CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるFreshdesk へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してFreshdesk に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Freshdesk への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのFreshdesk への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのFreshdesk への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してFreshdesk からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Freshdesk に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
Freshdesk makes use of basic authentication. To connect to data, set the following connection properties:
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
This section shows the available API objects and provides more information on executing SQL to Freshdesk APIs.
テーブル describes the available tables. Tables are statically defined to model Tickets, Conversations, Agents, and more.
Cloud はFreshdesk のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Agents | Update, delete, and query from agents table |
BusinessHours | Query from BusinessHours table |
CannedResponses | Create, update and query from CannedResponses table |
CannedResponsesFolder | Query from CannedResponsesFolder table |
Companies | Create, update, delete, and query from companies table |
Contacts | Create, update, delete, and query from contacts table |
Conversations | Delete, and query from conversations table |
Groups | Create, update, delete, and query from groups table |
Mailboxes | Create, update, delete, and query from Mailboxes table |
Products | Query from products table |
Roles | Query from roles table |
Skills | Create, update, delete, and query from skills table |
SLAPolicies | Query, Create and Update SLAPolicies table |
Surveys | Query from surveys table |
TicketFields | Query from ticketFields table |
Tickets | Create, update, delete, and query from tickets table |
TimeEntries | Create, update, delete, and query from TimeEntries table |
Update, delete, and query from agents table
The Cloud will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support server side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Agents WHERE Id = 100
Note: To query Agents table, All Agent APIs other than the Currently Authenticated Agent API require admin privileges.
Following is an example of how to update an agent:
UPDATE Agents SET GroupIdsAggregate = '111' WHERE Id = 100
Following is an example of how to delete an agent:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
ID of the agent. |
Available | Boolean | True |
Indicates if agent is taking new tickets. |
GroupIdsAggregate | String | False |
Group IDs associated with the agent. |
Occasional | Boolean | True |
True if this is an occasional agent. |
RoleIdsAggregate | String | False |
Role IDs associated with the agent. |
Signature | String | True |
Signature of the agent in HTML format. |
SkillIdsAggregate | String | True |
Skill ids associated with the agent. |
TicketScope | Integer | True |
Ticket permission of the agent (1 -> Global Access, 2 -> Group Access, 3 -> Restricted Access). |
AgentActive | Boolean | True |
Whether or not the agent has been verified. |
AgentEmail | String | True |
Email address of the agent. |
AgentJobTitle | String | True |
Job title of the agent. |
AgentLanguage | String | True |
Language of the agent. |
AgentLastLogin | Datetime | True |
Last login date of the agent. |
AgentMobile | String | True |
Mobile phone number of the agent. |
AgentName | String | True |
Name of the agent. |
AgentPhone | String | True |
Telephone number of the agent. |
AgentTimeZone | String | True |
Time zone of the agent. |
AgentCreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Created at datetime of the agent. |
AgentUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Updated at datetime of the agent. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Agent creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Agent updated timestamp. |
AvailableSince | Datetime | True |
Timestamp that denotes when the agent became available/unavailable. |
Query from BusinessHours table
Note: Only users with admin privileges can access the following Table.
Following is an example to select all entries from BusinessHours table:
SELECT * FROM BusinessHours
You can also select a specific entry from BusinessHours table:
SELECT * FROM BusinessHours WHERE Id = 100
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
Business hour ID. |
Description | String | True |
Description of the business hour. |
Name | String | True |
Name of the business hour. |
IsDefault | Boolean | True |
True if this is the default business hour. |
TimeZone | String | True |
Denotes the time zone of the business hour. |
business_hours | String | True |
Collection of start time and end time of days of a week. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Business hour creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Business hour updated timestamp. |
Create, update and query from CannedResponses table
Note: Only users with admin privileges can access the following Table.
To query the CannedResponses table, FolderId should be mentioned in the WHERE clause. For example:
SELECT * FROM CannedResponses WHERE FolderId = 100
FolderId, Visibility, Title and ContentHTML are mandatory columns for Inserting into CannedResponses tables. For example:
INSERT INTO CannedResponses (Title, ContentHTML, Visibility, FolderId) VALUES (Sample response, 'this is also a new sample response', 0, 100)
Following is an example to update a row in CannedResponses table:
UPDATE CannedResponses SET Title = 'Updated title' WHERE Id = 100
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
ID of the canned response. |
Content | String | True |
Plaintext version of the canned response content. |
ContentHTML | String | False |
HTML version of the canned response content. |
Title | String | False |
Title of the canned response. |
FolderId | Bigint | False |
Id of CannedResponseFolder containing this canned response. |
Visibility | Int | False |
Denotes the visibility of the canned response. Possible values are: 0- If it is visible to all agents, 1- If it is personal. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Canned response creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Canned response updated timestamp. |
Query from CannedResponsesFolder table
Note: Only users with admin privileges can access the following Table.
