SSIS Components for Microsoft Teams

Build 23.0.8839


Schedules table for MSTeams data provider.

Table Specific Information


Query the Schedules table by retrieving everything from teams or by specifying TeamId with = and IN operators. By default only the schedule items for teams of the groups you are a member of will be returned. To retreive schedules for teams of all groups in your organization, set IncludeAllGroups property to true. The component will use the Microsoft Teams API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.

  • TeamId supports the '=' and IN operators.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Schedules WHERE TeamId = 'da838338-4e77-4c05-82a6-79d9f0274511'


To update a schedule record Id and TeamId are required in WHERE clause.

UPDATE Schedules SET timeZone = 'Africa/Casablanca', enabled = true WHERE Id = '4729c5e5-f923-4435-8a41-44423d42ea79' AND TeamId = '4729c5e5-f923-4435-8a41-44423d42ea79'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

ID of the schedule.

TeamId [KEY] String False

The Team Id.

Enabled Bool False

Indicates whether the schedule is enabled for the team.

OfferShiftRequestsEnabled Bool False

Indicates whether offer shift requests are enabled for the schedule.

OpenShiftsEnabled Bool False

Indicates whether open shifts are enabled for the schedule.

ProvisionStatus String False

The status of the schedule provisioning. The possible values are notStarted, running, completed, failed.

ProvisionStatusCode String False

Additional information about why schedule provisioning failed.

SwapShiftsRequestsEnabled Bool False

Indicates whether swap shifts requests are enabled for the schedule.

TimeClockEnabled Bool False

Indicates whether time clock is enabled for the schedule.

TimeOffRequestsEnabled Bool False

Indicates whether time off requests are enabled for the schedule.

TimeZone String False

Indicates the time zone of the schedule team using tz database format.

WorkforceIntegrationIds String False

The WorkforceIntegration Ids.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839