Excel Add-In for Apache Impala

Build 24.0.8963

Modifying Data

After Querying Data to pull data into your sheet, you can edit cells and post the changes to the rows you select. Select the data manipulation operation on the CData ribbon. The add-in only saves the changes in the selected rows. You must also enable data modification options for the connection to save changes. See Establishing a Connection for details.


To insert a new row, create a new row in the spreadsheet. The data in the columns must match with the respective headers. Select the row and click Update Rows. The CData Excel Add-In for Apache Impala attempts to add a new row in Apache Impala.

Revert Changes to Records

If you need to undo a mistakenly made change to the data, you can click the Revert Rows button.

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Build 24.0.8963