CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるSage Business Cloud Accounting へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してSage Business Cloud Accounting に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Sage Business Cloud Accounting への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのSage Business Cloud Accounting への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのSage Business Cloud Accounting への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してSage Business Cloud Accounting からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Sage Business Cloud Accounting に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
すべての認証フローで、OAuth 経由で接続するにはAuthScheme をOAuth に設定する必要があります。
以下のサブセクションでは、利用可能なOAuth フローでのSage Business Cloud Accounting への認証について詳しく説明します。 カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成についての情報と、すでに埋め込みOAuth 認証情報を持つ認証フローでもカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成したほうがよい場合の説明については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
Sage Business Cloud Accounting で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
アクセストークンの期限が切れたときは、Cloud は自動でアクセストークンをリフレッシュします。
(OAuthAccessToken およびその他の設定パラメータを取得および設定する方法についての情報は、「Sage Business Cloud Accounting への接続」を参照してください。)
ただし、Web 経由で接続するには、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成が必要です。また、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションは、一般的に使用される3つの認証フローをすべてシームレスにサポートするため、これらの認証フロー用にカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成(独自のOAuth アプリケーションクレデンシャルを使用)することもできます。
カスタムOAuth アプリケーションは、次のような場合に有用です。
カスタムアプリケーションが作成されると、Developer ポータルにOAuthClientId (Client Id)およびOAuthClientSecret(Client Secret)が表示されます。後で使用するために、これらを記録しておきます。
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
このセクションでは、利用可能なAPI オブジェクトを示し、Sage Business Cloud Accounting API へのSQL の実行について詳しく説明します。
ビュー では、利用可能なテーブルを説明します。テーブルは、BankAccounts、Contacts、Journals などを静的にモデル化するように定義されています。
ビュー では、利用可能なビューを説明します。ビューは、TaxOffices、Currencies、SalesInvoiceLineItems などを静的にモデル化するように定義されています。
ストアドプロシージャ は、Sage Business Cloud Accounting のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。ストアドプロシージャを使用すると、オブジェクトのダウンロードやエンベロープの移動など、Sage Business Cloud Accounting の操作を実行できます。
Cloud はSage Business Cloud Accounting のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Addresses | Query Addresses in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Attachments | Query Attachments in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BankAccounts | Query BankAccounts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BankDeposits | Query BankDeposits in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BankOpeningBalances | Query BankOpeningBalances in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BankReconciliations | Query BankReconciliations in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BankTransfers | Query BankTransfers in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BusinessExchangeRates | Query BusinessExchangeRates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
ContactAllocations | Query ContactAllocations in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
ContactOpeningBalances | Query ContactOpeningBalances in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
ContactPayments | Query ContactPayments in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
ContactPeople | Query ContactPeople in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Contacts | Query Contacts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
DatevSettings | Query DatevSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
EmailSettings | Query EmailSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
FinancialSettings | Query FinancialSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
HostedArtefactPaymentSettings | Query HostedArtefactPaymentSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
InvoiceSettings | Query InvoiceSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
JournalCodes | Query JournalCodes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Journals | Query Journals in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
LedgerAccountOpeningBalances | Query LedgerAccountOpeningBalances in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
LedgerAccounts | Query LedgerAccounts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
MigrationTaxReturns | Query MigrationTaxReturns in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
OpeningBalanceJournals | Query OpeningBalanceJournals in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
OtherPayments | Query OtherPayments in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Products | Query Products in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
ProductSalesPriceTypes | Query ProductSalesPriceTypes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
PurchaseCreditNotes | Query PurchaseCreditNotes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
PurchaseInvoices | Query PurchaseInvoices in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
PurchaseQuickEntries | Query PurchaseQuickEntries in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesCreditNotes | Query SalesCreditNotes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesEstimates | Query SalesEstimates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesInvoices | Query SalesInvoices in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesQuickEntries | Query SalesQuickEntries in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesQuotes | Query SalesQuotes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Services | Query Services in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
StockItems | Query StockItems in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
StockMovements | Query StockMovements in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
TaxProfiles | Query TaxProfiles in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
TaxRates | Query TaxRates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Query Addresses in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Addresses
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to BankAccountId,ContactId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE BankAccountId = '80b34e32b85a46c39a71c3627d577fa2' SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE DeletedSince = '2019-10-02T11:46:53Z'
Create a simple address.
INSERT INTO [Addresses] (AddressTypeId, name, IsMainAddress, ContactId) VALUES ('DELIVERY', 'AddressName', 'false', '456')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE Addresses SET AddressTypeId = 'DELIVERY' WHERE Id = 'c04b66f130d14478b7978452aeedb8ad'
You must specify the Id of the Addresses to delete it.
DELETE FROM Addresses WHERE id = 'c04b66f130d14478b7978452aeedb8ad'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
AddressTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item 使用できる値は次のとおりです。DELIVERY, ACCOUNTS, SALES, PURCHASING | |
Region | String | False |
The address state/province/region | |
PostalCode | String | False |
The address postal code/zipcode | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
BankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
IsMainAddress | Bool | False |
Indicates whether this is a main address | |
CountryId | String | False |
Countries.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
City | String | False |
The address town/city | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
CountryGroupId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
AddressLine2 | String | False |
The second line of the address | |
AddressLine1 | String | False |
The first line of the address | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the address | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True |
Query Attachments in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Attachments
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to AttachmentContextTypeId,AttachmentContextId,LegacyAttachmentContextType,LegacyAttachmentContextId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Attachments WHERE AttachmentContextTypeId = 'PURCHASE_CREDIT_NOTE' SELECT * FROM Attachments WHERE AttachmentContextId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Attachments WHERE LegacyAttachmentContextType = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Attachments WHERE LegacyAttachmentContextId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Attachments WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Attachments WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE Attachments SET FileExtension = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the Attachments to delete it.
DELETE FROM Attachments WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the attachment was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
FileExtension | String | False |
The file extension of the attachment | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
File | String | False |
The base64 encoded representation of the file | |
AttachmentContextTypeId | String | False |
_filePath | String | False |
The file path of the attachment | |
FileSize | Int | False |
The file size of the attachment in Bytes | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
FileName | String | False |
The file name of the attachment | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the attachment was last updated | |
MimeType | String | False |
The mime type of the attachment | |
Description | String | False |
The description of the attachment | |
AttachmentContextDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
AttachmentContextLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
AttachmentContextId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
LegacyAttachmentContextType | String | True | ||
LegacyAttachmentContextId | String | False | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True |
Query BankAccounts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BankAccounts
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,ExcludeStripe columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BankAccounts WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM BankAccounts WHERE DeletedSince = '2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM BankAccounts WHERE ExcludeStripe = 'false'
Create a simple bank account.
INSERT INTO [Addresses] (BankAccountTypeId, Balance, AccountName) VALUES ('2', '0.0', 'test')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE BankAccounts SET BankAccountTypeId = 'SAVINGS' WHERE Id = '80b34e32b85a46c39a71c3627d577fa2'
You must specify the Id of the BankAccounts to delete it.
DELETE FROM BankAccounts WHERE id = '80b34e32b85a46c39a71c3627d577fa2'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
BankAccountTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item 使用できる値は次のとおりです。CHECKING, SAVINGS, CREDIT_CARD, CASH_IN_HAND, LOAN, OTHER | |
Balance | String | False |
The bank account balance | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
SortCode | String | False |
The sort code | |
Iban | String | False |
The iban | |
Bic | String | False |
The bic | |
AccountName | String | False |
The account name | |
AccountNumber | String | False |
The account number | |
MainContactId | String | False |
The fax number of the contact | |
DefaultPaymentMethodId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
Deletable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether or not the bank account can be deleted | |
LedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
MainAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether or not the bank account can be edited | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
JournalCodeId | String | False |
JournalCodes.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
NominalCode | Int | False |
The nominal code of the bank account | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
ExcludeStripe | Boolean | True |
Query BankDeposits in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BankDeposits
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,FromDate,ToDate columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BankDeposits WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM BankDeposits WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM BankDeposits WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM BankDeposits WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15'
You must specify the Id of the BankDeposits to delete it.
DELETE FROM BankDeposits WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
ChequeAmount | String | False |
Cheque total in the deposit | |
TransactionId | String | False | |
The unique identifier for the item |
Date | Datetime | True |
User generated date of transaction, not necessarily when it was created | |
Reference | String | False |
Reference | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
FromBankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
ToBankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
TotalAmount | String | False |
Total of cash and cheques in the deposit | |
CashAmount | String | False |
Cash total in the deposit | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True |
Query BankOpeningBalances in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BankOpeningBalances
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to BankAccountId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BankOpeningBalances WHERE BankAccountId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM BankOpeningBalances WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
INSERT INTO BankOpeningBalances (TransactionId, BankAccountId) VALUES ('2', '123')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE BankOpeningBalances SET Date = '2018-12-15' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the BankOpeningBalances to delete it.
DELETE FROM BankOpeningBalances WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Date | Datetime | True |
The date of the opening balance | |
Credit | String | False |
The credit amount of the opening balance | |
BankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
Debit | String | False |
The debit amount of the opening balance |
Query BankReconciliations in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BankReconciliations
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to BankAccountId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BankReconciliations WHERE BankAccountId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM BankReconciliations WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE BankReconciliations SET BalanceDifference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
BalanceDifference | String | False |
The difference between the statement end balance and the reconciled balance | |
TotalPaid | String | False |
The total amount paid | |
Reference | String | False |
A reference for the bank reconciliation | |
TotalReceived | String | False |
The total amount received | |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The bank reconciliation status name | |
StatusId | String | False |
The bank reconciliation status id | |
BankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
StatementDate | String | False |
The date of the bank reconciliation | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
StatementEndBalance | String | False |
The statement end balance for the reconciliation | |
StartingBalance | String | False |
The starting balance of the bank reconciliation | |
ClosingBalance | String | False |
The closing balance of the bank reconciliation | |
ReconciledBalance | String | False |
The reconciled balance of the bank reconciliation |
Query BankTransfers in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BankTransfers
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,FromDate,ToDate columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BankTransfers WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM BankTransfers WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM BankTransfers WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM BankTransfers WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15'
INSERT INTO BankTransfers (Amount, FromBankAccountId, ToBankAccountId) VALUES ('2', '123', '456')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE BankTransfers SET Date = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the BankTransfers to delete it.
DELETE FROM BankTransfers WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Date | String | False |
The date of the bank transfer | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the bank transfer | |
Amount | String | False |
The amount of the bank transfer | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
FromBankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
ToBankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Description | String | False |
The description for the bank transfer | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True |
Query BusinessExchangeRates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BusinessExchangeRates
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to CurrencyId column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM BusinessExchangeRates WHERE CurrencyId = 'USD'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE BusinessExchangeRates SET Rate = 1.5 WHERE CurrencyId = 'USD'
You must specify the Id of the BusinessExchangeRates to delete it.
DELETE FROM BusinessExchangeRates WHERE CurrencyId = 'USD'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
CurrencyId [KEY] | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
Rate | String | False |
The exchange rate | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
Display text for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
BaseCurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
InverseRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate |
Query ContactAllocations in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available ContactAllocations
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to TransactionTypeId,ContactId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ContactAllocations WHERE TransactionTypeId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM ContactAllocations WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM ContactAllocations WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM ContactAllocations WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE ContactAllocations SET TransactionTypeId = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the ContactAllocations to delete it.
DELETE FROM ContactAllocations WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Date | Datetime | True |
The date the allocation was made | |
AllocatedArtefactsAggregate | String | False |
The payment lines of the payment | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
LinksAggregate | String | False |
Links for the resource | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True |
Query ContactOpeningBalances in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available ContactOpeningBalances
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,ContactTypeId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ContactOpeningBalances WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM ContactOpeningBalances WHERE ContactTypeId = 'CUSTOMER' SELECT * FROM ContactOpeningBalances WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM ContactOpeningBalances WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE ContactOpeningBalances SET TaxRateId = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the ContactOpeningBalances to delete it.
DELETE FROM ContactOpeningBalances WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the opening balance | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the opening balance | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the opening balance | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The tax breakdown for the opening balance | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
ContactOpeningBalanceTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the opening balance | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Details | String | False |
A description of the opening balance | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
ContactTypeId | String | False |
使用できる値は次のとおりです。CUSTOMER, VENDOR | |
Date | String | False |
The date of the opening balance | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the opening balance | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True |
Query ContactPayments in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available ContactPayments
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to TransactionTypeId,BankAccountId,ContactId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,FromDate,ToDate columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ContactPayments WHERE TransactionTypeId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM ContactPayments WHERE BankAccountId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM ContactPayments WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM ContactPayments WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM ContactPayments WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM ContactPayments WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM ContactPayments WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE ContactPayments SET TaxRateId = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the ContactPayments to delete it.
