ADO.NET Provider for Sage Business Cloud Accounting

Build 24.0.8963


Query SalesCorrectiveInvoice in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.

Table Specific Information

Query the available SalesCorrectiveInvoice


The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ShowPaymentsAllocations,ShowCorrections,MarkAsSent,Search,ContactId,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.

  • ShowPaymentsAllocations supports the '=' operator.
  • ShowCorrections supports the '=' operator.
  • MarkAsSent supports the '=' operator.
  • Search supports the '=' operator.
  • ContactId supports the '=' operator.
  • StatusId supports the '=' operator.
  • FromDate supports the '=' operator.
  • ToDate supports the '=' operator.
  • UpdatedOrCreatedSince supports the '=' operator.
  • DeletedSince supports the '=' operator.
  • HasAttachments supports the '=' operator.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ShowCorrections = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE MarkAsSent = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE Search = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ContactId = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE StatusId = 'abc'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The unique identifier for the item
SalesArtefactAddressId String Parent ID
DisplayedAs String The name of the resource
Reference String The reference for the invoice
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount String The total amount of the invoice in base currency
MainAddressId String


The unique identifier for the item
BaseCurrencyNetAmount String The net amount of the invoice in base currency
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate String The shipping tax breakdown for the invoice in base currency
ContactName String The name of the contact when the invoice was created
SentByEmail Bool Indicates whether the invoice has been emailed
ShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate String The shipping tax breakdown for the invoice
DueDate Datetime The due date of the invoice
TotalDiscountAmount String The discount amount on the invoice
LinksAggregate String Links for the resource
OriginalInvoiceDisplayedAs String The name of the resource
OriginalInvoiceLegacyId Int The legacy ID for the item
OriginalInvoiceId String The unique identifier for the item
TaxAmount String The tax amount of the invoice
LastPaid String The date of the last payment
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount String The total discount of all payments and allocations
OriginalInvoiceDate String The Invoice date relating to the original invoice
WithholdingTaxRate String IRPF Witheld Tax Rate (Spain only)
TotalAmount String The total amount of the invoice
ExchangeRate String The exchange rate for the invoice
InvoiceNumberPrefix String The invoice number prefix
OutstandingAmount String The outstanding amount of the invoice
ContactId String


The unique identifier for the item
NetAmount String The net amount of the invoice
ContactReference String The reference of the contact when the invoice was created
TaxCalculationMethod String The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this sales invoice, returns invoice, cash or retailer.
TermsAndConditions String Invoice terms and conditions
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate String The associated payments and allocations
ShippingTaxRateId String


The unique identifier for the item
Sent Bool Indicates whether the invoice has been sent
DeliveryAddressFreeForm String The free-form delivery address of the invoice
BaseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount String IRPF Witheld Tax Amount (Spain only) in the base currency
DeliveryAddressId String


The unique identifier for the item
WithholdingTaxAmount String IRPF Witheld Tax Amount (Spain only)
UpdatedAt Datetime The datetime when the item was last updated
LegacyId Int The legacy ID for the item
TaxAnalysisAggregate String The invoice tax analysis
OriginalInvoiceNumber String The number relating to the original invoice
InverseExchangeRate String The inverse exchange rate for the invoice
BaseCurrencyShippingTotalAmount String The total shipping amount in base currency
TransactionId String


The unique identifier for the item
TotalQuantity String The total quantity of the invoice
StatusDisplayedAs String The name of the resource
StatusLegacyId Int The legacy ID for the item
StatusId String The unique identifier for the item
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount String The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalTax String The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalRetailerTax String The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotal String The total base currency amount for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalGoodsAmount String The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalNet String The total net amount for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalServicesAmount String The total base currency amount relating to services for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalNet String The base currency total net amount for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalServicesAmount String The total amount relating to services for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotal String The total amount for all tax rates
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalTax String The total tax amount for all tax rates
TransactionTypeId String


The unique identifier for the item
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxAmount String The tax shipping amount in base currency
ShippingTaxAmount String The tax shipping amount. NOTE: This is not required for POST/PUT requests as the shipping tax is calculated based on the shipping_net_amount and the shipping_tax_rate.
CreatedAt Datetime The datetime when the item was created
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount String The total amount of all payments and allocations
VoidReason String The reason the invoice was voided
TaxReconciled Bool Indicates if the artefact is tax reconciled or not.
Editable Bool Indicates whether artefact can be edited
ShippingTotalAmount String The total shipping amount
BaseCurrencyShippingNetAmount String The net shipping amount in base currency
ShippingNetAmount String The net shipping amount
CurrencyId String


The unique identifier for the item
Details String The corrective invoice details
SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate String The invoice lines of the invoice
CorrectiveReasonCodeId String


The unique identifier for the item
InvoiceNumber String The generated invoice number
Notes String Invoice notes
MainAddressFreeForm String The free-form main address of the invoice
TotalPaid String The total paid amount of the invoice including any payments, allocations and discounts
DeletedAt Datetime The datetime when the item was deleted
Date String The date of the invoice
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount String The tax amount of the invoice in base currency
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount String The outstanding amount of the invoice in base currency
BaseCurrencyTotalDiscountAmount String The discount amount on the invoice in base currency
ShowPaymentsAllocations String
ShowCorrections String
MarkAsSent String
Search String
ContactId String
StatusId String
FromDate Datetime
ToDate Datetime
DeletedSince Datetime
HasAttachments String

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Build 24.0.8963