Tableau Server
The connector supports Tableau Server 2020.1 or later. For earlier versions of Tableau Server, please use either the CData ODBC Driver or JDBC Driver for Freshdesk instead.
Install the Connector
After the prerequisites are satisfied, complete the following instructions depending upon your platform:
- Run the setup.exe installer. The driver JAR file is automatically placed in the drivers directory, C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers.
- Follow the instructions in the License the Connector section to license the connector within Tableau Server.
- Determine your Tableau Server installation directory (TableauServerRoot). This is usually C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server.
- Follow the instructions in the Register with Tableau Server section to register the connector for use with published workbooks, as well as Tableau Prep Conductor and Tableau Prep Flow Authoring.
- Unpack the archive. Creating a directory for the connector like /opt/cdata/freshdesk is recommended, but the exact install location does not matter.
- Copy cdata.tableau.freshdesk.jar from the lib directory into /opt/tableau/tableau_driver/jdbc.
- Follow the instructions in the License the Connector section to license the connector within Tableau Server.
- Determine your Tableau Server installation directory (TableauServerRoot). This is usually /var/opt/tableau/tableau_server.
- Follow the instructions in the Register with Tableau Server section to register the connector for use with published workbooks, as well as Tableau Prep Conductor and Tableau Prep Flow Authoring.
License The Connector
On Windows, the connector setup prompts for a product key and registers a license automatically. The license file is created at C:\Program Files\CData\CData Tableau Connector for Freshdesk 2023\lib\cdata.tableau.freshdesk.lic. Copy this file into C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers.
On Linux, you must run the licensing tool after the connector is unpacked. Navigate to the connector lib directory and run the following command to license the connector:
java -jar cdata.tableau.freshdesk.jar -l
This generates a license file called cdata.tableau.freshdesk.lic in the same directory. Copy this file into /opt/tableau/tableau_driver/jdbc.
If you cannot execute the java command, youmust install a Java runtime environment. The name of this package differs on Red Hat-based and Debian-based systems:
OS | Java Package |
Ubuntu | openjdk-8-jre-headless |
Debian | openjdk-8-jre-headless |
RHEL | java-1.8.0-openjdk |
CentOS | java-1.8.0-openjdk |
Fedora | java-1.8.0-openjdk |
SUSE | java-1_8_0-openjdk |
You can substitute Java 8 with a later Java release as needed.
Register with Tableau Server
The connector must be registered with Tableau Server before it can be used with published workbooks or flows.
- Go to the lib folder in the connector install directory.
- Copy cdata.freshdesk.taco into TableauServerRoot/data/tabsvc/vizqlserver/Connectors.
- If you want to use the connector with Tableau Prep, copy that TACO file into these locations:
- TableauServerRoot/data/tabsvc/flowprocessor/Connectors
- TableauServerRoot/data/tabsvc/flowqueryservice/Connectors