JDBC Driver for Freshdesk

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query from tickets table

Table Specific Information


The driver will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support server side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver. For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE Status = 2 AND (Priority = 1 OR Type = 'Other')

The API allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause. The following columns can be used:

  • Id
  • AgentId
  • GroupId
  • Priority
  • Status
  • Tag
  • Type
  • DueBy
  • FirstResponseDueBy
  • CreatedAt
  • UpdatedAt


Email, Subject, Description, GroupId, Status and Priority are mandatory columns for Inserting/Creating a new ticket.

Every ticket uses fixed numerical values to denote its Status and Priority. Numerical values are given as:


  • Open = 2
  • Pending = 3
  • Resolved = 4
  • Closed = 5


  • Low = 1
  • Medium = 2
  • High = 3
  • Urgent = 4

A new ticket can be inserted as following:

INSERT INTO Tickets (Description, Subject, Email,  GroupId, Status, Priority) VALUES ('Details about the issue...', 'New support needed...', '[email protected]', 12345, 3, 2)


Following is an example to update a ticket:

UPDATE Tickets SET Priority = 1 WHERE Id = 100


Following is an example to delete a ticket:

DELETE FROM Tickets WHERE Id = 100


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer False

Unique ID of the ticket.

AssociationType String False

Association type of the ticket.

Archived Boolean False

Whether or not the ticket has been archived.

Attachments String False

attachments associated with ticket.

CcEmailsAggregate String False

Email address added in cc field.

CompanyId Bigint False

ID of the company to which ticket belongs.

CreatedAt Datetime False

Ticket creation timestamp.

CustomFields String False

Key value pairs containing the names and values of custom fields

Deleted Boolean False

Whether or not the ticket has been deleted.

Description String False

HTML content of the ticket.

DescriptionText String False

Text content of the ticket.

DueBy Datetime False

Timestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved.

Email String False

Email address of the requester.

EmailConfigId Bigint False

ID of the email config used for the ticket.

FacebookId String False

Facebook ID of the requester.

FirstResponseDueBy Datetime False

Time when first response is due.

FirstReSponseEscalated Boolean False

If ticket has been escalated as result of response.

FwdEmailsAggregate String False

Email address while forwarding a ticket.

GroupId Bigint False

Group ID to which the ticket has been assigned.

IsEscalated Boolean False

If ticket has been escalated for some reason.

Name String False

Name of the requester.

Phone String False

Phone number of the requester.

Priority Integer False

Priority of the ticket.

ProductId Bigint False

ID of the product associated with the ticket.

ReplyCcEmailsAggregate String False

Email address added while replying.

RequesterId Bigint False

ID of the requester of the ticket.

ResponderId Bigint False

ID of the agent assigned to the ticket.

Source Integer False

Channel throught which ticket was created.

Spam Boolean False

If ticket has been marked as spam.

Status Integer False

Status of the ticket.

Subject String False

Subject of the ticket.

TagsAggregate String False

Tags associated with ticket.

ToEmailsAggregate String True

Email address to which ticket was sent.

Type String False

Category/type of the ticket.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

Ticket updated timestamp.

AgentRespondedAt Datetime True

Timestamp for when agent last responded to the ticket

RequesterRespondedAt Datetime True

Timestamp for when Customer last responded to the ticket

FirstRespondedAt Datetime True

Timestamp for when agent first responded to the ticket

StatusUpdatedAt Datetime True

Timestamp for when status of the ticket was updated

ReopenedAt Datetime True

Timestamp for when the ticket was reopened

ResolvedAt Datetime True

Timestamp for when the ticket was resolved

ClosedAt Datetime True

Timestamp for when the ticket was closed

PendingSince Datetime True

Timestamp since the ticket is pending

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963