FireDAC Components for Microsoft Teams

Build 23.0.8839


TeamTabs table for MSTeams data provider.

Table Specific Information


To query the TeamsTabs table you need to specify TeamId and ChannelId filters in order to retreive tabs for the specified channel which belongs to the specified team. The component will use the Microsoft Teams API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.

  • TeamId and ChannelId support the '=' and IN operators. All the other columns support the '=', IN, LIKE, !=, IS, IS NOT operators.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM TeamsTabs WHERE TeamId = 'da838338-4e77-4c05-82a6-79d9f0274511' AND ChannelId = '19:[email protected]'
SELECT * FROM TeamsTabs WHERE TeamId = '12d95e4d-f90f-434c-b280-dd7f8b8615e5' AND ChannelId IN (SELECT Id FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = '12d95e4d-f90f-434c-b280-dd7f8b8615e5') AND Id LIKE '%-ade1-400a-a82b-e7a435199b7a'
SELECT * FROM TeamsTabs WHERE TeamId = '12d95e4d-f90f-434c-b280-dd7f8b8615e5' AND ChannelId IN (SELECT Id FROM Channels WHERE TeamId = '12d95e4d-f90f-434c-b280-dd7f8b8615e5') AND configuration_entityId IS NOT NULL


At least TeamId, ChannelId and AppID are required to insert a new tab in a channel. You can specify any other field as well.

INSERT INTO TeamsTabs (TeamId, ChannelId, DisplayName, AppID) VALUES ('4729c5e5-f923-4435-8a41-44423d42ea79', '19:[email protected]', 'new tab for test', '0d820ecd-def2-4297-adad-78056cde7c78')


To update a tab record you need to specify the Id, ChannelId and TeamId in the WHERE clause.

UPDATE TeamsTabs SET DisplayName = 'updatetabname' WHERE Id = 'c41cbfe0-7713-44d6-96dd-b692569f1766' AND ChannelId = '19:[email protected]' AND TeamId = '4729c5e5-f923-4435-8a41-44423d42ea79'


To delete a tab record you need to specify the Id, ChannelId and TeamId in the WHERE clause.

DELETE FROM TeamsTabs WHERE TeamId = 'da838338-4e77-4c05-82a6-79d9f0274511' AND ChannelId = '19:[email protected]' AND Id = '16ba49df-d7e1-4dc7-b6c3-ea721d327d38'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
id [KEY] String False

Identifier that uniquely identifies a specific instance of a channel tab.

AppId String False

The App Id.

ChannelId String False

The Channel Id.

Configuration_contentUrl String False

Url used for rendering tab contents in Teams. Required.

Configuration_entityId String False

Identifier for the entity hosted by the tab provider.

Configuration_removeUrl String False

Url called by Teams client when a Tab is removed using the Teams Client.

Configuration_websiteUrl String False

Url for showing tab contents outside of Teams.

DisplayName String False

Name of the tab.

WebUrl String False

Deep link URL of the tab instance.

TeamsApp_id String True

App definition identifier of the tab.

TeamId String False

The Team Id.

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Build 23.0.8839