SSIS Components for Avalara

Build 24.0.8963


Notices table for AvalaraAvatax data provider.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

The unique ID number of this notice.

CompanyId [KEY] Int False

The unique ID number of the company to which this notice belongs.

TicketReferenceNo String False

The ticket reference number of the notice.

ExpectedResolutionDate Datetime False

Expected resolution date of the notice.

ShowResolutionDateToCustomer Bool False

Indicator to show customer this resolution date.

ClosedDate Datetime False

The closed date of the notice.

FilingFrequency String False

The filing frequency of the notice.

LinkedComments String False

Additional comments on the notice.

CustomerTypeId String False

NoticeCustomerTypeID can be retrieved from the definitions API.

ReceivedDate Datetime False

The received date of the notice.

PriorityId String False

The priority of the notice.

TypeId Int False

The tax notice type id.

JurisdictionType String False

The jurisdiction type of the notice.

SalesForceCaseUrl String False

The URL to the sales force case.

Description String False

The description of the notice.

Reason String False

The notice reason.

TaxPeriod String False

The tax period of the notice.

CreatedDate Datetime False

The date when this record was created.

TotalRemit String False

The total remmitance amount for the notice.

CreatedUserId Int False

The User ID of the user who created this record.

StatusId Int False

The status id of the notice.

ModifiedDate Datetime False

The date/time when this record was last modified.

JurisdictionName String False

The jurisdiction name of the notice.

FilingTypeId String False

The filing type of the notice.

ComplianceContactId Int False

The id of the compliance contact.

Status String False

The status of the notice.

TaxAuthorityId Int False

The tax authority id of the notice.

CustomerComment String False

Comments from the customer on this notice.

TaxFormCode String False

The tax form code of the notice.

RevenueContactId Int False

The id of the revenue contact.

DocumentReference String False

The document reference of the notice.

ReasonId Int False

The notice reason id.

LinkedRootCause String False

Notice Root Cause Details.

ClosedByUserId Int False

The unique ID number of the user that closed the notice.

Country String False

Name or ISO 3166 code identifying the country that sent this notice.

TicketReferenceUrl String False

The ticket reference url of the notice.

CreatedByUserName String False

The user who created the notice.

OwnedByUserId Int False

The unique ID number of the user that owns the notice.

HideFromCustomer Bool False

Indicator to hide from customer.

LinkedResponsibility String False

Notice Responsibility Details.

ModifiedUserId Int False

The user ID of the user who last modified this record.

Region String False

Name or ISO 3166 code identifying the region within the country that sent this notice.

CustomerFundingOptionId String False

The notice customer funding options.

AvaFileFormId Int False

The ava file form id of the notice.

SalesForceCase String False

The sales force case of the notice.

LinkedFinances String False

Finance details of the notice.

Type String False

The tax notice type description.

PageKey String False

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Build 24.0.8963