Following is an example to select all entries from CannedResponsesFolder table:
SELECT * FROM CannedResponsesFolder
You can also select a specific entry from CannedResponsesFolder table:
SELECT * FROM CannedResponsesFolder WHERE Id = 100
Name is a mandatory columns for Inserting into CannedResponsesFolder table.
INSERT INTO CannedResponsesFolder (Name) VALUES (directoryA)
Following is an example to update CannedResponsesFolder:
UPDATE CannedResponsesFolder SET Name = 'updated name' WHERE Id = 100
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
ID of the canned response folder. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the canned response folder. |
Personal | Boolean | False |
Set true if the folder can be accessed only by you. |
ResponsesCount | Int | False |
Number of canned responses in the folder. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Canned response folder creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Canned response folder updated timestamp. |
Create, update, delete, and query from companies table
The Cloud will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support server side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE CreatedAt >= '2017-10-01' AND CreatedAt <= '2017-10-07'
The API allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause. The following columns can be used:
Note: To filter all companies created on a specific day (e.g: 2019-09-23), query should be structured as:
WHERE CreatedAt >= '2019-09-22' AND CreatedAt <= '2019-09-24'
Name is mandatory for creating a new company. Following is an example of creating a new company:
INSERT INTO Companies (Name, Description) VALUES ('Example', 'Example description of new company')
Following is an example of how to update a company:
UPDATE Companies SET Description = 'New description' WHERE Id = 786
Following is an example of how to delete from Companies table:
DELETE FROM Companies WHERE Id = 786
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
AccountTier | String | False |
Classification based on how much value the company brings to your business. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Company creation timestamp. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the company. |
DomainsAggregate | String | False |
Domains associated with the company. |
HealthScore | String | False |
The strength of your relationship with the company. |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
ID of the company. |
Industry | String | False |
The industry the company serves in. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the company. |
Note | String | False |
Any notes about the company. |
RenewalDate | Date | False |
Date when your contract or relationship with the company is due for renewal. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Company updated timestamp. |
Create, update, delete, and query from contacts table
The Cloud will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support server side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Active = false AND (Email = '[email protected]' OR CompanyId = 1)
The API allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause. The following columns can be used:
Note: To filter all contacts created on a specific day (e.g: 2019-09-23), query should be structured as:
WHERE CreatedAt >= '2019-09-22' AND CreatedAt <= '2019-09-24'
Name and Email are mandatory for creating a new contact. Following is an example of creating a new contact:
INSERT INTO Contacts (Name, Email, Language) VALUES ('Example', '[email protected]', 'English')
Following is an example of how to update a contact:
UPDATE Contacts SET Active = true WHERE Id = 786
Following is an example of how to delete from Contacts table:
DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE Id = 786
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Active | Boolean | False |
True if contact has been verified. |
Address | String | False |
Address of the contact. |
CompanyId | Bigint | False |
Id of primary company of the contact. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Contact creation timestamp. |
Deleted | Boolean | False |
True if the contact has been deleted. |
Description | String | False |
A short description of the contact. |
String | False |
Email of the contact. | |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
ID of the contact. |
JobTitle | String | False |
Job title of the contact. |
Language | String | False |
Language of the contact. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the contact. |
OtherEmailsAggregate | String | False |
Additional emails associated with the contact. |
Phone | String | False |
Telephone number of the contact. |
Mobile | String | False |
Mobile number of the contact. |
TimeZone | String | False |
Time zone of the contact. |
Tag | String | False |
Tag associated with the contact. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Contact updated timestamp. |
ViewAllTickets | Boolean | False |
True if the contact can see all tickets that are associated with the company to which he belong. |
State | String | False |
State of the contact. |
Delete, and query from conversations table
To query the Conversations table, TicketId should be mentioned in the WHERE clause. For example:
SELECT * FROM Conversations WHERE TicketId = 100
Note: The Conversations table can only be filtered on TicketId.
Following is an example of how to delete from the Conversations table:
DELETE FROM Conversations WHERE Id = 786
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
ID of the conversation. |
Body | String | False |
Content of the conversation in HTML. |
BodyText | String | False |
Content of the conversation. |
FromEmail | String | False |
Email address the message was sent from. |
Incoming | Boolean | False |
True if a particular conversation should appear as being created from outside (i.e., not through web portal) |
Private | Boolean | False |
True if the note is private |
SupportEmail | String | False |
Email address from which replies are sent. |
Source | Integer | False |
Denotes the type of conversation. |
TicketId | Integer | False |
Ticket id to which conversation is added. |
ToEmailsAggregate | String | False |
Email addresses of agents/users who need to be notified about this conversation |
UserId | Bigint | False |
ID of the agent who added conversation. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Conversation creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Conversation updated timestamp. |
Create, update, delete, and query from groups table
The Cloud will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support server side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Groups WHERE Id = 100
Note: Only users with admin privileges can access this Table.
