Query Requests in Zendesk.
Table Specific Information
The following queries are processed server side while other filters are processed client side within the 本製品.SELECT * FROM Requests WHERE Id = '123'
You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any other search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | Automatically assigned when creating requests. | |
Subject | String | The value of the subject field for this request if the subject field is visible to end users; a truncated version of the description otherwise. | |
Description | String | The first comment on the request. | |
Status | String | The state of the request, new, open, pending, hold, solved, closed. | |
Priority | String | The priority of the request, low, normal, high, urgent. | |
Type | String | The type of the request, question, incident, problem, task. | |
OrganizationId | Long | The organization of the requester. | |
RequesterId | Long |
Users.Id | The id of the requester. |
AssigneeId | Long |
Users.Id | The id of the assignee if the field is visible to end users. |
GroupId | Long |
Groups.Id | The id of the assigned group if the field is visible to end users. |
CollaboratorIds | String | Who are currently CC'ed on the ticket. | |
ViaChannel | String | This tells you how the ticket or event was created. Examples: web, mobile, rule, system. | |
ViaSource | String | For some channels a source object gives more information about how or why the ticket or event was created. | |
IsPublic | Boolean | Is true if any comments are public, false otherwise. | |
DueAt | Date | When the task is due (only applies if the request is of type 'task'). | |
CanBeSolvedByMe | Boolean | If true, end user can mark request as solved. | |
Solved | Boolean | Whether or not request is solved (an end user can set this if 'can_be_solved_by_me', above, is true for that user). | |
TicketFormId | Long |
TicketForms.Id | The numeric id of the ticket form associated with this request if the form is visible to end users - only applicable for enterprise accounts. |
Recipient | String | The original recipient e-mail address of the request. | |
FollowupSourceId | Integer |
Tickets.Id | The id of the original ticket if this request is a follow-up ticket. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time the request was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The time of the last update of the request. | |
Url | String | The API url of this request. | |
CustomFields | String | Custom fields for the request. | |
CustomStatusId | Long | The custom ticket status id of the ticket. | |
EmailCcIds | String | The ids of users who are currently email CCs on the ticket. |