Tableau Connector for Avalara

Build 24.0.8963


TaxRules table for AvalaraAvatax data provider.


You can create custom tax rules to customize the behavior of AvaTax to match specific rules that are custom to your business. If you have obtained a ruling from a tax auditor that requires custom tax calculations, you can use custom tax rules to redefine the behavior for your company or item.

INSERT INTO TaxRules (CompanyId, JurisCode, JurisName, JurisdictionTypeId, TaxRuleTypeId, Country, TaxTypeId, TaxCode, TaxCodeId, TaxTypeGroup, TaxSubType) VALUES ('283040', '013', 'MARICOPA', 'County', 'ProductTaxabilityRule', 'US', 'BothSalesAndUseTax', 'PS081283', '85083', 'SalesAndUse', 'ALL')


To update a tax rule, you need to specify Id and CompanyId in WHERE clause.

UPDATE TaxRules SET Description = 'Freight' WHERE Id = 56789 AND CompanyId = 247015


To delete a tax rule, you need to specify Id and AccountId in WHERE clause.

DELETE FROM TaxRules WHERE Id = 56789 AND CompanyId = 247015


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

The unique ID number of this tax rule.

CompanyId [KEY] Int False

The unique ID number of the company that owns this tax rule.

UomId Int False

For tax rules that are calculated using units of measurement, this indicates the unit of measurement type used to calculate the amounts for this rule.

Threshold String False

The per-unit threshold that must be met before this rule applies.

TaxRuleTypeId String False

This type value determines the behavior of the tax rule.

JurisCode String False

The code of the jurisdiction to which this tax rule applies.

EntityUseCode String False

The entity use code to which this rule applies.

NonPassthroughExpression String False

Reserved for Avalara internal usage. Leave this field null.

Description String False

A friendly name for this tax rule.

CreatedDate Datetime False

The date when this record was created.

CountyFIPS String False

For U.S. tax rules, this is the county's Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code.

CreatedUserId Int False

The User ID of the user who created this record.

EndDate Date False

The last date for which this rule applies. If `null`, this rule will apply to all dates after the effective date.

TaxSubType String False

This field has different behavior based on the type of rule. For a product taxability rule, if the rule applies to an item, this value will override the tax sub type of the original product. For other rules, this value determines what tax sub types will be affected by the rule.

ModifiedDate Datetime False

The date/time when this record was last modified.

TaxCode String False

For rules that apply to a specific tax code only, this specifies which tax code is affected by this rule.

Options String False

Supports custom options for your tax rule.

JurisName String False

The name of the jurisdiction to which this tax rule applies.

TaxTypeGroup String False

This field has different behavior based on the type of rule. For a product taxability rule, if the rule applies to an item, this value will override the tax type group of the original product. For other rules, this value determines what tax type groups will be affected by the rule.

JurisdictionTypeId String False

The type of the jurisdiction to which this tax rule applies.

Cap String False

The maximum cap for the price of this item according to this rule. Any amount above this cap will not be subject to this rule.

Country String False

Name or ISO 3166 code identifying the country where this rule will apply.

Value String False

This field has different behavior based on the type of the tax rule. For a product taxability rule, this value is either 1 or 0, indicating taxable or non-taxable. For a rate override rule, this value is the corrected rate stored as a decimal, for example, a rate of 5% would be stored as 0.05 decimal. If you use the special value of 1.0, only the cap and threshold values will be applied and the rate will be left alone.

PreferredProgramId Int False

Reserved for Avalara internal usage. Leave this field null.

CurrencyCode String False

The currency code to use for this rule.

EffectiveDate Date False

The first date at which this rule applies. If `null`, this rule will apply to all dates prior to the end date.

StateFIPS String False

For U.S. tax rules, this is the state's Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code.

RateTypeCode String False

Indicates the code of the rate type that applies to this rule.

ModifiedUserId Int False

The user ID of the user who last modified this record.

Region String False

Name or ISO 3166 code identifying the region where this rule will apply.

TaxTypeId String False

Some tax type groups contain multiple different types of tax. To create a rule that affects only one type of tax within a tax type group, set this value to the code matching the specific tax type within that group.

Sourcing String False

The sourcing types to which this rule applies.

TaxCodeId Int False

For rules that apply to a specific tax code only, this specifies which tax code is affected by this rule.

IsAllJuris Bool False

Allows you to make tax rules apply to lower jurisdictions. This feature is only available in the United States and Canada.

PageKey String False

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Build 24.0.8963