DELETE FROM ContactPayments WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
BaseCurrencyCurrencyCharge | String | False |
The currency conversion charges in base currency | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
LinksAggregate | String | False |
Links for the resource | |
AllocatedArtefactsAggregate | String | False |
The allocated artefacts | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the payment | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the payment in base currency | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
PaymentMethodId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the payment in base currency | |
Reference | String | False |
A reference for the payment | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the payment | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
BankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the payment in base currency | |
PaymentOnAccountContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the payment on account was created | |
PaymentOnAccountCreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentOnAccountBaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the payment on account in base currency | |
PaymentOnAccountNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the payment on account | |
PaymentOnAccountBaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the payment on account in base currency | |
PaymentOnAccountCurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
PaymentOnAccountBaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the payment on account in base currency | |
PaymentOnAccountReference | String | False |
The reference for the payment on account | |
PaymentOnAccountTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the payment on account | |
PaymentOnAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
PaymentOnAccountBaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the payment on account in base currency | |
PaymentOnAccountStatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
PaymentOnAccountStatusLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
PaymentOnAccountStatusId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
PaymentOnAccountContactReference | String | False |
The reference of the contact when the payment on account was created | |
PaymentOnAccountDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
PaymentOnAccountTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the payment on account | |
PaymentOnAccountContactDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
PaymentOnAccountContactLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
PaymentOnAccountContactId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
PaymentOnAccountOutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the payment on account | |
PaymentOnAccountLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
PaymentOnAccountDate | String | False |
The date of the payment on account | |
PaymentOnAccountExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the payment on account | |
PaymentOnAccountUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether payment can be edited | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the payment | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
Date | String | False |
The date the payment was made | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate of the payment | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True |
Query ContactPeople in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available ContactPeople
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to AddressId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,ContactId columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ContactPeople WHERE AddressId = 'c04b66f130d14478b7978452aeedb8ad' SELECT * FROM ContactPeople WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM ContactPeople WHERE DeletedSince = '2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM ContactPeople WHERE ContactId = 'c04b66f130d16538b7978452aeedb8ad'
You must specify the Id of the ContactPeople to delete it.
DELETE FROM ContactPeople WHERE id = '69d00f6931614e3fbb7ccad85fb84af0'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Mobile | String | False |
The mobile number of the contact person | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the contact person | |
Fax | String | False |
The fax number of the contact person | |
Telephone | String | False |
The telephone number of the contact person | |
ContactPersonTypeAggregate | String | False |
The contact person types for the contact person | |
String | False |
The email address of the contact person | ||
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
IsMainContact | Bool | False |
Indicates whether this is the main contact person | |
AddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
JobTitle | String | False |
The job title of the contact person | |
IsPreferredContact | Bool | False |
Indicates that this contact person is a preferred contact | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
ContactId | String | False |
Query Contacts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Contacts
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to Email,ShowBalance,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,ContactTypeId,ExcludeSystem,ShowBalance columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Email = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE ShowBalance = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE ContactTypeId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE ExcludeSystem = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE ShowBalance = 'abc'
INSERT INTO Contacts (CreditDays, TaxNumber, AccountNumber) VALUES ('2', '123', '456')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE Contacts SET CreditDays = 123 WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the Contacts to delete it.
DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
CreditDays | Int | False |
Custom credit days for the contact. If returned as null in a GET response, you may want to GET /invoice_settings and use 'vendor_credit_days' as default/fallback according to your use case. | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the contact | |
TaxNumber | String | False |
The tax number for the contact | |
MainAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
GdprObfuscated | Bool | False |
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018. It introduces new rules for how business owners manage their contacts' personal data. When this field returns 'true', means that the contact has been requested to be obfuscated and you can not create any artifact (sales invoices, purchase invoices, ...) but you can still check previously created artifacts. | |
DefaultSalesTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
AuxReference | String | False |
Auxiliary reference. Used for German | |
ProductSalesPriceTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
SortCode | String | False |
The sort code | |
Iban | String | False |
The iban | |
Bic | String | False |
The bic | |
AccountName | String | False |
The account name | |
AccountNumber | String | False |
The account number | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the contact | |
Deletable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger entry has been deleted or not | |
AuxiliaryAccount | String | False |
Auxiliary account - used when auxiliary accounting is enabled in business settings | |
DefaultPurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DeliveryAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Balance | String | False |
The contact balance | |
Locale | String | False |
The locale for the contact | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
RegisteredNumber | String | False |
The registered number of the contact's business. Only used for German businesses and represents the | |
String | False |
The email address for the given contact | ||
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
ContactTypesAggregate | String | False |
The contact types for the contact | |
TaxTreatmentRestOfWorldTax | Bool | False |
Indicates a contact where rest of world tax rules should be applied | |
TaxTreatmentEuTaxRegistered | Bool | False |
Indicates a contact where EC tax rules should be applied | |
TaxTreatmentEuNotTaxRegistered | Bool | False |
Indicates an EU contact without a tax number - home tax rules should be applied | |
TaxTreatmentHomeTax | Bool | False |
Indicates a contact where home country tax rules should be applied | |
CreditLimit | String | False |
Custom credit limit amount for the contact | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
LinksAggregate | String | False |
Links for the resource | |
TaxCalculation | String | False |
The tax calculation method - used for French VAT & Recargo | |
MainContactPersonId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
ContactPersonTypeAggregate | String | False |
The contact person types for the contact person | |
SourceGuid | String | False |
Used when importing contacts from external sources | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
CreditTermsAndConditions | String | False |
Custom terms and conditions for the contact (Customers only) | |
Notes | String | False |
The notes for the contact | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
System | Bool | False |
Identifies a contact as being a system contact used for processing specific transaction types and reserved specifically for those transaction types such as tax return payments/refunds. | |
DefaultSalesLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
ShowBalance | String | False | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
ContactTypeId | String | True | ||
ExcludeSystem | String | True | ||
NIBased | Bool | True |
Determines if a business is located in Northern Ireland | |
TaxTreatmentHomeTax | Bool | True |
Explains which tax treatment should be applied for a contact. | |
TaxTreatmentEuTaxRegistered | Bool | True |
Explains which tax treatment should be applied for a contact. | |
TaxTreatmentEuNotTaxRegistered | Bool | True |
Explains which tax treatment should be applied for a contact. | |
TaxTreatmentRestOfWorldTax | Bool | True |
Explains which tax treatment should be applied for a contact. | |
TaxTreatmentIsImporter | Bool | True |
Explains which tax treatment should be applied for a contact. | |
CISRegistered | Bool | True |
Boolean flag set to true if the contact is CIS registered. |
Query DatevSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available DatevSettings
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ClientNumber | Int | False |
The users registration number | |
NextCustomerNumber | Int | False |
The next unique customer number | |
TaxConsultantNumber | Int | False |
Registration number of the Accountant | |
NextSupplierNumber | Int | False |
The next unique supplier number |
Query EmailSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available EmailSettings
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
SendBcc | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the user should always be sent a copy when sending a document via email | |
DefaultMessagesAggregate | String | False |
The default email messages for the businesses per message type and locale. | |
PdfAttached | Bool | False |
Indicates whether PDFs are always attached as part of sending emails for a business |
Query FinancialSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available FinancialSettings
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
TaxReturnFrequencyId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
FlatRateTaxPercentage | String | False |
The tax percentage that applies to flat rate tax schemes. | |
SalesTaxCalculation | String | False |
The method of collection for tax on sales. Allowed values - | |
UseLiveExchangeRates | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to use live or business defined exchange rates | |
YearEndLockdownDate | String | False |
The year end lockdown date of the business | |
PurchaseTaxCalculation | String | False |
The method of collection for tax on purchases. Allowed values - | |
BaseCurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
AccountingType | String | False |
Indicates the accounting type of a business, it can be accrual or cash based | |
MtdAuthenticatedDate | Datetime | True |
Indicates when a UK business enabled UK Making Tax Digital for VAT, nil if not enabled or non-uk | |
YearEndDate | Datetime | True |
The financial year end date of the business | |
TaxNumber | String | False |
The tax number | |
MultiCurrencyEnabled | Bool | False |
Indicates whether multi-currency is enabled for the business | |
MtdActivationStatus | String | False |
Indicates the UK Making Tax Digital for VAT activation status | |
AccountsStartDate | String | False |
The accounts start date of the business | |
GeneralTaxNumber | String | False |
The number for various tax report submissions | |
DefaultIrpfRate | String | False |
The default IRPF rate | |
MtdConnected | Bool | False |
Indicates whether UK Making Tax Digital for VAT is currently connected | |
PostponedAccounting | Bool | False |
If you import goods into the EU from the rest of the world, you can use postponed accounting to deal with import VAT. | |
TaxOfficeId | String | False |
TaxOffices.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
TaxSchemeId | String | False |
TaxSchemes.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Query HostedArtefactPaymentSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available HostedArtefactPaymentSettings
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ObjectGuid column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM HostedArtefactPaymentSettings WHERE ObjectGuid = 'abc'
You must specify the Id of the HostedArtefactPaymentSettings to delete it.
DELETE FROM HostedArtefactPaymentSettings WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
ObjectGuid | String | False |
The sageone_guid of the object you are disabling card payments for. | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
DisablePayment | Bool | False |
The flag to disable online payments. | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item |
Query InvoiceSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available InvoiceSettings
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
LineItemUnitPrice | String | False |
The user defined unit price column title | |
LineItemDescription | String | False |
The user defined description column title | |
LineItemQuantity | String | False |
The user defined quantity column title | |
LineItemDiscount | String | False |
The user defined discount column title | |
DeliveryNoteShowSignature | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to include the signature lines on delivery notes | |
PaymentBankAccountId | String | False |
BankAccounts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
PrintStatementsDaysOverdue | Bool | False |
Indicates wether days of overdue are printed in the contact's statement | |
PrintStatementsTableOfBalances | Bool | False |
Indicates wether table of balances is printed in the contact's statement | |
PrintContactDefaultDeliveryAddress | String | False |
Indicates which contact address is used for the delivery address of the invoice. Valid options are: INVOICE_ADDRESS, CONTACT_DELIVERY_ADDRESS, NONE. | |
PrintContactTelephone | Bool | False |
Indicates wether telephone is printed on the invoice | |
PrintContactWebsite | Bool | False |
Indicates wether website is printed on the invoice | |
PrintContactMobile | Bool | False |
Indicates wether mobile is printed on the invoice | |
PrintContactBusinessName | Bool | False |
Indicates wether business name is printed on the invoice | |
PrintContactDueDate | Bool | False |
Indicates wether due date is printed on the invoice | |
PrintContactEmailAddress | Bool | False |
Indicates wether email address is printed on the invoice | |
InsurerDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
InsurerCreditDays | Int | False |
Custom credit days for the contact. If returned as null in a GET response, you may want to GET /invoice_settings and use 'vendor_credit_days' as default/fallback according to your use case. | |
InsurerReference | String | False |
The reference for the contact | |
InsurerTaxNumber | String | False |
The tax number for the contact | |
InsurerMainAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
InsurerGdprObfuscated | Bool | False |
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018. It introduces new rules for how business owners manage their contacts' personal data. When this field returns 'true', means that the contact has been requested to be obfuscated and you can not create any artifact (sales invoices, purchase invoices, ...) but you can still check previously created artifacts. | |
InsurerDefaultSalesTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
InsurerAuxReference | String | False |
Auxiliary reference. Used for German | |
InsurerProductSalesPriceTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
InsurerBankAccountDetailsSortCode | String | False |
The sort code | |
InsurerBankAccountDetailsIban | String | False |
The iban | |
InsurerBankAccountDetailsBic | String | False |
The bic | |
InsurerBankAccountDetailsAccountName | String | False |
The account name | |
InsurerBankAccountDetailsAccountNumber | String | False |
The account number | |
InsurerName | String | False |
The name of the contact | |
InsurerDeletable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger entry has been deleted or not | |
InsurerAuxiliaryAccount | String | False |
Auxiliary account - used when auxiliary accounting is enabled in business settings | |
InsurerDefaultPurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
InsurerDeliveryAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
InsurerBalance | String | False |
The contact balance | |
InsurerLocale | String | False |
The locale for the contact | |
InsurerUpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
InsurerRegisteredNumber | String | False |
The registered number of the contact's business. Only used for German businesses and represents the | |
InsurerEmail | String | False |
The email address for the given contact | |
InsurerLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
ContactTypesAggregate | String | False |
The contact types for the contact | |
InsurerTaxTreatmentRestOfWorldTax | Bool | False |
Indicates a contact where rest of world tax rules should be applied | |
InsurerTaxTreatmentEuTaxRegistered | Bool | False |
Indicates a contact where EC tax rules should be applied | |
InsurerTaxTreatmentEuNotTaxRegistered | Bool | False |
Indicates an EU contact without a tax number - home tax rules should be applied | |
InsurerTaxTreatmentHomeTax | Bool | False |
Indicates a contact where home country tax rules should be applied | |
InsurerCreditLimit | String | False |
Custom credit limit amount for the contact | |
InsurerCreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
InsurerId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
InsurerTaxCalculation | String | False |
The tax calculation method - used for French VAT & Recargo | |
InsurerMainContactPersonId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
InsurerSourceGuid | String | False |
Used when importing contacts from external sources | |
InsurerCurrencyDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
InsurerCurrencyLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
InsurerCurrencyId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
InsurerCreditTermsAndConditions | String | False |
Custom terms and conditions for the contact (Customers only) | |
InsurerNotes | String | False |
The notes for the contact | |
InsurerDeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
InsurerSystem | Bool | False |
Identifies a contact as being a system contact used for processing specific transaction types and reserved specifically for those transaction types such as tax return payments/refunds. | |
InsurerDefaultSalesLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
VendorCreditDays | Int | False |
The default delay within which the business has to pay any vendor's invoice | |
InsuranceText | String | False |
The insurance mention to be displayed on invoices (France only) | |
SeparateInvoiceCreditNoteNumbering | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to use separate or combined number sequences for invoices and credit notes | |
EstimateNumberPrefix | String | False |
The prefix to use for sales estimates | |
QuoteTermsAndConditions | String | False |
The default terms and conditions to include on quotes | |
InsuranceArea | String | False |
The insurance area to be displayed on invoices (France only) | |
QuickEntryPrefix | String | False |
The prefix to use for quick entries | |
CustomerCreditDays | Int | False |
The default delay within which the business. | |
DocumentHeadingsSalesEstimate | String | False |
The customisable sales estimate document header | |
DocumentHeadingsSalesInvoice | String | False |
The customisable sales invoice document header | |
DocumentHeadingsSalesCorrectiveInvoice | String | False |
The customisable sales corrective invoice document header | |
DocumentHeadingsProForma | String | False |
The customisable pro forma document header | |
DocumentHeadingsRemittanceAdvice | String | False |
The customisable remittance advice document header | |
DocumentHeadingsSalesCreditNote | String | False |
The customisable sales credit note document header | |
DocumentHeadingsStatement | String | False |
The customisable statement document header | |
DocumentHeadingsDeliveryNote | String | False |
The customisable delivery note document header | |
DocumentHeadingsSalesQuote | String | False |
The customisable sales quote document header | |
SalesCreditNoteNumberPrefix | String | False |
The prefix to use for sales credit notes | |
QuoteDefaultDaysToExpiry | Int | False |
The default number of days before quotes expire | |
FooterDetailsColumn3 | String | False |
The pdf footer details for column 3 | |
FooterDetailsColumn2 | String | False |
The pdf footer details for column 2 | |
FooterDetailsColumn1 | String | False |
The pdf footer details for column 1 | |
QuoteNumberPrefix | String | False |
The prefix to use for sales quotes | |
NextCreditNoteNumber | Int | False |
The next credit note number | |
PromptPaymentPercentage | String | False |
The percentage applied to late payment of invoices (France only) | |
ShowAutoEntrepreneur | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to include auto entrepreneur details on invoices (France only) | |
NextSalesCorrectiveInvoiceNumber | Int | False |
The next sales corrective invoice number | |
InvoiceTermsAndConditions | String | False |
The default terms and conditions to include on invoices | |
DeliveryNoteTermsAndConditions | String | False |
The default terms and conditions to include on delivery notes | |
InsuranceType | String | False |
The insurance type to be displayed on invoices (France only) | |
NextInvoiceNumber | Int | False |
The next invoice number | |
SalesInvoiceNumberPrefix | String | False |
The prefix to use for sales invoices | |
ShowInsurance | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to include insurance details on invoices (France only) | |
DefaultNoteOnInvoice | String | False |
The default notes to include on invoices | |
SalesCorrectiveInvoiceNumberPrefix | String | False |
The sales corrective invoice number prefix (Spain only) | |
DefaultNoteOnCreditNote | String | False |
The default notes to include on credit notes | |
EstimateDefaultDaysToExpiry | Int | False |
The default number of days before estimates expire | |
NextQuoteNumber | Int | False |
The next quote number | |
EstimateTermsAndConditions | String | False |
The default terms and conditions to include on estimates | |
LatePaymentPercentage | String | False |
The percentage charge applied to late payment of invoices (France only) | |
DeliveryNoteShowNotes | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to include the document notes on delivery notes | |
DeliveryNoteShowPicked | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to include the picked column on delivery notes | |
DeliveryNoteShowContactDetails | Bool | False |
Indicates whether to include contact details on delivery notes |
Query JournalCodes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available JournalCodes
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to UpdatedOrCreatedSince column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM JournalCodes WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE JournalCodes SET Name = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the JournalCodes to delete it.
