TDV Adapter for SAP SuccessFactors

Build 24.0.8963

SQL Compliance

The SAP SuccessFactors Adapter supports several operations on data, including querying, deleting, modifying, and inserting.

SELECT Statements

See SELECT Statements for a syntax reference and examples.

See Data Model for information on the capabilities of the SAP SuccessFactors API.

INSERT Statements

See INSERT Statements for a syntax reference and examples, as well as retrieving the new records' Ids.

UPDATE Statements

The primary key Id is required to update a record. See UPDATE Statements for a syntax reference and examples.

UPSERT Statements

An UPSERT updates a record if it exists and inserts the record if it does not. See UPSERT Statements for a syntax reference and examples.

DELETE Statements

The primary key Id is required to delete a record. See DELETE Statements for a syntax reference and examples.

EXECUTE Statements

Use EXECUTE or EXEC statements to execute stored procedures. See EXECUTE Statements for a syntax reference and examples.

Names and Quoting

  • Table and column names are considered identifier names; as such, they are restricted to the following characters: [A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _:@].
  • To use a table or column name with characters not listed above, the name must be quoted using double quotes ("name") in any SQL statement.
  • Strings must be quoted using single quotes (e.g., 'John Doe').

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Build 24.0.8963