CData Sync App は、Sage 200 データをデータベース、データレイク、またはデータウェアハウスに継続的にパイプライン化する簡単な方法を提供し、分析、レポート、AI、および機械学習で簡単に利用できるようにします。
Sage 200 コネクタはCData Sync アプリケーションから使用可能で、Sage 200 からデータを取得して、サポートされている任意の同期先に移動できます。
Sync App アプリケーションの接続 ページに移動し、接続の追加 パネルで対応するアイコンを選択して、Sage 200 への接続を作成します。Sage 200 アイコンが利用できない場合は、Add More アイコンをクリックしてCData サイトからSage 200 コネクタをダウンロードおよびインストールします。
接続の前に、Sage API にアカウントが登録されていることを確認してください。こちらのリンク に従って簡単に行えます。
You will need to select a subscription that contains the API of your Sage 200 edition (StandardUK or ProfessionalUK). The Sage 200 Unlimited subscription should contain the APIs of both editions.
Sage 200 に接続するには、次の接続プロパティを指定します。
Sage 200 はOAuth 認証標準を利用しています。認証方法については、OAuth 認証の使用 を参照してください。
このセクションでは、Sage 200 Sync App の高度な機能を厳選して説明します。
Sync App を使用すると、事前設定されたクエリによって内容が決定されるユーザー定義ビューと呼ばれる仮想テーブルを定義できます。 このビューは、ドライバーに発行されるクエリを直接制御できない場合に有効です。 カスタムビューの作成と設定の概要については、ユーザー定義ビュー を参照してください。
SSL の設定 を使用して、Sync App が証明書のネゴシエーションをどのように扱うかを調整します。さまざまな証明書形式を選択できます。 詳しくは、接続文字列オプションにあるSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows プロキシとHTTP プロキシを含むファイアウォールとプロキシ に合致するようSync App を設定します。トンネル接続を設定することもできます。
Sync App は、Sage 200 にできるだけ多くのSELECT ステートメント処理をオフロードし、残りのクエリをクライアント側のインメモリで処理します。
詳しくはクエリ処理 を参照してください。
CData ログを調整するために使用可能な設定の概要については、ログ を参照してください。基本的なロギングでは、 次の2つの接続プロパティを設定するだけです。LogModules 接続プロパティを使用してログに記録する情報のサブセットを選択できる、 より洗練されたロギングをサポートする多数の機能があります。
デフォルトでは、Sync App はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
This section shows the available API objects and provides more information on executing SQL to Sage 200 APIs.
Sage200 StandardUK データモデル describes the schemas available to connect to Sage 200 Standard UK accounts. You can use tables to work with live Sage 200 data. You can use stored procedures provided by CData Sync App to automate working with Sage 200 data.
Sage200 ProfessionalUK データモデル describes the schemas available to connect to Sage 200 Professional UK accounts. You can use tables to work with live Sage 200 data. You can use stored procedures provided by CData Sync App to automate working with Sage 200 data.
ビュー describes the available views. Views are statically defined to model Banks, Customers, Products, and more.
ストアドプロシージャ are function-like interfaces to Sage 200. Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Sage 200, such as retrieving the OAuth Access Token.
ビューとして公開されるクエリなどの動的ビューや、project_team ワークアイテムの特定の組み合わせを検索するためのビューがサポートされています。
Name | Description |
BankPostedTransactions | Bank posted transactions are created when transactions such as receipts or payments are posted against the Cash Book. |
Banks | Bank accounts can be created in Sage 200 for any type of account that money is paid in/out of, for example, cash, credit cards or, business current account. Bank accounts can be in any currency and all balances are recorded in the currency specific to that bank account. |
CompanyDetails | Every instance of Sage 200 is configured for the company using it. A company is identified in Sage 200 by its name. Sage 200 stores separate company details for each company that is created. The information stored within company details is typical company information such as VAT registration number and company contact details. |
CostCentres | Cost centres are typically used to aid collating related costs and reporting on a specific segment of an organisation i.e. a company division such as sales or production. |
Currencies | Sage 200 works in multiple currencies and each company can configure up to 99 currencies to use, and all can be configured to use a single exchange rate, period exchange rates, or both. One currency must be configured as the base currency and this cannot be changed once transactions have been entered. If a currency is configured as amendable, the exchange rate can be modified when entering transactions. |
CustomerContacts | Information can be stored for multiple contacts against each customer account. Each contact can have its own details such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and website. |
CustomerDeliveryAddresses | A customer can have multiple delivery addresses stored for their account which can be used when creating an invoice or sales order. |
Customers | Customers are one of the most important entities within Sage 200 as they are associated with many important resources within the application and underpin most of the main features (e.g. sales orders, payment receipts, etc). When making larger requests for customer information, the Customer Views resource can be a faster alternative to this resource. |
Departments | Departments are a subdivision of cost centres and are used where specific costs or revenue need to be collated and reported on separately. For example, a cost centre could be a sales area such as North East or South West and different departments could be Administration and Training. |
FinancialReportLayouts | Financial statement layouts are designed to provide a clear representation of your accounts. This resource returns the details of all financial statement layouts. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'financial_report_layout_id' and 'financial_report_row_report_row' ascending. |
FinancialYearPeriods | This resource returns the details of all accounting periods for all financial years held for the company. A company always has five future financial years and can have unlimited previous years, depending on how long the company has been operating. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'financial_year_start_date' and 'period_number' ascending. |
NominalCodes | Nominal accounts are fundamental to the successful management of company finances. The value of every transaction entered into Sage 200 is posted to a nominal account and, is where the revenue and expenditure of the business is recorded. Nominal accounts include a code, and cost centre and a department. |
NominalReportCategories | Nominal report categories are used in financial statements (PL, Balance Sheet) to group nominal codes under headings and to determine whether the nominal code value is reported on the layout for the Balance Sheet (Asset and Liability) or Profit and Loss (Income and Expense). |
NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes | Nominal transaction analysis codes are used to group nominal analysis items on various transaction types |
PendingEmails | When working with Microsoft Flow, it is useful to be able to access pending emails to send as notifications to the user from Sage 200. |
PriceBands | A price band is simply a price list. They're used to offer different prices to different customers. Product prices are set in the each price band. The price a customer receives for a product depends on the price band their account is linked to. |
ProductGroups | Product groups are used to group stock items together with similar characteristics or requirements. Product Groups provide several default settings for stock items and, have their own unique code and description. |
ProductPrices | This returns the selling prices of your products. A price is returned for each price band associated with a product. A price band is simply a price list. The price a customer receives for a product depends on the price band their account is linked to. The 'Standard' price band is the default. The prices returned here do not include any customer specific discounts. The default sort (orderby) field is by 'product_code' ascending. |
Products | Products are used to track stock within Sage 200. This is not just for physical items, but also for items that are ordered direct from suppliers, services, and time or labour that can be included on customer invoices. |
ProductTransactions | A product transaction is created each time a product is moved in, or out of stock. Product transactions are created from various sources such as purchase orders, sales orders, transfers between warehouses etc.. This resource returns the details of product transactions. The default sort (orderby) field is by 'id' descending. |
PurchaseOrderLines | When making larger requests for purchase order information, the Purchase Order Line Views resource is a faster alternative to the 'Purchase Orders' resource. |
PurchaseOrders | Purchase orders are used to represent the purchase of goods or services from a supplier. They are central to a business and define the terms (price, quantity and times) by which the products or services will be received. |
PurchasePostedTransactions | Purchase posted transactions are created when transactions, such as purchases made, refunds or credit notes, are posted against the Purchase Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create posted transactions. |
SalesHistoricalTransactions | Sales historical transactions are created when transactions are archived from the Sales Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create historical transactions. |
SalesOrderAdditionalCharges | Additional charges can be added to sales orders to account for items such as carriage and insurance. Within the Sage 200 application, users can setup and maintain the list of additional charges that can be referenced when creating a sales order. This API resource can be used to determine what each additional charge is for. |
SalesOrderLines | When making larger requests for sales order information, the Sales Order Line Views resource is a faster alternative to the 'Sales Orders' resource. The Sales Order Line Views resource returns more information than the 'Sales Orders' resource, and therefore reduces the number of API requests required to return the same information from multiple resources. This resource returns a view of sales orders, sales order lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_order_id' and 'sop_order_line_id' descending. |
SalesOrderProformaLines | This resource returns a view of sales pro formas, sales pro forma lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_proforma_id' and 'sop_proforma_line_id' descending. |
SalesOrderQuoteLines | This resource returns a view of sales quotes, sales quote lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_quote_id' and 'sop_quote_line_id' descending. |
SalesOrders | Sales orders are used to represent the sale of goods or services to a customer. They are central to a business and define the terms (price, quantity and times) by which the products or services will be delivered. Note: Adding traceable items to sales orders. If you're using traceable stock items and an item is set to be sold from a single batch, then the order quantity must be less than or equal to quantity in the batch. If you try to order more than the quantity in the batch, the order cannot be posted via the API. |
SalesPostedTransactions | Sales posted transactions are created when transactions, such as orders invoiced, receipts, refunds or credit notes, are posted against the Sales Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create posted transactions. To post a transaction, the necessary API resource must be invoked. When making larger requests for customer information, the Sales Transactions Views resource can be a faster alternative to this resource. |
SalesTradingPeriods | This resource returns the details of all sales trading periods for all financial years held for the company. A company can have the trading periods set to be the same as the accounting periods or as different periods. (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only, Sage 200c Standard defaults to financial year periods) |
SalesTransactions | When making larger API requests for transaction information from the Sales ledger, the Sales Transaction Views resource can be a faster alternative to the 'Sales Posted Transactions' resource. The Sales Transaction Views resource also returns a wider breadth of information than the Sales Posted Transactions. |
StockSettings | These settings to define how to process and manage your stock. |
SupplierContacts | Information can be stored for multiple contacts against each Supplier account. Each contact can have its own details such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and website. |
Suppliers | Suppliers are one of the most important entities within Sage 200 as they are associated with many important resources within the application and underpin most of the main features (e.g. purchase orders, purchase receipts, etc). |
TaxCodes | Tax codes are normally used for UK business VAT Rates. They are accessed by Sage 200 modules in order to: - Analyse the rates to Nominal Ledger accounts. - Analyse the rates to the VAT Return. - Read percentages for calculations in transactions. |
WarehouseHoldings | All stock within Sage 200 regardless of type (Stock, Service/labour, or Miscellaneous), require a holding location. The location indicates where an item is stored and the stock level settings for each product in the warehouse i.e. the re-order level, the minimum and maximum stock levels. Items with a type of 'Stock' have levels recorded for each warehouse location and the levels are used when allocating, issuing and receiving stock. If the stock setting UseMultipleLocations is true, a product can be linked to multiple warehouse holdings. You cannot delete the last warehouse holding associated with a product. |
Warehouses | All stock within Sage 200, regardless of type (Stock, Service/labour, or Miscellaneous), requires a holding location. By default, the HOME warehouse is created within Sage 200, you can then create your own warehouses. |
Bank posted transactions are created when transactions such as receipts or payments are posted against the Cash Book.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: NominalAnalysisItems,TaxAnalysisItems,TradeItems columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE Id=29448 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE BankId=29401 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE BankTransactionType='Payment' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE EntryDescription='Opening Balance' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE Reference='O/Bal' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE SecondReference='abc' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE TransactionDate='2017-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE PostedDate='2017-09-13T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE ChequeValue=-6511.96 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE ChequeDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE ChequeToAccountCurrencyRate=1 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE BankChequeToBaseCurrencyRate=1 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE ChequeCurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE Urn=24 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.467+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Id. | |
BankId | Long |
Banks.Id | Bank Id. See banks |
BankTransactionType | String | Transaction type. See bank_transaction_types | |
EntryDescription | String | Transaction description. | |
Reference | String | Transaction reference. | |
SecondReference | String | Second reference. | |
TransactionDate | Date | Transaction date. | |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date. | |
ChequeValue | Decimal | Value of the entry. | |
ChequeDiscountValue | Decimal | Entry discount value. | |
ChequeToAccountCurrencyRate | Decimal | Exchange rate between the bank account currency and the cheque currency. | |
BankChequeToBaseCurrencyRate | Decimal | Exchange rate between the bank account and the company base currency. | |
ChequeCurrencyId | Long | Currency Id. See currencies | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
UserName | String | User who entered the transaction. | |
NominalAnalysisItems | String | Nominal analysis items. See bank_posted_transactions_nominal_analysis_items | |
TaxAnalysisItems | String | Tax analysis items. See bank_posted_transactions_tax_analysis_items | |
TradeItems | String | Trade items. See bank_posted_transactions_trade_items | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Bank accounts can be created in Sage 200 for any type of account that money is paid in/out of, for example, cash, credit cards or, business current account. Bank accounts can be in any currency and all balances are recorded in the currency specific to that bank account.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: BankAddressId,BankAddressContact,BankAddressCountry,BankAddressCity,BankAddressPostcode,BankAddress_1,BankAddress_2,BankAddress_3,BankAddress_4,BankContacts columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Id=29401 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Code='1200' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Description='Bank Current Account' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE SortCode='233434' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountNo='003234234' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE BankName='Lloyds Bank PLC' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountType='BankAccountTypeCurrent' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountStatusType='AccountStatusActive' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Balance=-9941.57 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE BalanceInBase=-9941.57 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE OverdraftLimit=0 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountName='Stationery & Computer Mart UK Ltd' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Iban='abc' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Bic='abc' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE StatementBalance=0 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE StatementDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountCurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.070+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Bank account record Id. | |
Code | String | Bank account code. | |
Description | String | Bank description. | |
SortCode | String | Bank sort code. | |
AccountNo | String | Bank account number. | |
BankName | String | Bank name. | |
AccountType | String | Bank account type. See bank_account_types | |
AccountStatusType | String | The status of the bank account (Sage 200c Standard and versions of Professional released after February 2018). For example, this can either be 'Active' or 'Hidden'. See account_status_types | |
Balance | Decimal | Bank balance. | |
BalanceInBase | Decimal | Bank balance in base currency. | |
OverdraftLimit | Decimal | Bank overdraft limit. | |
AccountName | String | Account name. | |
Iban | String | International bank account number. | |
Bic | String | Bank identifier code. | |
StatementBalance | Decimal | Last statement balance. | |
StatementDate | Date | Last statement date. | |
AccountCurrencyId | Long |
Currencies.Id | Currency record Id. See currencies |
BankAddressId | Long | Bank address. Bank address record id. | |
BankAddressContact | String | Bank address. Address Contact name. | |
BankAddressCountry | String | Bank address. Country. | |
BankAddressCity | String | Bank address. City. | |
BankAddressPostcode | String | Bank address. Postcode. | |
BankAddress_1 | String | Bank address. Address line 1. | |
BankAddress_2 | String | Bank address. Address line 2. | |
BankAddress_3 | String | Bank address. Address line 3. | |
BankAddress_4 | String | Bank address. Address line 4. | |
BankContacts | String | Collection of bank contact values. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Every instance of Sage 200 is configured for the company using it. A company is identified in Sage 200 by its name. Sage 200 stores separate company details for each company that is created. The information stored within company details is typical company information such as VAT registration number and company contact details.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: CountryCode,CountryCodeName,CountryCodeEUMember,AddressCountry,Address_1,Address_2,Address_3,Address_4,AddressCity,AddressCounty,AddressPostcode columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Name='Stationery & Computer Mart UK' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Telephone='0191 955 3000' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Fax='0191 955 3001' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Email='[email protected]' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Website='' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE TaxRegistrationNumber='376 6823 94' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE CountryCodeId=13 SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE YearsAccountsHeldFor=2 SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE EoriNumber='abc' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.040+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | Company name. | |
Telephone | String | Telephone number. | |
Fax | String | Fax number. | |
String | Email address. | ||
Website | String | Company website address. | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Tax registration number. | |
CountryCodeId | Long | Country code record Id. See country_codes | |
CountryCode | String | Country code record Id. See country_codes | |
CountryCodeName | String | Country code record Id. See country_codes | |
CountryCodeEUMember | Boolean | Country code record Id. See country_codes | |
YearsAccountsHeldFor | Int | Number of years that periods with nominal data exist for up to a maximum of six years. | |
AddressCountry | String | The company's address Id. | |
Address_1 | String | The company's address. Address line 1. | |
Address_2 | String | The company's address. Address line 2. | |
Address_3 | String | The company's address. Address line 3. | |
Address_4 | String | The company's address. Address line 4. | |
AddressCity | String | The company's address. City | |
AddressCounty | String | The company's address. County | |
AddressPostcode | String | The company's address. Postcode | |
EoriNumber | String | The company's EORI number. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Cost centres are typically used to aid collating related costs and reporting on a specific segment of an organisation i.e. a company division such as sales or production.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CostCentres WHERE Id=1015 SELECT * FROM CostCentres WHERE Code='abc' SELECT * FROM CostCentres WHERE Name='abc' SELECT * FROM CostCentres WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.230+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Cost centre record Id. | |
Code | String | Cost centre code. | |
Name | String | Cost centre name. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Sage 200 works in multiple currencies and each company can configure up to 99 currencies to use, and all can be configured to use a single exchange rate, period exchange rates, or both. One currency must be configured as the base currency and this cannot be changed once transactions have been entered. If a currency is configured as amendable, the exchange rate can be modified when entering transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: CurrencyIsoCode,CurrencyIsoCodeName columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Id=2103 SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Symbol='ツ」' SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Name='Pound Sterling' SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE CoreCurrencyRate=1 SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE EuroCurrencyRate=0.714285 SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE CurrencyIsoCodeId=49 SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE IsBaseCurrency=true SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE IsEuroCurrency=false SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.243+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Currency record Id. | |
Symbol | String | Currency symbol. | |
Name | String | Currency name. | |
CoreCurrencyRate | Decimal | Currency rate in use against base. | |
EuroCurrencyRate | Decimal | Euro rate. | |
CurrencyIsoCodeId | Long | ISO Currency Code Record Id. See currency_iso_codes | |
CurrencyIsoCode | String | ISO Currency Code Record Id. See currency_iso_codes | |
CurrencyIsoCodeName | String | ISO Currency Code Record Id. See currency_iso_codes | |
IsBaseCurrency | Bool | Flag to indicate if the currency is the base currency. | |
IsEuroCurrency | Bool | Flag to indicate if the currency is Euro. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Information can be stored for multiple contacts against each customer account. Each contact can have its own details such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and website.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CustomerContacts WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM CustomerContacts WHERE CustomerId='0000000001' SELECT * FROM CustomerContacts WHERE Name='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Customer contact record Id. | |
CustomerId | Long | Customer record Id. | |
Name | String | Contact Name - Concatenated first_name, middle_name and last_name. | |
FirstName | String | Contact first name. | |
MiddleName | String | Contact middle name. | |
LastName | String | Contact surname. | |
IsDefault | Bool | Is this the default contact for the parent customer. See customer | |
DefaultTelephone | String | Default telephone number. | |
DefaultEmail | String | Default email address. | |
SalutationId | Long | Contact salutation id. | |
SalutationIsDefault | Boolean | Contact salutation. | |
SalutationCode | String | Contact salutation code. | |
SalutationDescription | String | Contact salutation description. | |
Emails | String | Customer emails. See customer_emails | |
Telephones | String | Customer telephones. See customer_telephones | |
Mobiles | String | Customer mobiles. See customer_mobiles | |
Faxes | String | Customer faxes. See customer_faxes | |
Websites | String | Customer websites. See customer_websites | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
A customer can have multiple delivery addresses stored for their account which can be used when creating an invoice or sales order.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Id=27927 SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Contact='Lee Dalkin' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Country='abc' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE CustomerId=27825 SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Description='Registered address' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Email='[email protected]' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Fax='01742 876 236' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE IsDefault=false SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE PostalName='A1 Design Services' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE TaxCodeId=1729 SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE TaxNumber='GB238 3839 38' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Telephone='01742 876 234' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Address1='67a Station Road' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Address2='abc' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Address3='Blackpool' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Address4='Lancashire' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE City='abc' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE County='abc' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Postcode='BP12 7HT' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE AddressCountryCodeId=0 SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.867+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique id of the customer delivery address. | |
Contact | String | The contact associated with the customer delivery address. | |
Country | String | Country (if using segmented addresses in Sage 200c Professional or Sage 200 Extra Online). | |
CustomerId | Long | Unique Id of the customer account the customer delivery address is associated with. See customers | |
Description | String | The description of the customer delivery address. | |
String | The email address associated with the customer delivery address. | ||
Fax | String | The fax number associated with the customer delivery address. | |
IsDefault | Bool | Flag to indicate if this is the default customer delivery address for the parent customer. See customer | |