DELETE FROM JournalCodes WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the journal code | |
Code | String | False |
The code of the journal code | |
Reserved | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the journal code is reserved | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
ControlName | String | False |
The control name of the journal code |
Query Journals in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Journals
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to UpdatedOrCreatedSince, DeletedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Journals WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Journals WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
INSERT INTO [Journals] ( JournalLineAggregate, date, reference) VALUES ('{"ledger_account_id": "1fcc2765741311ea8d3c022ace1a91e2", "debit": 12,"credit": 0,"details": "details","tax_reconciled": true,"cleared": true,"bank_reconciled": true},{"ledger_account_id": "1fcc2765741311ea8d3c022ace1a91e2","debit": 0,"credit": 12,"details": "details","tax_reconciled": true,"cleared": true,"bank_reconciled": true}', '2019-07-12', 'Journal Reference')
INSERT INTO [JournalLineItemsAggregate#TEMP] (credit, debit, details, ledgerAccountId) VALUES ('10', '0', 'details1', '6035f3d39d7511e9a2b70e070fead9d0') INSERT INTO [JournalLineItemsAggregate#TEMP] (credit, debit, details, ledgerAccountId) VALUES ('0', '10', 'details2', '6035f3d39d7511e9a2b70e070fead9d0') INSERT INTO [Journals] (JournalLineAggregate, date, reference) VALUES ('JournalLineItemsAggregate#TEMP', '2019-07-12', 'Reference2')
You must specify the Id of the Journals to delete it.
DELETE FROM Journals WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
JournalLineAggregate | String | False |
The journal lines | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Date | Datetime | True |
The date of the journal | |
Reference | String | False |
A reference for the journal | |
Migrated | Bool | False |
Indicates if the journal was migrated from another system. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
Total | String | False |
The total for the journal | |
Description | String | False |
A description of the journal | |
JournalCodeId | String | False |
JournalCodes.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True |
Query LedgerAccountOpeningBalances in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available LedgerAccountOpeningBalances
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to UpdatedOrCreatedSince column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM LedgerAccountOpeningBalances WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE LedgerAccountOpeningBalances SET Details = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the LedgerAccountOpeningBalances to delete it.
DELETE FROM LedgerAccountOpeningBalances WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
Details | String | False |
A description of the opening balance | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Credit | String | False |
The credit amount of the opening balance | |
LedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
Debit | String | False |
The debit amount of the opening balance |
Query LedgerAccounts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available LedgerAccounts
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to LedgerAccountClassificationId,LedgerAccountTypeId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,VisibleIn,NotVisibleIn,ShowIncludedInChart,ShowControlAccounts,ShowBalanceDetails,ExcludeDeletedEntries,FromDate,ToDate,Search columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE LedgerAccountClassificationId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE LedgerAccountTypeId = 'SALES' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2019-10-02T11:46:53Z' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE VisibleIn = 'Expenses' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE NotVisibleIn = 'Journals' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE ShowIncludedInChart = 'true' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE ShowControlAccounts = 'false' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE ShowBalanceDetails = 'true' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE ExcludeDeletedEntries = 'true' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM LedgerAccounts WHERE Search = 'abc'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE LedgerAccounts SET TaxRateId = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
VisibleInJournals | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is displayed in this area of the application | |
LedgerAccountClassificationId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
LedgerAccountGroupDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
LedgerAccountGroupLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
LedgerAccountGroupId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
VisibleInOtherPayments | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is displayed in this area of the application | |
BalanceDetailsToDate | String | False |
The to date filter | |
BalanceDetailsCreditOrDebit | String | False |
Is the balance a debit or credit | |
BalanceDetailsCredits | String | False |
The credit balance | |
BalanceDetailsBalance | String | False |
The account balance | |
BalanceDetailsFromDate | String | False |
The from date filter | |
BalanceDetailsDebits | String | False |
The debit balance | |
VisibleScopes | String | False |
The visible scopes. | |
VisibleInSales | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is displayed in this area of the application | |
IncludedInChart | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is included in the chart of accounts | |
VisibleInOtherReceipts | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is displayed in this area of the application | |
DisplayFormatted | String | False |
The display name formatted based on coa_list_order in settings | |
VisibleInReporting | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is displayed in this area of the application | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
ControlName | String | False |
The control name for the ledger account | |
VisibleInBanking | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is displayed in this area of the application | |
LedgerAccountTypeId | String | False |
NominalCode | Int | False |
The nominal code of the ledger account | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
FixedTaxRate | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the default tax rate is fixed or may be changed | |
IsControlAccount | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is a control account | |
Name | String | False |
The name for the ledger account. Changes to this field do not propagate to other resources, namely not to the name of the associated bank_account (unlike the behaviour of the UI). | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
DisplayName | String | False |
The display name for the ledger account | |
VisibleInExpenses | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the ledger account is displayed in this area of the application | |
VisibleIn | String | False | ||
NotVisibleIn | String | False | ||
ShowIncludedInChart | Bool | False | ||
ShowControlAccounts | Bool | False | ||
ShowBalanceDetails | Bool | False | ||
ExcludeDeletedEntries | Bool | False | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True | ||
Search | String | True |
Query MigrationTaxReturns in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available MigrationTaxReturns
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
IeBoxT4 | String | False |
The value of box T4 | |
IeBoxT3 | String | False |
The value of box T3 | |
IeBoxT2 | String | False |
The value of box T2 | |
IeBoxT1 | String | False |
The value of box T1 | |
IeBoxES2 | String | False |
The value of box ES2 | |
IeBoxES1 | String | False |
The value of box ES1 | |
IeBoxE2 | String | False |
The value of box E2 | |
IeBoxE1 | String | False |
The value of box E1 | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
FromDate | Datetime | True |
The start date of the tax return | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxReturnFrequencyId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
GbBox9 | String | False |
The value of box 9 | |
GbBox8 | String | False |
The value of box 8 | |
GbBox7 | String | False |
The value of box 7 | |
GbBox6 | String | False |
The value of box 6 | |
GbBox5 | String | False |
The value of box 5 | |
GbBox4 | String | False |
The value of box 4 | |
GbBox3 | String | False |
The value of box 3 | |
GbBox2 | String | False |
The value of box 2 | |
GbBox1 | String | False |
The value of box 1 | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total of the tax return | |
ToDate | Datetime | True |
The end date of the tax return |
Query OpeningBalanceJournals in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available OpeningBalanceJournals
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
INSERT INTO [OpeningBalanceJournals] ( BaseJournalLineAggregate, date, reference) VALUES ('{"ledger_account_id": "1fcc2765741311ea8d3c022ace1a91e2","debit": 12,"credit": 0,"details": "details","tax_reconciled": true,"cleared": true,"bank_reconciled": true},{"ledger_account_id": "1fcc2765741311ea8d3c022ace1a91e2","debit": 0,"credit": 12,"details": "details","tax_reconciled": true,"cleared": true,"bank_reconciled": true}', '2019-07-12', 'Journal Reference')
INSERT INTO [JournalLineItemsAggregate#TEMP] (credit, debit, details, ledgerAccountId) VALUES ('10', '0', 'details1', '6035f3d39d7511e9a2b70e070fead9d0') INSERT INTO [JournalLineItemsAggregate#TEMP] (credit, debit, details, ledgerAccountId) VALUES ('0', '10', 'details2', '6035f3d39d7511e9a2b70e070fead9d0') INSERT INTO [OpeningBalanceJournals] (BaseJournalLineAggregate, date, reference) VALUES ('JournalLineItemsAggregate#TEMP', '2019-07-12', 'Reference2')
You must specify the Id of the OpeningBalanceJournals to delete it.
DELETE FROM OpeningBalanceJournals WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
BaseJournalLineAggregate | String | False |
The journal lines | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Date | Datetime | True |
The date of the opening balance journal | |
Reference | String | False |
A reference for the opening balance journal | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted |
Query OtherPayments in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available OtherPayments
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to TransactionTypeId,BankAccountId,ContactId,DeletedSince,FromDate,HasAttachments,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OtherPayments WHERE TransactionTypeId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPayments WHERE BankAccountId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPayments WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPayments WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM OtherPayments WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM OtherPayments WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPayments WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM OtherPayments WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE OtherPayments SET TransactionTypeId = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the OtherPayments to delete it.
DELETE FROM OtherPayments WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
TransactionTypeDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TransactionTypeLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the payment | |
PaymentMethodId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
Deletable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether or not the payment can be deleted | |
Reference | String | False |
A reference of the payment | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the payment | |
TaxAddressRegionDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAddressRegionLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
WithholdingTaxRate | String | False |
IRPF withheld tax rate | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
BankAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether or not the payment can be edited | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the payment | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
Date | Datetime | True |
The date of the payment | |
WithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld tax amount | |
OtherPaymentLineItemAggregate | String | False |
The payment lines of the payment | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
HasAttachments | String | False | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True |
Query Products in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Products
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to Active,Search,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Active = false SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
Create a simple product.
INSERT INTO [Products] (SalesLedgerAccountId, CostPrice, ItemCode) VALUES ('1', '1', '1')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE Products SET SalesLedgerAccountId = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the Products to delete it.
