TDV Adapter for Sage 300

Build 23.0.8839

Aggregate Functions

Examples of Aggregate Functions

Below are several examples of SQL aggregate functions. You can use these with a GROUP BY clause to aggregate rows based on the specified GROUP BY criterion. This can be a reporting tool.


Returns the number of rows matching the query criteria.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes'


Returns the number of distinct, non-null field values matching the query criteria.

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT InvoiceUniquifier) AS DistinctValues FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes'


Returns the average of the column values.

SELECT ApprovedLimit, AVG(AnnualRevenue) FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes' GROUP BY ApprovedLimit


Returns the minimum column value.

SELECT MIN(AnnualRevenue), ApprovedLimit FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes' GROUP BY ApprovedLimit


Returns the maximum column value.

SELECT ApprovedLimit, MAX(AnnualRevenue) FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes' GROUP BY ApprovedLimit


Returns the total sum of the column values.

SELECT SUM(AnnualRevenue) FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes'


Returns the number of rows matching the query criteria.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes'


Returns the number of distinct, non-null field values matching the query criteria.

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT InvoiceUniquifier) AS DistinctValues FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes'


Returns the average of the column values.

SELECT ApprovedLimit, AVG(AnnualRevenue) FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes'  GROUP BY ApprovedLimit


Returns the minimum column value.

SELECT MIN(AnnualRevenue), ApprovedLimit FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes' GROUP BY ApprovedLimit


Returns the maximum column value.

SELECT ApprovedLimit, MAX(AnnualRevenue) FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes' GROUP BY ApprovedLimit


Returns the total sum of the column values.

SELECT SUM(AnnualRevenue) FROM OEInvoices WHERE Allowpartialshipments = 'Yes'

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Build 23.0.8839