Name is a mandatory column for inserting into Groups table. For example:
INSERT INTO Groups (Name, Description, AutoTicketAssign) VALUES ('Example', 'Example Description...', false)
Following is an example of how to update a group:
UPDATE Groups SET Description = 'New description...' WHERE Id = 100
Following is an example of how to delete from Groups table:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
AgentIdsAggregate | String | False |
IDs of the agents in the group. |
AutoTicketAssign | Integer | False |
Whether automatic ticket assignment is enabled or not, and which type. |
BusinessHourId | Bigint | False |
Unique ID of the business hour of the group. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Group created timestamp. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the group. |
EscalateTo | Bigint | False |
ID of user to whom an escalation email is sent. |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
ID of the group. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the group. |
UnassignedFor | String | False |
Time after which escalation email is sent. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Group updated timestamp. |
Create, update, delete, and query from Mailboxes table
Note: Only users with admin privileges can access the following Table.
Following is an example to select all entries from Mailboxes table:
SELECT * FROM Mailboxes
The API allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause. The filters listed can also be combined using AND OR. The following columns can be used:
SupportEmail and MailboxType are mandatory to Insert into Mailboxes table. For instance:
INSERT INTO Mailboxes (SupportEmail, Name, MailboxType) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'Test', 'freshdesk_mailbox')
UPDATE Mailboxes SET Name = 'Test mailbox' WHERE Id = 786
Following is an example of how to delete from the Mailboxes table:
DELETE FROM Mailboxes WHERE Id = 786
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
Unique ID of the email mailbox. |
AccessType | String | False |
Denotes if the mailbox is to be used for incoming, outgoing or both.Takes the values |
Active | Boolean | True |
True if the mailbox is verified and activated. |
Authentication | String | False |
Denotes the type of authentication that should be used authenticate the mailbox. It can be plain/login/CRAM-MD5. |
CustomMailbox | String | False |
Mandatory if the mailbox is of the type custom mailbox. This field contains the incoming and/or outgoing configurations of the mailbox based on what access type is set. |
DefaultReplyEmail | Boolean | False |
True if the email associated to a product, is the primary email. |
DeleteFromServer | Boolean | False |
If set to true, Freshdesk is given the permission to delete the email from the mailbox after the ticket is created. |
FailureCode | String | True |
Denotes the failure message if any in the custom incoming mailbox. |
ForwardEmail | String | True |
Denotes the email address to which your support emails gets forwarded. |
FreshdeskMailbox | String | True |
If the mailbox is of the type Freshdesk mailbox this field contains the forward email to which your support emails gets forwarded. |
GroupId | Bigint | False |
Denotes the group ID to which the email is associated. |
Incoming | String | False |
Contains the incoming configuration of the custom mailbox. |
MailServer | String | False |
Denotes the server used by incoming and/or outgoing configurations of the mailbox. |
MailboxType | String | False |
Denotes if the mailbox uses a Freshdesk mailbox or a custom mailbox setup by the customer. It takes the values |
Name | String | False |
Name of the email mailbox. |
Outgoing | String | True |
Contains the outgoing configuration of the custom mailbox. |
Password | String | False |
Denotes the password that will be used to authenticate the custom mailbox. |
Port | Int | False |
Denotes the port used by incoming and/or outgoing configurations of the mailbox. |
ProductId | Int | False |
Denotes the product ID to which the email is associated. |
SupportEmail | String | False |
Denotes your support email address. |
UseSSL | Boolean | False |
Denotes if the incoming and/or outgoing configuration should use ssl while authenticating the mailbox. |
Username | String | False |
username. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Mailbox creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Mailbox updated timestamp. |
Query from products table
Note: Only users with admin privileges can access the following Table.
Following is an example to select all entries from Products table:
SELECT * FROM Products
You can also select a specific entry from Products table:
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id = 100
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
Product ID. |
Description | String | True |
Description of the product. |
Name | String | True |
Name of the product. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Product creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Product updated timestamp. |
Query from roles table
The Cloud will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support server side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Roles WHERE Id = 100
Note: Only users with admin privileges can access the following Table. Following is an example of selecting a role:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
Role ID. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the role. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the role. |
Default | Boolean | False |
Indicates if role is default. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Role creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Role updated timestamp. |
Create, update, delete, and query from skills table
Following is an example to select all entries from Skills table:
You can also select a specific entry from Skills table:
SELECT * FROM Skills WHERE Id = 73000001322
Name is mandatory for creating a new skill. Following is an example of creating a new skill:
INSERT INTO Skills (Name) VALUES ('Example')
Following is an example of how to update a skill:
UPDATE Skills SET Name = 'New name' WHERE Id = 73000001322
Following is an example of how to delete from Skills table:
DELETE FROM Skills WHERE Id = 73000001322
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
ID of the skill. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the skill. |
Rank | String | True |
Position/Rank of the skill. |
Agents | String | False |
Agents associated with the skill. |
MatchType | String | True |
Match type for conditions. |
Conditions | String | False |
Conditions of the skill. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Skills creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Skills updated timestamp. |
Query, Create and Update SLAPolicies table
Note: Only users with admin privileges can access the following Table.