PostalName | String | Postal name is the name of the person or company who the invoice or sales order is addressed to. | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The tax code record Id. See tax_codes | |
TaxNumber | String | The tax number. | |
Telephone | String | The telephone number associated with the customer delivery address. | |
Address1 | String | Address line 1. | |
Address2 | String | Address line 2. | |
Address3 | String | Address line 3. | |
Address4 | String | Address line 4. | |
City | String | City (if using segmented addresses in Sage 200c Professional or Sage 200 Extra Online). | |
County | String | County (if using segmented addresses in Sage 200c Professional or Sage 200 Extra Online). | |
Postcode | String | Postcode. | |
AddressCountryCodeId | Long | Country code Id. See country_codes | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Customers are one of the most important entities within Sage 200 as they are associated with many important resources within the application and underpin most of the main features (e.g. sales orders, payment receipts, etc). When making larger requests for customer information, the Customer Views resource can be a faster alternative to this resource.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: CountryCode,CountryCodeName,CountryCodeEuMember,MainAddress_1,MainAddress_2,MainAddress_3,MainAddress_4,MainAddressCity,MainAddressCounty,MainAddressPostcode,Contacts columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Id=27825 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Reference='A1D001' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name='A1 Design Services' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ShortName='A1 Desig' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Balance=1120.92 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE OnHold=false SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AccountStatusType='AccountStatusActive' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ExchangeRateType='ExchangeRateSingle' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TelephoneCountryCode='44' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TelephoneAreaCode='01742' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TelephoneSubscriberNumber='876234' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE FaxCountryCode='44' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE FaxAreaCode='01742' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE FaxSubscriberNumber='876236' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Website='' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CreditLimit=0 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE DefaultTaxCodeId=1729 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE VatNumber='GB238 3839 38' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE DunsCode='abc' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode1='Trade' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode2='George' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode3='Lancashire' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode4='abc' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode5='abc' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AverageTimeToPay=0 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ValueOfCurrentOrdersInSop=340.38 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CountryCodeId=13 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-03-05T11:19:18.317+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Customer unique Id. | |
Reference | String | Customer account reference. NOTE: Not required if customer reference is set to | |
Name | String | Customer name. | |
ShortName | String | Customer short name. | |
Balance | Decimal | Customer account balance. | |
OnHold | Bool | True if customer account is on hold, else False. | |
AccountStatusType | String | The status of the customer account (Sage 200c Standard and versions of Extra/Professional released after July 2017). For example, this can either be 'Active' or 'Hidden'. See account_status_types | |
CurrencyId | Long |
Currencies.Id | Currency record Id. See currencies |
ExchangeRateType | String | The type of exchange rate used on the customer account. See exchange_rate_types | |
TelephoneCountryCode | String | Telephone country code (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
TelephoneAreaCode | String | Telephone area code (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
TelephoneSubscriberNumber | String | Telephone subscriber number (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
FaxCountryCode | String | Fax country code. | |
FaxAreaCode | String | Fax area code. | |
FaxSubscriberNumber | String | Fax subscriber number. | |
Website | String | Website address. | |
CreditLimit | Decimal | Credit limit for the customer. | |
DefaultTaxCodeId | Long |
TaxCodes.Id | Default tax code record Id. See tax_codes |
VatNumber | String | VAT registration number. | |
DunsCode | String | DUNS number. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
AverageTimeToPay | Int | The customer average time to pay. | |
ValueOfCurrentOrdersInSop | Decimal | Value of current sales orders for this customer. | |
CountryCodeId | Long | Country code record Id. | |
CountryCode | String | The customers country code. | |
CountryCodeName | String | The customers country code name. | |
CountryCodeEuMember | Boolean | Shows if the customer is Eu Member. | |
MainAddress_1 | String | The customers main address line 1. | |
MainAddress_2 | String | The customers main address line 2. | |
MainAddress_3 | String | The customers main address line 3. | |
MainAddress_4 | String | The customers main address line 4. | |
MainAddressCity | String | The customers main address city. | |
MainAddressCounty | String | The customers main address county. | |
MainAddressPostcode | String | The customers main address postcode. | |
Contacts | String | Customer contacts. See customer_contacts | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Departments are a subdivision of cost centres and are used where specific costs or revenue need to be collated and reported on separately. For example, a cost centre could be a sales area such as North East or South West and different departments could be Administration and Training.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE Id=1016 SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE Code='abc' SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE Name='abc' SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.277+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Department record Id. | |
Code | String | Department code. | |
Name | String | Department name. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Financial statement layouts are designed to provide a clear representation of your accounts. This resource returns the details of all financial statement layouts. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'financial_report_layout_id' and 'financial_report_row_report_row' ascending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE LayoutId = 46151 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE LayoutAccountReportType = 'ProfitLoss' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE LayoutName = 'Sample Profit and Loss Layout' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowId = 47221 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowLineType = 'Text' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowLayoutPositionType = 'Unknown' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowLayoutDebitOrCreditType = 'Unknown' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowReportRow = 1 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowTitle = 'Sales' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowSubtotalGroup = 1 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak1 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak2 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak3 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak4 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak5 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak6 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak7 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak8 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE RowGroupBreak9 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE NominalAccountReportCategoryId = 123 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE NominalAccountReportCategoryCode = 'abc' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE NominalAccountReportCategoryDescription = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
LayoutId [KEY] | Long | Financial report layout record Id. | |
LayoutAccountReportType | String | The type of the financial layout. See financial_report_layout_types | |
LayoutName | String | financial report layout name. | |
RowId | Long | An asscoiated financial report row Id. | |
RowLineType | String | The type of the financial layout. See financial_report_row_line_types | |
RowLayoutPositionType | String | The type of the financial report row layout position. See financial_report_row_layout_position_types | |
RowLayoutDebitOrCreditType | String | The type of the financial layout. See financial_report_row_layout_debit_or_credit_types | |
RowReportRow | Int | Value to show the line number of the report row in the layout. | |
RowTitle | String | The row title. | |
RowSubtotalGroup | Int | Value to represent the sub total group. | |
RowGroupBreak1 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 1. | |
RowGroupBreak2 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 2. | |
RowGroupBreak3 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 3. | |
RowGroupBreak4 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 4. | |
RowGroupBreak5 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 5. | |
RowGroupBreak6 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 6. | |
RowGroupBreak7 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 7. | |
RowGroupBreak8 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 8. | |
RowGroupBreak9 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 9. | |
NominalAccountReportCategoryId | Long | An Id specific to each nominal account report category. See nominal_report_category_types | |
NominalAccountReportCategoryCode | String | The nominal account report category code. | |
NominalAccountReportCategoryDescription | String | The nominal account report category description. |
This resource returns the details of all accounting periods for all financial years held for the company. A company always has five future financial years and can have unlimited previous years, depending on how long the company has been operating. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'financial_year_start_date' and 'period_number' ascending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE FinancialYearId=1 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE FinancialYearStartDate='2018-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE FinancialYearEndDate='2018-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE YearRelativeToCurrentYear=0 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE NumberOfPeriodsInYear=12 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE AccountingPeriodId=1 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE PeriodNumber=1 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE PeriodStartDate='2018-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE PeriodEndDate='2018-01-31T01:00:00.000+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
FinancialYearId [KEY] | Long | An Id specific to each financial year. | |
FinancialYearStartDate | Date | Date the financial year starts. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
FinancialYearEndDate | Date | Date the financial year ends. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
YearRelativeToCurrentYear | Int | Value to represent the year relative to the current financial year. The current financial year is 0. The first previous year is -1. The first future year is 1. | |
NumberOfPeriodsInYear | Int | The number of periods in the financial year. | |
AccountingPeriodId | Long | An Id specific to each accounting period. | |
PeriodNumber | Int | Value to show the period in relation to the associated year. For example, for a year that starts in January, January will be period 1, February period 2 etc. | |
PeriodStartDate | Date | Date the period starts. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
PeriodEndDate | Date | Date the period finished. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. |
Nominal accounts are fundamental to the successful management of company finances. The value of every transaction entered into Sage 200 is posted to a nominal account and, is where the revenue and expenditure of the business is recorded. Nominal accounts include a code, and cost centre and a department.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE Id=2317 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE Name='Freehold Property' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE Reference='0010' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE CostCentreId=1015 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE CostCentreCode='abc' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE DepartmentId=1016 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE DepartmentCode='abc' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE NominalAccountType='NominalAccountTypePosting' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE AccountStatusType='AccountStatusActive' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE ReportCategoryId=2289 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE DisplayBalancesInSelectionList=false SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE BalanceYearToDate=123.3 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.717+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Nominal code record Id. | |
Name | String | Nominal code name. | |
Reference | String | Nominal code reference. | |
CostCentreId | Long |
CostCentres.Id | Nominal code cost centre record Id. See cost_centres |
CostCentreCode | String | Cost centre code. | |
DepartmentId | Long |
Departments.Id | Nominal code department record Id. See departments |
DepartmentCode | String | Department code. | |
NominalAccountType | String | The type of the nominal code. See nominal_account_types | |
AccountStatusType | String | The status of the nominal code (Sage 200c Standard and versions of Professional released after February 2018). For example, this can either be 'Active' or 'Hidden'. See account_status_types | |
ReportCategoryId | Long | Financial report category record Id. See nominal_report_categories | |
DisplayBalancesInSelectionList | Bool | Whether balances for the nominal code can be shown in selection lists. | |
BalanceYearToDate | Decimal | The nominal account balance, if balances can be shown for the nominal account. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Nominal report categories are used in financial statements (PL, Balance Sheet) to group nominal codes under headings and to determine whether the nominal code value is reported on the layout for the Balance Sheet (Asset and Liability) or Profit and Loss (Income and Expense).
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE Id=2258 SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE AccountReportType='ProfitLoss' SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE Code='1' SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE Description='Sales' SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE AccountReportCategoryType='NominalReportingCategoryTypeIncome' SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:45.960+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Nominal report category record Id. | |
AccountReportType | String | The type of the report.. See financial_report_layout_types | |
Code | String | Nominal report category code. | |
Description | String | Nominal report category description. | |
AccountReportCategoryType | String | The type of the report category. See nominal_report_category_types | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Nominal transaction analysis codes are used to group nominal analysis items on various transaction types
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes WHERE Code='Promo0715' SELECT * FROM NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes WHERE Description='Promotion July 2015' SELECT * FROM NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes WHERE Active=true SELECT * FROM NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.413+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Code [KEY] | String | Nominal transaction analysis code. | |
Description | String | Nominal transaction analysis code description. | |
Active | Bool | Boolean indicating whether the transaction analysis code is active. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
When working with Microsoft Flow, it is useful to be able to access pending emails to send as notifications to the user from Sage 200.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE Id=123 SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE EmailType='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE EmailAddress='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE EmailSubject='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE EmailBody='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE UserNumber=123 SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE UserName='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique id of the Sage 200 pending email identifier. | |
EmailType | String | The type of pending email (which provides the intended purpose). | |
EmailAddress | String | The email address of the email recipient. | |
EmailSubject | String | The text to use for the subject of the email. | |
EmailBody | String | The text to use for the body of the email. | |
UserNumber | Long | The user id of the email recipient. | |
UserName | String | The user name of the email recipient. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
A price band is simply a price list. They're used to offer different prices to different customers. Product prices are set in the each price band. The price a customer receives for a product depends on the price band their account is linked to.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE Id=1064 SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE Name='Standard' SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE Description='Standard' SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE IsStandardBand=true SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE CurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE PriceBandTypeId=0 SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE IsActive=true SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE IsTimeBased=false SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE ActiveDateTimeFrom='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE ActiveDateTimeTo='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.183+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Price band record Id. | |
Name | String | Price band name. | |
Description | String | Price band description. | |
IsStandardBand | Bool | Is this the Standard price band. | |
CurrencyId | Long | Currency record Id. See currencies | |
PriceBandTypeId | Long | Price band type record Id; this will be 0 for Universal price bands and 1 for Limited price bands. | |
IsActive | Bool | Is this price band active. | |
IsTimeBased | Bool | Is this price band time based. | |
ActiveDateTimeFrom | Datetime | The date and time this price band is active from. | |
ActiveDateTimeTo | Datetime | The date and time this price band is active to. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Product groups are used to group stock items together with similar characteristics or requirements. Product Groups provide several default settings for stock items and, have their own unique code and description.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE Id=34632 SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE Code='NONS' SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE Description='Non Stock Item' SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE ProductType='EnumStockItemTypeMisc' SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE CanLevelsGoNegative=false SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.310+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Product group Id. | |
Code | String | Product group code. | |
Description | String | Product group description. | |
ProductType | String | Product group type. See product_types | |
CanLevelsGoNegative | Bool | Can stock levels go negative. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
This returns the selling prices of your products. A price is returned for each price band associated with a product. A price band is simply a price list. The price a customer receives for a product depends on the price band their account is linked to. The 'Standard' price band is the default. The prices returned here do not include any customer specific discounts. The default sort (orderby) field is by 'product_code' ascending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductPriceId=34760 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductId=34751 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductCode='BOARD001' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductName='Whiteboard - Drywipe (900 x 1200)' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductStockUnitName='Each' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE PriceBandId=1064 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE PriceBandName='Standard' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductPriceUseStandard=true SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductPricePrice=20 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE CurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE CurrencyName='Pound Sterling' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE CurrencySymbol='ツ」' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.787+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ProductPriceId [KEY] | Long | Product price record Id. | |
ProductId [KEY] | Long | Product record Id. See products | |
ProductCode | String | Product code. | |
ProductName | String | Product name. | |
ProductStockUnitName | String | The name of the unit the product is sold in. For example box, crate, bottle. The default unit is each. | |
PriceBandId | Long | Price band record Id. | |
PriceBandName | String | The name of the price band. | |
ProductPriceUseStandard | Bool | 'True' if uses the price from the standard price band is used otherwise 'False' The price of a product can be linked to the price set in the standard price band. This is used when only some product prices are different to the standard price. | |
ProductPricePrice | Decimal | The selling price for the shown product and price band. | |
CurrencyId | Long | Currency record Id. See currencies | |
CurrencyName | String | The name of the currency used for the price. | |
CurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the price. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Products are used to track stock within Sage 200. This is not just for physical items, but also for items that are ordered direct from suppliers, services, and time or labour that can be included on customer invoices.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: WarehouseHoldings columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id=34737 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Code='M' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Name='M' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Description='abc' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Barcode='abc' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE AllowSalesOrder=true SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductGroupId=34633 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE TaxCodeId=1731 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2019-08-01T18:00:33.140+02:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Product record Id. | |
Code | String | Product code. | |
Name | String | Product name. | |
Description | String | Product description. | |
Barcode | String | Product barcode. | |
AllowSalesOrder | Bool | Allowed on a sales order. | |
ProductGroupId | Long | Product group record Id. See product_groups | |
TaxCodeId | Long | Tax code record Id. See tax_codes | |
WarehouseHoldings | String | If stock setting UseMultipleLocations is true, you must specify warehouse holding(s) when creating products. If stock setting UseMultipleLocations is false, then new product will be automatically linked to the default (home) warehouse. See warehouse_holdings | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
A product transaction is created each time a product is moved in, or out of stock. Product transactions are created from various sources such as purchase orders, sales orders, transfers between warehouses etc.. This resource returns the details of product transactions. The default sort (orderby) field is by 'id' descending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE Id=36511 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE ProductId=34751 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE ProductCode='BOARD001' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE ProductGroupId=34640 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE ProductGroupCode='0006' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE TransactionType='EnumSecondaryActivityTypeStockTakeAdjustmentIn' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE TransactionDate='2015-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE SourceAreaReference='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE SourceAreaName='Internal' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE Reference='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE SecondReference='STK TAKE' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE WarehouseName='Warehouse' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE BinName='Unspecified' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE Quantity=2 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE UnitCostPrice=15 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE UnitIssuePrice=0 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE UnitDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE TotalOrderDiscount=0 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE CostValue=30 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE IssueValue=0 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE Memo='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode1='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode2='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode3='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode4='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode5='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.123+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Product transaction Id. | |
ProductId | Long | Product record Id. See products | |
ProductCode | String | Product code. | |
ProductGroupId | Long | Product group record Id. See product_groups | |
ProductGroupCode | String | Product group code. See product_groups | |
TransactionType | String | Enum value that describes the transaction that created the product movement. See product_transaction_types | |
TransactionDate | Date | The date of the transaction. | |
SourceAreaReference | String | The code of the source of the transaction. | |
SourceAreaName | String | The name of the source of the transaction. | |
Reference | String | This can be an optional reference added to the transaction by the user, or an automatically generated reference such as the order number. | |
SecondReference | String | This can be an additional optional reference added to the transaction by the user, or an automatically generated reference such as the despatch note number. | |
