Query the TicketProperties view.
Name | Type | Description |
TicketId | Bigint | Ticket Id of the ticket property. |
Subject | String | Subject of the ticket property. |
Status | String | Status of the ticket property. |
Priority | String | Priority of the ticket property. |
Source | String | Source of the ticket property. |
Type | String | Type of the ticket property. |
Agent | String | Agent of the ticket property. |
Group | String | Status of the ticket property. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | Created Time of the ticket property. |
ResolvedTime | Datetime | Resolved Time of the ticket property. |
ClosedTime | Datetime | Closed Time of the ticket property. |
TimeTracked | String | Time Tracked of the ticket property. |
AgentInteractions | Int | Agent Interactions of the ticket property. |
CustomerInteractions | Int | Customer Interactions of the ticket property. |
InitialResponseTime | Datetime | Initial Response Time of the ticket property. |
FirstResponseTime | String | First Response Time of the ticket property. |
ResolutionTime | String | Resolution Time of the ticket property. |
ResolutionStatus | String | Resolution Status of the ticket property. |
Product | String | Product of the ticket property. |
Tags | String | Tags of the ticket property. |
DueByTime | Datetime | Due By Time of the ticket property. |
SurveyResult | String | Survey Result of the ticket property. |
Skill | String | Skill of the ticket property. |
LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | Last Updated Time of the ticket property. |
FirstResponseStatus | String | First Response Status of the ticket property. |