TransactionLines view for AvalaraAvatax data provider.
The driver will use the Avalara API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver. By default the lines of Adjusted transactions will not be listed. If you want to include them, you need to set IncludeAdjustedTransactions to true.
- TrsnactionId, TransactionCode support the '=', IN operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TransactionLines WHERE TransactionCode IN ('Code1', 'Code2')
To delete a TransactionLine item, you need to specify the TransactionCode and LineNumber in the WHERE clause.
DELETE FROM TransactionLines WHERE TransactionCode = 'TC001' AND LineNumber = 1
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id | Long | False |
The unique ID number of this transaction line item. |
TransactionId | Long | False |
The unique ID number of the transaction to which this line item belongs. |
TransactionStatus | String | False |
The status of the transaction to which this line item belongs. |
TransactionCode [KEY] | String | False |
A unique customer-provided code identifying this transaction. |
DestinationAddressId | Long | False |
The unique ID number of the destination address where this line was delivered or sold. In the case of a point-of-sale transaction, the destination address and origin address will be the same. In the case of a shipped transaction, they will be different. |
TaxCalculated | String | False |
The amount of tax that AvaTax calculated for the transaction. |
DiscountAmount | String | False |
The amount of discount that was applied to this line item. |
HsCode | String | False |
The cross-border harmonized system code (HSCode) used to calculate tariffs and duties for this line item. |
DiscountTypeId | Int | False |
The type of discount, if any, that was applied to this line item. |
TaxableAmount | String | False |
The taxable amount of this line item. |
CostInsuranceFreight | String | False |
Indicates the cost of insurance and freight for this line. |
CertificateId | String | False |
The CertCapture Certificate ID |
TaxDate | Date | False |
The date that was used for calculating tax amounts for this line item. |
Ref2 | String | False |
A user-defined reference identifier for this transaction line item. |
EntityUseCode | String | False |
The entity use code for this line item. Usage type often affects taxability rules. |
Description | String | False |
A description of the item or service represented by this line. |
Ref1 | String | False |
A user-defined reference identifier for this transaction line item. |
ExemptNo | String | False |
The customer Tax Id Number (tax_number) associated with a certificate. |
Quantity | String | False |
The quantity of products sold on this line item. |
TaxCode | String | False |
The code string for the tax code that was used to calculate this line item. |
TaxOverrideType | String | False |
If a tax override was specified, this indicates the type of tax override. |
LineNumber [KEY] | String | False |
The line number or code indicating the line on this invoice or receipt or document. |
BusinessIdentificationNo | String | False |
VAT business identification number used for this transaction. |
ReportingDate | Date | False |
The date when this transaction should be reported. By default, all transactions are reported on the date when the actual transaction took place. In some cases, line items may be reported later due to delayed shipments or other business reasons. |
VatNumberTypeId | Int | False |
Indicates the VAT number type for this line item. |
VatCode | String | False |
Indicates the VAT code for this line item. |
LineAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the transaction, including both taxable and exempt. |
Tax | String | False |
The tax for this line in this transaction. |
LinkedLineLocationTypes | String | False |
Optional: A list of location types for this line item. |
IsItemTaxable | Bool | False |
True if this item is taxable. |
TaxOverrideAmount | String | False |
If a tax override was specified, this indicates the amount of tax that was requested. |
ExemptCertId | Int | False |
The unique ID number of the exemption certificate that applied to this line item. It is the calc_id associated with a certificate in CertCapture. |
ItemCode | String | False |
The code string of the item represented by this line item. |
BoundaryOverrideId | Int | False |
The unique ID number of the boundary override applied to this line item. |
OriginAddressId | Long | False |
The unique ID number of the origin address where this line was delivered or sold. |
TaxOverrideReason | String | False |
If a tax override was specified, represents the reason for the tax override. |
ExemptAmount | String | False |
The amount of this line item that was exempt. |
TaxIncluded | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the amount for this line already includes tax. |
IsSSTP | Bool | False |
True if this item is a Streamlined Sales Tax line item. |
Sourcing | String | False |
Indicates whether this line item was taxed according to the origin or destination. |
TaxEngine | String | False |
The tax engine identifier that was used to calculate this line item. |
TaxCodeId | Int | False |
The unique ID number for the tax code that was used to calculate this line item. |
RevAccount | String | False |
The revenue account number for this line item. |