DELETE FROM Products WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
SalesLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
SalesTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Active | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the product is active | |
ItemCode | String | False |
The item code for the product | |
PurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
SalesPricesAggregate | String | False |
The sales prices for the product | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
PurchaseTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Notes | String | False |
The notes for the product | |
CostPrice | String | False |
The cost price of the product | |
UsualSupplierId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Description | String | False |
The product description | |
PurchaseDescription | String | False |
The product purchase description | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
SourceGuid | String | False |
Used when importing products from external sources | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
Search | String | False | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True |
Query ProductSalesPriceTypes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available ProductSalesPriceTypes
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to Active column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductSalesPriceTypes WHERE Active = false
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE ProductSalesPriceTypes SET Name = 'Selling Price' WHERE Id = 'c9ec71a1fe5c4916a72a9efc22324663'
You must specify the Id of the ProductSalesPriceTypes to delete it.
DELETE FROM ProductSalesPriceTypes WHERE id = 'c9ec71a1fe5c4916a72a9efc22324663'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the product sales price type | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
Active | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the price type is displayed in the application | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item |
Query PurchaseCreditNotes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available PurchaseCreditNotes
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,StatusId,ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments,ShowPaymentsAllocations columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc'
Create a simple purchase credit note.
INSERT INTO [PurchaseCreditNotes] (ContactName, TotalQuantity, DisplayedAs) VALUES ('test', '1', 'test')
UPDATEs are performed based on Id.
UPDATE PurchaseCreditNotes SET Reference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the PurchaseCreditNotes to delete it.
DELETE FROM PurchaseCreditNotes WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the credit note | |
PurchaseCreditNoteLineItemAggregate | String | False |
The credit note lines of the credit note | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the credit note in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the credit note in base currency | |
ContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the credit note was created | |
Migrated | Bool | False |
Indicates if the purchase credit note was migrated from another system. | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the credit note | |
LastPaid | String | False |
The date of the last payment | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount | String | False |
The total discount of all payments and allocations | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the credit note | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the credit note | |
OutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the credit note | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the credit note | |
ContactReference | String | False |
The reference of the contact when the credit note was created | |
TaxAddressRegionDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAddressRegionLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxCalculationMethod | String | False |
The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this purchase credit note, returns invoice or cash. | |
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate | String | False |
The associated payments and allocations | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAnalysisAggregate | String | False |
The credit note tax analysis | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate for the credit note | |
TotalQuantity | String | False |
The total quantity of the credit note | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
StatusLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
StatusId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalTax | String | False |
The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalRetailerTax | String | False |
The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotal | String | False |
The total base currency amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalNet | String | False |
The total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalNet | String | False |
The base currency total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotal | String | False |
The total amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalTax | String | False |
The total tax amount for all tax rates | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of all payments and allocations | |
VoidReason | String | False |
The reason the credit note was voided | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the purchase credit note is tax reconciled or not. | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether artefact can be edited | |
VendorReference | String | False |
The vendor reference for the credit note | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Notes | String | False |
credit note notes | |
TotalPaid | String | False |
The total paid amount of the credit note including any payments, allocations and discounts | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the credit note in base currency | |
Date | Datetime | True |
The date of the credit note | |
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the credit note in base currency | |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
Search | String | False | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
HasAttachments | String | False | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | True |
Query PurchaseInvoices in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available PurchaseInvoices
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,StatusId,ShowPaymentsAllocations,ShowCorrections,ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE ShowCorrections = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Create a simple purchase invoice.
INSERT INTO [PurchaseInvoices] (ContactName, TotalQuantity, DisplayedAs) VALUES ('test', '1', 'test')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE PurchaseInvoices SET Reference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the PurchaseInvoices to delete it.
DELETE FROM PurchaseInvoices WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the invoice in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the invoice in base currency | |
ContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the invoice was created | |
Migrated | Bool | False |
Indicates if the purchase invoice was migrated from another system. | |
DueDate | Datetime | True |
The due date of the invoice | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the invoice | |
LastPaid | String | False |
The date of the last payment | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount | String | False |
The total discount of all payments and allocations | |
WithholdingTaxRate | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Rate (Spain only) | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the invoice | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the invoice | |
OutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the invoice | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the invoice | |
ContactReference | String | False |
The reference of the contact when the invoice was created | |
TaxAddressRegionDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAddressRegionLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxCalculationMethod | String | False |
The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this purchase invoice, returns invoice or cash. | |
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate | String | False |
The associated payments and allocations | |
BaseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) in the base currency | |
WithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAnalysisAggregate | String | False |
The invoice tax analysis (Optional for Spain, restricted for all other regions) | |
PurchaseCorrectiveInvoiceAggregate | String | False |
The corrective entries associated with the invoice | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate for the invoice | |
TotalQuantity | String | False |
The total quantity of the invoice | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
StatusLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
StatusId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalTax | String | False |
The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalRetailerTax | String | False |
The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotal | String | False |
The total base currency amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalNet | String | False |
The total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalNet | String | False |
The base currency total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotal | String | False |
The total amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalTax | String | False |
The total tax amount for all tax rates | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of all payments and allocations | |
VoidReason | String | False |
The reason the invoice was voided | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the purchase invoice is tax reconciled or not. | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether artefact can be edited | |
VendorReference | String | False |
The vendor reference for the invoice | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
PurchaseInvoiceLineItemAggregate | String | False |
The invoice lines of the invoice | |
Notes | String | False |
Invoice notes | |
TotalPaid | String | False |
The total paid amount of the invoice including any payments, allocations and discounts | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the invoice in base currency | |
Date | String | False |
The date of the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the invoice in base currency | |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
ShowCorrections | String | False | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
Search | String | False | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
HasAttachments | String | True | ||
VatExemptConsignment | Bool | True |
indicate when consignment values are under ツ」135 and you have agreed with your supplier that you will account for VAT on your VAT return using Reverse Charge. | |
IsCIS | Bool | True |
Determines if this is a CIS transaction. | |
CISApplicableAmount | String | True | ||
BaseCurrencyCISApplicableAmount | String | True | ||
TotalAfterCISDeduction | String | True | ||
BaseCurrencyTotalAfterCISDeduction | String | True | ||
HasCISLabour | Bool | True | ||
HasCISMaterials | Bool | True |
Query PurchaseQuickEntries in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available PurchaseQuickEntries
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,StatusId,ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,ShowPaymentsAllocations,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE FromDate = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE ToDate = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Create a simple purchase quick entry.
INSERT INTO [PurchaseQuickEntries] (ContactName, TotalAmount, DisplayedAs) VALUES ('test', '1', 'test')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE PurchaseQuickEntries SET Reference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the PurchaseQuickEntries to delete it.
DELETE FROM PurchaseQuickEntries WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the quick entry | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the quick entry in base currency | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | False |
Whether the quick entry is marked as trade of asset. | |
CaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The tax breakdown for the quick entry in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the quick entry in base currency | |
ContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the quick entry was created | |
Migrated | Bool | False |
Indicates if the quick entry was migrated from another system. | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the quick entry | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the quick entry | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the quick entry | |
OutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the quick entry | |
ContactDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
ContactLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
ContactId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the quick entry | |
ContactReference | String | False |
The reference of the contact when the quick entry was created | |
TaxAddressRegionDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAddressRegionLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate | String | False |
The associated payments and allocations | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
LedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate for the quick entry | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
StatusLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
StatusId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The tax breakdown for the quick entry | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
PstAmount | String | False |
The pst or qst tax amount for the purchase quick entry | |
Details | String | False |
A description of the quick entry | |
GstAmount | String | False |
The gst or hst tax amount for the purchase quick entry | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
TaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Date | String | False |
The date of the quick entry | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the quick entry in base currency | |
QuickEntryTypeDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
QuickEntryTypeLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
QuickEntryTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the quick entry in base currency | |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
Search | String | False | ||
FromDate | String | True | ||
ToDate | String | True | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | True | ||
HasAttachments | String | True |
Query SalesCreditNotes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesCreditNotes
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,StatusId,ShowPaymentsAllocations,MarkAsSent,ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE MarkAsSent = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Create a simple sales credit note.
INSERT INTO [SalesCreditNotes] (ContactName, TotalQuantity, DisplayedAs) VALUES ('test', '1', 'test')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE SalesCreditNotes SET Reference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the SalesCreditNotes to delete it.
DELETE FROM SalesCreditNotes WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the credit note | |
SalesCreditNoteLineItemAggregate | String | False |
The credit note lines of the credit note | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the credit note in base currency | |
MainAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the credit note in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The shipping tax breakdown for the credit note in base currency | |
ContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the credit note was created | |
SentByEmail | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the credit note has been emailed | |
ShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The shipping tax breakdown for the credit note | |
Migrated | Bool | False |
Indicates if the sales credit note was migrated from another system. | |
TotalDiscountAmount | String | False |
The discount amount on the credit note | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the credit note | |
LastPaid | String | False |
The date of the last payment | |
CreditNoteNumber | String | False |
The generated credit note number | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount | String | False |
The total discount of all payments and allocations | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the credit note | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the credit note | |
OutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the credit note | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the credit note | |
ContactReference | String | False |
The reference of the contact when the credit note was created | |
TaxAddressRegionDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAddressRegionLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxCalculationMethod | String | False |
The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this sales credit note, returns invoice or cash. | |
TermsAndConditions | String | False |
Credit note terms and conditions | |
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate | String | False |
The associated payments and allocations | |
ShippingTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Sent | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the credit note has been sent | |
DeliveryAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAnalysisAggregate | String | False |
The credit note tax analysis | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTotalAmount | String | False |
The total shipping amount in base currency | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate for the credit note | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
TotalQuantity | String | False |
The total quantity of the credit note | |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
StatusLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
StatusId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalTax | String | False |
The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalRetailerTax | String | False |
The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotal | String | False |
The total base currency amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalNet | String | False |
The total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalNet | String | False |
The base currency total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotal | String | False |
The total amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalTax | String | False |
The total tax amount for all tax rates | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax shipping amount. NOTE: This is not required for POST/PUT requests as the shipping tax is calculated based on the shipping_net_amount and the shipping_tax_rate. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of all payments and allocations | |
CreditNoteNumberPrefix | String | False |
The credit note number prefix | |
VoidReason | String | False |
The reason the credit note was voided | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the sales credit note is tax reconciled or not. | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether artefact can be edited | |
ShippingTotalAmount | String | False |
The total shipping amount | |
BaseCurrencyShippingNetAmount | String | False |
The net shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingNetAmount | String | False |
The net shipping amount | |
CurrencyDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
CurrencyLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
Notes | String | False |
credit note notes | |
MainAddressFreeForm | String | False |
The free-form main address of the credit note | |
TotalPaid | String | False |
The total paid amount of the credit note including any payments, allocations and discounts | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
Date | String | False |
The date of the credit note | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the credit note in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the credit note in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalDiscountAmount | String | False |
The discount amount on the credit note in base currency | |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
MarkAsSent | String | False | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
Search | String | False | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
HasAttachments | String | True |
Query SalesEstimates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesEstimates
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,StatusId,Search,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesEstimates WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesEstimates WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesEstimates WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesEstimates WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesEstimates WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesEstimates WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesEstimates WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Create a simple sales estimate.
INSERT INTO [SalesEstimates] (ContactName, MainAddressId, Editable) VALUES ('test', '1', 'true')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE SalesEstimates SET Reference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the SalesEstimates to delete it.
DELETE FROM SalesEstimates WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the estimate | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the estimate in base currency | |
MainAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the estimate in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The shipping tax breakdown for the estimate in base currency | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalProfit | String | False |
The profit amount | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalDescription | String | False |
The description | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalTotalSale | String | False |
The total sale | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalTotalCost | String | False |
The total cost | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalProfitPercentage | String | False |
The profit percentage | |
LineBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The breakdown of profit per line | |
ContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the estimate was created | |
SentByEmail | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the estimate has been emailed | |
ShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The shipping tax breakdown for the estimate | |
TotalDiscountAmount | String | False |
The discount amount on the estimate | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the estimate | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount | String | False |
The total discount of all payments and allocations | |
WithholdingTaxRate | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Rate (Spain only) | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the estimate | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the estimate | |
EstimateNumberPrefix | String | False |
The estimate number prefix | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
TaxAddressRegionDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAddressRegionLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxCalculationMethod | String | False |
The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this sales invoice, returns invoice, cash or retailer. | |
TermsAndConditions | String | False |
Estimate terms and conditions | |
ShippingTaxRateDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
ShippingTaxRateLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
ShippingTaxRateId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
Sent | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the estimate has been sent | |
DeliveryAddressFreeForm | String | False |
The free-form delivery address of the estimate | |
BaseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) in the base currency | |
DeliveryAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
WithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAnalysisAggregate | String | False |
The estimate tax analysis | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTotalAmount | String | False |
The total shipping amount in base currency | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate for the estimate | |
TotalQuantity | String | False |
The total quantity of the estimate | |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The quote status name | |
StatusId | String | False |
The quote status id | |
SalesQuoteLineItemAggregate | String | False |
The estimate lines of the estimate | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalTax | String | False |
The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalRetailerTax | String | False |
The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotal | String | False |
The total base currency amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalNet | String | False |
The total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalNet | String | False |
The base currency total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotal | String | False |
The total amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalTax | String | False |
The total tax amount for all tax rates | |
ExpiryDate | String | False |
The expiry date of the estimate | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax shipping amount. NOTE: This is not required for POST/PUT requests as the shipping tax is calculated based on the shipping_net_amount and the shipping_tax_rate. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of all payments and allocations | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the quote/estimate is tax reconciled or not. | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether artefact can be edited | |
ShippingTotalAmount | String | False |
The total shipping amount | |
InvoiceDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
InvoiceLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
InvoiceId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyShippingNetAmount | String | False |
The net shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingNetAmount | String | False |
The net shipping amount | |
CurrencyDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
CurrencyLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
EstimateNumber | String | False |
The generated estimate number | |
Notes | String | False |
Estimate notes | |
MainAddressFreeForm | String | False |
The free-form main address of the estimate | |
TotalPaid | String | False |
The total paid amount of the estimate including any payments, allocations and discounts | |
Date | Datetime | True |
The date of the estimate | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the estimate in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalDiscountAmount | String | False |
The discount amount on the estimate in base currency | |
Search | String | False | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True | ||
HasAttachments | String | True |
Query SalesInvoices in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesInvoices
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId, StatusId, ShowPaymentsAllocations, ShowCorrections, MarkAsSent, ShowPaymentsAllocations, Search, FromDate, ToDate, UpdatedOrCreatedSince, DeletedSince, HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE ShowCorrections = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE MarkAsSent = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoices WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Create a simple sales invoice with a JSON aggregate value for SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate.
