Tableau Connector for Microsoft Teams

Build 23.0.8839


Users table for MSTeams data provider.

Table Specific Information


Query the Users table. The connector will use the Microsoft Teams API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • Id supports the '=' operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = '08d30c14-2775-45c9-8809-3eca47340959'


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String The unique identifier for the user.
DeletedDateTime Datetime The date and time when the user was deleted.
AboutMe String A freeform text entry field for the user to describe themselves.
AccountEnabled Bool true if the account is enabled; otherwise, false.
AgeGroup String Sets the age group of the user.
AssignedLicenses String The licenses that are assigned to the user.
AssignedPlans String The plans that are assigned to the user.
Birthday Datetime The birthday of the user.
BusinessPhones String The telephone numbers for the user.
City String The city in which the user is located.
CompanyName String The company name which the user is associated.
ConsentProvidedForMinor String Sets whether consent has been obtained for minors.
Country String The country/region in which the user is located
CreatedDateTime Datetime The date and time the user was created.
CreationType String Indicates whether the user account was created as a regular school or work account (null), an external account (Invitation), a local account for an Azure Active Directory B2C tenant (LocalAccount) or self-service sign-up using email verification (EmailVerified).
Department String The name for the department in which the user works.
DeviceEnrollmentLimit Int The Device Enrollment Limit.
DisplayName String The name displayed in the address book for the user.
EmployeeHireDate Datetime The date and time when the user was hired or will start work in case of a future hire.
EmployeeId String The employee identifier assigned to the user by the organization.
EmployeeOrgData_costCenter String The cost center associated with the user.
EmployeeOrgData_division String The name of the division in which the user works.
EmployeeType String Captures enterprise worker type.
ExternalUserState String For an external user invited to the tenant using the invitation API, this property represents the invited user's invitation status. For invited users, the state can be PendingAcceptance or Accepted, or null for all other users.
ExternalUserStateChangeDateTime Datetime Shows the timestamp for the latest change to the externalUserState property.
FaxNumber String The fax number of the user.
GivenName String The given name (first name) of the user.
HireDate Datetime The hire date of the user.
Identities String Represents the identities that can be used to sign in to this user account.
ImAddresses String The instant message voice over IP (VOIP) session initiation protocol (SIP) addresses for the user.
Interests String A list for the user to describe their interests.
IsResourceAccount Bool Do not use reserved for future use.
JobTitle String The user's job title.
LastPasswordChangeDateTime Datetime The time when this Azure AD user last changed their password.
LegalAgeGroupClassification String Used by enterprise applications to determine the legal age group of the user.
LicenseAssignmentStates String State of license assignments for this user.
Mail String The SMTP address for the user.
MailboxSettings_archiveFolder String Folder ID of an archive folder for the user.
MailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_externalAudience String The set of audience external to the signed-in user's organization who will receive the ExternalReplyMessage, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled. Possible values are: none, contactsOnly, all.
MailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_externalReplyMessage String The automatic reply to send to the specified external audience, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled.
MailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_internalReplyMessage String The automatic reply to send to the audience internal to the signed-in user's organization, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled.
MailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_scheduledEndDateTime_dateTime String The date and time that automatic replies are set to end, if Status is set to Scheduled.
MailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_scheduledEndDateTime_timeZone String The date and time that automatic replies are set to begin, if Status is set to Scheduled.
MailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_status String Configurations status for automatic replies. Possible values are: disabled, alwaysEnabled, scheduled.
MailboxSettings_dateFormat String The date format for the user's mailbox.
MailboxSettings_delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions String If the user has a calendar delegate, this specifies whether the delegate, mailbox owner, or both receive meeting messages and meeting responses.
MailboxSettings_language_displayName String The Language.
MailboxSettings_language_locale String The locale information for the user, including the preferred language and country/region.
MailboxSettings_timeFormat String The time format for the user's mailbox.
MailboxSettings_timeZone String The default time zone for the user's mailbox.
MailboxSettings_workingHours_daysOfWeek String The days of the week on which the user works.