WarehouseName | String | The warehouse the product was moved from or to. See warehouses | |
BinName | String | The name of the bin to which the transaction relates to. | |
Quantity | Decimal | The quantity on the transaction. | |
UnitCostPrice | Decimal | The cost price per unit for this transaction. | |
UnitIssuePrice | Decimal | The price used when products are moved out of stock. | |
UnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount amount per unit used for this transaction. | |
TotalOrderDiscount | Decimal | The total discount value of the transaction. | |
CostValue | Decimal | The total cost value. | |
IssueValue | Decimal | The total issue or sales price of the transaction. | |
Memo | String | Any memo note that was applied to the product transaction. | |
UserName | String | The name of the Sage 200 user that created the transaction. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis Code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis Code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis Code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis Code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis Code 5. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
When making larger requests for purchase order information, the Purchase Order Line Views resource is a faster alternative to the 'Purchase Orders' resource.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderLines WHERE PurchaseOrderId=42101 SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderLines WHERE CurrencyId='0000000001'
Name | Type | References | Description |
PurchaseOrderId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID of the purchase order. See _orders | |
SupplierDocumentNo | String | Supplier purchase order document number. | |
CurrencyId | Long | The Id for the currency used for the purchase order. See currencies | |
CurrencyName | String | The name for the currency used for the purchase order. | |
CurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the purchase order. | |
SubtotalValue | Decimal | The subtotal value for the order. | |
SubtotalDiscountValue | Decimal | The subtotal discount value for the order. | |
SubtotalLandedCostsValue | Decimal | The subtotal landed costs value for the order. | |
LineId | Long | Associated purchase order line Id. See _order_lines | |
LineNumber | Short | Purchase order line number. | |
LineType | String | Purchase order line type. See order_return_line_types | |
LineProductCode | String | Purchase order line product code. | |
LineProductDescription | String | Purchase order line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment. | |
LineQuantity | Decimal | The quantity ordered. | |
LineUnitPrice | Decimal | The buying price per item. | |
LineUnitDiscountPercent | Decimal | The percentage discount per item. | |
LineUnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount value per item. | |
LineTotalValue | Decimal | The total value of the line. | |
LineDiscountedUnitPrice | Decimal | The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the _order_line_unit_discount_value from the _order_line_unit_price. | |
LineLandedCostsValue | Decimal | The value of landed costs for the order. | |
LineAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
LineAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
LineAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
LineAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
LineAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
LineDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the order line was last updated (UTC). | |
LineForDirectDelivery | Bool | Indicates if line is marked for direct delivery | |
LineShowOnSupplierDocs | Bool | Indicates if line will show on supplier documents. | |
DeliveryAddrPostalName | String | delivery address name. | |
DeliveryAddrDescription | String | delivery address description. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress1 | String | delivery address line 1. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress2 | String | delivery address line 2. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress3 | String | delivery address line 3. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress4 | String | delivery address line 4. | |
DeliveryAddrCity | String | delivery address city. | |
DeliveryAddrCounty | String | delivery address county. | |
DeliveryAddrPostCode | String | delivery address post code | |
DeliveryAddrCountry | String | delivery address country. | |
DeliveryAddrContact | String | delivery address contact | |
DeliveryAddrTelephone | String | delivery address telephone number | |
DeliveryAddrFax | String | delivery address line fax number... | |
DeliveryAddrEmail | String | delivery address line email. | |
SupplierId | Long | The associated supplier record Id. See suppliers | |
SupplierReference | String | The associated supplier account reference. | |
SupplierName | String | The associated supplier name. | |
ProductId | Long | The associated product record Id. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products | |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product ordered. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductName | String | The name of the product ordered. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductDescription | String | The associated product description. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
WarehouseId | Long | The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses | |
WarehouseName | String | The name of the warehouse. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes | |
TaxCodeCode | Short | The associated tax code. | |
TaxCodeName | String | The associated tax code name. | |
TaxCodeRate | Decimal | The associated tax rate. |
Purchase orders are used to represent the purchase of goods or services from a supplier. They are central to a business and define the terms (price, quantity and times) by which the products or services will be received.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE DocumentNo='0000000001' SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE ExchangeRate='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Purchase order record Id. | |
DocumentNo | String | Purchase order document number. Note: If the POP setting in Sage 200c Professional, then this property MUST be set. | |
DocumentDate | Date | Purchase order document date. | |
DocumentStatus | String | Document status. See pop_document_status_types | |
AuthorisationStatus | String | Authorisation status. See pop_authorisation_status_types | |
SupplierId | Long |
Suppliers.Id | Supplier record Id. See suppliers |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate. | |
SubtotalGoodsValue | Decimal | Goods value (sum of stock items and free text). | |
SubtotalChargesNetValue | Decimal | Charges net value. | |
SubtotalDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value. | |
SubtotalLandedCostsValue | Decimal | Landed costs value. | |
TotalNetValue | Decimal | Net value (sum of all line types). | |
TotalTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
TotalGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
SupplierDocumentNo | String | Supplier document number. | |
SettlementDiscountDays | Short | Settlement discount days. | |
SettlementDiscountPercent | Decimal | Settlement discount percent. | |
DocumentDiscountPercent | Decimal | Document discount percent. | |
DocumentOriginatorId | Long | Document originator id. See users | |
DocumentOriginatorName | String | Document originator name. | |
DocumentCreatedById | Long | Document created by id. See users | |
DocumentCreatedBy | String | Document created by. | |
RequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
Lines | String | The purchase order lines collection. See pop_order_lines | |
DeliveryAddress_1 | String | The delivery address line 1. | |
DeliveryAddress_2 | String | The delivery address line 2. | |
DeliveryAddress_3 | String | The delivery address line 3. | |
DeliveryAddress_4 | String | The delivery address line 4. | |
DeliveryAddressCity | String | The delivery address city. | |
DeliveryAddressCounty | String | The delivery address county. | |
DeliveryAddressPostcode | String | The delivery address postcode. | |
DeliveryAddressContact | String | The delivery address contact. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Purchase posted transactions are created when transactions, such as purchases made, refunds or credit notes, are posted against the Purchase Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create posted transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: NominalAnalysisItems,TaxAnalysisItems,BankItems,AllocationSessionItems,AllocationHistoryItems columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE Id=33018 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE SupplierId=28936 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE TraderTransactionType='TradingAccountEntryTypeInvoice' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE Reference='O/BAL' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE SecondReference='Opening Balance' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE Queried='abc' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE TransactionDate='2017-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE PostedDate='2018-09-13T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DueDate='2024-01-30T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentGoodsValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentGrossValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DiscountPercent=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentAllocatedValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentOutstandingValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseGoodsValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseGrossValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseAllocatedValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE ControlValueInBaseCurrency=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE ExchangeRate=1 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE SettledImmediately=false SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE VatAdjustmentDocExpected=false SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DiscountDays=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE Urn=11 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.137+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Id. | |
SupplierId | Long | Supplier Id. See customers | |
TraderTransactionType | String | Transaction type. See trader_transaction_types | |
Reference | String | Transaction reference. | |
SecondReference | String | Second reference. | |
Queried | String | Query flag. | |
TransactionDate | Date | Transaction date. | |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date. | |
DueDate | Date | Due date. | |
DocumentGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods. | |
DocumentGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
DocumentTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
DocumentDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | Percentage discount. | |
DocumentTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DocumentAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value. | |
DocumentOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value. | |
BaseGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods in base currency. | |
BaseGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value in base currency. | |
BaseDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value in base currency. | |
BaseAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value in base currency. | |
ControlValueInBaseCurrency | Decimal | Control value in base currency. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate used for transaction. | |
SettledImmediately | Bool | Immediately settled | |
VatAdjustmentDocExpected | Bool | Whether a VAT adjustment is expected. | |
DiscountDays | Short | Number of days discount valid. | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
UserName | String | User who entered the transaction. | |
NominalAnalysisItems | String | Nominal analysis items. See purchase_posted_transactions_nominal_analysis_items | |
TaxAnalysisItems | String | Tax analysis items. See purchase_posted_transactions_tax_analysis_items | |
BankItems | String | Bank items. See purchase_posted_transactions_bank_items | |
AllocationSessionItems | String | Allocation session items. See purchase_posted_transactions_allocation_session_items | |
AllocationHistoryItems | String | Allocation history items. See purchase_posted_transactions_allocation_history_items | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Sales historical transactions are created when transactions are archived from the Sales Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create historical transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: NominalAnalysisItems,TaxAnalysisItems,BankItems columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE Id=123 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE CustomerId=123 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE TraderTransactionType='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE Reference='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE SecondReference='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE Queried='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE TransactionDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE PostedDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DueDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE FullSettlementDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentGoodsValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentGrossValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentDiscountValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DiscountPercent=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxDiscountValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentAllocatedValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentOutstandingValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseGoodsValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseGrossValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseTaxValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseDiscountValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseTaxDiscountValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseAllocatedValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE ControlValueInBaseCurrency=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE ExchangeRate=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE SettledImmediately='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DiscountDays='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE Urn=123 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE UserName='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Id. | |
CustomerId | Long | Customer Id. See customers | |
TraderTransactionType | String | Transaction type. See trader_transaction_types | |
Reference | String | Transaction reference. | |
SecondReference | String | Second reference. | |
Queried | String | Query flag. | |
TransactionDate | Date | Transaction date. | |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date. | |
DueDate | Date | Due date. | |
FullSettlementDate | Date | Full settlement date. | |
DocumentGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods. | |
DocumentGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
DocumentTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
DocumentDiscountValue | Decimal | Document discount value. | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | Percentage discount. | |
DocumentTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DocumentAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value. | |
DocumentOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value. | |
BaseGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods in base currency. | |
BaseGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value in base currency. | |
BaseDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value in base currency. | |
BaseAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value in base currency. | |
ControlValueInBaseCurrency | Decimal | Control value in base currency. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate used for transaction. | |
SettledImmediately | Bool | Immediately settled. | |
DiscountDays | Short | Number of days discount valid. | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
UserName | String | User who entered the transaction. | |
NominalAnalysisItems | String | Nominal analysis items. See sales_historical_transactions_nominal_analysis_items | |
TaxAnalysisItems | String | Tax analysis items. See sales_historical_transactions_tax_analysis_items | |
BankItems | String | Bank items. See sales_historical_transactions_bank_items | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Additional charges can be added to sales orders to account for items such as carriage and insurance. Within the Sage 200 application, users can setup and maintain the list of additional charges that can be referenced when creating a sales order. This API resource can be used to determine what each additional charge is for.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderAdditionalCharges WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderAdditionalCharges WHERE Code='0000000001' SELECT * FROM SalesOrderAdditionalCharges WHERE Name='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Sop additional charge record Id. | |
Code | String | Sop additional charge code. | |
Name | String | Sop additional charge name. | |
ChargeValue | Decimal | Sop additional charge value. | |
NotionalCostValue | Decimal | Sop additional charge notional cost value. | |
NominalCodeId | Long |
NominalCodes.Id | Nominal code record Id. See nominal_codes |
TaxCodeId | Long |
TaxCodes.Id | Tax code record Id. See tax_codes |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
When making larger requests for sales order information, the Sales Order Line Views resource is a faster alternative to the 'Sales Orders' resource. The Sales Order Line Views resource returns more information than the 'Sales Orders' resource, and therefore reduces the number of API requests required to return the same information from multiple resources. This resource returns a view of sales orders, sales order lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_order_id' and 'sop_order_line_id' descending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLines WHERE SalesOrderId=42101 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLines WHERE CurrencyId=2343234543 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLines WHERE CurrencyName='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
SalesOrderId [KEY] | Long | Unique Id of the sales order. See sop_orders | |
LineId [KEY] | Long | Associated sales order line Id. See sop_order_lines | |
CustomerDocumentNo | String | Customer sales order document number. | |
CurrencyId | Long | The Id for the currency used for the sales order. See currencies | |
CurrencyName | String | The name for the currency used for the sales order. | |
CurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the sales order. | |
DocumentDiscountPercent | Decimal | Document discount percent value, between -99.99 and 99.99. A negative value is treated as a surcharge (e.g. -10 is a 10% surcharge), and a positive value is treated as a discount. | |
DocumentCreatedBy | String | The person who created the SOP Order | |
RequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
PromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
LineNumber | Short | Sales order line number. | |
LineType | String | Sales order line type. See order_return_line_types | |
LineProductCode | String | Sales order line product code. | |
LineProductDescription | String | Sales order line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment. | |
LineQuantity | Decimal | The quantity ordered. | |
LineAllocatedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity allocated. | |
LineDespatchReceiptQuantity | Decimal | The quantity despatched. | |
LineInvoiceCreditQuantity | Decimal | The quantity invoiced. | |
LineSellingUnitDescription | String | The selling unit description. | |
LineSellingUnitPrice | Decimal | The selling price per item. | |
LineUnitDiscountPercent | Decimal | The percentage discount per item. | |
LineUnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount value per item. | |
LineCostPrice | Decimal | The cost price. | |
LineTotalValue | Decimal | The total value of the line. | |
LineLineTaxValue | Decimal | The tax value of the line. | |
LineDiscountedUnitPrice | Decimal | The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the sop_order_line_unit_discount_value from the sop_order_line_selling_unit_price. | |
LineRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
LinePromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
LineAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
LineAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
LineAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
LineAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
LineAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
LineDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sop order line was last updated (UTC). | |
DeliveryAddrAddress1 | String | SOP delivery address line 1. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress2 | String | SOP delivery address line 2. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress3 | String | SOP delivery address line 3. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress4 | String | SOP delivery address line 4. | |
DeliveryAddrCity | String | SOP delivery address city. | |
DeliveryAddrCounty | String | SOP delivery address county. | |
DeliveryAddrPostCode | String | SOP delivery address post code | |
DeliveryAddrCountry | String | SOP delivery address country. | |
DeliveryAddrContact | String | SOP delivery address contact | |
DeliveryAddrTelephone | String | SOP delivery address telephone number | |
DeliveryAddrFax | String | SOP delivery address line fax number... | |
DeliveryAddrEmail | String | SOP delivery address line email. | |
CustomerId | Long | The associated customer record Id. See customers | |
CustomerReference | String | The associated customer account reference. | |
CustomerName | String | The associated customer name. | |
ProductId | Long | The associated product record Id. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products | |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductName | String | The name of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductDescription | String | The associated product description. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
WarehouseId | Long | The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses | |
WarehouseName | String | The name of the warehouse. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes | |
TaxCodeCode | Short | The associated tax code. | |
TaxCodeName | String | The associated tax code name. | |
TaxCodeRate | Decimal | The associated tax rate. |
This resource returns a view of sales pro formas, sales pro forma lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_proforma_id' and 'sop_proforma_line_id' descending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderProformaLines WHERE SalesOrderProformaId=346345654564565 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderProformaLines WHERE SalesOrderProformaDocumentStatus='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ProformaId [KEY] | Long | Unique Id of the sales pro forma | |
ProformaDocumentNo | String | Sales pro forma document number. | |
ProformaDocumentDate | Date | Sales pro forma date. | |
ProformaDocumentStatus | String | Sales pro forma status. See sop_document_status_types | |
ProformaCustomerDocumentNo | String | Customer sales pro forma document number. | |
ProformaCurrencyId | Long | The Id for the currency used for the sales pro forma. See currencies | |
ProformaCurrencyName | String | The name for the currency used for the sales pro forma. | |
ProformaCurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the sales pro forma. | |
ProformaExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate for the sales pro forma. | |
ProformaRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
ProformaPromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
ProformaAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
ProformaAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
ProformaAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
ProformaAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
ProformaAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
ProformaDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sales pro forma was last updated (UTC). | |
ProformaLineId | Long | Associated sales pro forma line Id | |
ProformaLineNumber | Short | Sales pro forma line number. | |
ProformaLineType | String | Sales pro forma line type. See order_return_line_types | |
ProformaLineProductCode | String | Sales pro forma line product code. | |
ProformaLineProductDescription | String | Sales pro forma line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment. | |
ProformaLineQuantity | Decimal | The line quantity. | |
ProformaLineSellingUnitDescription | String | The selling unit description. | |
ProformaLineSellingUnitPrice | Decimal | The selling price per item. | |
ProformaLineUnitDiscountPercent | Decimal | The percentage discount per item. | |
ProformaLineUnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount value per item. | |
ProformaLineCostPrice | Decimal | The cost price. | |
ProformaLineTotalValue | Decimal | The total value of the line. | |
ProformaLineLineTaxValue | Decimal | The tax value of the line. | |
ProformaLineDiscountedUnitPrice | Decimal | The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the sop_proforma_line_unit_discount_value from the sop_proforma_line_selling_unit_price. | |
ProformaLineRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
ProformaLinePromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
ProformaLineAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
ProformaLineAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
ProformaLineAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
ProformaLineAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
ProformaLineAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
ProformaLineDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sop pro forma line was last updated (UTC). | |
CustomerId | Long | The associated customer record Id. See customers | |
CustomerReference | String | The associated customer account reference. | |
CustomerName | String | The associated customer name. | |
ProductId | Long | The associated product record Id. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products | |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductName | String | The name of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductDescription | String | The associated product description. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
WarehouseId | Long | The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses | |
WarehouseName | String | The name of the warehouse. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes | |
TaxCodeCode | Short | The associated tax code. | |
TaxCodeName | String | The associated tax code name. | |
TaxCodeRate | Decimal | The associated tax rate. |
This resource returns a view of sales quotes, sales quote lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_quote_id' and 'sop_quote_line_id' descending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteId=3424324324324 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteDocumentNo='Sample' SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteCustomerDocumentNo='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
QuoteId [KEY] | Long | Unique Id of the sales quote | |
QuoteDocumentNo | String | Sales quote document number. | |
QuoteDocumentDate | Date | Sales quote date. | |
QuoteDocumentStatus | String | Sales quote status. See sop_document_status_types | |
QuoteCustomerDocumentNo | String | Customer sales quote document number. | |
QuoteCurrencyId | Long | The Id for the currency used for the sales quote. See currencies | |
QuoteCurrencyName | String | The name for the currency used for the sales quote. | |
QuoteCurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the sales quote. | |
QuoteExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate for the sales quote. | |
QuoteRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
QuotePromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
QuoteAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
QuoteAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
QuoteAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
QuoteAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
QuoteAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
QuoteDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sales quote was last updated (UTC). | |
QuoteLineId | Long | Associated sales quote line Id | |
QuoteLineNumber | Short | Sales quote line number. | |
QuoteLineType | String | Sales quote line type. See order_return_line_types | |
QuoteLineProductCode | String | Sales quote line product code. | |
QuoteLineProductDescription | String | Sales quote line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment. | |
QuoteLineQuantity | Decimal | The line quantity. | |
QuoteLineSellingUnitDescription | String | The selling unit description. | |
QuoteLineSellingUnitPrice | Decimal | The selling price per item. | |
QuoteLineUnitDiscountPercent | Decimal | The percentage discount per item. | |
QuoteLineUnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount value per item. | |
QuoteLineCostPrice | Decimal | The cost price. | |
QuoteLineTotalValue | Decimal | The total value of the line. | |
QuoteLineLineTaxValue | Decimal | The tax value of the line. | |
QuoteLineDiscountedUnitPrice | Decimal | The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the sop_quote_line_unit_discount_value from the sop_quote_line_selling_unit_price. | |
QuoteLineRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
QuoteLinePromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
QuoteLineAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
QuoteLineAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
QuoteLineAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
QuoteLineAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
QuoteLineAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
QuoteLineDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sop quote line was last updated (UTC). | |
CustomerId | Long | The associated customer record Id. See customers | |
CustomerReference | String | The associated customer account reference. | |
CustomerName | String | The associated customer name. | |
ProductId | Long | The associated product record Id. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products | |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductName | String | The name of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductDescription | String | The associated product description. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
WarehouseId | Long | The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses | |
WarehouseName | String | The name of the warehouse. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes | |
TaxCodeCode | Short | The associated tax code. | |
TaxCodeName | String | The associated tax code name. | |
TaxCodeRate | Decimal | The associated tax rate. |
Sales orders are used to represent the sale of goods or services to a customer. They are central to a business and define the terms (price, quantity and times) by which the products or services will be delivered. Note: Adding traceable items to sales orders. If you're using traceable stock items and an item is set to be sold from a single batch, then the order quantity must be less than or equal to quantity in the batch. If you try to order more than the quantity in the batch, the order cannot be posted via the API.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrders WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM SalesOrders WHERE DocumentNo='0000000001' SELECT * FROM SalesOrders WHERE CustomerDocumentNo='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Sales order record Id. | |
DocumentNo | String | Sales order document number. Note: If the SOP setting in Sage 200c Professional or Sage 200 Extra Online is to NOT automatically generate numbers, then this property MUST be set. If the SOP setting in Sage 200 Extra is to automatically generate numbers, or you are using Sage 200c Standard (which doesn't allow you to set this option), then setting this on POST will be ignored. | |
DocumentDate | Date | Sales order document date. | |
DocumentStatus | String | Document status. See sop_document_status_types | |
CustomerId | Long |
Customers.Id | Customer record Id. See customers |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate. | |
SubtotalGoodsValue | Decimal | Goods value (sum of stock items and free text). | |
SubtotalChargeNetValue | Decimal | Charge net value. | |
SubtotalChargeTaxValue | Decimal | Charge tax value. | |
SubtotalDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value | |
TotalNetValue | Decimal | Net value (sum of all line types). | |
TotalTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
TotalGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
CustomerDocumentNo | String | Customer document number. | |
UseInvoiceAddress | Bool | True if this order uses the customer invoice address, else False. | |
SettlementDiscountDays | Short | Settlement discount days. | |
SettlementDiscountPercent | Decimal | Settlement discount percent. | |
DocumentDiscountPercent | Decimal | Document discount percent value, between -99.99 and 99.99. A negative value is treated as a surcharge (e.g. -10 is a 10% surcharge), and a positive value is treated as a discount. | |
DocumentCreatedBy | String | The person who created the SOP Order | |
RequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
PromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
Lines | String | The sales order lines collection. See sop_order_lines | |
DeliveryAddressId | Long | The delivery address contact. | |
DeliveryAddress_1 | String | The delivery address line 1. | |
DeliveryAddress_2 | String | The delivery address line 2. | |
DeliveryAddress_3 | String | The delivery address line 3. | |
DeliveryAddress_4 | String | The delivery address line 4. | |
DeliveryAddressCity | String | The delivery address city. | |
DeliveryAddressCounty | String | The delivery address county. | |
DeliveryAddressPostcode | String | The delivery address postcode. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Sales posted transactions are created when transactions, such as orders invoiced, receipts, refunds or credit notes, are posted against the Sales Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create posted transactions. To post a transaction, the necessary API resource must be invoked. When making larger requests for customer information, the Sales Transactions Views resource can be a faster alternative to this resource.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: NominalAnalysisItems,TaxAnalysisItems,BankItems,AllocationSessionItems,AllocationHistoryItems columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE Id=29674 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE CustomerId=27849 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE TraderTransactionType='TradingAccountEntryTypeInvoice' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE Reference='O/BAL' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE SecondReference='Opening Balance' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE Queried='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE TransactionDate='2017-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE PostedDate='2018-09-13T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DueDate='2018-02-14T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE FullSettlementDate='2019-04-15T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentGoodsValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentGrossValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DiscountPercent=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentAllocatedValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentOutstandingValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseGoodsValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseGrossValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseAllocatedValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE ControlValueInBaseCurrency=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE ExchangeRate=1 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE SettledImmediately=false SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DiscountDays=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE Urn=1 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.330+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Id. | |
CustomerId | Long | Customer Id. See customers | |
TraderTransactionType | String | Transaction type. See trader_transaction_types | |
Reference | String | Transaction reference. | |
SecondReference | String | Second reference. | |
Queried | String | Query flag. | |
TransactionDate | Date | Transaction date. | |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date. | |
DueDate | Date | Due date. | |
FullSettlementDate | Date | Full settlement date. | |
DocumentGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods. | |
DocumentGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
DocumentTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
DocumentDiscountValue | Decimal | Document discount value. | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | Percentage discount. | |
DocumentTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DocumentAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value. | |
DocumentOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value. | |
BaseGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods in base currency. | |
BaseGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value in base currency. | |
BaseDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value in base currency. | |
BaseAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value in base currency. | |
ControlValueInBaseCurrency | Decimal | Control value in base currency. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate used for transaction. | |
SettledImmediately | Bool | Immediately settled. | |
DiscountDays | Short | Number of days discount valid. | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
UserName | String | User who entered the transaction. | |
NominalAnalysisItems | String | Nominal analysis items. See sales_posted_transactions_nominal_analysis_items | |
TaxAnalysisItems | String | Tax analysis items. See sales_posted_transactions_tax_analysis_items | |
BankItems | String | Bank items. See sales_posted_transactions_bank_items | |
AllocationSessionItems | String | Allocation session items. See sales_posted_transactions_allocation_session_items | |
AllocationHistoryItems | String | Allocation history items. See sales_posted_transactions_allocation_history_items | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
This resource returns the details of all sales trading periods for all financial years held for the company. A company can have the trading periods set to be the same as the accounting periods or as different periods. (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only, Sage 200c Standard defaults to financial year periods)
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE Id=1 SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE PeriodNumber='1' SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE StartDate='2018-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE EndDate='2018-01-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:45.667+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | An unique Id specific to each sales trading period. | |
PeriodNumber | String | The period number. | |
StartDate | Date | Date the trading period starts. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
EndDate | Date | Date the trading period ends. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
When making larger API requests for transaction information from the Sales ledger, the Sales Transaction Views resource can be a faster alternative to the 'Sales Posted Transactions' resource. The Sales Transaction Views resource also returns a wider breadth of information than the Sales Posted Transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE PostedCustomerTransactionId=29674 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE TransactionType='TradingAccountEntryTypeInvoice' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE TransactionDate='2017-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE PostedDate='2018-09-13T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DueDate='2018-02-14T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DiscountDays=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE Reference='O/BAL' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE SecondReference='Opening Balance' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE Query=' ' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE Status='Full' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE LedgerType='LedgerSales' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE Urn=1 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE ExchangeRate=1 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE SettledImmediately=false SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseGoodsValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseGrossValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseAllocatedValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseOutstandingValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentGoodsValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentGrossValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentAllocatedValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentOutstandingValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CustomerId=27849 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CustomerReference='COM001' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CustomerName='Compton Packaging' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CurrencyName='Pound Sterling' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CurrencySymbol='ツ」'
Name | Type | References | Description |
PostedCustomerTransactionId [KEY] | Long | Id of the transaction. | |
TransactionType | String | Transaction type. See trader_transaction_types | |
TransactionDate | Date | The date of the transaction. | |
PostedDate | Date | The date the transaction was posted. | |
DueDate | Date | The due date of the transaction. | |
DiscountDays | Short | Days discount valid. | |
Reference | String | The reference of the transaction. | |
SecondReference | String | The second reference of the transaction. | |
Query | String | Query. | |
Status | String | Status. | |
UserName | String | User that posted the transaction. | |
LedgerType | String | Ledger type. See ledger_types | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange Rate. | |
SettledImmediately | Bool | Immediately settled. | |
BaseGoodsValue | Decimal | Goods value in base currency. | |
BaseGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value in base currency. | |
BaseDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value in base currency. | |
BaseAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value in base currency. | |
BaseOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value in base currency. | |
DocumentGoodsValue | Decimal | Goods value. | |
DocumentGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
DocumentDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value. | |
DocumentTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
DocumentTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DocumentAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value. | |
DocumentOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value. | |
CustomerId | Long | Customer Id. | |
CustomerReference | String | Customer account code. | |
CustomerName | String | Customer account name. | |
CurrencyName | String | Currency. | |
CurrencySymbol | String | Currency symbol. |
These settings to define how to process and manage your stock.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM StockSettings WHERE Id=1 SELECT * FROM StockSettings WHERE UseMultipleLocations=true SELECT * FROM StockSettings WHERE ProfitPercentOfRevenue=true SELECT * FROM StockSettings WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:45.543+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Stock setting unique Id. | |
UseMultipleLocations | Bool | When true this setting allows Sage 200 to track stock at different locations. This can be across several warehouses, or a single warehouse split into separate areas (bins). (Sage 200c Standard value is true and cannot be changed). | |
ProfitPercentOfRevenue | Bool | Profit can be calculated as a percentage of revenue (true), or as a percentage of cost (false). | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Information can be stored for multiple contacts against each Supplier account. Each contact can have its own details such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and website.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SupplierContacts WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM SupplierContacts WHERE SupplierId=325434364565 SELECT * FROM SupplierContacts WHERE FirstName='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Supplier contact record Id. | |
SupplierId | Long | Supplier record Id. | |
Name | String | Contact Name - Concatenated first_name, middle_name and last_name. | |
FirstName | String | Contact first name. | |
MiddleName | String | Contact middle name. | |
LastName | String | Contact surname. | |
IsDefault | Bool | Is this the default contact for the parent Supplier. See Supplier | |
DefaultTelephone | String | Default telephone number. | |
DefaultEmail | String | Default email address. | |
SalutationId | Long | Contact salutation id. | |
SalutationIsDefault | Boolean | Contact salutation. | |
SalutationCode | String | Contact salutation code. | |
SalutationDescription | String | Contact salutation description. | |
Emails | String | Supplier emails. See Supplier_emails | |
Telephones | String | Supplier telephones. See Supplier_telephones | |
Mobiles | String | Supplier mobiles. See Supplier_mobiles | |
Faxes | String | Supplier faxes. See Supplier_faxes | |
Websites | String | Supplier websites. See Supplier_websites | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Suppliers are one of the most important entities within Sage 200 as they are associated with many important resources within the application and underpin most of the main features (e.g. purchase orders, purchase receipts, etc).
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: CountryCode,CountryCodeName,CountryCodeEuMember,BankId,BankAccountNumber,BankAccountName,BankIBAN,BankBIC,MainAddress_1,MainAddress_2,MainAddress_3,MainAddress_4,MainAddressCity,MainAddressCounty,MainAddressPostcode,Contacts columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Id=28846 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Reference='CON001' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Name='Concept Stationery Supplies' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE ShortName='Concept' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Balance=4346.16 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE OnHold=false SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AccountStatusType='AccountStatusActive' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE CurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE ExchangeRateType='ExchangeRateSingle' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE TelephoneCountryCode='44' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE TelephoneAreaCode='0191' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE TelephoneSubscriberNumber='643 4343' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE FaxCountryCode='44' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE FaxAreaCode='0191' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE FaxSubscriberNumber='643 4345' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Website='' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE CreditLimit=17000 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE CountryCodeId=13 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE DefaultTaxCodeId=1729 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE VatNumber='GB988 3453 23' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode1='North East' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode2='Stationery' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode3='abc' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode4='abc' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode5='abc' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.253+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Supplier unique Id. | |
Reference | String | Supplier account reference. NOTE: Not required if supplier reference is set to | |
Name | String | Supplier name. | |
ShortName | String | Supplier short name. | |
Balance | Decimal | Supplier account balance. | |
OnHold | Bool | True if supplier account is on hold, else False. | |
AccountStatusType | String | The status of the supplier account (Sage 200c Standard and versions of Extra/Professional released after July 2017). For example, this can either be 'Active' or 'Hidden'. See account_status_types | |
CurrencyId | Long |
Currencies.Id | Currency record Id. See currencies |
ExchangeRateType | String | The type of exchange rate used on the supplier account. See exchange_rate_types | |
TelephoneCountryCode | String | Telephone country code (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
TelephoneAreaCode | String | Telephone area code (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
TelephoneSubscriberNumber | String | Telephone subscriber number (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
FaxCountryCode | String | Fax country code. | |
FaxAreaCode | String | Fax area code. | |
FaxSubscriberNumber | String | Fax subscriber number. | |
Website | String | Website address. | |
CreditLimit | Decimal | Credit limit for the supplier. | |
CountryCodeId | Long | Country code record Id. | |
CountryCode | String | The customers country code. | |
CountryCodeName | String | The customers country code name. | |
CountryCodeEuMember | Boolean | Shows if the customer is Eu Member. | |
DefaultTaxCodeId | Long |
TaxCodes.Id | Default tax code record Id. See tax_codes |
VatNumber | String | VAT registration number. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
BankId | String | Supplier bank account id. | |
BankAccountNumber | String | Supplier bank account number. | |
BankAccountName | String | Supplier bank account name. | |
BankIBAN | String | Supplier bank account iban number. | |
BankBIC | String | Supplier bank account BIC number. | |
MainAddress_1 | String | The customers main address line 1. | |
MainAddress_2 | String | The customers main address line 2. | |
MainAddress_3 | String | The customers main address line 3. | |
MainAddress_4 | String | The customers main address line 4. | |
MainAddressCity | String | The customers main address city. | |
MainAddressCounty | String | The customers main address county. | |
MainAddressPostcode | String | The customers main address postcode. | |
Contacts | String | Supplier contacts. See supplier_contacts | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Tax codes are normally used for UK business VAT Rates. They are accessed by Sage 200 modules in order to: - Analyse the rates to Nominal Ledger accounts. - Analyse the rates to the VAT Return. - Read percentages for calculations in transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE Id=1728 SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE Code=0 SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE Name='Zero rated' SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE TaxRate=0 SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE Terms='EcTermsNotApplicable' SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE TermsDescription='Not Applicable' SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.133+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Tax code record Id. | |
Code | Short | Tax code. | |
Name | String | Name of the tax code. | |
TaxRate | Decimal | Tax rate. | |
Terms | String | Name of the terms. | |
TermsDescription | String | Description of the terms. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
All stock within Sage 200 regardless of type (Stock, Service/labour, or Miscellaneous), require a holding location. The location indicates where an item is stored and the stock level settings for each product in the warehouse i.e. the re-order level, the minimum and maximum stock levels. Items with a type of 'Stock' have levels recorded for each warehouse location and the levels are used when allocating, issuing and receiving stock. If the stock setting UseMultipleLocations is true, a product can be linked to multiple warehouse holdings. You cannot delete the last warehouse holding associated with a product.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE Id=34738 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE WarehouseId=34629 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE ProductId=34737 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE ReorderLevel=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE MinimumLevel=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE MaximumLevel=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE ConfirmedQtyInStock=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE UnconfirmedQtyInStock=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityInStock=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityAllocatedStock=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityAllocatedSop=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityAllocatedBom=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityAllocated=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2019-08-01T18:00:33.140+02:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Warehouse holding record Id. | |
WarehouseId | Long |
Warehouses.Id | Warehouse record Id. See warehouses |
ProductId | Long |
Products.Id | Product record Id. See products |
ReorderLevel | Decimal | Reorder stock level. | |
MinimumLevel | Decimal | Minimum stock quantity level. | |
MaximumLevel | Decimal | Maximum stock quantity level. | |
ConfirmedQtyInStock | Decimal | Confirmed stock quantity. | |
UnconfirmedQtyInStock | Decimal | Unconfirmed stock quantity. | |
QuantityInStock | Decimal | Total confirmed and unconfirmed stock quantity. | |
QuantityAllocatedStock | Decimal | Allocated stock quantity. | |
QuantityAllocatedSop | Decimal | Allocated sales order quantity. | |
QuantityAllocatedBom | Decimal | Allocated bill of materials quantity. | |
QuantityAllocated | Decimal | Total Allocated stock, sop and bom quantity. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
All stock within Sage 200, regardless of type (Stock, Service/labour, or Miscellaneous), requires a holding location. By default, the HOME warehouse is created within Sage 200, you can then create your own warehouses.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Warehouses WHERE Id=34626 SELECT * FROM Warehouses WHERE Name='Supplied Direct' SELECT * FROM Warehouses WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.190+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Warehouse record Id. | |
Name | String | Warehouse name. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
ビュー describes the available views. Views are statically defined to model Banks, Customers, Products, and more.
ストアドプロシージャ are function-like interfaces to Sage 200. Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Sage 200, such as retrieving the OAuth Access Token.