INSERT INTO SalesInvoices (ContactId, Date, SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate) VALUES ('0603375a7e29443b8d248239b007e72c', '2022-11-28', '{"description":"In Rainbows LP","ledger_account_id":"35efa3bc698311eda8c40ef4cf562701","unit_price":35.0,"quantity":2.0,"tax_rate_id":"24d66d90e1d64620a5d8b13cfca85b81"}')
Create a simple sales invoice by using temp tables.
INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate#TEMP (Description, LedgerAccountId, UnitPrice, Quantity, TaxRateId) VALUES ('In Rainbows LP', '35efa3bc698311eda8c40ef4cf562701', '35.0', '2.0', '24d66d90e1d64620a5d8b13cfca85b81') INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate#TEMP (Description, LedgerAccountId, UnitPrice, Quantity, TaxRateId) VALUES ('Kid A LP', '35efa3bc698311eda8c40ef4cf562701', '45.0', '4.0', '24d66d90e1d64620a5d8b13cfca85b81') INSERT INTO SalesInvoices (ContactId, Date, SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate) VALUES ('0603375a7e29443b8d248239b007e72c', '2022-11-28', 'SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate#TEMP')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE SalesInvoices SET Reference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the SalesInvoices to delete it.
DELETE FROM SalesInvoices WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the invoice in base currency | |
MainAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the invoice in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The shipping tax breakdown for the invoice in base currency | |
ContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the invoice was created | |
SentByEmail | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the invoice has been emailed | |
ShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The shipping tax breakdown for the invoice | |
Migrated | Bool | False |
Indicates if the sales invoice was migrated from another system. | |
DueDate | Datetime | True |
The due date of the invoice | |
TotalDiscountAmount | String | False |
The discount amount on the invoice | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the invoice | |
LastPaid | String | False |
The date of the last payment | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount | String | False |
The total discount of all payments and allocations | |
WithholdingTaxRate | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Rate (Spain only) | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the invoice | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the invoice | |
InvoiceNumberPrefix | String | False |
The invoice number prefix | |
OutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the invoice | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
TaxAddressRegionDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAddressRegionLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DeliveryPerformanceDate | String | False |
Delivery/Performance Date (Germany only) | |
TaxCalculationMethod | String | False |
The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this sales invoice, returns invoice, cash or retailer. | |
TermsAndConditions | String | False |
Invoice terms and conditions | |
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate | String | False |
The associated payments and allocations | |
ShippingTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Sent | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the invoice has been sent | |
DeliveryAddressFreeForm | String | False |
The free-form delivery address of the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) in the base currency | |
DeliveryAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
WithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAnalysisAggregate | String | False |
The invoice tax analysis | |
SalesCorrectiveInvoiceAggregate | String | False |
The corrective entries associated with the invoice | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate for the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTotalAmount | String | False |
The total shipping amount in base currency | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
TotalQuantity | String | False |
The total quantity of the invoice | |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
StatusLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
StatusId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalTax | String | False |
The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalRetailerTax | String | False |
The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotal | String | False |
The total base currency amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalNet | String | False |
The total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalNet | String | False |
The base currency total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotal | String | False |
The total amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalTax | String | False |
The total tax amount for all tax rates | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax shipping amount. NOTE: This is not required for POST/PUT requests as the shipping tax is calculated based on the shipping_net_amount and the shipping_tax_rate. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of all payments and allocations | |
VoidReason | String | False |
The reason the invoice was voided | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the sales invoice is tax reconciled or not. | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether artefact can be edited | |
ShippingTotalAmount | String | False |
The total shipping amount | |
BaseCurrencyShippingNetAmount | String | False |
The net shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingNetAmount | String | False |
The net shipping amount | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate | String | False |
The invoice lines of the invoice | |
InvoiceNumber | String | False |
The generated invoice number | |
Notes | String | False |
Invoice notes | |
MainAddressFreeForm | String | False |
The free-form main address of the invoice | |
TotalPaid | String | False |
The total paid amount of the invoice including any payments, allocations and discounts | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
Date | String | False |
The date of the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the invoice in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the invoice in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalDiscountAmount | String | False |
The discount amount on the invoice in base currency | |
LinksAggregate | String | False |
Links for the resource | |
OriginalQuoteEstimateDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
OriginalQuoteEstimateLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
OriginalQuoteEstimateId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
ShowCorrections | String | False | ||
MarkAsSent | String | False | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
Search | String | False | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
HasAttachments | String | True | ||
IsCIS | Bool | True |
Determines if this is a CIS transaction. | |
CISApplicableAmount | String | True | ||
BaseCurrencyCISApplicableAmount | String | True | ||
TotalAfterCISDeduction | String | True | ||
BaseCurrencyTotalAfterCISDeduction | String | True | ||
HasCISLabour | Bool | True | ||
HasCISMaterials | Bool | True |
Query SalesQuickEntries in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesQuickEntries
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,StatusId,ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,ShowPaymentsAllocations,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE SalesQuickEntries SET Reference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the SalesQuickEntries to delete it.
DELETE FROM SalesQuickEntries WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the quick entry | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the quick entry in base currency | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | False |
Whether the quick entry is marked as trade of asset. | |
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The tax breakdown for the quick entry in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the quick entry in base currency | |
ContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the quick entry was created | |
Migrated | Bool | False |
Indicates if the quick entry was migrated from another system. | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the quick entry | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the quick entry | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the quick entry | |
OutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the quick entry | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the quick entry | |
ContactReference | String | False |
The reference of the contact when the quick entry was created | |
TaxAddressRegionDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
TaxAddressRegionLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate | String | False |
The associated payments and allocations | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
LedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate for the quick entry | |
TransactionId | String | False |
Transactions.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
StatusLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
StatusId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The tax breakdown for the quick entry | |
TransactionTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
Details | String | False |
A description of the quick entry | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
TaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Date | String | False |
The date of the quick entry | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the quick entry in base currency | |
QuickEntryTypeDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
QuickEntryTypeLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
QuickEntryTypeId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | False |
The outstanding amount of the quick entry in base currency | |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | False | ||
Search | String | False | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | False | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | True | ||
HasAttachments | String | True |
Query SalesQuotes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesQuotes
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesQuotes WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuotes WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuotes WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuotes WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuotes WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuotes WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE SalesQuotes SET Reference = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the SalesQuotes to delete it.
DELETE FROM SalesQuotes WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference for the quote | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the quote in base currency | |
MainAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the quote in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The shipping tax breakdown for the quote in base currency | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalProfit | String | False |
The profit amount | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalDescription | String | False |
The description | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalTotalSale | String | False |
The total sale | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalTotalCost | String | False |
The total cost | |
ProfitAnalysisTotalProfitPercentage | String | False |
The profit percentage | |
LineBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The breakdown of profit per line | |
ContactName | String | False |
The name of the contact when the quote was created | |
SentByEmail | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the quote has been emailed | |
ShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | False |
The shipping tax breakdown for the quote | |
TotalDiscountAmount | String | False |
The discount amount on the quote | |
TaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the quote | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount | String | False |
The total discount of all payments and allocations | |
WithholdingTaxRate | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Rate (Spain only) | |
TotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of the quote | |
ExchangeRate | String | False |
The exchange rate for the quote | |
ContactId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
NetAmount | String | False |
The net amount of the quote | |
ContactReference | String | False |
The reference of the contact when the quote was created | |
TaxCalculationMethod | String | False |
The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this sales invoice, returns invoice, cash or retailer. | |
TermsAndConditions | String | False |
Quote terms and conditions | |
ShippingTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Sent | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the quote has been sent | |
DeliveryAddressFreeForm | String | False |
The free-form delivery address of the quote | |
BaseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) in the base currency | |
DeliveryAddressId | String | False |
Addresses.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
WithholdingTaxAmount | String | False |
IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAnalysisAggregate | String | False |
The quote tax analysis | |
QuoteNumberPrefix | String | False |
The quote number prefix | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTotalAmount | String | False |
The total shipping amount in base currency | |
QuoteNumber | String | False |
The generated quote number | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | False |
The inverse exchange rate for the quote | |
TotalQuantity | String | False |
The total quantity of the quote | |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | False |
The quote status name | |
StatusId | String | False |
The quote status id | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalTax | String | False |
The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalRetailerTax | String | False |
The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotal | String | False |
The total base currency amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalGoodsAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalNet | String | False |
The total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total base currency amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalNet | String | False |
The base currency total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalServicesAmount | String | False |
The total amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotal | String | False |
The total amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalTax | String | False |
The total tax amount for all tax rates | |
ExpiryDate | String | False |
The expiry date of the quote | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax shipping amount. NOTE: This is not required for POST/PUT requests as the shipping tax is calculated based on the shipping_net_amount and the shipping_tax_rate. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount | String | False |
The total amount of all payments and allocations | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | False |
Indicates if the quote/estimate is tax reconciled or not. | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether artefact can be edited | |
ShippingTotalAmount | String | False |
The total shipping amount | |
InvoiceDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
InvoiceLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
InvoiceId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyShippingNetAmount | String | False |
The net shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingNetAmount | String | False |
The net shipping amount | |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Currencies.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Notes | String | False |
Quote notes | |
MainAddressFreeForm | String | False |
The free-form main address of the quote | |
TotalPaid | String | False |
The total paid amount of the quote including any payments, allocations and discounts | |
Date | Datetime | False |
The date of the quote | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | False |
The tax amount of the quote in base currency | |
SalesQuoteLineItemAggregate | String | False |
The quote lines of the quote | |
BaseCurrencyTotalDiscountAmount | String | False |
The discount amount on the quote in base currency | |
FromDate | Datetime | False | ||
ToDate | Datetime | False | ||
HasAttachments | String | False |
Query Services in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Services
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to Active,Search,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Services WHERE Active = false SELECT * FROM Services WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Services WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Services WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
INSERT INTO StockItems (SalesLedgerAccountId, SalesTaxRateId, Active) VALUES ('1', '2', 'true')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE Services SET SalesLedgerAccountId = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the Services to delete it.
DELETE FROM Services WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
SalesLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
SalesTaxRateDisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
SalesTaxRateLegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
SalesTaxRateId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
Active | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the service is active | |
ItemCode | String | False |
The item code for the service | |
PurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
PurchaseTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Notes | String | False |
The notes for the service | |
UsualSupplierId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
SalesRatesAggregate | String | False |
The sales rates for the service | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Description | String | False |
The service description | |
PurchaseDescription | String | False |
The service purchase description | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
SourceGuid | String | False |
Used when importing services from external sources | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
Search | String | True | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True |
Query StockItems in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available StockItems
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to Active,Search,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,OutOfStock,BelowReorderLevel columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM StockItems WHERE Active = false SELECT * FROM StockItems WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM StockItems WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM StockItems WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM StockItems WHERE OutOfStock = 'abc' SELECT * FROM StockItems WHERE BelowReorderLevel = 'abc'
INSERT INTO StockItems (SalesLedgerAccountId, SalesTaxRateId) VALUES ('1', '2')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE StockItems SET Location = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the StockItems to delete it.
