Tableau Connector for Avalara

Build 24.0.8963


TransactionSummary view for AvalaraAvatax data provider.


Name Type Description
TransactionId [KEY] Long The transaction id this summary is associated to.
TransactionCode [KEY] String A unique customer-provided code identifying this transaction.
TransactionStatus String The status of the transaction to which this line item belongs.
StateAssignedNo String The state assigned number of the jurisdiction that collects this tax.
JurisName String The name of the jurisdiction that collects this tax.
TaxGroup String Group code when special grouping is enabled.
JurisCode String Jurisdiction Code for the taxing jurisdiction
Region String Two or three character ISO region, state or province code, if applicable.
JurisType String The type of jurisdiction that collects this tax.
RateTypeCode String Indicates the code of the rate type.
TaxSubType String The tax subtype of this tax.
NonTaxable String The amount of the transaction that was non-taxable.
TaxName String The name of the tax.
TaxAuthorityType Int The unique ID of the Tax Authority Type that collects this tax.
Tax String Tax amount - The calculated tax (Base * Rate).
Taxable String Tax Base - The adjusted taxable amount.
Country String Two character ISO-3166 country code.
TaxCalculated String The amount of tax that AvaTax calculated for the transaction.
Exemption String The amount of the transaction that was exempt.
TaxType String The tax type of this tax.
Rate String Tax Rate - The rate of taxation, as a fraction of the amount.

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Build 24.0.8963