Following is an example to select all entries from SLAPolicies table:
You can also select a specific entry from SLAPolicies table:
SELECT * FROM SLAPolicies WHERE Id = 100
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
Business hour ID. |
active | Boolean | False |
True if the SLA policy is active. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the business hour. |
IsDefault | Boolean | False |
True if this is the default business hour. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the business hour. |
Position | Int | False |
Denotes the order of the SLA policy. If you have configured multiple SLA policies, the first one with matching conditions will be applied to a ticket. |
SLATarget | String | False |
Key value pair containing the object and the array of object IDs denoting the priorities and the applicable conditions. 'priority_4' - urgent, 'priority_3' - high, 'priority_2' - medium, 'priority_1' - low is mandatory and needs to be passed in the same order. |
ApplicableTo | String | False |
Key value pair containing the 'company_ids', 'group_ids', 'sources', 'ticket_types', 'product_ids' denoting the conditions based on which the SLA policy is to be applied. One of them is mandatory |
Escalation | String | False |
Nested collection of key value pairs containing the 'response' and 'resolution' denoting who to escalate to and when. One of them is mandatory |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Updated timestamp. |
Query from surveys table
Following is an example to select all entries from Surveys table:
You can also select a specific entry from Surveys table:
SELECT * FROM Surveys WHERE Id = 73000092562
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
Survey ID. |
Title | String | True |
Title of the survey. |
Questions | String | False |
Questions associated with the survey. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Survey creation timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Survey updated timestamp. |
Query from ticketFields table
Note: Users whose credentials (identified by the API key) are used to access the Table should be authorised to either view the ticket fields or create a new ticket.
The Cloud will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support client side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed server side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TicketFields WHERE Type = 'default_requester'
The Freshdesk API allows only the following column(s) to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause:
Label, LabelForCustomers and Type are mandatory columns for Inserting into TicketFields table.
INSERT INTO TicketFields (Label, LabelForCustomers, Type) VALUES ('labelA', 'labelA', custom_text)
Following is an example to update TicketFields:
UPDATE TicketFields SET Label = 'updated label' WHERE Id = 100
Following is an example to delete a TicketFields:
DELETE FROM TicketFields WHERE Id = 100
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | True |
ID of the ticket field. |
Choices | String | False |
List of values supported by the field. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Ticket field creation timestamp. |
CustomersCanEdit | Boolean | False |
Set to true if the field can be updated by customers. |
Default | Boolean | True |
Set to true if the field is not a custom field. |
Description | String | True |
Description of the ticket field |
DisplayedToCustomers | Boolean | False |
Set to true if the field is displayed in the customer portal. |
Label | String | False |
Display name for the field (as seen by agents). |
LabelForCustomers | String | False |
Display name for the field (as seen in the customer portal). |
Name | String | True |
Name of the ticket field. |
NestedTicketFields | String | True |
Applicable only for dependent fields, this contain details of nested fields. |
PortalCc | Boolean | True |
Applicable only for the requester field. Set to true if customer can add additional requesters to a ticket. |
PortalCcTo | String | True |
Applicable only if portal_cc is set to true. Value will be 'all' when a customer can add any requester to the CC list and 'company' when a customer can add only company contacts to the CC list. |
Position | Integer | False |
Position in which the ticket field is displayed in the form. |
RequiredForAgents | Boolean | False |
Set to true if the field is mandatory for Agents. |
RequiredForClosure | Boolean | False |
Set to true if the field is mandatory for closing the ticket. |
RequiredForCustomers | Boolean | False |
Set to true if the field is mandatory in the customer portal. |
Type | String | False |
For custom ticket fields, type of value associated with the field will be given (Available values are: custom_text, custom_paragraph, custom_checkbox, custom_number, custom_date, custom_decimal, nested_field, custom_dropdown, encrypted_text, secure_text) |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Ticket field updated timestamp. |
Create, update, delete, and query from tickets table
The Cloud will use the Freshdesk API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. Most of the columns support server side filtering with the following operators: =,>,<,<=,>=,AND,OR. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Cloud.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Tickets WHERE Status = 2 AND (Priority = 1 OR Type = 'Other')
The API allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause. The following columns can be used:
Email, Subject, Description, GroupId, Status and Priority are mandatory columns for Inserting/Creating a new ticket.