MailboxSettings_workingHours_endTime Time The time of the day that the user starts working.
MailboxSettings_workingHours_startTime Time The time of the day that the user stops working.
MailboxSettings_workingHours_timeZone_name String The time zone to which the working hours apply.
MailNickname String The mail alias for the user.
MobilePhone String The primary cellular telephone number for the user.
MySite String The URL for the user's personal site.
OfficeLocation String The office location in the user's place of business.
OnPremisesDistinguishedName String Contains the on-premises Active Directory distinguished name or DN.
OnPremisesDomainName String Contains the on-premises domainFQDN, also called dnsDomainName synchronized from the on-premises directory.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute1 String First customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute10 String Tenth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute11 String Eleventh customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute12 String Twelfth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute13 String Thirteenth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute14 String Fourteenth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute15 String Fifteenth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute2 String Second customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute3 String Third customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute4 String Fourth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute5 String Fifth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute6 String Sixth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute7 String Seventh customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute8 String Eighth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute9 String Ninth customizable extension attribute.
OnPremisesImmutableId String This property is used to associate an on-premises Active Directory user account to their Azure AD user object.
OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime Datetime Indicates the last time at which the object was synced with the on-premises directory
OnPremisesProvisioningErrors String Errors when using Microsoft synchronization product during provisioning.
OnPremisesSamAccountName String Contains the on-premises sAMAccountName synchronized from the on-premises directory.
OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier String Contains the on-premises security identifier (SID) for the user that was synchronized from on-premises to the cloud.
OnPremisesSyncEnabled Bool true if this object is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this object was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory (default).
OnPremisesUserPrincipalName String Contains the on-premises userPrincipalName synchronized from the on-premises directory.
OtherMails String A list of additional email addresses for the user
PasswordPolicies String Specifies password policies for the user.
PasswordProfile_forceChangePasswordNextSignIn Bool If true, at next sign-in, the user must change their password. After a password change, this property will be automatically reset to *false. If not set, default is false.
PasswordProfile_forceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMfa Bool If true, at next sign-in, the user must perform a multi-factor authentication (MFA) before being forced to change their password.
PasswordProfile_password String The password for the user.
PastProjects String A list for the user to enumerate their past projects.
PostalCode String The postal code for the user's postal address.
PreferredLanguage String The preferred language for the user.
PreferredName String The preferred name for the user.
ProvisionedPlans String The plans that are provisioned for the user.
ProxyAddresses String The Proxy Address.
Responsibilities String A list for the user to enumerate their responsibilities.
Schools String A list for the user to enumerate the schools they have attended.
ShowInAddressList Bool true if the Outlook global address list should contain this user, otherwise false. If not set, this will be treated as true. For users invited through the invitation manager, this property will be set to false.
SignInSessionsValidFromDateTime Datetime Any refresh tokens or sessions tokens (session cookies) issued before this time are invalid, and applications will get an error when using an invalid refresh or sessions token to acquire a delegated access token (to access APIs such as Microsoft Graph).
Skills String A list for the user to enumerate their skills.
State String The state or province in the user's address.
StreetAddress String The street address of the user's place of business.
Surname String The user's surname
UsageLocation String A two letter country code
UserPrincipalName String The user principal name (UPN) of the user.
UserType String UserType
Authentication_id String The Authentication Id
Calendar_id String The Calendar Id
Drive_id String The Drive Id
InferenceClassification_id String The InferenceClassification Id
Insights_id String The Insights Id
Manager_id String The Manager Id
Onenote_id String The Onenote Id
Outlook_id String The Outlook Id
Photo_id String The Photo Id
Planner_id String The Planner Id
Presence_id String The Presence Id
Settings_id String The Settings Id
Teamwork_id String The Teamwork Id
Todo_id String The Todo Id

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Build 23.0.8839