DELETE FROM StockItems WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
Location | String | False |
The location for the stock item | |
SalesLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
ReorderQuantity | String | False |
The reorder quantity for the stock item | |
SalesTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
AverageCostPrice | String | False |
The average price across all purchases of this stock item | |
LastCostPrice | String | False |
The most recent 'purchase invoice' or 'adjustment in' price | |
Active | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the stock item is active | |
ItemCode | String | False |
The item code for the stock item | |
PurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
WeightConverted | String | False |
The weight of stock item converted to the lowest unit of measurement | |
SalesPricesAggregate | String | False |
The sales prices for the stock item | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was deleted | |
SupplierPartNumber | String | False |
The supplier part number for stock item | |
PurchaseTaxRateId | String | False |
TaxRates.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Notes | String | False |
The notes for the stock item | |
Weight | String | False |
The weight of stock item | |
AverageCostPriceStockValue | String | False |
The value of the current stock in terms of the average cost price | |
CostPrice | String | False |
The cost price of the stock item | |
UsualSupplierId | String | False |
Contacts.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
MeasurementUnit | String | False |
The unit of measure of weight for stock item | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Description | String | False |
The stock item description | |
PurchaseDescription | String | False |
The stock item purchase description | |
ReorderLevel | String | False |
The reorder level for the stock item | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
SourceGuid | String | False |
Used when importing stock items from external sources | |
Barcode | String | False |
The barcode for the stock item | |
LastCostPriceStockValue | String | False |
The value of the current stock in terms of the last cost price | |
CostPriceLastUpdated | String | False |
The date on which the last cost price was last updated | |
QuantityInStock | String | False |
The current quantity of the stock item held by the business | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
Search | String | False | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | True | ||
OutOfStock | String | True | ||
BelowReorderLevel | String | True |
Query StockMovements in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available StockMovements
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to StockItemId,Search,FromDate,ToDate columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM StockMovements WHERE StockItemId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM StockMovements WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM StockMovements WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM StockMovements WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15'
INSERT INTO StockMovements (Quantity, CostPrice) VALUES ('7', '12')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE StockMovements SET Details = 'abc' WHERE Id = '123'
You must specify the Id of the StockMovements to delete it.
DELETE FROM StockMovements WHERE id = '123'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
Details | String | False |
The transaction details of the stock movement | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
Display text for the stock movement | |
Date | Datetime | False |
The date the stock movement occurred | |
MovementNumber | String | False |
The movement number of the stock movement | |
Reference | String | False |
The reference of the stock movement | |
Quantity | String | False |
The quantity of the goods adjusted | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
CostPrice | String | False |
The cost per unit of stock purchased | |
StockItemId | String | False |
StockItems.Id |
The unique identifier for the item |
Search | String | False | ||
FromDate | Datetime | True | ||
ToDate | Datetime | True |
Query TaxProfiles in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available TaxProfiles
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to UpdatedOrCreatedSince column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TaxProfiles WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
CollectTax | Bool | False |
Indicates whether tax is collected for this tax type | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxReturnFrequencyId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
TaxNumberSuffix | String | False |
The tax number suffix | |
TaxNumber | String | False |
The tax number | |
AddressRegionId | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item |
Query TaxRates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available TaxRates
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to Date,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,AddressRegionId,Date,IncludeHistoricalData columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TaxRates WHERE Date = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM TaxRates WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2019-10-02T11:46:54' SELECT * FROM TaxRates WHERE AddressRegionId = 'CA-AB' SELECT * FROM TaxRates WHERE IncludeHistoricalData = false
INSERT INTO TaxRates (Name, Editable, IsVisible) VALUES ('Test', 'true', 'true')
Updates are performed based on Id.
UPDATE TaxRates SET Name = 'test' WHERE Id = '1a756edcf15743ba8cc53804df6049da'
You must specify the Id of the TaxRates to delete it.
DELETE FROM TaxRates WHERE id = '1a756edcf15743ba8cc53804df6049da'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was created | |
IsCombinedRate | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the tax rate is made up of component tax rates | |
DisplayedAs | String | False |
The name of the resource | |
Name | String | False |
The name of the tax rate | |
TaxRatePercentageAggregate | String | False |
The tax rate percentage and date ranges they apply to | |
Editable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether a tax rate can be edited | |
Retailer | Bool | False |
Indicates if tax rate is a retailer rate or not | |
ComponentTaxRatesAggregate | String | False |
The component tax rates which make up a combined rate | |
Deletable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether a tax rate can be deleted | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The datetime when the item was last updated | |
Agency | String | False |
The agency name (US Only) | |
LegacyId | Int | False |
The legacy ID for the item | |
IsVisible | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the tax rate is displayed in the application | |
Percentage | String | False |
The current tax rate percentage | |
Date | Datetime | True | ||
AddressRegionId | String | True | ||
IncludeHistoricalData | Bool | True |
Name | Description |
AddressRegions | Query AddressRegions in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
ArtefactStatuses | Query ArtefactStatuses in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BaseJournalLine | Query BaseJournalLine in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BusinessActivityTypes | Query BusinessActivityTypes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Businesses | Query Businesses in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
BusinessSettings | Query BusinessSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
CoaAccounts | Query CoaAccounts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
CoaTemplates | Query CoaTemplates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
CorrectiveReasonCodes | Query CorrectiveReasonCodes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Countries | Query Countries in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
CountryGroups | Query CountryGroups in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
CountryOfRegistrations | Query CountryOfRegistrations in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Currencies | Query Currencies in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
EuSalesDescriptions | Query EuSalesDescriptions in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
ExchangeRates | Query ExchangeRates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
JournalLine | Query JournalLine in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
LedgerAccountClassifications | Query LedgerAccountClassifications in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
LedgerEntries | Query LedgerEntries in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
LiveExchangeRates | Query LiveExchangeRates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
OtherPaymentLineItem | Query OtherPaymentLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
PaymentMethods | Query PaymentMethods in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice | Query PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem | Query PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
PurchaseInvoiceLineItem | Query PurchaseInvoiceLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesCorrectiveInvoice | Query SalesCorrectiveInvoice in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesCreditNoteLineItem | Query SalesCreditNoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesQuoteLineItem | Query SalesEstimatesQuoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesInvoiceLineItem | Query SalesInvoiceLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
SalesQuoteLineItem | Query SalesQuoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
TaxOffices | Query TaxOffices in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
TaxReturnFrequencies | Query TaxReturnFrequencies in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
TaxSchemes | Query TaxSchemes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Transactions | Query Transactions in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
TransactionTypes | Query TransactionTypes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
UnallocatedArtefacts | Query UnallocatedArtefacts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting. |
Query AddressRegions in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available AddressRegions
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to CountryId column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM AddressRegions WHERE CountryId = 'AF'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
Name | String | The name of the address region | |
Code | String | The code of the address region | |
DisplayedAs | String | Display text for the item | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
CountryId | String |
Query ArtefactStatuses in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available ArtefactStatuses
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query BaseJournalLine in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BaseJournalLine
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
Details | String | A description of the journal line | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
Debit | String | The debit amount of the journal line | |
Credit | String | The credit amount of the journal line | |
OpeningBalanceJournalsId | String | Parent ID |
Query BusinessActivityTypes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BusinessActivityTypes
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query Businesses in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource |
Query BusinessSettings in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available BusinessSettings
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Siret | String | SIRET Number (France only) | |
ShareCapital | String | Share Capital (France only) | |
AuxiliaryAccountsVisible | Bool | Auxiliary Accounts Visible (France & Spain only) | |
PurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
SalesLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BankInterestChargesPaidLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
StockPurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
CarriageLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ProductSalesLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
PurchaseDiscountLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ExchangeRateLossesLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
OtherPaymentLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BankChargesLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ProductPurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
PurchaseLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
CustomerReceiptDiscountLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
SalesDiscountLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ExchangeRateGainsLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
VendorPaymentDiscountLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
OtherReceiptLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BankInterestReceivedLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ServiceSalesLedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ManagementCentreMember | Bool | Member of Approved Management Centres (France only) | |
CountryOfRegistrationId | String |
Countries.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
RcsNumber | String | RCS Number (France only) | |
BusinessActivityTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
NIBased | Bool | Determines if a business is located in Northern Ireland |
Query CoaAccounts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available CoaAccounts
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to CoaTemplateId column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
FixedTaxRate | Bool | Indicates whether the default tax rate is fixed or may be changed | |
Name | String | The name for the COA account | |
LedgerAccountTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
LedgerAccountGroupDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LedgerAccountGroupLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
LedgerAccountGroupId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
NominalCode | Int | The nominal code of the COA account | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
ControlName | String | The system control name for the COA account | |
LedgerAccountClassificationId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
CoaTemplateId | String |
Query CoaTemplates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available CoaTemplates
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to CountryId column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CoaTemplates WHERE CountryId = 'AF'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was last updated | |
Name | String | The name for the COA template | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was created | |
CountryId | String |
Countries.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query CorrectiveReasonCodes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available CorrectiveReasonCodes
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query Countries in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Countries
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query CountryGroups in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available CountryGroups
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query CountryOfRegistrations in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available CountryOfRegistrations
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query Currencies in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Currencies
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query EuSalesDescriptions in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available EuSalesDescriptions
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query ExchangeRates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available ExchangeRates
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was last updated | |
CurrencyId | String |
Currencies.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
Rate | String | The exchange rate | |
DisplayedAs | String | Display text for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was created | |
BaseCurrencyId | String |
Currencies.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
InverseRate | String | The inverse exchange rate |
Query JournalLine in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available JournalLine
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM JournalLine WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM JournalLine WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
Details | String | A description of the journal line | |
Cleared | Bool | Indicates if the journal line is cleared or not. | |
Credit | String | The credit amount of the journal line | |
BankReconciled | Bool | Indicates if the journal line is bank reconciled or not. | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
IncludeOnTaxReturn | Bool | Indicates whether the journal line should affect the tax return | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | Indicates if the journal line is tax reconciled or not. | |
Debit | String | The debit amount of the journal line | |
JournalsId [KEY] | String | Parent ID | |
DeletedSince | Datetime |
Query LedgerAccountClassifications in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available LedgerAccountClassifications
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to LedgerAccountTypeId column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM LedgerAccountClassifications WHERE LedgerAccountTypeId = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
LedgerAccountTypeId | String |
Query LedgerEntries in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available LedgerEntries
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to TransactionId,LedgerAccountId,JournalCodeId,FromDate,ToDate,TransactionTypeId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM LedgerEntries WHERE TransactionId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM LedgerEntries WHERE LedgerAccountId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM LedgerEntries WHERE JournalCodeId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM LedgerEntries WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM LedgerEntries WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM LedgerEntries WHERE TransactionTypeId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM LedgerEntries WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Deleted | Bool | Indicates whether the ledger entry has been deleted or not | |
TransactionId | String |
Transactions.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
Date | Datetime | The date of the ledger entry | |
Credit | String | The credit amount of the ledger entry | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ContactId | String |
Contacts.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
LinksAggregate | String | Links for the resource | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
Debit | String | The debit amount of the ledger entry | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ComponentTaxRatesAggregate | String | The component tax rates which make up a combined rate | |
Description | String | The ledger entry description | |
JournalCodeId | String |
JournalCodes.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
TransactionTypeId | String |
Query LiveExchangeRates in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available LiveExchangeRates
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
CurrencyId | String |
Currencies.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | ||
Rate | String | The exchange rate | |
DisplayedAs | String | Display text for the item | |
BaseCurrencyId | String |
Currencies.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
InverseRate | String | The inverse exchange rate | |
RetrievedAt | String |
Query OtherPaymentLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available OtherPaymentLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to BankAccountId,ContactId,DeletedSince,FromDate,HasAttachments,ToDate,TransactionTypeId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OtherPaymentLineItem WHERE BankAccountId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPaymentLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPaymentLineItem WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM OtherPaymentLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM OtherPaymentLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPaymentLineItem WHERE ToDate = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPaymentLineItem WHERE TransactionTypeId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM OtherPaymentLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
Details | String | The details of the payment line | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
GstAmount | String | The gst or hst tax amount for the other payment | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the payment line | |
IsPurchaseForResale | Bool | Identifies whether the line item is for resale. (Ireland only) | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
PstAmount | String | The pst or qst tax amount for the other payment | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount of the payment line | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount of the payment line | |
NetAmount | String | The net amount of the payment line | |
BaseId | String | Parent ID | |
BankAccountId | String | ||
ContactId | String | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String | ||
ToDate | String | ||
TransactionTypeId | String |
