CData Python Connector for Zendesk

Build 23.0.8839


Query Collaborators in Zendesk.

Table Specific Information


The following queries are processed server side while other filters are processed client side within the connector:

SELECT * FROM Collaborators WHERE TicketId = '123' 

You can turn off the client-side execution of the query by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any other search criteria will be ignored and an unfiltered response will be returned.


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Long Automatically assigned when the ticket is created.
TicketId Integer


The id of the ticket.
Email String The primary email address of the collaborator. Writeable on create only. On update, a secondary email is added.
Name String The name of the collaborator.
Role String The role of the collaborator. Possible values are end-collaborator, agent, or admin.
Active Boolean False if the collaborator has been deleted.
OrganizationId Long


The id of the organization the collaborator is associated with.
Alias String An alias displayed to end users.
Verified Boolean If the identity of the collaborator has been verified or not.
ChatOnly Boolean Whether or not the collaborator is a chat-only agent.
CreatedAt Datetime The time the collaborator was created.
UpdatedAt Date The time the collaborator was last updated.
CustomRoleId Long


A custom role if the collaborator is an agent on the Enterprise plan.
RoleType String The role id of the collaborator. 0 for custom agents, 1 for light agent and 2 for chat agent.
DefaultGroupId Long


The id of the default group of the collaborator. Can only be set on create, not on update.
Details String Any details you want to store about the collaborator, such as an address.
ExternalId String A unique identifier from another system.
LastLoginAt Datetime The last time the collaborator signed in to Zendesk Support.
Locale String The locale of the collaborator.
LocaleId Long


The language identifier of the collaborator.
Moderator Boolean Designates whether the collaborator has forum moderation capabilities.
Notes String Any notes you want to store about the collaborator.
OnlyPrivateComments Boolean True if the collaborator can only create private comments.
Phone String The primary phone number of the collaborator.
PhotoId Long Automatically assigned when the attachment is created.
PhotoFileName String The name of the image file.
PhotoContentUrl String A full URL where the attachment image file can be downloaded.
PhotoContentType String The content type of the image. Example value: image/png.
PhotoSize Integer The size of the image file in bytes.
PhotoThumbnailsId Long .
PhotoThumbnailsFileName String .
PhotoThumbnailsContentUrl String .
PhotoThumbnailsContentType String .
PhotoThumbnailsSize Integer .
PhotoInline Boolean If true, the attachment is excluded from the attachment list and the attachment's URL can be referenced within the comment of a ticket. Default is false.
RestrictedAgent Boolean If the agent has any restrictions; false for admins and unrestricted agents, true for other agents.
Shared Boolean If the collaborator is shared from a different Zendesk Support instance. Ticket sharing accounts only.
SharedAgent Boolean If the collaborator is a shared agent from a different Zendesk Support instance. Ticket sharing accounts only.
Signature String The signature of the collaborator. Only agents and admins can have signatures.
Suspended Boolean If the agent is suspended. Tickets from suspended users are also suspended, and these users cannot sign in to the end collaborator portal.
Tags String The tags of the collaborator. