SSIS Components for Sage Business Cloud Accounting

Build 24.0.8963


Query SalesCreditNoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.

Table Specific Information

Query the available SalesCreditNoteLineItem


The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ShowPaymentsAllocations,MarkAsSent,ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search,ContactId,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.

  • ShowPaymentsAllocations supports the '=' operator.
  • MarkAsSent supports the '=' operator.
  • ShowPaymentsAllocations supports the '=' operator.
  • Search supports the '=' operator.
  • ContactId supports the '=' operator.
  • StatusId supports the '=' operator.
  • FromDate supports the '=' operator.
  • ToDate supports the '=' operator.
  • UpdatedOrCreatedSince supports the '=' operator.
  • DeletedSince supports the '=' operator.
  • HasAttachments supports the '=' operator.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE MarkAsSent = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The unique identifier for the item
SalesCreditNotesId String Parent ID
TaxRateDisplayedAs String The name of the resource
TaxRateLegacyId Int The legacy ID for the item
TaxRateId String The unique identifier for the item
ProductId String


The unique identifier for the item
EuGoodsServicesTypeId String The unique identifier for the item

使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES

NetAmount String The net amount for the invoice line
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount String The tax amount for the invoice line in base currency
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount String The total amount for the invoice line in base currency
DiscountPercentage String The discount percentage for the invoice line
Quantity String The quantity for the invoice line
TotalAmount String The total amount for the invoice line
BaseCurrencyDiscountAmount String The discount amount for the invoice line in base currency
LedgerAccountId String


The unique identifier for the item
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate String The tax breakdown for the invoice line in base currency
TaxbreakdownAggregate String The tax breakdown for the invoice line
UnitPrice String The unit price for the invoice line
BaseCurrencyUnitPrice String The unit price for the invoice line in base currency
DiscountAmount String The discount amount for the invoice line
BaseCurrencyNetAmount String The net amount for the invoice line in base currency
DisplayedAs String The name of the resource
Description String The description for the invoice line
TaxAmount String The tax amount for the invoice line
LegacyId Int The legacy ID for the item
TradeOfAsset Bool Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset.
EuSalesDescriptionId String


The unique identifier for the item
UnitPriceIncludesTax Bool Defines whether the unit price includes tax
ServiceId String


The unique identifier for the item
ShowPaymentsAllocations String
MarkAsSent String
ShowPaymentsAllocations String
Search String
ContactId String
StatusId String
FromDate Datetime
ToDate Datetime
DeletedSince Datetime
HasAttachments String

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Build 24.0.8963