ビューとして公開されるクエリなどの動的ビューや、project_team ワークアイテムの特定の組み合わせを検索するためのビューがサポートされています。
Name | Description |
BankPostedTransactions | Bank posted transactions are created when transactions such as receipts or payments are posted against the Cash Book. |
Banks | Bank accounts can be created in Sage 200 for any type of account that money is paid in/out of, for example, cash, credit cards or, business current account. Bank accounts can be in any currency and all balances are recorded in the currency specific to that bank account. |
CompanyDetails | Every instance of Sage 200 is configured for the company using it. A company is identified in Sage 200 by its name. Sage 200 stores separate company details for each company that is created. The information stored within company details is typical company information such as VAT registration number and company contact details. |
CostCentres | Cost centres are typically used to aid collating related costs and reporting on a specific segment of an organisation i.e. a company division such as sales or production. |
Currencies | Sage 200 works in multiple currencies and each company can configure up to 99 currencies to use, and all can be configured to use a single exchange rate, period exchange rates, or both. One currency must be configured as the base currency and this cannot be changed once transactions have been entered. If a currency is configured as amendable, the exchange rate can be modified when entering transactions. |
CustomerContacts | Information can be stored for multiple contacts against each customer account. Each contact can have its own details such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and website. |
CustomerDeliveryAddresses | A customer can have multiple delivery addresses stored for their account which can be used when creating an invoice or sales order. |
Customers | Customers are one of the most important entities within Sage 200 as they are associated with many important resources within the application and underpin most of the main features (e.g. sales orders, payment receipts, etc). When making larger requests for customer information, the Customer Views resource can be a faster alternative to this resource. |
Departments | Departments are a subdivision of cost centres and are used where specific costs or revenue need to be collated and reported on separately. For example, a cost centre could be a sales area such as North East or South West and different departments could be Administration and Training. |
FinancialReportLayouts | Financial statement layouts are designed to provide a clear representation of your accounts. This resource returns the details of all financial statement layouts. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'financial_report_layout_id' and 'financial_report_row_report_row' ascending. |
FinancialYearPeriods | This resource returns the details of all accounting periods for all financial years held for the company. A company always has five future financial years and can have unlimited previous years, depending on how long the company has been operating. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'financial_year_start_date' and 'period_number' ascending. |
NominalCodes | Nominal accounts are fundamental to the successful management of company finances. The value of every transaction entered into Sage 200 is posted to a nominal account and, is where the revenue and expenditure of the business is recorded. Nominal accounts include a code, and cost centre and a department. |
NominalReportCategories | Nominal report categories are used in financial statements (PL, Balance Sheet) to group nominal codes under headings and to determine whether the nominal code value is reported on the layout for the Balance Sheet (Asset and Liability) or Profit and Loss (Income and Expense). |
NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes | Nominal transaction analysis codes are used to group nominal analysis items on various transaction types |
PendingEmails | When working with Microsoft Flow, it is useful to be able to access pending emails to send as notifications to the user from Sage 200. |
PriceBands | A price band is simply a price list. They're used to offer different prices to different customers. Product prices are set in the each price band. The price a customer receives for a product depends on the price band their account is linked to. |
ProductGroups | Product groups are used to group stock items together with similar characteristics or requirements. Product Groups provide several default settings for stock items and, have their own unique code and description. |
ProductPrices | This returns the selling prices of your products. A price is returned for each price band associated with a product. A price band is simply a price list. The price a customer receives for a product depends on the price band their account is linked to. The 'Standard' price band is the default. The prices returned here do not include any customer specific discounts. The default sort (orderby) field is by 'product_code' ascending. |
Products | Products are used to track stock within Sage 200. This is not just for physical items, but also for items that are ordered direct from suppliers, services, and time or labour that can be included on customer invoices. |
ProductTransactions | A product transaction is created each time a product is moved in, or out of stock. Product transactions are created from various sources such as purchase orders, sales orders, transfers between warehouses etc.. This resource returns the details of product transactions. The default sort (orderby) field is by 'id' descending. |
PurchaseOrderLines | When making larger requests for purchase order information, the Purchase Order Line Views resource is a faster alternative to the 'Purchase Orders' resource. |
PurchaseOrders | Purchase orders are used to represent the purchase of goods or services from a supplier. They are central to a business and define the terms (price, quantity and times) by which the products or services will be received. |
PurchasePostedTransactions | Purchase posted transactions are created when transactions, such as purchases made, refunds or credit notes, are posted against the Purchase Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create posted transactions. |
SalesHistoricalTransactions | Sales historical transactions are created when transactions are archived from the Sales Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create historical transactions. |
SalesOrderAdditionalCharges | Additional charges can be added to sales orders to account for items such as carriage and insurance. Within the Sage 200 application, users can setup and maintain the list of additional charges that can be referenced when creating a sales order. This API resource can be used to determine what each additional charge is for. |
SalesOrderLines | When making larger requests for sales order information, the Sales Order Line Views resource is a faster alternative to the 'Sales Orders' resource. The Sales Order Line Views resource returns more information than the 'Sales Orders' resource, and therefore reduces the number of API requests required to return the same information from multiple resources. This resource returns a view of sales orders, sales order lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_order_id' and 'sop_order_line_id' descending. |
SalesOrderProformaLines | This resource returns a view of sales pro formas, sales pro forma lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_proforma_id' and 'sop_proforma_line_id' descending. |
SalesOrderQuoteLines | This resource returns a view of sales quotes, sales quote lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_quote_id' and 'sop_quote_line_id' descending. |
SalesOrders | Sales orders are used to represent the sale of goods or services to a customer. They are central to a business and define the terms (price, quantity and times) by which the products or services will be delivered. Note: Adding traceable items to sales orders. If you're using traceable stock items and an item is set to be sold from a single batch, then the order quantity must be less than or equal to quantity in the batch. If you try to order more than the quantity in the batch, the order cannot be posted via the API. |
SalesPostedTransactions | Sales posted transactions are created when transactions, such as orders invoiced, receipts, refunds or credit notes, are posted against the Sales Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create posted transactions. To post a transaction, the necessary API resource must be invoked. When making larger requests for customer information, the Sales Transactions Views resource can be a faster alternative to this resource. |
SalesTradingPeriods | This resource returns the details of all sales trading periods for all financial years held for the company. A company can have the trading periods set to be the same as the accounting periods or as different periods. (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only, Sage 200c Standard defaults to financial year periods) |
SalesTransactions | When making larger API requests for transaction information from the Sales ledger, the Sales Transaction Views resource can be a faster alternative to the 'Sales Posted Transactions' resource. The Sales Transaction Views resource also returns a wider breadth of information than the Sales Posted Transactions. |
StockSettings | These settings to define how to process and manage your stock. |
SupplierContacts | Information can be stored for multiple contacts against each Supplier account. Each contact can have its own details such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and website. |
Suppliers | Suppliers are one of the most important entities within Sage 200 as they are associated with many important resources within the application and underpin most of the main features (e.g. purchase orders, purchase receipts, etc). |
TaxCodes | Tax codes are normally used for UK business VAT Rates. They are accessed by Sage 200 modules in order to: - Analyse the rates to Nominal Ledger accounts. - Analyse the rates to the VAT Return. - Read percentages for calculations in transactions. |
WarehouseHoldings | All stock within Sage 200 regardless of type (Stock, Service/labour, or Miscellaneous), require a holding location. The location indicates where an item is stored and the stock level settings for each product in the warehouse i.e. the re-order level, the minimum and maximum stock levels. Items with a type of 'Stock' have levels recorded for each warehouse location and the levels are used when allocating, issuing and receiving stock. If the stock setting UseMultipleLocations is true, a product can be linked to multiple warehouse holdings. You cannot delete the last warehouse holding associated with a product. |
Warehouses | All stock within Sage 200, regardless of type (Stock, Service/labour, or Miscellaneous), requires a holding location. By default, the HOME warehouse is created within Sage 200, you can then create your own warehouses. |
Bank posted transactions are created when transactions such as receipts or payments are posted against the Cash Book.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: NominalAnalysisItems,TaxAnalysisItems,TradeItems columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE Id=29448 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE BankId=29401 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE BankTransactionType='Payment' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE EntryDescription='Opening Balance' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE Reference='O/Bal' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE SecondReference='abc' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE TransactionDate='2017-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE PostedDate='2017-09-13T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE ChequeValue=-6511.96 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE ChequeDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE ChequeToAccountCurrencyRate=1 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE BankChequeToBaseCurrencyRate=1 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE ChequeCurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE Urn=24 SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM BankPostedTransactions WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.467+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Id. | |
BankId | Long |
Banks.Id | Bank Id. See banks |
BankTransactionType | String | Transaction type. See bank_transaction_types | |
EntryDescription | String | Transaction description. | |
Reference | String | Transaction reference. | |
SecondReference | String | Second reference. | |
TransactionDate | Date | Transaction date. | |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date. | |
ChequeValue | Decimal | Value of the entry. | |
ChequeDiscountValue | Decimal | Entry discount value. | |
ChequeToAccountCurrencyRate | Decimal | Exchange rate between the bank account currency and the cheque currency. | |
BankChequeToBaseCurrencyRate | Decimal | Exchange rate between the bank account and the company base currency. | |
ChequeCurrencyId | Long | Currency Id. See currencies | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
UserName | String | User who entered the transaction. | |
NominalAnalysisItems | String | Nominal analysis items. See bank_posted_transactions_nominal_analysis_items | |
TaxAnalysisItems | String | Tax analysis items. See bank_posted_transactions_tax_analysis_items | |
TradeItems | String | Trade items. See bank_posted_transactions_trade_items | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Bank accounts can be created in Sage 200 for any type of account that money is paid in/out of, for example, cash, credit cards or, business current account. Bank accounts can be in any currency and all balances are recorded in the currency specific to that bank account.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: BankAddressId,BankAddressContact,BankAddressCountry,BankAddressCity,BankAddressPostcode,BankAddress_1,BankAddress_2,BankAddress_3,BankAddress_4,BankContacts columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Id=29401 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Code='1200' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Description='Bank Current Account' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE SortCode='233434' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountNo='003234234' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE BankName='Lloyds Bank PLC' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountType='BankAccountTypeCurrent' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountStatusType='AccountStatusActive' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Balance=-9941.57 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE BalanceInBase=-9941.57 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE OverdraftLimit=0 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountName='Stationery & Computer Mart UK Ltd' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Iban='abc' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE Bic='abc' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE StatementBalance=0 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE StatementDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE AccountCurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.070+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Bank account record Id. | |
Code | String | Bank account code. | |
Description | String | Bank description. | |
SortCode | String | Bank sort code. | |
AccountNo | String | Bank account number. | |
BankName | String | Bank name. | |
AccountType | String | Bank account type. See bank_account_types | |
AccountStatusType | String | The status of the bank account (Sage 200c Standard and versions of Professional released after February 2018). For example, this can either be 'Active' or 'Hidden'. See account_status_types | |
Balance | Decimal | Bank balance. | |
BalanceInBase | Decimal | Bank balance in base currency. | |
OverdraftLimit | Decimal | Bank overdraft limit. | |
AccountName | String | Account name. | |
Iban | String | International bank account number. | |
Bic | String | Bank identifier code. | |
StatementBalance | Decimal | Last statement balance. | |
StatementDate | Date | Last statement date. | |
AccountCurrencyId | Long |
Currencies.Id | Currency record Id. See currencies |
BankAddressId | Long | Bank address. Bank address record id. | |
BankAddressContact | String | Bank address. Address Contact name. | |
BankAddressCountry | String | Bank address. Country. | |
BankAddressCity | String | Bank address. City. | |
BankAddressPostcode | String | Bank address. Postcode. | |
BankAddress_1 | String | Bank address. Address line 1. | |
BankAddress_2 | String | Bank address. Address line 2. | |
BankAddress_3 | String | Bank address. Address line 3. | |
BankAddress_4 | String | Bank address. Address line 4. | |
BankContacts | String | Collection of bank contact values. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Every instance of Sage 200 is configured for the company using it. A company is identified in Sage 200 by its name. Sage 200 stores separate company details for each company that is created. The information stored within company details is typical company information such as VAT registration number and company contact details.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: CountryCode,CountryCodeName,CountryCodeEUMember,AddressCountry,Address_1,Address_2,Address_3,Address_4,AddressCity,AddressCounty,AddressPostcode columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Name='Stationery & Computer Mart UK' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Telephone='0191 955 3000' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Fax='0191 955 3001' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Email='[email protected]' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE Website='' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE TaxRegistrationNumber='376 6823 94' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE CountryCodeId=13 SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE YearsAccountsHeldFor=2 SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE EoriNumber='abc' SELECT * FROM CompanyDetails WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.040+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Name [KEY] | String | Company name. | |
Telephone | String | Telephone number. | |
Fax | String | Fax number. | |
String | Email address. | ||
Website | String | Company website address. | |
TaxRegistrationNumber | String | Tax registration number. | |
CountryCodeId | Long | Country code record Id. See country_codes | |
CountryCode | String | Country code record Id. See country_codes | |
CountryCodeName | String | Country code record Id. See country_codes | |
CountryCodeEUMember | Boolean | Country code record Id. See country_codes | |
YearsAccountsHeldFor | Int | Number of years that periods with nominal data exist for up to a maximum of six years. | |
AddressCountry | String | The company's address Id. | |
Address_1 | String | The company's address. Address line 1. | |
Address_2 | String | The company's address. Address line 2. | |
Address_3 | String | The company's address. Address line 3. | |
Address_4 | String | The company's address. Address line 4. | |
AddressCity | String | The company's address. City | |
AddressCounty | String | The company's address. County | |
AddressPostcode | String | The company's address. Postcode | |
EoriNumber | String | The company's EORI number. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Cost centres are typically used to aid collating related costs and reporting on a specific segment of an organisation i.e. a company division such as sales or production.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CostCentres WHERE Id=1015 SELECT * FROM CostCentres WHERE Code='abc' SELECT * FROM CostCentres WHERE Name='abc' SELECT * FROM CostCentres WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.230+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Cost centre record Id. | |
Code | String | Cost centre code. | |
Name | String | Cost centre name. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Sage 200 works in multiple currencies and each company can configure up to 99 currencies to use, and all can be configured to use a single exchange rate, period exchange rates, or both. One currency must be configured as the base currency and this cannot be changed once transactions have been entered. If a currency is configured as amendable, the exchange rate can be modified when entering transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: CurrencyIsoCode,CurrencyIsoCodeName columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Id=2103 SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Symbol='ツ」' SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Name='Pound Sterling' SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE CoreCurrencyRate=1 SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE EuroCurrencyRate=0.714285 SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE CurrencyIsoCodeId=49 SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE IsBaseCurrency=true SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE IsEuroCurrency=false SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.243+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Currency record Id. | |
Symbol | String | Currency symbol. | |
Name | String | Currency name. | |
CoreCurrencyRate | Decimal | Currency rate in use against base. | |
EuroCurrencyRate | Decimal | Euro rate. | |
CurrencyIsoCodeId | Long | ISO Currency Code Record Id. See currency_iso_codes | |
CurrencyIsoCode | String | ISO Currency Code Record Id. See currency_iso_codes | |
CurrencyIsoCodeName | String | ISO Currency Code Record Id. See currency_iso_codes | |
IsBaseCurrency | Bool | Flag to indicate if the currency is the base currency. | |
IsEuroCurrency | Bool | Flag to indicate if the currency is Euro. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Information can be stored for multiple contacts against each customer account. Each contact can have its own details such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and website.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CustomerContacts WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM CustomerContacts WHERE CustomerId='0000000001' SELECT * FROM CustomerContacts WHERE Name='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Customer contact record Id. | |
CustomerId | Long | Customer record Id. | |
Name | String | Contact Name - Concatenated first_name, middle_name and last_name. | |
FirstName | String | Contact first name. | |
MiddleName | String | Contact middle name. | |
LastName | String | Contact surname. | |
IsDefault | Bool | Is this the default contact for the parent customer. See customer | |
DefaultTelephone | String | Default telephone number. | |
DefaultEmail | String | Default email address. | |
SalutationId | Long | Contact salutation id. | |
SalutationIsDefault | Boolean | Contact salutation. | |
SalutationCode | String | Contact salutation code. | |
SalutationDescription | String | Contact salutation description. | |
Emails | String | Customer emails. See customer_emails | |
Telephones | String | Customer telephones. See customer_telephones | |
Mobiles | String | Customer mobiles. See customer_mobiles | |
Faxes | String | Customer faxes. See customer_faxes | |
Websites | String | Customer websites. See customer_websites | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
A customer can have multiple delivery addresses stored for their account which can be used when creating an invoice or sales order.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Id=27927 SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Contact='Lee Dalkin' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Country='abc' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE CustomerId=27825 SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Description='Registered address' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Email='[email protected]' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Fax='01742 876 236' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE IsDefault=false SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE PostalName='A1 Design Services' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE TaxCodeId=1729 SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE TaxNumber='GB238 3839 38' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Telephone='01742 876 234' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Address1='67a Station Road' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Address2='abc' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Address3='Blackpool' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Address4='Lancashire' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE City='abc' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE County='abc' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE Postcode='BP12 7HT' SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE AddressCountryCodeId=0 SELECT * FROM CustomerDeliveryAddresses WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.867+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique id of the customer delivery address. | |
Contact | String | The contact associated with the customer delivery address. | |
Country | String | Country (if using segmented addresses in Sage 200c Professional or Sage 200 Extra Online). | |
CustomerId | Long | Unique Id of the customer account the customer delivery address is associated with. See customers | |
Description | String | The description of the customer delivery address. | |
String | The email address associated with the customer delivery address. | ||
Fax | String | The fax number associated with the customer delivery address. | |
IsDefault | Bool | Flag to indicate if this is the default customer delivery address for the parent customer. See customer | |
PostalName | String | Postal name is the name of the person or company who the invoice or sales order is addressed to. | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The tax code record Id. See tax_codes | |
TaxNumber | String | The tax number. | |
Telephone | String | The telephone number associated with the customer delivery address. | |
Address1 | String | Address line 1. | |
Address2 | String | Address line 2. | |
Address3 | String | Address line 3. | |
Address4 | String | Address line 4. | |
City | String | City (if using segmented addresses in Sage 200c Professional or Sage 200 Extra Online). | |
County | String | County (if using segmented addresses in Sage 200c Professional or Sage 200 Extra Online). | |
Postcode | String | Postcode. | |
AddressCountryCodeId | Long | Country code Id. See country_codes | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Customers are one of the most important entities within Sage 200 as they are associated with many important resources within the application and underpin most of the main features (e.g. sales orders, payment receipts, etc). When making larger requests for customer information, the Customer Views resource can be a faster alternative to this resource.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: CountryCode,CountryCodeName,CountryCodeEuMember,MainAddress_1,MainAddress_2,MainAddress_3,MainAddress_4,MainAddressCity,MainAddressCounty,MainAddressPostcode,Contacts columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Id=27825 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Reference='A1D001' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name='A1 Design Services' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ShortName='A1 Desig' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Balance=1120.92 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE OnHold=false SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AccountStatusType='AccountStatusActive' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ExchangeRateType='ExchangeRateSingle' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TelephoneCountryCode='44' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TelephoneAreaCode='01742' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE TelephoneSubscriberNumber='876234' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE FaxCountryCode='44' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE FaxAreaCode='01742' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE FaxSubscriberNumber='876236' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Website='' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CreditLimit=0 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE DefaultTaxCodeId=1729 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE VatNumber='GB238 3839 38' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE DunsCode='abc' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode1='Trade' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode2='George' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode3='Lancashire' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode4='abc' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AnalysisCode5='abc' SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE AverageTimeToPay=0 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ValueOfCurrentOrdersInSop=340.38 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CountryCodeId=13 SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-03-05T11:19:18.317+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Customer unique Id. | |
Reference | String | Customer account reference. NOTE: Not required if customer reference is set to | |
Name | String | Customer name. | |
ShortName | String | Customer short name. | |
Balance | Decimal | Customer account balance. | |
OnHold | Bool | True if customer account is on hold, else False. | |
AccountStatusType | String | The status of the customer account (Sage 200c Standard and versions of Extra/Professional released after July 2017). For example, this can either be 'Active' or 'Hidden'. See account_status_types | |
CurrencyId | Long |
Currencies.Id | Currency record Id. See currencies |
ExchangeRateType | String | The type of exchange rate used on the customer account. See exchange_rate_types | |
TelephoneCountryCode | String | Telephone country code (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
TelephoneAreaCode | String | Telephone area code (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
TelephoneSubscriberNumber | String | Telephone subscriber number (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
FaxCountryCode | String | Fax country code. | |
FaxAreaCode | String | Fax area code. | |
FaxSubscriberNumber | String | Fax subscriber number. | |
Website | String | Website address. | |
CreditLimit | Decimal | Credit limit for the customer. | |
DefaultTaxCodeId | Long |
TaxCodes.Id | Default tax code record Id. See tax_codes |
VatNumber | String | VAT registration number. | |
DunsCode | String | DUNS number. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
AnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
AnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
AnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
AnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
AnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
AnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
AnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
AnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
AnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
AnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
AnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
AnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
AnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
AnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
AnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
AverageTimeToPay | Int | The customer average time to pay. | |
ValueOfCurrentOrdersInSop | Decimal | Value of current sales orders for this customer. | |
CountryCodeId | Long | Country code record Id. | |
CountryCode | String | The customers country code. | |
CountryCodeName | String | The customers country code name. | |
CountryCodeEuMember | Boolean | Shows if the customer is Eu Member. | |
MainAddress_1 | String | The customers main address line 1. | |
MainAddress_2 | String | The customers main address line 2. | |
MainAddress_3 | String | The customers main address line 3. | |
MainAddress_4 | String | The customers main address line 4. | |
MainAddressCity | String | The customers main address city. | |
MainAddressCounty | String | The customers main address county. | |
MainAddressPostcode | String | The customers main address postcode. | |
Contacts | String | Customer contacts. See customer_contacts | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Departments are a subdivision of cost centres and are used where specific costs or revenue need to be collated and reported on separately. For example, a cost centre could be a sales area such as North East or South West and different departments could be Administration and Training.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE Id=1016 SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE Code='abc' SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE Name='abc' SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.277+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Department record Id. | |
Code | String | Department code. | |
Name | String | Department name. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Financial statement layouts are designed to provide a clear representation of your accounts. This resource returns the details of all financial statement layouts. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'financial_report_layout_id' and 'financial_report_row_report_row' ascending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportLayoutId = 46151 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportLayoutAccountReportType = 'ProfitLoss' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportLayoutName = 'Sample Profit and Loss Layout' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowId = 47221 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowLineType = 'Text' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowLayoutPositionType = 'Unknown' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowLayoutDebitOrCreditType = 'Unknown' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowReportRow = 1 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowTitle = 'Sales' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowSubtotalGroup = 1 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak1 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak2 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak3 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak4 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak5 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak6 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak7 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak8 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE FinancialReportRowGroupBreak9 = 0 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE NominalAccountReportCategoryId = 123 SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE NominalAccountReportCategoryCode = 'abc' SELECT * FROM FinancialReportLayoutViews WHERE NominalAccountReportCategoryDescription = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
FinancialReportLayoutId [KEY] | Long | Financial report layout record Id. | |
FinancialReportLayoutAccountReportType | String | The type of the financial layout. See financial_report_layout_types | |
FinancialReportLayoutName | String | financial report layout name. | |
FinancialReportRowId | Long | An asscoiated financial report row Id. | |
FinancialReportRowLineType | String | The type of the financial layout. See financial_report_row_line_types | |
FinancialReportRowLayoutPositionType | String | The type of the financial report row layout position. See financial_report_row_layout_position_types | |
FinancialReportRowLayoutDebitOrCreditType | String | The type of the financial layout. See financial_report_row_layout_debit_or_credit_types | |
FinancialReportRowReportRow | Int | Value to show the line number of the report row in the layout. | |
FinancialReportRowTitle | String | The row title. | |
FinancialReportRowSubtotalGroup | Int | Value to represent the sub total group. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak1 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 1. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak2 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 2. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak3 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 3. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak4 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 4. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak5 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 5. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak6 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 6. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak7 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 7. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak8 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 8. | |
FinancialReportRowGroupBreak9 | Int | Value to represent the report row group break 9. | |
NominalAccountReportCategoryId | Long | An Id specific to each nominal account report category. See nominal_report_category_types | |
NominalAccountReportCategoryCode | String | The nominal account report category code. | |
NominalAccountReportCategoryDescription | String | The nominal account report category description. |
This resource returns the details of all accounting periods for all financial years held for the company. A company always has five future financial years and can have unlimited previous years, depending on how long the company has been operating. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'financial_year_start_date' and 'period_number' ascending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE FinancialYearId=1 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE FinancialYearStartDate='2018-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE FinancialYearEndDate='2018-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE YearRelativeToCurrentYear=0 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE NumberOfPeriodsInYear=12 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE AccountingPeriodId=1 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE PeriodNumber=1 SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE PeriodStartDate='2018-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM FinancialYearPeriodViews WHERE PeriodEndDate='2018-01-31T01:00:00.000+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
FinancialYearId [KEY] | Long | An Id specific to each financial year. | |
FinancialYearStartDate | Date | Date the financial year starts. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
FinancialYearEndDate | Date | Date the financial year ends. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
YearRelativeToCurrentYear | Int | Value to represent the year relative to the current financial year. The current financial year is 0. The first previous year is -1. The first future year is 1. | |
NumberOfPeriodsInYear | Int | The number of periods in the financial year. | |
AccountingPeriodId | Long | An Id specific to each accounting period. | |
PeriodNumber | Int | Value to show the period in relation to the associated year. For example, for a year that starts in January, January will be period 1, February period 2 etc. | |
PeriodStartDate | Date | Date the period starts. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
PeriodEndDate | Date | Date the period finished. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. |
Nominal accounts are fundamental to the successful management of company finances. The value of every transaction entered into Sage 200 is posted to a nominal account and, is where the revenue and expenditure of the business is recorded. Nominal accounts include a code, and cost centre and a department.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE Id=2317 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE Name='Freehold Property' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE Reference='0010' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE CostCentreId=1015 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE CostCentreCode='abc' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE DepartmentId=1016 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE DepartmentCode='abc' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE NominalAccountType='NominalAccountTypePosting' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE AccountStatusType='AccountStatusActive' SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE ReportCategoryId=2289 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE DisplayBalancesInSelectionList=false SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE BalanceYearToDate=123.3 SELECT * FROM NominalCodes WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.717+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Nominal code record Id. | |
Name | String | Nominal code name. | |
Reference | String | Nominal code reference. | |
CostCentreId | Long |
CostCentres.Id | Nominal code cost centre record Id. See cost_centres |
CostCentreCode | String | Cost centre code. | |
DepartmentId | Long |
Departments.Id | Nominal code department record Id. See departments |
DepartmentCode | String | Department code. | |
NominalAccountType | String | The type of the nominal code. See nominal_account_types | |
AccountStatusType | String | The status of the nominal code (Sage 200c Standard and versions of Professional released after February 2018). For example, this can either be 'Active' or 'Hidden'. See account_status_types | |
ReportCategoryId | Long | Financial report category record Id. See nominal_report_categories | |
DisplayBalancesInSelectionList | Bool | Whether balances for the nominal code can be shown in selection lists. | |
BalanceYearToDate | Decimal | The nominal account balance, if balances can be shown for the nominal account. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Nominal report categories are used in financial statements (PL, Balance Sheet) to group nominal codes under headings and to determine whether the nominal code value is reported on the layout for the Balance Sheet (Asset and Liability) or Profit and Loss (Income and Expense).
