Power BI Connector for Zendesk

Build 24.0.8963


To move tickets in bulk from legacy systems into Zendesk Support. In this, you can include one or more comments with a ticket.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Zendesk allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the Exec query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparison. Allowed for Admins. For example:

INSERT INTO TicketComments#temp(AuthorId, CreatedAt, Body, ReferenceNumber) VALUES(10495503468572, '2023-09-25T10:15:18Z', 'Test body1', 1)
INSERT INTO TicketComments#temp(AuthorId, CreatedAt, Body, ReferenceNumber) VALUES(10495503468572, '2023-09-25T10:15:18Z', 'Test body2', 1)
INSERT INTO TicketComments#temp(AuthorId, CreatedAt, Body, ReferenceNumber) VALUES(10495503468572, '2023-09-25T10:15:18Z', 'Test body3', 2)
INSERT INTO TicketComments#temp(AuthorId, CreatedAt, Body, ReferenceNumber) VALUES(10495503468572, '2023-09-25T10:15:18Z', 'Test body4', 2)
INSERT INTO TicketComments#temp(AuthorId, CreatedAt, Body, ReferenceNumber) VALUES(10495503468572, '2023-09-25T10:15:18Z', 'Test body5', 3)

INSERT INTO Tickets#temp(AssigneeId, RequesterId, Description, Subject, TicketComments, ReferenceNumber) VALUES(10495503468572, 10486791159068, 'Desc1', 'Sub1', 'TicketComments#temp', 1)
INSERT INTO Tickets#temp(AssigneeId, RequesterId, Description, Subject, TicketComments, ReferenceNumber) VALUES(10495503468572, 10486791159068, 'Desc2', 'Sub2', 'TicketComments#temp', 2)
INSERT INTO Tickets#temp(AssigneeId, RequesterId, Description, Subject, TicketComments, ReferenceNumber) VALUES(10495503468572, 10486791159068, 'Desc3', 'Sub3', 'TicketComments#temp', 3)

EXECUTE ImportTickets Tickets = 'Tickets#temp'

This can also be executed by specifying the Tickets as a JSON array. For example:

EXECUTE ImportTickets Tickets = '[{\"requester_id\": 19128124956177, \"subject\": \"Sub1\", \"description\": \"Desc1\", \"comments\":[{\"created_at\": \"2009-06-25\", \"author_id\": 19128165898897, \"body\": \"Test body\"}], \"asignee_id\": 19128165898897},{\"requester_id\": 19157178632977, \"subject\": \"Sub2\", \"description\": \"Desc2\", \"comments\": [{\"created_at\": \"2009-06-25\", \"author_id\": 19217180224657, \"body\": \"This is the sample body\"}], \"asignee_id\": 19217180224657}]'


Name Type Required Description
Tickets String True Array of ticket objects.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success String True if the bulk import of tickets is successful.

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Build 24.0.8963