CData Python Connector for Freshdesk

Build 23.0.8839


Query from ticketFields table

Table Specific Information

Note: Users whose credentials (identified by the API key) are used to access the Table should be authorised to either view the ticket fields or create a new ticket.


The 本製品 will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support client side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed server side within the 本製品. For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM TicketFields WHERE Type = 'default_requester'

The Freshdesk API allows only the following column(s) to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause:

  • Type


Label, LabelForCustomers and Type are mandatory columns for Inserting into TicketFields table.

INSERT INTO TicketFields (Label, LabelForCustomers, Type) VALUES ('labelA', 'labelA', custom_text)


Following is an example to update TicketFields:

UPDATE TicketFields SET Label = 'updated label' WHERE Id = 100


Following is an example to delete a TicketFields:

DELETE FROM TicketFields WHERE Id = 100


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Bigint True

ID of the ticket field.

Choices String False

List of values supported by the field.

CreatedAt Datetime True

Ticket field creation timestamp.

CustomersCanEdit Boolean False

Set to true if the field can be updated by customers.

Default Boolean True

Set to true if the field is not a custom field.

Description String True

Description of the ticket field

DisplayedToCustomers Boolean False

Set to true if the field is displayed in the customer portal.

Label String False

Display name for the field (as seen by agents).

LabelForCustomers String False

Display name for the field (as seen in the customer portal).

Name String True

Name of the ticket field.

NestedTicketFields String True

Applicable only for dependent fields, this contain details of nested fields.

PortalCc Boolean True

Applicable only for the requester field. Set to true if customer can add additional requesters to a ticket.

PortalCcTo String True

Applicable only if portal_cc is set to true. Value will be 'all' when a customer can add any requester to the CC list and 'company' when a customer can add only company contacts to the CC list.

Position Integer False

Position in which the ticket field is displayed in the form.

RequiredForAgents Boolean False

Set to true if the field is mandatory for Agents.

RequiredForClosure Boolean False

Set to true if the field is mandatory for closing the ticket.

RequiredForCustomers Boolean False

Set to true if the field is mandatory in the customer portal.

Type String False

For custom ticket fields, type of value associated with the field will be given (Available values are: custom_text, custom_paragraph, custom_checkbox, custom_number, custom_date, custom_decimal, nested_field, custom_dropdown, encrypted_text, secure_text)

UpdatedAt Datetime True

Ticket field updated timestamp.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839