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE Id=2258 SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE AccountReportType='ProfitLoss' SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE Code='1' SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE Description='Sales' SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE AccountReportCategoryType='NominalReportingCategoryTypeIncome' SELECT * FROM NominalReportCategories WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:45.960+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Nominal report category record Id. | |
AccountReportType | String | The type of the report.. See financial_report_layout_types | |
Code | String | Nominal report category code. | |
Description | String | Nominal report category description. | |
AccountReportCategoryType | String | The type of the report category. See nominal_report_category_types | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Nominal transaction analysis codes are used to group nominal analysis items on various transaction types
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes WHERE Code='Promo0715' SELECT * FROM NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes WHERE Description='Promotion July 2015' SELECT * FROM NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes WHERE Active=true SELECT * FROM NominalTransactionAnalysisCodes WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.413+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Code [KEY] | String | Nominal transaction analysis code. | |
Description | String | Nominal transaction analysis code description. | |
Active | Bool | Boolean indicating whether the transaction analysis code is active. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
When working with Microsoft Flow, it is useful to be able to access pending emails to send as notifications to the user from Sage 200.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE Id=123 SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE EmailType='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE EmailAddress='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE EmailSubject='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE EmailBody='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE UserNumber=123 SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE UserName='abc' SELECT * FROM PendingEmails WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | The unique id of the Sage 200 pending email identifier. | |
EmailType | String | The type of pending email (which provides the intended purpose). | |
EmailAddress | String | The email address of the email recipient. | |
EmailSubject | String | The text to use for the subject of the email. | |
EmailBody | String | The text to use for the body of the email. | |
UserNumber | Long | The user id of the email recipient. | |
UserName | String | The user name of the email recipient. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
A price band is simply a price list. They're used to offer different prices to different customers. Product prices are set in the each price band. The price a customer receives for a product depends on the price band their account is linked to.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE Id=1064 SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE Name='Standard' SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE Description='Standard' SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE IsStandardBand=true SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE CurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE PriceBandTypeId=0 SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE IsActive=true SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE IsTimeBased=false SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE ActiveDateTimeFrom='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE ActiveDateTimeTo='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM PriceBands WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.183+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Price band record Id. | |
Name | String | Price band name. | |
Description | String | Price band description. | |
IsStandardBand | Bool | Is this the Standard price band. | |
CurrencyId | Long | Currency record Id. See currencies | |
PriceBandTypeId | Long | Price band type record Id; this will be 0 for Universal price bands and 1 for Limited price bands. | |
IsActive | Bool | Is this price band active. | |
IsTimeBased | Bool | Is this price band time based. | |
ActiveDateTimeFrom | Datetime | The date and time this price band is active from. | |
ActiveDateTimeTo | Datetime | The date and time this price band is active to. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Product groups are used to group stock items together with similar characteristics or requirements. Product Groups provide several default settings for stock items and, have their own unique code and description.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE Id=34632 SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE Code='NONS' SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE Description='Non Stock Item' SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE ProductType='EnumStockItemTypeMisc' SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE CanLevelsGoNegative=false SELECT * FROM ProductGroups WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.310+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Product group Id. | |
Code | String | Product group code. | |
Description | String | Product group description. | |
ProductType | String | Product group type. See product_types | |
CanLevelsGoNegative | Bool | Can stock levels go negative. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
This returns the selling prices of your products. A price is returned for each price band associated with a product. A price band is simply a price list. The price a customer receives for a product depends on the price band their account is linked to. The 'Standard' price band is the default. The prices returned here do not include any customer specific discounts. The default sort (orderby) field is by 'product_code' ascending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductPriceId=34760 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductId=34751 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductCode='BOARD001' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductName='Whiteboard - Drywipe (900 x 1200)' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductStockUnitName='Each' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE PriceBandId=1064 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE PriceBandName='Standard' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductPriceUseStandard=true SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE ProductPricePrice=20 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE CurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE CurrencyName='Pound Sterling' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE CurrencySymbol='ツ」' SELECT * FROM ProductPriceViews WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.787+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
ProductPriceId | Long | Product price record Id. | |
ProductId | Long | Product record Id. See products | |
ProductCode [KEY] | String | Product code. | |
ProductName | String | Product name. | |
ProductStockUnitName | String | The name of the unit the product is sold in. For example box, crate, bottle. The default unit is each. | |
PriceBandId | Long | Price band record Id. | |
PriceBandName | String | The name of the price band. | |
ProductPriceUseStandard | Bool | 'True' if uses the price from the standard price band is used otherwise 'False' The price of a product can be linked to the price set in the standard price band. This is used when only some product prices are different to the standard price. | |
ProductPricePrice | Decimal | The selling price for the shown product and price band. | |
CurrencyId | Long | Currency record Id. See currencies | |
CurrencyName | String | The name of the currency used for the price. | |
CurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the price. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Products are used to track stock within Sage 200. This is not just for physical items, but also for items that are ordered direct from suppliers, services, and time or labour that can be included on customer invoices.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: WarehouseHoldings columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id=34737 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Code='M' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Name='M' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Description='abc' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Barcode='abc' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE AllowSalesOrder=true SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductGroupId=34633 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE TaxCodeId=1731 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2019-08-01T18:00:33.140+02:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Product record Id. | |
Code | String | Product code. | |
Name | String | Product name. | |
Description | String | Product description. | |
Barcode | String | Product barcode. | |
AllowSalesOrder | Bool | Allowed on a sales order. | |
ProductGroupId | Long | Product group record Id. See product_groups | |
TaxCodeId | Long | Tax code record Id. See tax_codes | |
WarehouseHoldings | String | If stock setting UseMultipleLocations is true, you must specify warehouse holding(s) when creating products. If stock setting UseMultipleLocations is false, then new product will be automatically linked to the default (home) warehouse. See warehouse_holdings | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
A product transaction is created each time a product is moved in, or out of stock. Product transactions are created from various sources such as purchase orders, sales orders, transfers between warehouses etc.. This resource returns the details of product transactions. The default sort (orderby) field is by 'id' descending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE Id=36511 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE ProductId=34751 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE ProductCode='BOARD001' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE ProductGroupId=34640 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE ProductGroupCode='0006' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE TransactionType='EnumSecondaryActivityTypeStockTakeAdjustmentIn' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE TransactionDate='2015-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE SourceAreaReference='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE SourceAreaName='Internal' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE Reference='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE SecondReference='STK TAKE' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE WarehouseName='Warehouse' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE BinName='Unspecified' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE Quantity=2 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE UnitCostPrice=15 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE UnitIssuePrice=0 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE UnitDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE TotalOrderDiscount=0 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE CostValue=30 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE IssueValue=0 SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE Memo='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode1='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode2='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode3='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode4='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE AnalysisCode5='abc' SELECT * FROM ProductTransactionViews WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.123+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Product transaction Id. | |
ProductId | Long | Product record Id. See products | |
ProductCode | String | Product code. | |
ProductGroupId | Long | Product group record Id. See product_groups | |
ProductGroupCode | String | Product group code. See product_groups | |
TransactionType | String | Enum value that describes the transaction that created the product movement. See product_transaction_types | |
TransactionDate | Date | The date of the transaction. | |
SourceAreaReference | String | The code of the source of the transaction. | |
SourceAreaName | String | The name of the source of the transaction. | |
Reference | String | This can be an optional reference added to the transaction by the user, or an automatically generated reference such as the order number. | |
SecondReference | String | This can be an additional optional reference added to the transaction by the user, or an automatically generated reference such as the despatch note number. | |
WarehouseName | String | The warehouse the product was moved from or to. See warehouses | |
BinName | String | The name of the bin to which the transaction relates to. | |
Quantity | Decimal | The quantity on the transaction. | |
UnitCostPrice | Decimal | The cost price per unit for this transaction. | |
UnitIssuePrice | Decimal | The price used when products are moved out of stock. | |
UnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount amount per unit used for this transaction. | |
TotalOrderDiscount | Decimal | The total discount value of the transaction. | |
CostValue | Decimal | The total cost value. | |
IssueValue | Decimal | The total issue or sales price of the transaction. | |
Memo | String | Any memo note that was applied to the product transaction. | |
UserName | String | The name of the Sage 200 user that created the transaction. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis Code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis Code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis Code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis Code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis Code 5. | |
AnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
AnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
AnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
AnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
AnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
AnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
AnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
AnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
AnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
AnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
AnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
AnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
AnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
AnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
AnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
When making larger requests for purchase order information, the Purchase Order Line Views resource is a faster alternative to the 'Purchase Orders' resource.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderLines WHERE PurchaseOrderId=42101 SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrderLines WHERE CurrencyId='0000000001'
Name | Type | References | Description |
PurchaseOrderId [KEY] | Long | Unique ID of the purchase order. See _orders | |
SupplierDocumentNo | String | Supplier purchase order document number. | |
CurrencyId | Long | The Id for the currency used for the purchase order. See currencies | |
CurrencyName | String | The name for the currency used for the purchase order. | |
CurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the purchase order. | |
SubtotalValue | Decimal | The subtotal value for the order. | |
SubtotalDiscountValue | Decimal | The subtotal discount value for the order. | |
SubtotalLandedCostsValue | Decimal | The subtotal landed costs value for the order. | |
LineId | Long | Associated purchase order line Id. See _order_lines | |
LineNumber | Short | Purchase order line number. | |
LineType | String | Purchase order line type. See order_return_line_types | |
LineProductCode | String | Purchase order line product code. | |
LineProductDescription | String | Purchase order line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment. | |
LineQuantity | Decimal | The quantity ordered. | |
LineUnitPrice | Decimal | The buying price per item. | |
LineUnitDiscountPercent | Decimal | The percentage discount per item. | |
LineUnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount value per item. | |
LineTotalValue | Decimal | The total value of the line. | |
LineDiscountedUnitPrice | Decimal | The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the _order_line_unit_discount_value from the _order_line_unit_price. | |
LineLandedCostsValue | Decimal | The value of landed costs for the order. | |
LineAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
LineAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
LineAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
LineAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
LineAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
LineAnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
LineAnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
LineAnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
LineAnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
LineAnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
LineAnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
LineAnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
LineAnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
LineAnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
LineAnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
LineAnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
LineAnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
LineAnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
LineAnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
LineAnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
LineDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the order line was last updated (UTC). | |
LineForDirectDelivery | Bool | Indicates if line is marked for direct delivery | |
LineShowOnSupplierDocs | Bool | Indicates if line will show on supplier documents. | |
DeliveryAddrPostalName | String | delivery address name. | |
DeliveryAddrDescription | String | delivery address description. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress1 | String | delivery address line 1. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress2 | String | delivery address line 2. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress3 | String | delivery address line 3. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress4 | String | delivery address line 4. | |
DeliveryAddrCity | String | delivery address city. | |
DeliveryAddrCounty | String | delivery address county. | |
DeliveryAddrPostCode | String | delivery address post code | |
DeliveryAddrCountry | String | delivery address country. | |
DeliveryAddrContact | String | delivery address contact | |
DeliveryAddrTelephone | String | delivery address telephone number | |
DeliveryAddrFax | String | delivery address line fax number... | |
DeliveryAddrEmail | String | delivery address line email. | |
SupplierId | Long | The associated supplier record Id. See suppliers | |
SupplierReference | String | The associated supplier account reference. | |
SupplierName | String | The associated supplier name. | |
ProductId | Long | The associated product record Id. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products | |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product ordered. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductName | String | The name of the product ordered. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductDescription | String | The associated product description. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
WarehouseId | Long | The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses | |
WarehouseName | String | The name of the warehouse. Only returned where _order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes | |
TaxCodeCode | Short | The associated tax code. | |
TaxCodeName | String | The associated tax code name. | |
TaxCodeRate | Decimal | The associated tax rate. |
Purchase orders are used to represent the purchase of goods or services from a supplier. They are central to a business and define the terms (price, quantity and times) by which the products or services will be received.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE DocumentNo='0000000001' SELECT * FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE ExchangeRate='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Purchase order record Id. | |
DocumentNo | String | Purchase order document number. Note: If the POP setting in Sage 200c Professional, then this property MUST be set. | |
DocumentDate | Date | Purchase order document date. | |
DocumentStatus | String | Document status. See pop_document_status_types | |
AuthorisationStatus | String | Authorisation status. See pop_authorisation_status_types | |
SupplierId | Long |
Suppliers.Id | Supplier record Id. See suppliers |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate. | |
SubtotalGoodsValue | Decimal | Goods value (sum of stock items and free text). | |
SubtotalChargesNetValue | Decimal | Charges net value. | |
SubtotalDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value. | |
SubtotalLandedCostsValue | Decimal | Landed costs value. | |
TotalNetValue | Decimal | Net value (sum of all line types). | |
TotalTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
TotalGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
SupplierDocumentNo | String | Supplier document number. | |
SettlementDiscountDays | Short | Settlement discount days. | |
SettlementDiscountPercent | Decimal | Settlement discount percent. | |
DocumentDiscountPercent | Decimal | Document discount percent. | |
DocumentOriginatorId | Long | Document originator id. See users | |
DocumentOriginatorName | String | Document originator name. | |
DocumentCreatedById | Long | Document created by id. See users | |
DocumentCreatedBy | String | Document created by. | |
RequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
AnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
AnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
AnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
AnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
AnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
AnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
AnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
AnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
AnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
AnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
AnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
AnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
AnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
AnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
AnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
Lines | String | The purchase order lines collection. See pop_order_lines | |
DeliveryAddress_1 | String | The delivery address line 1. | |
DeliveryAddress_2 | String | The delivery address line 2. | |
DeliveryAddress_3 | String | The delivery address line 3. | |
DeliveryAddress_4 | String | The delivery address line 4. | |
DeliveryAddressCity | String | The delivery address city. | |
DeliveryAddressCounty | String | The delivery address county. | |
DeliveryAddressPostcode | String | The delivery address postcode. | |
DeliveryAddressContact | String | The delivery address contact. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Purchase posted transactions are created when transactions, such as purchases made, refunds or credit notes, are posted against the Purchase Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create posted transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: NominalAnalysisItems,TaxAnalysisItems,BankItems,AllocationSessionItems,AllocationHistoryItems columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE Id=33018 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE SupplierId=28936 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE TraderTransactionType='TradingAccountEntryTypeInvoice' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE Reference='O/BAL' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE SecondReference='Opening Balance' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE Queried='abc' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE TransactionDate='2017-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE PostedDate='2018-09-13T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DueDate='2024-01-30T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentGoodsValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentGrossValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DiscountPercent=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentAllocatedValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DocumentOutstandingValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseGoodsValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseGrossValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE BaseAllocatedValue=55 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE ControlValueInBaseCurrency=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE ExchangeRate=1 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE SettledImmediately=false SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE VatAdjustmentDocExpected=false SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DiscountDays=0 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE Urn=11 SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM PurchasePostedTransactions WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.137+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Id. | |
SupplierId | Long | Supplier Id. See customers | |
TraderTransactionType | String | Transaction type. See trader_transaction_types | |
Reference | String | Transaction reference. | |
SecondReference | String | Second reference. | |
Queried | String | Query flag. | |
TransactionDate | Date | Transaction date. | |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date. | |
DueDate | Date | Due date. | |
DocumentGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods. | |
DocumentGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
DocumentTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
DocumentDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | Percentage discount. | |
DocumentTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DocumentAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value. | |
DocumentOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value. | |
BaseGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods in base currency. | |
BaseGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value in base currency. | |
BaseDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value in base currency. | |
BaseAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value in base currency. | |
ControlValueInBaseCurrency | Decimal | Control value in base currency. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate used for transaction. | |
SettledImmediately | Bool | Immediately settled | |
VatAdjustmentDocExpected | Bool | Whether a VAT adjustment is expected. | |
DiscountDays | Short | Number of days discount valid. | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
UserName | String | User who entered the transaction. | |
NominalAnalysisItems | String | Nominal analysis items. See purchase_posted_transactions_nominal_analysis_items | |
TaxAnalysisItems | String | Tax analysis items. See purchase_posted_transactions_tax_analysis_items | |
BankItems | String | Bank items. See purchase_posted_transactions_bank_items | |
AllocationSessionItems | String | Allocation session items. See purchase_posted_transactions_allocation_session_items | |
AllocationHistoryItems | String | Allocation history items. See purchase_posted_transactions_allocation_history_items | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Sales historical transactions are created when transactions are archived from the Sales Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create historical transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: NominalAnalysisItems,TaxAnalysisItems,BankItems columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE Id=123 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE CustomerId=123 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE TraderTransactionType='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE Reference='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE SecondReference='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE Queried='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE TransactionDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE PostedDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DueDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE FullSettlementDate='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentGoodsValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentGrossValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentDiscountValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DiscountPercent=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxDiscountValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentAllocatedValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DocumentOutstandingValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseGoodsValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseGrossValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseTaxValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseDiscountValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseTaxDiscountValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE BaseAllocatedValue=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE ControlValueInBaseCurrency=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE ExchangeRate=123.3 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE SettledImmediately='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DiscountDays='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE Urn=123 SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE UserName='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesHistoricalTransactions WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2019-10-02T11:46:53Z'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Id. | |
CustomerId | Long | Customer Id. See customers | |
TraderTransactionType | String | Transaction type. See trader_transaction_types | |
Reference | String | Transaction reference. | |
SecondReference | String | Second reference. | |
Queried | String | Query flag. | |
TransactionDate | Date | Transaction date. | |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date. | |
DueDate | Date | Due date. | |
FullSettlementDate | Date | Full settlement date. | |
DocumentGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods. | |
DocumentGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
DocumentTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
DocumentDiscountValue | Decimal | Document discount value. | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | Percentage discount. | |
DocumentTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DocumentAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value. | |
DocumentOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value. | |
BaseGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods in base currency. | |
BaseGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value in base currency. | |
BaseDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value in base currency. | |
BaseAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value in base currency. | |
ControlValueInBaseCurrency | Decimal | Control value in base currency. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate used for transaction. | |
SettledImmediately | Bool | Immediately settled. | |
DiscountDays | Short | Number of days discount valid. | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
UserName | String | User who entered the transaction. | |
NominalAnalysisItems | String | Nominal analysis items. See sales_historical_transactions_nominal_analysis_items | |
TaxAnalysisItems | String | Tax analysis items. See sales_historical_transactions_tax_analysis_items | |