Query PaymentMethods in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available PaymentMethods
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ShowPaymentsAllocations,ShowCorrections,Search,ContactId,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ShowCorrections = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCorrectiveInvoice WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseId | String | Parent ID | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | The reference for the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount of the invoice in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount of the invoice in base currency | |
ContactName | String | The name of the contact when the invoice was created | |
DueDate | String | The due date of the invoice | |
OriginalInvoiceDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
OriginalInvoiceLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
OriginalInvoiceId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount of the invoice | |
LastPaid | String | The date of the last payment | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount | String | The total discount of all payments and allocations | |
OriginalInvoiceDate | String | The Invoice date relating to the original invoice (Spain only) | |
WithholdingTaxRate | String | IRPF withheld Tax Rate (Spain only) | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount of the invoice | |
ExchangeRate | String | The exchange rate for the invoice | |
OutstandingAmount | String | The outstanding amount of the invoice | |
ContactDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
ContactId | String |
Contacts.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
NetAmount | String | The net amount of the invoice | |
ContactReference | String | The reference of the contact when the invoice was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate | String | The associated payments and allocations | |
BaseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount | String | IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) in the base currency | |
WithholdingTaxAmount | String | IRPF withheld Tax Amount (Spain only) | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxanalysisAggregate | String | The invoice tax analysis (Optional for Spain, restricted for all other regions) | |
OriginalInvoiceNumber | String | The number relating to the original invoice (Spain only) | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | The inverse exchange rate for the credit note | |
TotalQuantity | String | The total quantity of the invoice | |
TransactionId | String |
Transactions.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
StatusLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
StatusId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount | String | The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
BaseCurrencyTotalTax | String | The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates | |
TotalRetailerTax | String | The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates | |
BaseCurrencyTotal | String | The total base currency amount for all tax rates | |
TotalGoodsAmount | String | The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
TaxRatesBreakdownServicesAmount | String | The total amount for the tax rate relating to services | |
TaxRatesBreakdownBaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The base currency net amount for the tax rate | |
TaxRatesBreakdownName | String | The tax rate name | |
TaxRatesBreakdownBaseCurrencyServicesAmount | String | The total base currency amount for the tax rate relating to services | |
TaxRatesBreakdownBaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The base currency tax amount for the tax rate | |
TaxRatesBreakdownBaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The base currency total amount for the tax rate | |
TaxRatesBreakdownGoodsAmount | String | The total amount for the tax rate relating to goods | |
TaxRatesBreakdownRetailTaxAmount | String | The retailer tax amount for the tax rate | |
TaxRatesBreakdownBaseCurrencyGoodsAmount | String | The total base currency amount for the tax rate relating to goods | |
TaxRatesBreakdownTaxRateCreatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was created | |
TaxRatesBreakdownTaxRateIsCombinedRate | Bool | Indicates whether the tax rate is made up of component tax rates | |
TaxRatesBreakdownTaxRateDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
TaxRatesBreakdownTaxRateName | String | The name of the tax rate | |
TaxRatePercentageAggregate | String | The tax rate percentage and date ranges they apply to | |
TransactionTypeId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount | String | The total amount of all payments and allocations | |
VoidReason | String | The reason the invoice was voided | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | Indicates if the artefact is tax reconciled or not. | |
Editable | Bool | Indicates whether artefact can be edited | |
VendorReference | String | The vendor reference for the invoice | |
CurrencyId | String |
Currencies.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
PurchaseInvoiceLineItemAggregate | String | The invoice lines of the invoice | |
Notes | String | Invoice notes | |
TotalPaid | String | The total paid amount of the invoice including any payments, allocations and discounts | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was deleted | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount of the invoice in base currency | |
Date | String | The date of the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | The outstanding amount of the invoice in base currency | |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | ||
ShowCorrections | String | ||
Search | String | ||
ContactId | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String |
Query PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search,ContactId,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments,ShowPaymentsAllocations columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
PurchaseCreditNotesId | String | Parent ID | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ProductId | String |
Products.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
EuGoodsServicesTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES | |
NetAmount | String | The net amount for the credit note line | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the credit note line in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount for the credit note line in base currency | |
Quantity | String | The quantity for the credit note line | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount for the credit note line | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
IsPurchaseForResale | Bool | Identifies whether the line item is for resale. (Ireland Only) | |
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the credit note line in base currency | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the credit note line | |
UnitPrice | String | The unit price for the credit note line | |
BaseCurrencyUnitPrice | String | The unit price for the credit note line in base currency | |
GstAmount | String | The gst or hst tax amount for the credit note line | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount for the credit note line in base currency | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Description | String | The description for the credit note line | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the credit note line | |
PstAmount | String | The pst or qst tax amount for the credit note line | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
UnitPriceIncludesTax | Bool | Defines whether the unit price includes tax | |
ServiceId | String |
Services.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | ||
Search | String | ||
ContactId | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String |
Query PurchaseInvoiceLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available PurchaseInvoiceLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ShowPaymentsAllocations,HasAttachments,FromDate,ContactId,StatusId,ShowCorrections,DeletedSince,Search,ToDate columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE ShowCorrections = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM PurchaseInvoiceLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
PurchaseInvoicesId | String | Parent ID | |
TaxRateDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
TaxRateLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxRateId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ProductId | String |
Products.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
EuGoodsServicesTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES | |
NetAmount | String | The net amount for the invoice line | |
PurchaseInvoicesCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the invoice line in PurchaseInvoices currency | |
PurchaseInvoicesCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount for the invoice line in PurchaseInvoices currency | |
Quantity | String | The quantity for the invoice line | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount for the invoice line | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
IsPurchaseForResale | Bool | Identifies whether the line item is for resale. (Ireland Only) | |
PurchaseInvoicesCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the invoice line in PurchaseInvoices currency | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the invoice line | |
UnitPrice | String | The unit price for the invoice line | |
PurchaseInvoicesCurrencyUnitPrice | String | The unit price for the invoice line in PurchaseInvoices currency | |
GstAmount | String | The gst or hst tax amount for the invoice line | |
PurchaseInvoicesCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount for the invoice line in PurchaseInvoices currency | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Description | String | The description for the invoice line | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the invoice line | |
PstAmount | String | The pst or qst tax amount for the invoice line | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
UnitPriceIncludesTax | Bool | Defines whether the unit price includes tax | |
ServiceId | String |
Services.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | ||
HasAttachments | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ContactId | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
ShowCorrections | String | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | ||
Search | String | ||
ToDate | Datetime |
Query SalesCorrectiveInvoice in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesCorrectiveInvoice
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ShowPaymentsAllocations,ShowCorrections,MarkAsSent,Search,ContactId,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ShowCorrections = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE MarkAsSent = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCorrectiveInvoice WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
SalesArtefactAddressId | String | Parent ID | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Reference | String | The reference for the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount of the invoice in base currency | |
MainAddressId | String |
Addresses.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount of the invoice in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The shipping tax breakdown for the invoice in base currency | |
ContactName | String | The name of the contact when the invoice was created | |
SentByEmail | Bool | Indicates whether the invoice has been emailed | |
ShippingTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The shipping tax breakdown for the invoice | |
DueDate | Datetime | The due date of the invoice | |
TotalDiscountAmount | String | The discount amount on the invoice | |
LinksAggregate | String | Links for the resource | |
OriginalInvoiceDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
OriginalInvoiceLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
OriginalInvoiceId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount of the invoice | |
LastPaid | String | The date of the last payment | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalDiscount | String | The total discount of all payments and allocations | |
OriginalInvoiceDate | String | The Invoice date relating to the original invoice | |
WithholdingTaxRate | String | IRPF Witheld Tax Rate (Spain only) | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount of the invoice | |
ExchangeRate | String | The exchange rate for the invoice | |
InvoiceNumberPrefix | String | The invoice number prefix | |
OutstandingAmount | String | The outstanding amount of the invoice | |
ContactId | String |
Contacts.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
NetAmount | String | The net amount of the invoice | |
ContactReference | String | The reference of the contact when the invoice was created | |
TaxCalculationMethod | String | The tax calculation method, if applicable, for this sales invoice, returns invoice, cash or retailer. | |
TermsAndConditions | String | Invoice terms and conditions | |
PaymentsAllocationsAggregate | String | The associated payments and allocations | |
ShippingTaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
Sent | Bool | Indicates whether the invoice has been sent | |
DeliveryAddressFreeForm | String | The free-form delivery address of the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyWithholdingTaxAmount | String | IRPF Witheld Tax Amount (Spain only) in the base currency | |
DeliveryAddressId | String |
Addresses.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
WithholdingTaxAmount | String | IRPF Witheld Tax Amount (Spain only) | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxAnalysisAggregate | String | The invoice tax analysis | |
OriginalInvoiceNumber | String | The number relating to the original invoice | |
InverseExchangeRate | String | The inverse exchange rate for the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTotalAmount | String | The total shipping amount in base currency | |
TransactionId | String |
Transactions.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
TotalQuantity | String | The total quantity of the invoice | |
StatusDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
StatusLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
StatusId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalGoodsAmount | String | The total base currency amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalTax | String | The base currency total tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalRetailerTax | String | The total retailer tax amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotal | String | The total base currency amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalGoodsAmount | String | The total amount relating to goods for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalNet | String | The total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalServicesAmount | String | The total base currency amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisBaseCurrencyTotalNet | String | The base currency total net amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalServicesAmount | String | The total amount relating to services for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotal | String | The total amount for all tax rates | |
DetailedTaxAnalysisTotalTax | String | The total tax amount for all tax rates | |
TransactionTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyShippingTaxAmount | String | The tax shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingTaxAmount | String | The tax shipping amount. NOTE: This is not required for POST/PUT requests as the shipping tax is calculated based on the shipping_net_amount and the shipping_tax_rate. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was created | |
PaymentsAllocationsTotalAmount | String | The total amount of all payments and allocations | |
VoidReason | String | The reason the invoice was voided | |
TaxReconciled | Bool | Indicates if the artefact is tax reconciled or not. | |
Editable | Bool | Indicates whether artefact can be edited | |
ShippingTotalAmount | String | The total shipping amount | |
BaseCurrencyShippingNetAmount | String | The net shipping amount in base currency | |
ShippingNetAmount | String | The net shipping amount | |
CurrencyId | String |
Currencies.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
Details | String | The corrective invoice details | |
SalesInvoiceLineItemAggregate | String | The invoice lines of the invoice | |
CorrectiveReasonCodeId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
InvoiceNumber | String | The generated invoice number | |
Notes | String | Invoice notes | |
MainAddressFreeForm | String | The free-form main address of the invoice | |
TotalPaid | String | The total paid amount of the invoice including any payments, allocations and discounts | |
DeletedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was deleted | |
Date | String | The date of the invoice | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount of the invoice in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyOutstandingAmount | String | The outstanding amount of the invoice in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalDiscountAmount | String | The discount amount on the invoice in base currency | |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | ||
ShowCorrections | String | ||
MarkAsSent | String | ||
Search | String | ||
ContactId | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String |
Query SalesCreditNoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesCreditNoteLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ShowPaymentsAllocations,MarkAsSent,ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search,ContactId,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE MarkAsSent = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesCreditNoteLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
SalesCreditNotesId | String | Parent ID | |
TaxRateDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
TaxRateLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxRateId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
ProductId | String |
Products.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
EuGoodsServicesTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES | |
NetAmount | String | The net amount for the invoice line | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the invoice line in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount for the invoice line in base currency | |
DiscountPercentage | String | The discount percentage for the invoice line | |
Quantity | String | The quantity for the invoice line | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount for the invoice line | |
BaseCurrencyDiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the invoice line in base currency | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the invoice line in base currency | |
TaxbreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the invoice line | |
UnitPrice | String | The unit price for the invoice line | |
BaseCurrencyUnitPrice | String | The unit price for the invoice line in base currency | |
DiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the invoice line | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount for the invoice line in base currency | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Description | String | The description for the invoice line | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the invoice line | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
EuSalesDescriptionId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
UnitPriceIncludesTax | Bool | Defines whether the unit price includes tax | |
ServiceId | String |
Services.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | ||
MarkAsSent | String | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | ||
Search | String | ||
ContactId | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String |
Query SalesEstimatesQuoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesQuoteLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,Search,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
QuoteStatusId | String | Parent ID | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ProductId | String |
Products.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
EuGoodsServicesTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES | |
NetAmount | String | The net amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the quote line in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount for the quote line in base currency | |
DiscountPercentage | String | The discount percentage for the quote line | |
Quantity | String | The quantity for the quote line | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyDiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the quote line in base currency | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the quote line in base currency | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the quote line | |
UnitPrice | String | The unit price for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyUnitPrice | String | The unit price for the quote line in base currency | |
DiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount for the quote line in base currency | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Description | String | The description for the quote line | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the quote line | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
EuSalesDescriptionId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
UnitPriceIncludesTax | Bool | Defines whether the unit price includes tax | |