Every ticket uses fixed numerical values to denote its Status and Priority. Numerical values are given as:
A new ticket can be inserted as following:
INSERT INTO Tickets (Description, Subject, Email, GroupId, Status, Priority) VALUES ('Details about the issue...', 'New support needed...', '[email protected]', 12345, 3, 2)
Following is an example to update a ticket:
UPDATE Tickets SET Priority = 1 WHERE Id = 100
Following is an example to delete a ticket:
DELETE FROM Tickets WHERE Id = 100
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | False |
Unique ID of the ticket. |
AssociationType | String | False |
Association type of the ticket. |
Archived | Boolean | False |
Whether or not the ticket has been archived. |
Attachments | String | False |
attachments associated with ticket. |
CcEmailsAggregate | String | False |
Email address added in cc field. |
CompanyId | Bigint | False |
ID of the company to which ticket belongs. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
Ticket creation timestamp. |
CustomFields | String | False |
Key value pairs containing the names and values of custom fields |
Deleted | Boolean | False |
Whether or not the ticket has been deleted. |
Description | String | False |
HTML content of the ticket. |
DescriptionText | String | False |
Text content of the ticket. |
DueBy | Datetime | False |
Timestamp that denotes when the ticket is due to be resolved. |
String | False |
Email address of the requester. | |
EmailConfigId | Bigint | False |
ID of the email config used for the ticket. |
FacebookId | String | False |
Facebook ID of the requester. |
FirstResponseDueBy | Datetime | False |
Time when first response is due. |
FirstReSponseEscalated | Boolean | False |
If ticket has been escalated as result of response. |
FwdEmailsAggregate | String | False |
Email address while forwarding a ticket. |
GroupId | Bigint | False |
Group ID to which the ticket has been assigned. |
IsEscalated | Boolean | False |
If ticket has been escalated for some reason. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the requester. |
Phone | String | False |
Phone number of the requester. |
Priority | Integer | False |
Priority of the ticket. |
ProductId | Bigint | False |
ID of the product associated with the ticket. |
ReplyCcEmailsAggregate | String | False |
Email address added while replying. |
RequesterId | Bigint | False |
ID of the requester of the ticket. |
ResponderId | Bigint | False |
ID of the agent assigned to the ticket. |
Source | Integer | False |
Channel throught which ticket was created. |
Spam | Boolean | False |
If ticket has been marked as spam. |
Status | Integer | False |
Status of the ticket. |
Subject | String | False |
Subject of the ticket. |
TagsAggregate | String | False |
Tags associated with ticket. |
ToEmailsAggregate | String | True |
Email address to which ticket was sent. |
Type | String | False |
Category/type of the ticket. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Ticket updated timestamp. |
AgentRespondedAt | Datetime | True |
Timestamp for when agent last responded to the ticket |
RequesterRespondedAt | Datetime | True |
Timestamp for when Customer last responded to the ticket |
FirstRespondedAt | Datetime | True |
Timestamp for when agent first responded to the ticket |
StatusUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Timestamp for when status of the ticket was updated |
ReopenedAt | Datetime | True |
Timestamp for when the ticket was reopened |
ResolvedAt | Datetime | True |
Timestamp for when the ticket was resolved |
ClosedAt | Datetime | True |
Timestamp for when the ticket was closed |
PendingSince | Datetime | True |
Timestamp since the ticket is pending |
Create, update, delete, and query from TimeEntries table
Following is an example to select all entries from TimeEntries table:
SELECT * FROM TimeEntries
The API allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria in the WHERE clause. The following columns can be used:
TicketId is mandatory to INSERT into the TimeEntries table. For instance:
INSERT INTO TimeEntries (TicketId, Note, AgentId) VALUES ('255', 'Invoice Information', '122')
UPDATE TimeEntries SET Billable = 'true' WHERE Id = 786
Following is an example of how to delete from the TimeEntries table:
DELETE FROM TimeEntries WHERE Id = 786
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | False |
Unique ID of the time entry. |
AgentId | Bigint | False |
The ID of the agent to whom this time-entry is associated. |
Billable | Boolean | False |
Set to true if the time entry is billable. |
ExecutedAt | Datetime | False |
Time at which this time-entry was added/created. |
Note | String | False |
Description of the time entry. |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
The time at which the time-entry is added or the time of the last invoked |
TicketId | Bigint | True |
The ID of the ticket to which this time entry is associated. |
TimeSpent | String | False |
The duration in hh:mm format. |
TimerRunning | Boolean | False |
True if the timer is currently running. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
Time Entry created timestamp. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
Time Entry updated timestamp. |
Name | Description |
CustomObjects | Retrieve the available Custom Objects in FreshDesk. |
TicketActivities | Query the TicketActivities view. |
TicketProperties | Query the TicketProperties view. |
Retrieve the available Custom Objects in FreshDesk.
Following is an example to select all entries from the CustomObjects table:
SELECT * FROM CustomObjects
You can also select a specific entry from the CustomObjects table:
SELECT * FROM CustomObjects WHERE Id = 11704
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name of the custom object. |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | Id of the custom object. |
Fields | String | Fields of the custom object. |
Description | String | Description of the custom object. |
Query the TicketActivities view.
