODBC drivers need to specify which encoding to use with the ODBC Driver Manager. By default, the CData ODBC Drivers for Unix are configured to use UTF-16 which is compatible with unixODBC, but other Driver Managers may require alternative encoding.

Alternatively, if you are using the ODBC driver from an application that uses the ANSI ODBC API it may be necessary to set the ANSI code page. For example, to import Japanese characters in an ANSI application, you can specify the code page in the config file '/opt/cdata/cdata-odbc-driver-for-sage300/lib/cdata.odbc.sage300.ini':

AnsiCodePage = 932

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Build 24.0.8963