Retrieves a list of direct routing calls
Table Specific Information
Custom App and Client Credentials should be used. See Creating a Custom OAuth Application The driver will use the Microsoft Teams API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.
- FromDate supports '=' operator.
- ToDate supports '=' operator.
Following is an example query:
SELECT * FROM DirectRoutingCalls WHERE FromDate = '2021-01-01' SELECT * FROM DirectRoutingCalls WHERE FromDate = '2021-01-01' AND ToDate = '2021-02-09'
Note: FromDate and ToDate are required parameters , if they are not specified default dates will be taken with a date range of 90 days.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The Id of the Direct routing call |
CorrelationId | String | The Correlation ID |
UserId | String | The Id of the user |
UserPrincipalName | String | The principal name of the user |
UserDisplayName | String | The display name of the user |
StartDateTime | Edm.DateTimeOffset | The start date time of the call |
InviteDateTime | Edm.DateTimeOffset | The invite date time |
FailureDateTime | Edm.DateTimeOffset | The failure date time |
EndDateTime | Edm.DateTimeOffset | The end date time of the call |
Duration | Integer | The duration of the call |
CallType | String | The type of the call |
SuccessfulCall | String | The successful call |
CallerNumber | String | The caller number |
CalleeNumber | String | The callee number |
MediaPathLocation | String | The media path location |
SignalingLocation | String | The signaling location |
FinalSipCode | Integer | The final SIP Code |
CallEndSubReason | Integer | The sub reason of the call end |
FinalSipCodePhrase | String | The final SIP code phrase |
MediaBypassEnabled | Boolean | Whether Media Bypass is enabled or not |
FromDate | Edm.Date | The date from which calls to be fetched |
ToDate | Edm.Date | the date till when calls to be fetched |