Following is an example to select all entries from the TicketActivities table:
SELECT * FROM TicketActivities
Name | Type | Description |
TicketId | Bigint | Ticket Id of the ticket activity. |
PerformerId | Bigint | Performer Id of the ticket activity. |
PerformerType | String | Performer Type of the ticket activity. |
PerformedAt | Datetime | Performed At of the ticket activity. |
Status | String | Status of the ticket activity. |
AgentId | Bigint | Agent Id of the ticket activity. |
Group | String | Status of the ticket activity. |
Priority | String | Priority of the ticket activity. |
RequesterId | Bigint | Requester Id of the ticket activity. |
TicketType | String | Ticket Type of the ticket activity. |
Source | String | Source of the ticket activity. |
Query the TicketProperties view.
Name | Type | Description |
TicketId | Bigint | Ticket Id of the ticket property. |
Subject | String | Subject of the ticket property. |
Status | String | Status of the ticket property. |
Priority | String | Priority of the ticket property. |
Source | String | Source of the ticket property. |
Type | String | Type of the ticket property. |
Agent | String | Agent of the ticket property. |
Group | String | Status of the ticket property. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | Created Time of the ticket property. |
ResolvedTime | Datetime | Resolved Time of the ticket property. |
ClosedTime | Datetime | Closed Time of the ticket property. |
TimeTracked | String | Time Tracked of the ticket property. |
AgentInteractions | Int | Agent Interactions of the ticket property. |
CustomerInteractions | Int | Customer Interactions of the ticket property. |
InitialResponseTime | Datetime | Initial Response Time of the ticket property. |
FirstResponseTime | String | First Response Time of the ticket property. |
ResolutionTime | String | Resolution Time of the ticket property. |
ResolutionStatus | String | Resolution Status of the ticket property. |
Product | String | Product of the ticket property. |
Tags | String | Tags of the ticket property. |
DueByTime | Datetime | Due By Time of the ticket property. |
SurveyResult | String | Survey Result of the ticket property. |
Skill | String | Skill of the ticket property. |
LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | Last Updated Time of the ticket property. |
FirstResponseStatus | String | First Response Status of the ticket property. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Freshdesk の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにFreshdesk から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
AttachToTicket | Create or update a ticket with attachments. |
Create or update a ticket with attachments.
To edit an existing ticket, supply a value for the Id column:
EXEC AttachToTicket Id = 100000 FullPath = 'C:/Users/Public/A.txt,C:/Users/Public/B.txt', FileName = 'Attachment1,Attachment2'
You can also supply ticket fields to update the ticket alongside adding attachments:
EXEC AttachToTicket Id = 100000, Status = 3, FullPath = 'C:/Users/Public/A.txt,C:/Users/Public/B.txt', FileName = 'Attachment1,Attachment2'
If you do not include a value for the Id column, the Cloud creates a new ticket with the provided values. At a minimum, you must provide an Email, Description, Subject, Status, and Priority. Other fields may be required for ticket creation based on the ticket rules set up on your Freshdesk account.
EXEC AttachToTicket Email = '[email protected]', Description = 'Sample Description', GroupId = 2222222222222, Status = 3, Subject = 'Testing', Priority = 3, FullPath = 'C:/Users/Public/A.txt,C:/Users/Public/B.txt', FileName = 'Attachment1,Attachment2'
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Id | String | False | The Id of the ticket. If specified, it is treated as an update. If not, specified, it is treated as an insert. |
String | False | The Email of the ticket. | |
Description | String | False | The Description of the ticket. |
Subject | String | False | The Subject of the ticket. |
Status | String | False | The Status of the ticket. |
Priority | String | False | The Priority of the ticket. |
GroupId | String | False | The GroupId of the ticket. |
FullPath# | String | True | A comma-separated list of the full file paths of attachments to upload. |
FileName# | String | True | A comma-separated list of the file names you would like to give the attachments. |
* | String | False | Other fields of the ticket. |
以下のテーブルは、Freshdesk のデータベースメタデータを返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SchemaName | String | スキーマ名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | テーブル名またはビュー名。 |
TableType | String | テーブルの種類(テーブルまたはビュー)。 |
Description | String | テーブルまたはビューの説明。 |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | テーブルが更新可能かどうか。 |
次のクエリは、Tickets テーブルのカラムとデータ型を返します。
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Tickets'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | カラムを含むテーブルまたはビューの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | カラム名。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | カラムのストレージサイズ。 |
DisplaySize | Int32 | 指定されたカラムの通常の最大幅(文字数)。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの最大桁数。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | カラムのスケール(小数点以下の桁数)。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | カラムがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
Description | String | カラムの簡単な説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | カラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
IsAutoIncrement | String | カラムに固定増分値が割り当てられるかどうか。 |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | 生成されたカラムであるかどうか。 |