BankItems | String | Bank items. See sales_historical_transactions_bank_items | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Additional charges can be added to sales orders to account for items such as carriage and insurance. Within the Sage 200 application, users can setup and maintain the list of additional charges that can be referenced when creating a sales order. This API resource can be used to determine what each additional charge is for.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderAdditionalCharges WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderAdditionalCharges WHERE Code='0000000001' SELECT * FROM SalesOrderAdditionalCharges WHERE Name='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Sop additional charge record Id. | |
Code | String | Sop additional charge code. | |
Name | String | Sop additional charge name. | |
ChargeValue | Decimal | Sop additional charge value. | |
NotionalCostValue | Decimal | Sop additional charge notional cost value. | |
NominalCodeId | Long |
NominalCodes.Id | Nominal code record Id. See nominal_codes |
TaxCodeId | Long |
TaxCodes.Id | Tax code record Id. See tax_codes |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
When making larger requests for sales order information, the Sales Order Line Views resource is a faster alternative to the 'Sales Orders' resource. The Sales Order Line Views resource returns more information than the 'Sales Orders' resource, and therefore reduces the number of API requests required to return the same information from multiple resources. This resource returns a view of sales orders, sales order lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_order_id' and 'sop_order_line_id' descending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLines WHERE SalesOrderId=42101 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLines WHERE CurrencyId=2343234543 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderLines WHERE CurrencyName='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
SalesOrderId [KEY] | Long | Unique Id of the sales order. See sop_orders | |
CustomerDocumentNo | String | Customer sales order document number. | |
CurrencyId | Long | The Id for the currency used for the sales order. See currencies | |
CurrencyName | String | The name for the currency used for the sales order. | |
CurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the sales order. | |
DocumentDiscountPercent | Decimal | Document discount percent value, between -99.99 and 99.99. A negative value is treated as a surcharge (e.g. -10 is a 10% surcharge), and a positive value is treated as a discount. | |
DocumentCreatedBy | String | The person who created the SOP Order | |
RequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
PromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
LineId | Long | Associated sales order line Id. See sop_order_lines | |
LineNumber | Short | Sales order line number. | |
LineType | String | Sales order line type. See order_return_line_types | |
LineProductCode | String | Sales order line product code. | |
LineProductDescription | String | Sales order line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment. | |
LineQuantity | Decimal | The quantity ordered. | |
LineAllocatedQuantity | Decimal | The quantity allocated. | |
LineDespatchReceiptQuantity | Decimal | The quantity despatched. | |
LineInvoiceCreditQuantity | Decimal | The quantity invoiced. | |
LineSellingUnitDescription | String | The selling unit description. | |
LineSellingUnitPrice | Decimal | The selling price per item. | |
LineUnitDiscountPercent | Decimal | The percentage discount per item. | |
LineUnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount value per item. | |
LineCostPrice | Decimal | The cost price. | |
LineTotalValue | Decimal | The total value of the line. | |
LineLineTaxValue | Decimal | The tax value of the line. | |
LineDiscountedUnitPrice | Decimal | The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the sop_order_line_unit_discount_value from the sop_order_line_selling_unit_price. | |
LineRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
LinePromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
LineAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
LineAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
LineAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
LineAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
LineAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
LineAnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
LineAnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
LineAnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
LineAnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
LineAnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
LineAnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
LineAnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
LineAnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
LineAnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
LineAnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
LineAnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
LineAnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
LineAnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
LineAnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
LineAnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
LineDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sop order line was last updated (UTC). | |
DeliveryAddrAddress1 | String | SOP delivery address line 1. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress2 | String | SOP delivery address line 2. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress3 | String | SOP delivery address line 3. | |
DeliveryAddrAddress4 | String | SOP delivery address line 4. | |
DeliveryAddrCity | String | SOP delivery address city. | |
DeliveryAddrCounty | String | SOP delivery address county. | |
DeliveryAddrPostCode | String | SOP delivery address post code | |
DeliveryAddrCountry | String | SOP delivery address country. | |
DeliveryAddrContact | String | SOP delivery address contact | |
DeliveryAddrTelephone | String | SOP delivery address telephone number | |
DeliveryAddrFax | String | SOP delivery address line fax number... | |
DeliveryAddrEmail | String | SOP delivery address line email. | |
CustomerId | Long | The associated customer record Id. See customers | |
CustomerReference | String | The associated customer account reference. | |
CustomerName | String | The associated customer name. | |
ProductId | Long | The associated product record Id. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products | |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductName | String | The name of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductDescription | String | The associated product description. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
WarehouseId | Long | The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses | |
WarehouseName | String | The name of the warehouse. Only returned where sop_order_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes | |
TaxCodeCode | Short | The associated tax code. | |
TaxCodeName | String | The associated tax code name. | |
TaxCodeRate | Decimal | The associated tax rate. |
This resource returns a view of sales pro formas, sales pro forma lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_proforma_id' and 'sop_proforma_line_id' descending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderProformaLines WHERE SalesOrderProformaId=346345654564565 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderProformaLines WHERE SalesOrderProformaDocumentStatus='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
SalesOrderProformaId [KEY] | Long | Unique Id of the sales pro forma | |
SalesOrderProformaDocumentNo | String | Sales pro forma document number. | |
SalesOrderProformaDocumentDate | Date | Sales pro forma date. | |
SalesOrderProformaDocumentStatus | String | Sales pro forma status. See sop_document_status_types | |
SalesOrderProformaCustomerDocumentNo | String | Customer sales pro forma document number. | |
SalesOrderProformaCurrencyId | Long | The Id for the currency used for the sales pro forma. See currencies | |
SalesOrderProformaCurrencyName | String | The name for the currency used for the sales pro forma. | |
SalesOrderProformaCurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the sales pro forma. | |
SalesOrderProformaExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate for the sales pro forma. | |
SalesOrderProformaRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
SalesOrderProformaPromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
SalesOrderProformaAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
SalesOrderProformaAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
SalesOrderProformaAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
SalesOrderProformaAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
SalesOrderProformaAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
SalesOrderProformaDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sales pro forma was last updated (UTC). | |
SalesOrderProformaLineId | Long | Associated sales pro forma line Id | |
SalesOrderProformaLineNumber | Short | Sales pro forma line number. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineType | String | Sales pro forma line type. See order_return_line_types | |
SalesOrderProformaLineProductCode | String | Sales pro forma line product code. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineProductDescription | String | Sales pro forma line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineQuantity | Decimal | The line quantity. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineSellingUnitDescription | String | The selling unit description. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineSellingUnitPrice | Decimal | The selling price per item. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineUnitDiscountPercent | Decimal | The percentage discount per item. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineUnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount value per item. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineCostPrice | Decimal | The cost price. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineTotalValue | Decimal | The total value of the line. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineLineTaxValue | Decimal | The tax value of the line. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineDiscountedUnitPrice | Decimal | The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the sop_proforma_line_unit_discount_value from the sop_proforma_line_selling_unit_price. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
SalesOrderProformaLinePromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineAnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
SalesOrderProformaLineDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sop pro forma line was last updated (UTC). | |
CustomerId | Long | The associated customer record Id. See customers | |
CustomerReference | String | The associated customer account reference. | |
CustomerName | String | The associated customer name. | |
ProductId | Long | The associated product record Id. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products | |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductName | String | The name of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductDescription | String | The associated product description. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
WarehouseId | Long | The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses | |
WarehouseName | String | The name of the warehouse. Only returned where sop_proforma_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes | |
TaxCodeCode | Short | The associated tax code. | |
TaxCodeName | String | The associated tax code name. | |
TaxCodeRate | Decimal | The associated tax rate. |
This resource returns a view of sales quotes, sales quote lines, customers, products, warehouses, tax codes and currencies that can be queried on any field. The default sort (orderby) field are by 'sop_quote_id' and 'sop_quote_line_id' descending.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteId=3424324324324 SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteDocumentNo='Sample' SELECT * FROM SalesOrderQuoteLines WHERE SalesOrderQuoteCustomerDocumentNo='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
SalesOrderQuoteId [KEY] | Long | Unique Id of the sales quote | |
SalesOrderQuoteDocumentNo | String | Sales quote document number. | |
SalesOrderQuoteDocumentDate | Date | Sales quote date. | |
SalesOrderQuoteDocumentStatus | String | Sales quote status. See sop_document_status_types | |
SalesOrderQuoteCustomerDocumentNo | String | Customer sales quote document number. | |
SalesOrderQuoteCurrencyId | Long | The Id for the currency used for the sales quote. See currencies | |
SalesOrderQuoteCurrencyName | String | The name for the currency used for the sales quote. | |
SalesOrderQuoteCurrencySymbol | String | The symbol of the currency used for the sales quote. | |
SalesOrderQuoteExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate for the sales quote. | |
SalesOrderQuoteRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
SalesOrderQuotePromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
SalesOrderQuoteAnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
SalesOrderQuoteDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sales quote was last updated (UTC). | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineId | Long | Associated sales quote line Id | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineNumber | Short | Sales quote line number. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineType | String | Sales quote line type. See order_return_line_types | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineProductCode | String | Sales quote line product code. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineProductDescription | String | Sales quote line product description. This could be stock item description, free text, additional charge or comment. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineQuantity | Decimal | The line quantity. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineSellingUnitDescription | String | The selling unit description. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineSellingUnitPrice | Decimal | The selling price per item. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineUnitDiscountPercent | Decimal | The percentage discount per item. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineUnitDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount value per item. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineCostPrice | Decimal | The cost price. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineTotalValue | Decimal | The total value of the line. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineLineTaxValue | Decimal | The tax value of the line. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineDiscountedUnitPrice | Decimal | The discounted unit price of the line. This is calculated by subtracting the sop_quote_line_unit_discount_value from the sop_quote_line_selling_unit_price. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineRequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLinePromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineAnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
SalesOrderQuoteLineDateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time the sop quote line was last updated (UTC). | |
CustomerId | Long | The associated customer record Id. See customers | |
CustomerReference | String | The associated customer account reference. | |
CustomerName | String | The associated customer name. | |
ProductId | Long | The associated product record Id. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See products | |
ProductCode | String | The code of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductName | String | The name of the product ordered. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
ProductDescription | String | The associated product description. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
WarehouseId | Long | The id of the warehouse the product is stored in. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard. See warehouses | |
WarehouseName | String | The name of the warehouse. Only returned where sop_quote_line_type = EnumLineTypeStandard | |
TaxCodeId | Long | The id of the tax code set on the line. See tax_codes | |
TaxCodeCode | Short | The associated tax code. | |
TaxCodeName | String | The associated tax code name. | |
TaxCodeRate | Decimal | The associated tax rate. |
Sales orders are used to represent the sale of goods or services to a customer. They are central to a business and define the terms (price, quantity and times) by which the products or services will be delivered. Note: Adding traceable items to sales orders. If you're using traceable stock items and an item is set to be sold from a single batch, then the order quantity must be less than or equal to quantity in the batch. If you try to order more than the quantity in the batch, the order cannot be posted via the API.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Sales order record Id. | |
DocumentNo | String | Sales order document number. Note: If the SOP setting in Sage 200c Professional or Sage 200 Extra Online is to NOT automatically generate numbers, then this property MUST be set. If the SOP setting in Sage 200 Extra is to automatically generate numbers, or you are using Sage 200c Standard (which doesn't allow you to set this option), then setting this on POST will be ignored. | |
DocumentDate | Date | Sales order document date. | |
DocumentStatus | String | Document status. See sop_document_status_types | |
CustomerId | Long |
Customers.Id | Customer record Id. See customers |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate. | |
SubtotalGoodsValue | Decimal | Goods value (sum of stock items and free text). | |
SubtotalChargeNetValue | Decimal | Charge net value. | |
SubtotalChargeTaxValue | Decimal | Charge tax value. | |
SubtotalDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value | |
TotalNetValue | Decimal | Net value (sum of all line types). | |
TotalTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
TotalGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
CustomerDocumentNo | String | Customer document number. | |
UseInvoiceAddress | Bool | True if this order uses the customer invoice address, else False. | |
SettlementDiscountDays | Short | Settlement discount days. | |
SettlementDiscountPercent | Decimal | Settlement discount percent. | |
DocumentDiscountPercent | Decimal | Document discount percent value, between -99.99 and 99.99. A negative value is treated as a surcharge (e.g. -10 is a 10% surcharge), and a positive value is treated as a discount. | |
DocumentCreatedBy | String | The person who created the SOP Order | |
RequestedDeliveryDate | Date | Requested delivery date. | |
PromisedDeliveryDate | Date | Promised delivery date. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
AnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
AnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
AnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
AnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
AnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
AnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
AnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
AnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
AnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
AnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
AnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
AnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
AnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
AnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
AnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
Lines | String | The sales order lines collection. See sop_order_lines | |
DeliveryAddressId | Long | The delivery address contact. | |
DeliveryAddress_1 | String | The delivery address line 1. | |
DeliveryAddress_2 | String | The delivery address line 2. | |
DeliveryAddress_3 | String | The delivery address line 3. | |
DeliveryAddress_4 | String | The delivery address line 4. | |
DeliveryAddressCity | String | The delivery address city. | |
DeliveryAddressCounty | String | The delivery address county. | |
DeliveryAddressPostcode | String | The delivery address postcode. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Sales posted transactions are created when transactions, such as orders invoiced, receipts, refunds or credit notes, are posted against the Sales Ledger. It is not possible to use this API resource to create posted transactions. To post a transaction, the necessary API resource must be invoked. When making larger requests for customer information, the Sales Transactions Views resource can be a faster alternative to this resource.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: NominalAnalysisItems,TaxAnalysisItems,BankItems,AllocationSessionItems,AllocationHistoryItems columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE Id=29674 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE CustomerId=27849 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE TraderTransactionType='TradingAccountEntryTypeInvoice' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE Reference='O/BAL' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE SecondReference='Opening Balance' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE Queried='abc' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE TransactionDate='2017-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE PostedDate='2018-09-13T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DueDate='2018-02-14T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE FullSettlementDate='2019-04-15T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentGoodsValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentGrossValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DiscountPercent=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentAllocatedValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DocumentOutstandingValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseGoodsValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseGrossValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE BaseAllocatedValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE ControlValueInBaseCurrency=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE ExchangeRate=1 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE SettledImmediately=false SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DiscountDays=0 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE Urn=1 SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM SalesPostedTransactions WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.330+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Id. | |
CustomerId | Long | Customer Id. See customers | |
TraderTransactionType | String | Transaction type. See trader_transaction_types | |
Reference | String | Transaction reference. | |
SecondReference | String | Second reference. | |
Queried | String | Query flag. | |
TransactionDate | Date | Transaction date. | |
PostedDate | Date | Posted date. | |
DueDate | Date | Due date. | |
FullSettlementDate | Date | Full settlement date. | |
DocumentGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods. | |
DocumentGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
DocumentTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
DocumentDiscountValue | Decimal | Document discount value. | |
DiscountPercent | Decimal | Percentage discount. | |
DocumentTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DocumentAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value. | |
DocumentOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value. | |
BaseGoodsValue | Decimal | Value of the goods in base currency. | |
BaseGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value in base currency. | |
BaseDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value in base currency. | |
BaseAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value in base currency. | |
ControlValueInBaseCurrency | Decimal | Control value in base currency. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange rate used for transaction. | |
SettledImmediately | Bool | Immediately settled. | |
DiscountDays | Short | Number of days discount valid. | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
UserName | String | User who entered the transaction. | |
NominalAnalysisItems | String | Nominal analysis items. See sales_posted_transactions_nominal_analysis_items | |
TaxAnalysisItems | String | Tax analysis items. See sales_posted_transactions_tax_analysis_items | |
BankItems | String | Bank items. See sales_posted_transactions_bank_items | |
AllocationSessionItems | String | Allocation session items. See sales_posted_transactions_allocation_session_items | |
AllocationHistoryItems | String | Allocation history items. See sales_posted_transactions_allocation_history_items | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
This resource returns the details of all sales trading periods for all financial years held for the company. A company can have the trading periods set to be the same as the accounting periods or as different periods. (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only, Sage 200c Standard defaults to financial year periods)
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE Id=1 SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE PeriodNumber='1' SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE StartDate='2018-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE EndDate='2018-01-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTradingPeriods WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:45.667+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | An unique Id specific to each sales trading period. | |
PeriodNumber | String | The period number. | |
StartDate | Date | Date the trading period starts. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
EndDate | Date | Date the trading period ends. The returned string includes the time but this will always be 00:00:00. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
When making larger API requests for transaction information from the Sales ledger, the Sales Transaction Views resource can be a faster alternative to the 'Sales Posted Transactions' resource. The Sales Transaction Views resource also returns a wider breadth of information than the Sales Posted Transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE PostedCustomerTransactionId=29674 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE TransactionType='TradingAccountEntryTypeInvoice' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE TransactionDate='2017-12-31T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE PostedDate='2018-09-13T02:00:00.000+02:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DueDate='2018-02-14T01:00:00.000+01:00' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DiscountDays=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE Reference='O/BAL' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE SecondReference='Opening Balance' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE Query=' ' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE Status='Full' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE UserName='Migration' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE LedgerType='LedgerSales' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE Urn=1 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE ExchangeRate=1 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE SettledImmediately=false SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseGoodsValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseGrossValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseAllocatedValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE BaseOutstandingValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentGoodsValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentGrossValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentTaxValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentTaxDiscountValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentAllocatedValue=150 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE DocumentOutstandingValue=0 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CustomerId=27849 SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CustomerReference='COM001' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CustomerName='Compton Packaging' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CurrencyName='Pound Sterling' SELECT * FROM SalesTransactionViews WHERE CurrencySymbol='ツ」'
Name | Type | References | Description |
PostedCustomerTransactionId [KEY] | Long | Id of the transaction. | |
TransactionType | String | Transaction type. See trader_transaction_types | |
TransactionDate | Date | The date of the transaction. | |
PostedDate | Date | The date the transaction was posted. | |
DueDate | Date | The due date of the transaction. | |
DiscountDays | Short | Days discount valid. | |
Reference | String | The reference of the transaction. | |
SecondReference | String | The second reference of the transaction. | |
Query | String | Query. | |
Status | String | Status. | |
UserName | String | User that posted the transaction. | |
LedgerType | String | Ledger type. See ledger_types | |
Urn | Long | Unique reference number. | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Exchange Rate. | |
SettledImmediately | Bool | Immediately settled. | |
BaseGoodsValue | Decimal | Goods value in base currency. | |
BaseGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value in base currency. | |
BaseDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value in base currency. | |
BaseTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value in base currency. | |
BaseAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value in base currency. | |
BaseOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value in base currency. | |
DocumentGoodsValue | Decimal | Goods value. | |
DocumentGrossValue | Decimal | Gross value. | |
DocumentDiscountValue | Decimal | Discount value. | |
DocumentTaxValue | Decimal | Tax value. | |
DocumentTaxDiscountValue | Decimal | Tax discount value. | |
DocumentAllocatedValue | Decimal | Allocated value. | |
DocumentOutstandingValue | Decimal | Outstanding value. | |
CustomerId | Long | Customer Id. | |
CustomerReference | String | Customer account code. | |
CustomerName | String | Customer account name. | |
CurrencyName | String | Currency. | |
CurrencySymbol | String | Currency symbol. |
These settings to define how to process and manage your stock.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM StockSettings WHERE Id=1 SELECT * FROM StockSettings WHERE UseMultipleLocations=true SELECT * FROM StockSettings WHERE ProfitPercentOfRevenue=true SELECT * FROM StockSettings WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:45.543+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Stock setting unique Id. | |
UseMultipleLocations | Bool | When true this setting allows Sage 200 to track stock at different locations. This can be across several warehouses, or a single warehouse split into separate areas (bins). (Sage 200c Standard value is true and cannot be changed). | |
ProfitPercentOfRevenue | Bool | Profit can be calculated as a percentage of revenue (true), or as a percentage of cost (false). | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Information can be stored for multiple contacts against each Supplier account. Each contact can have its own details such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address and website.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SupplierContacts WHERE Id=42101 SELECT * FROM SupplierContacts WHERE SupplierId=325434364565 SELECT * FROM SupplierContacts WHERE FirstName='Sample'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Supplier contact record Id. | |
SupplierId | Long | Supplier record Id. | |
Name | String | Contact Name - Concatenated first_name, middle_name and last_name. | |
FirstName | String | Contact first name. | |
MiddleName | String | Contact middle name. | |
LastName | String | Contact surname. | |
IsDefault | Bool | Is this the default contact for the parent Supplier. See Supplier | |
DefaultTelephone | String | Default telephone number. | |
DefaultEmail | String | Default email address. | |
SalutationId | Long | Contact salutation id. | |
SalutationIsDefault | Boolean | Contact salutation. | |
SalutationCode | String | Contact salutation code. | |
SalutationDescription | String | Contact salutation description. | |
Emails | String | Supplier emails. See Supplier_emails | |
Telephones | String | Supplier telephones. See Supplier_telephones | |
Mobiles | String | Supplier mobiles. See Supplier_mobiles | |
Faxes | String | Supplier faxes. See Supplier_faxes | |
Websites | String | Supplier websites. See Supplier_websites | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Suppliers are one of the most important entities within Sage 200 as they are associated with many important resources within the application and underpin most of the main features (e.g. purchase orders, purchase receipts, etc).
