Tableau Connector for Freshdesk

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query from TicketCreationAutomationRules table

Table Specific Information

Note: Only users with admin privileges can access the following Table.


Following is an example to select all entries from TicketCreationAutomationRules table:

SELECT * FROM TicketCreationAutomationRules

The API allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause. The filters listed can also be combined using AND OR. The following columns can be used:

  • Id


Name, Actions, and Conditions are mandatory to Insert into TicketCreationAutomationRules table. For instance:

INSERT INTO TicketCreationAutomationRules (Name, Actions, Conditions) VALUES ('Test', '[{"field_name": "status", "value": 5}]', '[{"name": "condition_set_1", "match_type": "any", "properties": [{"field_name": "to_email", "resource_type": "ticket", "operator": "contains", "value": [""]}]}]')


Following is an example of how to update TicketCreationAutomationRules table:
UPDATE TicketCreationAutomationRules SET Name = 'Test2' WHERE Id = '2043002030021'


Following is an example of how to delete from the TicketCreationAutomationRules table:

DELETE FROM TicketCreationAutomationRules WHERE Id = '2043002030021'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Bigint False

Unique ID of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

Actions String False

Actions of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

Active Boolean False

Active of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

AffectedTicketsCount Int False

AffectedTicketsCount of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

Conditions String False

Conditions of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

Name String False

Name of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

Outdated Boolean True

Outdated of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

Position Int False

Position of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

Summary String True

Summary of the TicketCreationAutomationRule.

CreatedAt Datetime True

TicketCreationAutomationRule creation timestamp.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

TicketCreationAutomationRule updated timestamp.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963