IsHidden | Boolean | カラムが非表示かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | カラムが配列かどうか。 |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | カラムが読み取り専用かどうか。 |
IsKey | Boolean | sys_tablecolumns から返されたフィールドがテーブルの主キーであるかどうか。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマ。 |
ProcedureName | String | ストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
Description | String | ストアドプロシージャの説明。 |
ProcedureType | String | PROCEDURE やFUNCTION などのプロシージャのタイプ。 |
次のクエリは、SampleProcedure ストアドプロシージャのすべての入力パラメータについての情報を返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='SampleProcedure' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマの名前。 |
ProcedureName | String | パラメータを含むストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | ストアドプロシージャパラメータの名前。 |
Direction | Int32 | パラメータのタイプに対応する整数値:input (1)。input/output (2)、またはoutput(4)。input/output タイプパラメータは、入力パラメータと出力パラメータの両方になれます。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | 文字データの場合は、許可される文字数。数値データの場合は、許可される桁数。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの場合は最大精度。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | 数値データの小数点以下の桁数。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | パラメータがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
IsRequired | Boolean | プロシージャの実行にパラメータが必要かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | パラメータが配列かどうか。 |
Description | String | パラメータの説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
次のクエリは、Tickets テーブルの主キーを取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Tickets'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
IsKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照されるテーブル内の主キーかどうか。 |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照される外部キーかどうか。 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
ForeignKeyType | String | 外部キーがインポート(他のテーブルを指す)キーかエクスポート(他のテーブルから参照される)キーかを指定します。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前。 |
KeySeq | String | 主キーのシーケンス番号。 |
KeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | インデックスを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | インデックスを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | インデックスを含むテーブルの名前。 |
IndexName | String | インデックス名。 |
ColumnName | String | インデックスに関連付けられたカラムの名前。 |
IsUnique | Boolean | インデックスが固有の場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
IsPrimary | Boolean | インデックスが主キーの場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
Type | Int16 | インデックスタイプに対応する整数値:statistic (0)、clustered (1)、hashed (2)、またはother (3)。 |
SortOrder | String | 並べ替え順序:A が昇順、D が降順。 |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | インデックスのカラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
このテーブルをクエリする際は、config 接続文字列を使用する必要があります。
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | 接続プロパティ名。 |
ShortDescription | String | 簡単な説明。 |
Type | String | 接続プロパティのデータ型。 |
Default | String | 明示的に設定されていない場合のデフォルト値。 |
Values | String | 可能な値のカンマ区切りリスト。別な値が指定されていると、検証エラーがスローされます。 |
Value | String | 設定した値またはあらかじめ設定されたデフォルト。 |
Required | Boolean | プロパティが接続に必要かどうか。 |
Category | String | 接続プロパティのカテゴリ。 |
IsSessionProperty | String | プロパティが、現在の接続に関する情報を保存するために使用されるセッションプロパティかどうか。 |
Sensitivity | String | プロパティの機密度。これは、プロパティがロギングおよび認証フォームで難読化されているかどうかを通知します。 |
PropertyName | String | キャメルケースの短縮形の接続プロパティ名。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | パラメータカテゴリのインデックス。 |
Hierarchy | String | このプロパティと一緒に設定する必要がある、関連のある依存プロパティを表示します。 |
Visible | Boolean | プロパティが接続UI に表示されるかどうかを通知します。 |
ETC | String | プロパティに関するその他のさまざまな情報。 |
Cloud がデータソースにオフロードできるSELECT クエリ処理について説明します。
SQL 構文の詳細については、SQL 準拠 を参照してください。
以下はSQL 機能のサンプルデータセットです。 SELECT 機能のいくつかの側面がサポートされている場合には、カンマ区切りのリストで返されます。サポートされていない場合、カラムにはNO が入ります。
名前 | 説明 | 有効な値 |
COUNT | COUNT 関数がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための開始文字。 | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための終了文字。 | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | サポートされているSQL 演算子。 | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | GROUP BY がサポートされているかどうか。サポートされている場合、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OUTER_JOINS | 外部結合がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | サブクエリがサポートされているかどうか。サポートされていれば、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | レプリケーション中にスキップされたテーブルを示します。 | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | レプリケーション中に更新判断のカラムとして使用するかどうかを、(指定された順に)チェックするカラムのリストを含む文字列の配列。 | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | 識別子としてどの文字列が有効かを示す文字列値。 | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | プロバイダーが、コミットやロールバックなどのトランザクションをサポートしているかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DIALECT | 使用するSQL ダイアレクトを示します。 | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Uniform データベースを特定するプロパティを示します。 | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | プロバイダー用に複数のスキームが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | プロバイダー用に複数のカタログが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | このドライバーにアクセスするために必要な、CData Sync のバージョン。 | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | このドライバーのCData Sync カテゴリ。 | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | API で提供されている以上の、追加SQL 機能がサポートされているかどうか。 | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | バッチ操作がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | 使用したいcacheOptions を指定する文字列値。 | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | ドライバーがEntity Framework の高度なクエリをサポートしているかどうかを示します。サポートしていなければ、クエリはクライアントサイドで処理されます。 | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | 利用可能な疑似カラムを示す文字列の配列。 | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | 値がtrue であれば、CData Sync 内でMerge Model が強制的に実行されます。 | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmin を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | レプリケート開始日を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmax を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | 初回のレプリケートで、レプリケートをチャンクに分割しないテーブルのリスト。 | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | CheckCache 構文を親キーカラムに対して実行するかどうかを示します。 | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | スキーマファイルの生成に使用できる、ストアドプロシージャを示します。 |