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process search criteria. All filters are processed server side except: CountryCode,CountryCodeName,CountryCodeEuMember,BankId,BankAccountNumber,BankAccountName,BankIBAN,BankBIC,MainAddress_1,MainAddress_2,MainAddress_3,MainAddress_4,MainAddressCity,MainAddressCounty,MainAddressPostcode,Contacts columns.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Id=28846 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Reference='CON001' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Name='Concept Stationery Supplies' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE ShortName='Concept' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Balance=4346.16 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE OnHold=false SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AccountStatusType='AccountStatusActive' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE CurrencyId=2103 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE ExchangeRateType='ExchangeRateSingle' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE TelephoneCountryCode='44' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE TelephoneAreaCode='0191' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE TelephoneSubscriberNumber='643 4343' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE FaxCountryCode='44' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE FaxAreaCode='0191' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE FaxSubscriberNumber='643 4345' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Website='' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE CreditLimit=17000 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE CountryCodeId=13 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE DefaultTaxCodeId=1729 SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE VatNumber='GB988 3453 23' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode1='North East' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode2='Stationery' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode3='abc' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode4='abc' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE AnalysisCode5='abc' SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.253+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Supplier unique Id. | |
Reference | String | Supplier account reference. NOTE: Not required if supplier reference is set to | |
Name | String | Supplier name. | |
ShortName | String | Supplier short name. | |
Balance | Decimal | Supplier account balance. | |
OnHold | Bool | True if supplier account is on hold, else False. | |
AccountStatusType | String | The status of the supplier account (Sage 200c Standard and versions of Extra/Professional released after July 2017). For example, this can either be 'Active' or 'Hidden'. See account_status_types | |
CurrencyId | Long |
Currencies.Id | Currency record Id. See currencies |
ExchangeRateType | String | The type of exchange rate used on the supplier account. See exchange_rate_types | |
TelephoneCountryCode | String | Telephone country code (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
TelephoneAreaCode | String | Telephone area code (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
TelephoneSubscriberNumber | String | Telephone subscriber number (Sage 200c Professional and Sage 200 Extra Online Only). | |
FaxCountryCode | String | Fax country code. | |
FaxAreaCode | String | Fax area code. | |
FaxSubscriberNumber | String | Fax subscriber number. | |
Website | String | Website address. | |
CreditLimit | Decimal | Credit limit for the supplier. | |
CountryCodeId | Long | Country code record Id. | |
CountryCode | String | The customers country code. | |
CountryCodeName | String | The customers country code name. | |
CountryCodeEuMember | Boolean | Shows if the customer is Eu Member. | |
DefaultTaxCodeId | Long |
TaxCodes.Id | Default tax code record Id. See tax_codes |
VatNumber | String | VAT registration number. | |
AnalysisCode1 | String | Analysis code 1. | |
AnalysisCode2 | String | Analysis code 2. | |
AnalysisCode3 | String | Analysis code 3. | |
AnalysisCode4 | String | Analysis code 4. | |
AnalysisCode5 | String | Analysis code 5. | |
AnalysisCode6 | String | Analysis code 6. | |
AnalysisCode7 | String | Analysis code 7. | |
AnalysisCode8 | String | Analysis code 8. | |
AnalysisCode9 | String | Analysis code 9. | |
AnalysisCode10 | String | Analysis code 10. | |
AnalysisCode11 | String | Analysis code 11. | |
AnalysisCode12 | String | Analysis code 12. | |
AnalysisCode13 | String | Analysis code 13. | |
AnalysisCode14 | String | Analysis code 14. | |
AnalysisCode15 | String | Analysis code 15. | |
AnalysisCode16 | String | Analysis code 16. | |
AnalysisCode17 | String | Analysis code 17. | |
AnalysisCode18 | String | Analysis code 18. | |
AnalysisCode19 | String | Analysis code 19. | |
AnalysisCode20 | String | Analysis code 20. | |
BankId | String | Supplier bank account id. | |
BankAccountNumber | String | Supplier bank account number. | |
BankAccountName | String | Supplier bank account name. | |
BankIBAN | String | Supplier bank account iban number. | |
BankBIC | String | Supplier bank account BIC number. | |
MainAddress_1 | String | The customers main address line 1. | |
MainAddress_2 | String | The customers main address line 2. | |
MainAddress_3 | String | The customers main address line 3. | |
MainAddress_4 | String | The customers main address line 4. | |
MainAddressCity | String | The customers main address city. | |
MainAddressCounty | String | The customers main address county. | |
MainAddressPostcode | String | The customers main address postcode. | |
Contacts | String | Supplier contacts. See supplier_contacts | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
Tax codes are normally used for UK business VAT Rates. They are accessed by Sage 200 modules in order to: - Analyse the rates to Nominal Ledger accounts. - Analyse the rates to the VAT Return. - Read percentages for calculations in transactions.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE Id=1728 SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE Code=0 SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE Name='Zero rated' SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE TaxRate=0 SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE Terms='EcTermsNotApplicable' SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE TermsDescription='Not Applicable' SELECT * FROM TaxCodes WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.133+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Tax code record Id. | |
Code | Short | Tax code. | |
Name | String | Name of the tax code. | |
TaxRate | Decimal | Tax rate. | |
Terms | String | Name of the terms. | |
TermsDescription | String | Description of the terms. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
All stock within Sage 200 regardless of type (Stock, Service/labour, or Miscellaneous), require a holding location. The location indicates where an item is stored and the stock level settings for each product in the warehouse i.e. the re-order level, the minimum and maximum stock levels. Items with a type of 'Stock' have levels recorded for each warehouse location and the levels are used when allocating, issuing and receiving stock. If the stock setting UseMultipleLocations is true, a product can be linked to multiple warehouse holdings. You cannot delete the last warehouse holding associated with a product.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE Id=34738 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE WarehouseId=34629 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE ProductId=34737 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE ReorderLevel=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE MinimumLevel=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE MaximumLevel=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE ConfirmedQtyInStock=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE UnconfirmedQtyInStock=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityInStock=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityAllocatedStock=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityAllocatedSop=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityAllocatedBom=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE QuantityAllocated=0 SELECT * FROM WarehouseHoldings WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2019-08-01T18:00:33.140+02:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Warehouse holding record Id. | |
WarehouseId | Long |
Warehouses.Id | Warehouse record Id. See warehouses |
ProductId | Long |
Products.Id | Product record Id. See products |
ReorderLevel | Decimal | Reorder stock level. | |
MinimumLevel | Decimal | Minimum stock quantity level. | |
MaximumLevel | Decimal | Maximum stock quantity level. | |
ConfirmedQtyInStock | Decimal | Confirmed stock quantity. | |
UnconfirmedQtyInStock | Decimal | Unconfirmed stock quantity. | |
QuantityInStock | Decimal | Total confirmed and unconfirmed stock quantity. | |
QuantityAllocatedStock | Decimal | Allocated stock quantity. | |
QuantityAllocatedSop | Decimal | Allocated sales order quantity. | |
QuantityAllocatedBom | Decimal | Allocated bill of materials quantity. | |
QuantityAllocated | Decimal | Total Allocated stock, sop and bom quantity. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
All stock within Sage 200, regardless of type (Stock, Service/labour, or Miscellaneous), requires a holding location. By default, the HOME warehouse is created within Sage 200, you can then create your own warehouses.
The driver uses the Sage 200c Standard Online API to process all search criteria.
Supported operators are: =, < , <= , > , >= , != , AND, LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Warehouses WHERE Id=34626 SELECT * FROM Warehouses WHERE Name='Supplied Direct' SELECT * FROM Warehouses WHERE DateTimeUpdated='2018-02-28T15:23:46.190+01:00'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Warehouse record Id. | |
Name | String | Warehouse name. | |
DateTimeUpdated | Datetime | The date and time this entity was last updated (UTC). |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SubscriptionKey | Your subscription key. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
Scope | This determines the scopes that are requested from Sage. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
LogModules | ログファイルに含めるコアモジュール。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
Schema | Used to specify what Sage200 Api to use. The default one is the Standard UK API. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
CompanyId | The ID of your company. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはグループ化を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これにより、設計時にパフォーマンスの問題を回避できます。 |
MaxThreads | Specifies the number of concurrent requests. |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SubscriptionKey | Your subscription key. |
Your subscription key.
Your subscription key. Obtained by subscribing to the appropriate edition API here:
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なOAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
Scope | This determines the scopes that are requested from Sage. |
OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId 値、およびクライアントシークレットOAuthClientSecret が提供されます。
OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId が提供されます。また、コンシューマーシークレットと呼ばれるクライアントシークレットも提供されます。クライアントシークレットをOAuthClientSecret プロパティに設定します。
This determines the scopes that are requested from Sage.
By default, the following scopes will be requested: 'openid profile email offline_access'. If you want to override this, you can set this property to a space-separated list of scopes.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なFirewall プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
このプロパティは、Sync App がFirewallServer プロキシ経由でトンネルトラフィックを使うためのプロトコルを指定します。デフォルトでは、Sync App はシステムプロキシに接続します。この動作を無効化し次のプロキシタイプのどれかで接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
タイプ | デフォルトポート | 説明 |
TUNNEL | 80 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はSage 200 への接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 4 プロキシ経由で送信し、接続リクエストが許容されるかどうかを決定します。 |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 5 プロキシ経由で送信します。プロキシに認証が必要な場合には、FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword をプロキシが認識する認証情報に設定します。 |
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort ポートを使ってください。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を使ってください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するIP アドレス、DNS 名、もしくはプロキシホスト名を指定するプロパティです。プロトコルはFirewallType で指定されます。このプロパティとFirewallServer を使って、SOCKS 経由での接続、もしくはトンネリングが可能です。HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を使用します。
Sync App はデフォルトでシステムプロキシを使うので注意してください。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定してください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するプロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。名前もしくはIP アドレスを指定するには、FirewallServer を使います。FirewallType でプロトコルを指定します。
FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword プロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証方式に則り、FirewallServer、およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに対しての認証に使われます。
このプロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証メソッドに則り、FirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに渡されます。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なProxy プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。
これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を参照してください。SOCKS やトンネリングなどの他のプロキシには、FirewallType を参照してください。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、Sync App はHTTP、Windows(NTLM)、もしくはKerberos 認証タイプを使用することができます。
SOCKS プロキシを経由して接続する、もしくは接続をトンネルするには、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。
HTTP トラフィックをリダイレクトするHTTP プロキシが実行されているポート。ProxyServer でHTTP プロキシを指定します。その他のプロキシタイプについては、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。
この値は、ProxyServer およびProxyPort で指定されるHTTP プロキシに認証するために使われる認証タイプを指定します。
Sync App は、デフォルトでsystem proxy settings を使い、追加での設定が不要です。他のプロキシへの接続をする場合には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort に加え、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
SOCKS 5 認証のような他の認証タイプを使用するには、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。
ProxyUser および ProxyPassword オプションは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシに対して接続および認証するために使用されます。
ProxyAuthScheme で使用可能な認証タイプを選択することができます。HTTP 認証を使う場合、これをHTTP プロキシで識別可能なユーザーのユーザー名に設定します。Windows もしくはKerberos 認証を使用する場合、このプロパティを次の形式のどれかでユーザー名に設定します。
user@domain domain\user
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。
このプロパティは、NTLM(Windows)、Kerberos、もしくはHTTP 認証をサポートするHTTP プロキシサーバーに認証するために使われます。HTTP プロキシを指定するためには、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定します。認証タイプを指定するためにはProxyAuthScheme を設定します。
HTTP 認証を使う場合、さらにHTTP プロキシにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
NTLM 認証を使う場合、Windows パスワードにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。Kerberos 認証には、これらを入力する必要があります。
SOCKS 5 認証もしくは、トンネリングは、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシに接続する場合には、これをfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。
このプロパティは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシへの接続にSSL を使用するかどうかを決定します。この値は、AUTO、ALWAYS、NEVER、TUNNEL のいずれかです。有効な値は次のとおりです。
AUTO | デフォルト設定。URL がHTTPS URL の場合、Sync App は、TUNNEL オプションを使います。URL がHTTP URL の場合、コンポーネントはNEVER オプションを使います。 |
ALWAYS | 接続は、常にSSL 有効となります。 |
NEVER | 接続は、SSL 有効になりません。 |
TUNNEL | 接続は、トンネリングプロキシを経由します。プロキシサーバーがリモートホストへの接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。
ProxyServer は、このプロパティで定義されたアドレスを除くすべてのアドレスに使用されます。セミコロンを使用してエントリを区切ります。
Sync App は、追加設定なしにデフォルトでシステムのプロキシ設定を使います。この接続のプロキシ例外を明示的に構成するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定して、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定する必要があります。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
指定された(';' で区切られた)モジュールのみがログファイルに含まれます。デフォルトではすべてのモジュールが含まれます。
概要はログ ページを参照してください。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
Schema | Used to specify what Sage200 Api to use. The default one is the Standard UK API. |
Sync App のスキーマファイル(テーブルとビューの場合は.rsd ファイル、ストアドプロシージャの場合は.rsb ファイル)を含むディレクトリへのパス。このフォルダの場所は、実行ファイルの場所からの相対パスにすることができます。Location プロパティは、定義をカスタマイズしたり(例えば、カラム名を変更する、カラムを無視するなど)、新しいテーブル、ビュー、またはストアドプロシージャでデータモデルを拡張する場合にのみ必要です。
Note: このSync App は複数のスキーマをサポートするため、Sage 200 カスタムスキーマファイルの構造は以下のようになります。
指定しない場合、デフォルトの場所は"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Sage200 Data Provider\\Schema" となり、%APPDATA% はユーザーのコンフィギュレーションディレクトリに設定されます:
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。
テーブルを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でテーブルのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいテーブルを指定します。各テーブルは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space` です。
使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。
ビューを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でビューのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいビューを指定します。各ビューは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space` です。
Used to specify what Sage200 Api to use. The default one is the Standard UK API.
Used to specify what Sage200 Api to use. The default one is the Standard UK API.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
CompanyId | The ID of your company. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはグループ化を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これにより、設計時にパフォーマンスの問題を回避できます。 |
MaxThreads | Specifies the number of concurrent requests. |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
The ID of your company.
The ID of your company. If you have multiple companies connected to your Sage200 Account, by default we use the first one.
Specifies the number of concurrent requests.
This property allows you to issue multiple requests simultaneously, thereby improving performance.
DefaultColumnSize | データソースがメタデータにカラムの長さを提供しない場合に、文字列フィールドのデフォルトの長さを設定します。デフォルト値は2000です。 |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | 日時の値を、マシンのローカルタイムではなくGMT グリニッジ標準時に変換するかどうかを決定します。 |
RecordToFile=filename | 基底のソケットデータ転送を指定のファイルに記録します。 |
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Sync App は例外をスローします。
カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。
ユーザー定義ビューは、UserDefinedViews.json というJSON 形式のコンフィギュレーションファイルで定義されています。Sync App は、このファイルで指定されたビューを自動的に検出します。
また、複数のビュー定義を持ち、UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して制御することも可能です。このプロパティを使用すると、指定されたビューのみがSync App によって検知されます。
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM Banks WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して、JSON コンフィギュレーションファイルの場所を指定します。次に例を示します。
"UserDefinedViews", "C:\\Users\\yourusername\\Desktop\\tmp\\UserDefinedViews.json"