Tableau Connector for Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

Build 24.0.9062


Query EngagementStudioProgram to retrieve data related to the programs.


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Int64 ID of the object.
BusinessHoursDays String Array containing the business days of the week.
BusinessHoursEndTime Time The start time of the business day.
BusinessHoursStartTime Time The end time of the business day.
BusinessHoursTimezone String The timezone of the business hours.
CreatedAt Datetime Creation time of the object.
CreatedById Int64 ID of the user who created this object.
Description String Description of the object.
FolderId Int64 ID of the folder containing this object. Uses the asset type's uncategorized folder if not specified on create.
IsDeleted Boolean True if the object is in the recycle bin in Account Engagement.
Name String Name of the object for identification in Account Engagement.
ProspectsMultipleEntryMaximumEntries Int64 The maximum amount of times a prospect can reenter the program. Unlimited entries are represented as null.
ProspectsMultipleEntryMinimumDurationInDays Int64 The minimum amount of days before a prospect can reenter the program.
RecipientListIds String Array containing the program's Recipient List IDs.
SalesforceId Int64 SalesforceID of the object.
ScheduleCreatedAt Datetime Creation time of the program schedule.
ScheduleStartOn Datetime Start time of the program schedule. If the program was started with the Now option startOn reflects the time the program started. If the program was started at some date in the future startOn reflects the user's selection.
ScheduleStopOn Datetime Stop time of the program schedule. A null value in this field represents the Never stop option.
ScheduleCreatedById Int64 ID of the user who created the program's schedule.
Status String The status of the program. draft: The program has never been run and can be edited;running: The program is currently running and can't be edited.;paused: The program isn't running and is eligible for edits (not supported at this time).;starting: The program is in the process of starting and can't be edited.;scheduled: The program is scheduled to start.
SuppressionListIds String Array containing the program's Suppression List IDs.
UpdatedAt Datetime Last update time of the object.
UpdatedById Int64 ID of the user who last updated this object.

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Build 24.0.9062