次のクエリは、WHERE 句で使用できる演算子を取得します。
WHERE 句では、個々のテーブルの制限や要件が異なる場合がありますので注意してください。詳しくは、データモデル セクションを参照してください。
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | SQL 構文のコンポーネント、またはサーバー上で処理できる機能。 |
VALUE | String | サポートされるSQL またはSQL 構文の詳細。 |
次のクエリは、バッチ処理で変更された行のId を取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | データ変更処理から返された、データベース生成Id。 |
Batch | String | バッチの識別子。1 は単一処理。 |
Operation | String | バッチ内の処理の結果:INSERTED、UPDATED、またはDELETED。 |
Message | String | SUCCESS、またはバッチ内の更新が失敗した場合のエラーメッセージ。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Domain | Domain is used for accessing your Freshdesk account. |
APIKey | The API key used for accessing your Freshdesk account. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
FetchTicketsUpdatedSince | Use FetchTicketsUpdatedSince to query tickets older than 30 days. Note: TicketStats must be set to True. |
IgnoreSurplusResults | Use IgnoreSurplusResults to ignore results beyond 300 which have same CreatedAt value. |
IncludeCustomObjects | Whether to include custom objects or not. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
RowScanDepth | Set this property to control the number of rows scanned when TypeDetectionScheme is set to RowScan. |
TicketPropertiesURL | Use TicketPropertiesURL to query ticket properties. |
TicketStats | Use TicketsStats to retrieve stats attributes of a ticket, which are not normally available. |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
TypeDetectionScheme | Determines how to determine the data type of columns. |
Domain is used for accessing your Freshdesk account.
Domain is used for accessing your Freshdesk account. For example, in your URL: https://{domainValue}, thus connection string should be:
The API key used for accessing your Freshdesk account.
The API key used for accessing your Freshdesk account. The API key can be found in Freshdesk by going to Profile Settings -> API Key.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なLogging プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
FetchTicketsUpdatedSince | Use FetchTicketsUpdatedSince to query tickets older than 30 days. Note: TicketStats must be set to True. |
IgnoreSurplusResults | Use IgnoreSurplusResults to ignore results beyond 300 which have same CreatedAt value. |
IncludeCustomObjects | Whether to include custom objects or not. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
RowScanDepth | Set this property to control the number of rows scanned when TypeDetectionScheme is set to RowScan. |
TicketPropertiesURL | Use TicketPropertiesURL to query ticket properties. |
TicketStats | Use TicketsStats to retrieve stats attributes of a ticket, which are not normally available. |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
TypeDetectionScheme | Determines how to determine the data type of columns. |
Use FetchTicketsUpdatedSince to query tickets older than 30 days. Note: TicketStats must be set to True.
When TicketStats = true, all requests (including filtering request) would be sent to the 'List all' endpoint. The 'List all' endpoint only retrieves the tickets created in the last 30 days, unless FetchTicketsUpdatedSince is set to a specifed date. Set FetchTicketsUpdatedSince to a specified date to retrieve tickets created past the last 30 days. (Example: FetchTicketsUpdatedSince=2022-01-01 or FetchTicketsUpdatedSince=2022-01-01T00:00:00Z)
Use IgnoreSurplusResults to ignore results beyond 300 which have same CreatedAt value.
By default, FreshDesk API only returns upto 300 results matching a specific filter. Paging mechanism of the driver uses CreatedAt attribute as a filter, thus more than 300 results with same CreateAt value will cause paging to fail. IgnoreSurplusResults will cause these surplus results to be ignored without causing an exception and keep retrieving results.
Whether to include custom objects or not.
If set to TRUE, the custom objects are retrieved. Note: You must have the Custom Objects feature enabled to use this property.
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Set this property to control the number of rows scanned when TypeDetectionScheme is set to RowScan.
Determines the number of rows used to determine the column data types.
Setting a high value may decrease performance. Setting a low value may prevent the data type from being determined properly, especially when there is null data.
Use TicketPropertiesURL to query ticket properties.
Set TicketPropertiesURL to the API URL that is found on the Schedule page of the created Scheduled Export. To find this, go to Reports/Schedule an export/Click on the name of the Schedule and the URL is under the Receive via API section.
Use TicketsStats to retrieve stats attributes of a ticket, which are not normally available.
When TicketStats = true, all requests (including filtering request) would be sent to the 'List all' endpoint. This would slightly affect the performance by handling filtering client-side, but would retrieve stats attributes of each ticket. 'List all' endpoint only retrieves the tickets created in the last 30 days.
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Cloud は例外をスローします。
Determines how to determine the data type of columns.
None | Setting TypeDetectionScheme to None will return all columns as the string type. |
RowScan | Setting TypeDetectionScheme to RowScan will scan rows to heuristically determine the data type. The RowScanDepth determines the number of rows to be scanned. |