Cmdlets for Avalara

Build 24.0.8963


Companies table for AvalaraAvatax data provider.


To insert a new company to an existing account you need to specify AccountId, CompanyCode, Name and DefaultCountry fields.

INSERT INTO Companies (AccountId, CompanyCode, Name, defaultCountry) VALUES ('2000137504', 'SAB', 'SAB&Co', 'US')


Avalara allows UPDATEs on Companies columns, expect for aggregate columns. Aggregate columns can not be updated.

UPDATE Companies SET Name = 'UpdatedName' WHERE Id = 283040


A company can be deleted by providing the Id of the company and issuing a DELETE statement.

DELETE FROM Companies WHERE Id = 283040


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

The unique ID number of this company.

DefaultLocationId Int False

If set, this is the unique ID number of the default location for this company.

LinkedNexus String False

Optional: A list of nexus defined for this company. To fetch this list, add the query string `?$include=Nexus` to your URL.

NonReportingChildCompanies String False

TaxDependencyLevelId String False

Used to apply tax detail dependency at a jurisdiction level.

DefaultCountry String False

The two character ISO-3166 country code of the default country for this company.

LinkedTaxRules String False

Optional: A list of tax rules defined for this company.

Name String False

The name of this company, as shown to customers.

CreatedDate Datetime False

The date when this record was created.

MossCountry String False

The country code of the mini-one-stop-shop used for Value Added Tax (VAT) processing.

LinkedContacts String False

Optional: A list of contacts defined for this company.

CompanyCode String False

A unique code that references this company within your account.

WarningsEnabled Bool False

Set this value to true to receive warnings in API calls via SOAP.

LinkedLocations String False

Optional: A list of locations defined for this company.

LinkedItems String False

Optional: A list of items defined for this company.

CreatedUserId Int False

The User ID of the user who created this record.

AccountId Int False

The unique ID number of the account this company belongs to.

ModifiedDate Datetime False

The date/time when this record was last modified.

RoundingLevelId String False

Indicates whether this company prefers to round amounts at the document level or line level.

BusinessIdentificationNo String False

Business Identification No.

LinkedUpcs String False

Optional: A list of UPCs defined for this company.

InProgress Bool False

Set this value to true to indicate that you are still working to finish configuring this company. While this value is true, no tax reporting will occur and the company will not be usable for transactions.

IsReportingEntity Bool False

Set this flag to true if this company must file its own tax returns. For users who have Returns enabled, this flag turns on monthly Worksheet generation for the company.

LinkedTaxCodes String False

Optional: A list of tax codes defined for this company.

ParentCompanyId Int False

If this company is fully owned by another company, this is the unique identity of the parent company.

BaseCurrencyCode String False

This is the three character ISO-4217 currency code of the default currency used by this company.

IsTest Bool False

Set this flag to true to indicate that this company is a test company. If you have Returns enabled, Test companies will not file tax returns and can be used for validation purposes.

IsActive Bool False

This flag indicates whether tax activity can occur for this company. Set this flag to true to permit the company to process transactions.

SstEffectiveDate Date False

If this company participates in Streamlined Sales Tax, this is the date when the company joined the SST program.

MossId String False

The unique identifier of the mini-one-stop-shop used for Value Added Tax (VAT) processing.

ModifiedUserId Int False

The user ID of the user who last modified this record.

LinkedSettings String False

Optional: A list of settings defined for this company.

SstPid String False

If this company files Streamlined Sales Tax, this is the PID of this company as defined by the Streamlined Sales Tax governing board.

TaxpayerIdNumber String False

For United States companies, this field contains your Taxpayer Identification Number. This is a nine digit number that is usually called an EIN for an Employer Identification Number if this company is a corporation, or SSN for a Social Security Number if this company is a person. This value is required if the address provided is inside the US and if you subscribed to the Avalara Managed Returns or SST Certified Service Provider service. Otherwise it is optional.

IsDefault Bool False

This flag is true if this company is the default company for this account. Only one company may be set as the default.

HasProfile Bool False

Set this flag to true to give this company its own unique tax profile. If this flag is true, this company will have its own Nexus, TaxRule, TaxCode, and Item definitions. If this flag is false, this company will inherit all profile values from its parent.

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Build 24.0.8963