Tableau Connector for Sage 200

Build 24.0.8963


This resource returns a view of sales quotes, sales quote lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_quote_id' and 'sop_quote_line_id' descending.

Table Specific Information


The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.

Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteId = 3424324324324
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteDocumentNo = 'Sample'
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteCustomerDocumentNo = 'Sample'


Name Type References Description
QuoteId [KEY] Long Unique Id of the sales quote
QuoteDocumentNo String Sales quote document number.
QuoteDocumentDate Date Sales quote date.
QuoteDocumentStatus String Sales quote status. See sop_document_status_types
QuoteCustomerDocumentNo String Customer sales quote document number.
QuoteCurrencyId Long The Id for the currency used for the sales quote. See currencies
QuoteCurrencyName String The name for the currency used for the sales quote.
QuoteCurrencySymbol String The symbol of the currency used for the sales quote.
QuoteExchangeRate Decimal Exchange rate for the sales quote.
QuoteRequestedDeliveryDate Date Requested delivery date.
QuotePromisedDeliveryDate Date Promised delivery date.
QuoteAnalysisCode1 String Analysis code 1.
QuoteAnalysisCode2 String Analysis code 2.
QuoteAnalysisCode3 String Analysis code 3.
QuoteAnalysisCode4 String Analysis code 4.
QuoteAnalysisCode5 String Analysis code 5.
QuoteDateTimeUpdated Datetime The date and time the sales quote was last updated (UTC).
QuoteLineId Long Associated sales quote line Id
QuoteLineNumber Short Sales quote line number.
QuoteLineType String Sales quote line type. See order_return_line_types
QuoteLineProductCode String Sales quote line product code.
QuoteLineProductDescription String Sales quote line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment.
QuoteLineQuantity Decimal The line quantity.
QuoteLineSellingUnitDescription String The selling unit description.
QuoteLineSellingUnitPrice Decimal The selling price per item.
QuoteLineUnitDiscountPercent Decimal The percentage discount per item.
QuoteLineUnitDiscountValue Decimal The discount value per item.
QuoteLineCostPrice Decimal The cost price.
QuoteLineTotalValue Decimal The total value of the line.
QuoteLineLineTaxValue Decimal The tax value of the line.
QuoteLineDiscountedUnitPrice Decimal The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the sop_quote_line_unit_discount_value from the sop_quote_line_selling_unit_price.
QuoteLineRequestedDeliveryDate Date Requested delivery date.
QuoteLinePromisedDeliveryDate Date Promised delivery date.
QuoteLineAnalysisCode1 String Analysis code 1.
QuoteLineAnalysisCode2 String Analysis code 2.
QuoteLineAnalysisCode3 String Analysis code 3.
QuoteLineAnalysisCode4 String Analysis code 4.
QuoteLineAnalysisCode5 String Analysis code 5.
QuoteLineDateTimeUpdated Datetime The date and time the sop quote line was last updated (UTC).
CustomerId Long The associated customer record Id. See customers
CustomerReference String The associated customer account reference.
CustomerName String The associated customer name.
ProductId Long The associated product record Id. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products
ProductCode String The code of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard
ProductName String The name of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard
ProductDescription String The associated product description. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard
WarehouseId Long The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses
WarehouseName String The name of the warehouse. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard
TaxCodeId Long The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes
TaxCodeCode Short The associated tax code.
TaxCodeName String The associated tax code name.
TaxCodeRate Decimal The associated tax rate.

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Build 24.0.8963