Tableau Connector for Microsoft Teams

Build 24.0.8963


Teams table for MSTeams data provider.

Table Specific Information


Query the Teams table by retrieving everything from teams or by specifying GroupId with = and IN operators. By default only the teams of the groups you are a member of will be returned. To retreive teams for all groups in your organization, set IncludeAllGroups property to true. The connector will use the Microsoft Teams API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • GroupId supports the '=' and IN operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE GroupId IN ('4729c5e5-f923-4435-8a41-44423d42ea79', 'acabe397-8370-4c31-aeb7-2d7ae6b8cda1')

SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE GroupId = '4729c5e5-f923-4435-8a41-44423d42ea79'


At least GroupId and DisplayName are required to insert a new team to a group. You can specify any other field as well.

INSERT INTO Teams (DisplayName, GroupId, funSettings_allowGiphy) VALUES ('Cool team', 'acabe397-8370-4c31-aeb7-2d7ae6b8cda1', false)


To update a team record you need to specify the Id in WHERE clause. Only unarchived teams can be updated.

UPDATE Teams SET DisplayName = 'My Team', funSettings_allowGiphy = false, funSettings_allowGiphy = true, funSettings_allowStickersAndMemes = true, funSettings_allowCustomMemes = false, guestSettings_allowCreateUpdateChannels = true, guestSettings_allowDeleteChannels = false, memberSettings_allowCreateUpdateChannels = false, memberSettings_allowDeleteChannels = true, Description = 'some desc' WHERE Id = '4729c5e5-f923-4435-8a41-44423d42ea79'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The Team Id.

GroupId String False

The Group Id.

DisplayName String False

The name of the team.

Description String False

An optional description for the team.

Classification String False

An optional label. Typically describes the data or business sensitivity of the team. Must match one of a pre-configured set in the tenant's directory.

CreatedDateTime Datetime False

Timestamp at which the team was created.

FunSettings_allowCustomMemes Bool False

If set to true, enables users to include custom memes.

FunSettings_allowGiphy Bool False

If set to true, enables Giphy use.

FunSettings_allowStickersAndMemes Bool False

If set to true, enables users to include stickers and memes.

FunSettings_giphyContentRating String False

Giphy content rating. Possible values are: moderate, strict.

GuestSettings_allowCreateUpdateChannels Bool False

If set to true, guests can add and update channels.

GuestSettings_allowDeleteChannels Bool False

If set to true, guests can delete channels.

InternalId String False

A unique ID for the team that has been used in a few places such as the audit log/Office 365 Management Activity API.

IsArchived Bool False

Whether this team is in read-only mode.

MemberSettings_allowAddRemoveApps Bool False

If set to true, members can add and remove apps.

MemberSettings_allowCreatePrivateChannels Bool False

If set to true, members can add and update private channels.

MemberSettings_allowCreateUpdateChannels Bool False

If set to true, members can add and update any channels.

MemberSettings_allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors Bool False

If set to true, members can add, update, and remove connectors.

MemberSettings_allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs Bool False

If set to true, members can add, update, and remove tabs.

MemberSettings_allowDeleteChannels Bool False

If set to true, members can delete channels.

MessagingSettings_allowChannelMentions Bool False

If set to true, @channel mentions are allowed.

MessagingSettings_allowOwnerDeleteMessages Bool False

If set to true, owners can delete any message.

MessagingSettings_allowTeamMentions Bool False

If set to true, @team mentions are allowed.

MessagingSettings_allowUserDeleteMessages Bool False

If set to true, users can delete their messages.

MessagingSettings_allowUserEditMessages Bool False

If set to true, users can edit their messages.

Specialization String False

Optional. Indicates whether the team is intended for a particular use case. Each team specialization has access to unique behaviors and experiences targeted to its use case.

Visibility String False

The visibility of the group and team. Defaults to Public.

WebUrl String False

A hyperlink that will go to the team in the Microsoft Teams client. This is the URL that you get when you right-click a team in the Microsoft Teams client and select Get link to team. This URL should be treated as an opaque blob, and not parsed.

Group_id String True

The Group Id.

PrimaryChannel_id String True

The PrimaryChannel Id.

Schedule_id String True

The Schedule Id.

Template_id String True

The Template Id.

summary_guestsCount Integer True

Count of guests in a team.

summary_membersCount Integer True

Count of members in a team.

summary_ownersCount Integer True

Count of owners in a team.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963