ServiceId | String |
Services.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ContactId | String | ||
Search | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String |
Query SalesQuoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesQuoteLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,Search,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
QuoteStatusId | String | Parent ID | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ProductId | String |
Products.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
EuGoodsServicesTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES | |
NetAmount | String | The net amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the quote line in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount for the quote line in base currency | |
DiscountPercentage | String | The discount percentage for the quote line | |
Quantity | String | The quantity for the quote line | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyDiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the quote line in base currency | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the quote line in base currency | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the quote line | |
UnitPrice | String | The unit price for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyUnitPrice | String | The unit price for the quote line in base currency | |
DiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount for the quote line in base currency | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Description | String | The description for the quote line | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the quote line | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
EuSalesDescriptionId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
UnitPriceIncludesTax | Bool | Defines whether the unit price includes tax | |
ServiceId | String |
Services.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ContactId | String |
Contacts.Id | |
Search | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String |
Query SalesInvoiceLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesInvoiceLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,DeletedSince,HasAttachments,ShowPaymentsAllocations,Search columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE DeletedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE ShowPaymentsAllocations = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesInvoiceLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
SalesInvoicesId | String | Parent ID | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ProductId | String |
Products.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
EuGoodsServicesTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES | |
NetAmount | Double | The net amount for the invoice line | |
SalesInvoicesCurrencyTaxAmount | Double | The tax amount for the invoice line in base currency | |
SalesInvoicesCurrencyTotalAmount | Double | The total amount for the invoice line in base currency | |
DiscountPercentage | String | The discount percentage for the invoice line | |
Quantity | Double | The quantity for the invoice line | |
TotalAmount | Double | The total amount for the invoice line | |
SalesInvoicesCurrencyDiscountAmount | Double | The discount amount for the invoice line in base currency | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the invoice line in base currency | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the invoice line | |
UnitPrice | Double | The unit price for the invoice line | |
SalesInvoicesCurrencyUnitPrice | Double | The unit price for the invoice line in base currency | |
DiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the invoice line | |
SalesInvoicesCurrencyNetAmount | Double | The net amount for the invoice line in base currency | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Description | String | The description for the invoice line | |
TaxAmount | Double | The tax amount for the invoice line. This attribute is required in v3.1, unless the tax rate is of a 'zero', 'exempt' or 'no_tax' type. Then the tax_amount is infered as 0.0. | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
EuSalesDescriptionDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
EuSalesDescriptionLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
EuSalesDescriptionId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
UnitPriceIncludesTax | Bool | Defines whether the unit price includes tax | |
ServiceId | String |
Services.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ContactId | String |
Contacts.Id | |
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
DeletedSince | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String | ||
ShowPaymentsAllocations | String | ||
Search | String |
Query SalesEstimatesQuoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesQuoteLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,Search,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
QuoteStatusId | String | Parent ID | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ProductId | String |
Products.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
EuGoodsServicesTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES | |
NetAmount | String | The net amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the quote line in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount for the quote line in base currency | |
DiscountPercentage | String | The discount percentage for the quote line | |
Quantity | String | The quantity for the quote line | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyDiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the quote line in base currency | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the quote line in base currency | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the quote line | |
UnitPrice | String | The unit price for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyUnitPrice | String | The unit price for the quote line in base currency | |
DiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount for the quote line in base currency | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Description | String | The description for the quote line | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the quote line | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
EuSalesDescriptionId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
UnitPriceIncludesTax | Bool | Defines whether the unit price includes tax | |
ServiceId | String |
Services.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ContactId | String | ||
Search | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String |
Query SalesQuoteLineItem in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available SalesQuoteLineItem
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId,Search,StatusId,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE ContactId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE Search = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE StatusId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM SalesQuoteLineItem WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
QuoteStatusId | String | Parent ID | |
TaxRateId | String |
TaxRates.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ProductId | String |
Products.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
EuGoodsServicesTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item
使用できる値は次のとおりです。GOODS, SERVICES | |
NetAmount | String | The net amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyTaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the quote line in base currency | |
BaseCurrencyTotalAmount | String | The total amount for the quote line in base currency | |
DiscountPercentage | String | The discount percentage for the quote line | |
Quantity | String | The quantity for the quote line | |
TotalAmount | String | The total amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyDiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the quote line in base currency | |
LedgerAccountId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
BaseCurrencyTaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the quote line in base currency | |
TaxBreakdownAggregate | String | The tax breakdown for the quote line | |
UnitPrice | String | The unit price for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyUnitPrice | String | The unit price for the quote line in base currency | |
DiscountAmount | String | The discount amount for the quote line | |
BaseCurrencyNetAmount | String | The net amount for the quote line in base currency | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
Description | String | The description for the quote line | |
TaxAmount | String | The tax amount for the quote line | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TradeOfAsset | Bool | Whether the line item is marked as trade of asset. | |
EuSalesDescriptionId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
UnitPriceIncludesTax | Bool | Defines whether the unit price includes tax | |
ServiceId | String |
Services.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
ContactId | String |
Contacts.Id | |
Search | String | ||
StatusId | String | ||
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String |
Query TaxOffices in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available TaxOffices
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
OfficeNumber | String | The tax office number | |
Name | String | The tax office name | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query TaxReturnFrequencies in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available TaxReturnFrequencies
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to TaxTypeId column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TaxReturnFrequencies WHERE TaxTypeId = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
TaxTypeId | String |
Query TaxSchemes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available TaxSchemes
The driver processes all filters client-side within the driver.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item |
Query Transactions in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available Transactions
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to TransactionTypeId,UpdatedOrCreatedSince,FromDate,ToDate,UpdatedFromDate,UpdatedToDate,HasAttachments columns. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE TransactionTypeId = 'abc' SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE UpdatedOrCreatedSince = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE FromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE ToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE UpdatedFromDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE UpdatedToDate = '2018-12-15' SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE HasAttachments = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was created | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
NumberOfAttachments | String | The number of attachments related to the transaction | |
TransactionTypeId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
Deleted | Bool | Indicates whether the transaction has been deleted | |
Date | Datetime | The date of the transaction | |
Reference | String | The transaction reference | |
ContactId | String |
Contacts.Id | The unique identifier for the item |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The datetime when the item was last updated | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
Total | String | The transaction total | |
LinksAggregate | String | Links for the resource | |
OriginDisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
OriginLegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
OriginId | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
AuditTrailId | String | The original entity that generated the transaction | |
FromDate | Datetime | ||
ToDate | Datetime | ||
UpdatedFromDate | Datetime | ||
UpdatedToDate | Datetime | ||
HasAttachments | String |
Query TransactionTypes in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available TransactionTypes
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ValidForBusiness column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM TransactionTypes WHERE ValidForBusiness = true'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
ValidForBusiness | Bool |
Query UnallocatedArtefacts in Sage Business Cloud Accounting.
Query the available UnallocatedArtefacts
The driver uses the Sage Accounting API to process search criteria that refer to ContactId column. The driver processes other filters client-side within the driver.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UnallocatedArtefacts WHERE ContactId = 'abc'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the item | |
LinksAggregate | String | Links for the resource | |
DisplayedAs | String | The name of the resource | |
LegacyId | Int | The legacy ID for the item | |
ContactId | String |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Sage Business Cloud Accounting の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにSage Business Cloud Accounting から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
以下のテーブルは、Sage Business Cloud Accounting のデータベースメタデータを返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SchemaName | String | スキーマ名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | テーブル名またはビュー名。 |
TableType | String | テーブルの種類(テーブルまたはビュー)。 |
Description | String | テーブルまたはビューの説明。 |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | テーブルが更新可能かどうか。 |
次のクエリは、SampleTable_1 テーブルのカラムとデータ型を返します。
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='SampleTable_1'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | カラムを含むテーブルまたはビューの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | カラム名。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | カラムのストレージサイズ。 |
DisplaySize | Int32 | 指定されたカラムの通常の最大幅(文字数)。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの最大桁数。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | カラムのスケール(小数点以下の桁数)。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | カラムがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
Description | String | カラムの簡単な説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | カラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
IsAutoIncrement | String | カラムに固定増分値が割り当てられるかどうか。 |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | 生成されたカラムであるかどうか。 |
IsHidden | Boolean | カラムが非表示かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | カラムが配列かどうか。 |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | カラムが読み取り専用かどうか。 |
IsKey | Boolean | sys_tablecolumns から返されたフィールドがテーブルの主キーであるかどうか。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマ。 |
ProcedureName | String | ストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
Description | String | ストアドプロシージャの説明。 |
ProcedureType | String | PROCEDURE やFUNCTION などのプロシージャのタイプ。 |
次のクエリは、SampleProcedure ストアドプロシージャのすべての入力パラメータについての情報を返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='SampleProcedure' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマの名前。 |
ProcedureName | String | パラメータを含むストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | ストアドプロシージャパラメータの名前。 |
Direction | Int32 | パラメータのタイプに対応する整数値:input (1)。input/output (2)、またはoutput(4)。input/output タイプパラメータは、入力パラメータと出力パラメータの両方になれます。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | 文字データの場合は、許可される文字数。数値データの場合は、許可される桁数。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの場合は最大精度。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | 数値データの小数点以下の桁数。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | パラメータがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
IsRequired | Boolean | プロシージャの実行にパラメータが必要かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | パラメータが配列かどうか。 |
Description | String | パラメータの説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
次のクエリは、SampleTable_1 テーブルの主キーを取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='SampleTable_1'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
IsKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照されるテーブル内の主キーかどうか。 |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照される外部キーかどうか。 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
ForeignKeyType | String | 外部キーがインポート(他のテーブルを指す)キーかエクスポート(他のテーブルから参照される)キーかを指定します。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前。 |
KeySeq | String | 主キーのシーケンス番号。 |
KeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | インデックスを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | インデックスを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | インデックスを含むテーブルの名前。 |
IndexName | String | インデックス名。 |
ColumnName | String | インデックスに関連付けられたカラムの名前。 |
IsUnique | Boolean | インデックスが固有の場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
IsPrimary | Boolean | インデックスが主キーの場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
Type | Int16 | インデックスタイプに対応する整数値:statistic (0)、clustered (1)、hashed (2)、またはother (3)。 |
SortOrder | String | 並べ替え順序:A が昇順、D が降順。 |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | インデックスのカラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
このテーブルをクエリする際は、config 接続文字列を使用する必要があります。
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | 接続プロパティ名。 |
ShortDescription | String | 簡単な説明。 |
Type | String | 接続プロパティのデータ型。 |
Default | String | 明示的に設定されていない場合のデフォルト値。 |
Values | String | 可能な値のカンマ区切りリスト。別な値が指定されていると、検証エラーがスローされます。 |
Value | String | 設定した値またはあらかじめ設定されたデフォルト。 |
Required | Boolean | プロパティが接続に必要かどうか。 |
Category | String | 接続プロパティのカテゴリ。 |
IsSessionProperty | String | プロパティが、現在の接続に関する情報を保存するために使用されるセッションプロパティかどうか。 |
Sensitivity | String | プロパティの機密度。これは、プロパティがロギングおよび認証フォームで難読化されているかどうかを通知します。 |
PropertyName | String | キャメルケースの短縮形の接続プロパティ名。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | パラメータカテゴリのインデックス。 |
Hierarchy | String | このプロパティと一緒に設定する必要がある、関連のある依存プロパティを表示します。 |
Visible | Boolean | プロパティが接続UI に表示されるかどうかを通知します。 |
ETC | String | プロパティに関するその他のさまざまな情報。 |
Cloud がデータソースにオフロードできるSELECT クエリ処理について説明します。
SQL 構文の詳細については、SQL 準拠 を参照してください。
以下はSQL 機能のサンプルデータセットです。 SELECT 機能のいくつかの側面がサポートされている場合には、カンマ区切りのリストで返されます。サポートされていない場合、カラムにはNO が入ります。
名前 | 説明 | 有効な値 |
COUNT | COUNT 関数がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための開始文字。 | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための終了文字。 | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | サポートされているSQL 演算子。 | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | GROUP BY がサポートされているかどうか。サポートされている場合、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OUTER_JOINS | 外部結合がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | サブクエリがサポートされているかどうか。サポートされていれば、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | レプリケーション中にスキップされたテーブルを示します。 | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | レプリケーション中に更新判断のカラムとして使用するかどうかを、(指定された順に)チェックするカラムのリストを含む文字列の配列。 | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | 識別子としてどの文字列が有効かを示す文字列値。 | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | プロバイダーが、コミットやロールバックなどのトランザクションをサポートしているかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DIALECT | 使用するSQL ダイアレクトを示します。 | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Uniform データベースを特定するプロパティを示します。 | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | プロバイダー用に複数のスキームが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | プロバイダー用に複数のカタログが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | このドライバーにアクセスするために必要な、CData Sync のバージョン。 | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | このドライバーのCData Sync カテゴリ。 | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | API で提供されている以上の、追加SQL 機能がサポートされているかどうか。 | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | バッチ操作がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | 使用したいcacheOptions を指定する文字列値。 | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | ドライバーがEntity Framework の高度なクエリをサポートしているかどうかを示します。サポートしていなければ、クエリはクライアントサイドで処理されます。 | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | 利用可能な疑似カラムを示す文字列の配列。 | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | 値がtrue であれば、CData Sync 内でMerge Model が強制的に実行されます。 | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmin を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | レプリケート開始日を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmax を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | 初回のレプリケートで、レプリケートをチャンクに分割しないテーブルのリスト。 | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | CheckCache 構文を親キーカラムに対して実行するかどうかを示します。 | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | スキーマファイルの生成に使用できる、ストアドプロシージャを示します。 |
次のクエリは、WHERE 句で使用できる演算子を取得します。
WHERE 句では、個々のテーブルの制限や要件が異なる場合がありますので注意してください。詳しくは、データモデル セクションを参照してください。
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | SQL 構文のコンポーネント、またはサーバー上で処理できる機能。 |
VALUE | String | サポートされるSQL またはSQL 構文の詳細。 |
次のクエリは、バッチ処理で変更された行のId を取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | データ変更処理から返された、データベース生成Id。 |
Batch | String | バッチの識別子。1 は単一処理。 |
Operation | String | バッチ内の処理の結果:INSERTED、UPDATED、またはDELETED。 |
Message | String | SUCCESS、またはバッチ内の更新が失敗した場合のエラーメッセージ。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BusinessId | The ID of your Bussiness. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Pagesize | Sage Business Cloud Accounting から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なLogging プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BusinessId | The ID of your Bussiness. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Pagesize | Sage Business Cloud Accounting から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
The ID of your Bussiness.
The ID of your Bussiness. If you have multiple companies connected to your Sage BC Accounting Account, by default we use the first one.
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
Sage Business Cloud Accounting から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。
Pagesize プロパティは、Sage Business Cloud Accounting から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数に影響を与えます。より大きい値を設定すると、1ページあたりの消費メモリが増える代わりに、パフォーマンスが向上する場合があります。
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Cloud は例外をスローします。