JDBC Driver for Zendesk

Build 24.0.8963


Query Apps in Zendesk.

Table Specific Information


The following queries are processed server side while other filters are processed client side within the 本製品.

You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any other search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned.


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Integer The id of the app.
Name String The name of the app.
State String Publication state for the app on the Zendesk Marketplace.
Version String The version of the app.
FrameworkVersion String The app framework version for which the app was written.
Parameters String The parameters for the app.
Plans String Payment plans for the app.
RatingTotalCount Integer Total count of the ratings of the app.
RatingAvergae Integer Average rating of the app.
RatingCount String Rating count of the app.
SingleInstall Boolean Whether or not this app can only be installed once.
DefaultLocale String The default locale for translations for the app.
FeatureColor String Hexadecimal color value used to feature the app on the Zendesk Marketplace.
GoogleAnalyticsCode String Universal Google Analytics (UA-) tracking id for the app's detail page on the Zendesk Marketplace.
RemoteInstallationUrl String URL for the app's installation instructions.
Products String Zendesk products supported by the app.
Categories String Zendesk Marketplace categories to which the app belongs.
Collections String Zendesk Marketplace collections to which the app belongs.
StripePublishableKey String Publishable key for the app developer's Stripe account.
CreatedAt Datetime When the app was created.
UpdatedAt Datetime When the app was last updated.
TermsConditionsUrl String URL for the app's terms and conditions.
AppOrganizationId Integer Organization Id that submitted the app to the Zendesk Marketplace.
AppOrganizationName String Organization name that submitted the app to the Zendesk Marketplace.
AppOrganizationEmail String Organization email that submitted the app to the Zendesk Marketplace.
AppOrganizationWebsite String Organization website that submitted the app to the Zendesk Marketplace.
AppOrganizationCountryCode String Organization country code that submitted the app to the Zendesk Marketplace.
AppOrganizationStripeAccountId String Organization Stripe account id that submitted the app to the Zendesk Marketplace.
Locations String Location ids for the app.
DatePublished Datetime When the app was published on the Zendesk Marketplace.
HasThirdPartyPricing Boolean Third-party pricing information for the app.
ThirdPartyPricingUrl String Third-party pricing url for the app.
OwnerId Long The app developer id corresponding to the app.
AuthorName String The app author's name.
AuthorEmail String The app author's email.
AuthorUrl String The app author's URL.
ShortDescription String The short description of the app in the Zendesk Marketplace.
LongDescription String The app's long description in the Zendesk Marketplace.
InstallationInstructions String Instructions for installing the app.
RawLongDescription String The raw long description for the app in the Zendesk Marketplace.
RawInstallationInstructions String The raw installation instructions.
Visibility String The app is a private app, which is only visible to your account, or a public app. An example value is 'private'.
Promoted Boolean Whether or not the app is a promoted app in the Zendesk Marketplace.
Featured Boolean Whether or not the app is featured in the Zendesk Marketplace.
Paid Boolean If true, the app is a paid app.
Deprecated Boolean If true, the app is deprecated.
Obsolete Boolean If true, the app is obsolete.
Installable Boolean Whether or not the app can be installed.
MarketingOnly Boolean If true, the app is an integration app.
SmallIcon String The url for the small logo for the app.
LargeIcon String The large icon url for an app.
Screenshots String Screenshots for the app when displayed in the Zendesk Marketplace.
InstallationCount Integer Current number of installations of the app.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Owned Boolean Boolean value that needs to be set when you want to lists the apps owned by the current account.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963