Tableau Connector for Freshdesk

Build 23.0.8839


Create, update, delete, and query from contacts table

Table Specific Information


The connector will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support server side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector. For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Active = false AND (Email = '[email protected]' OR CompanyId = 1)

The API allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause. The following columns can be used:

  • Id
  • Active
  • CompanyId
  • Email
  • Language
  • Tag
  • TimeZone
  • CreatedAt
  • UpdatedAt

Note: To filter all contacts created on a specific day (e.g: 2019-09-23), query should be structured as:

WHERE CreatedAt >= '2019-09-22' AND CreatedAt <= '2019-09-24'


Name and Email are mandatory for creating a new contact. Following is an example of creating a new contact:

INSERT INTO Contacts (Name, Email, Language) VALUES ('Example', '[email protected]', 'English')


Following is an example of how to update a contact:

UPDATE Contacts SET Active = true WHERE Id = 786


Following is an example of how to delete from Contacts table:

DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE Id = 786


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Active Boolean False

True if contact has been verified.

Address String False

Address of the contact.

CompanyId Bigint False

Id of primary company of the contact.

CreatedAt Datetime True

Contact creation timestamp.

Deleted Boolean False

True if the contact has been deleted.

Description String False

A short description of the contact.

Email String False

Email of the contact.

Id [KEY] Bigint False

ID of the contact.

JobTitle String False

Job title of the contact.

Language String False

Language of the contact.

Name String False

Name of the contact.

OtherEmailsAggregate String False

Additional emails associated with the contact.

Phone String False

Telephone number of the contact.

Mobile String False

Mobile number of the contact.

TimeZone String False

Time zone of the contact.

Tag String False

Tag associated with the contact.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

Contact updated timestamp.

ViewAllTickets Boolean False

True if the contact can see all tickets that are associated with the company to which he belong.

State String False

State of the contact.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839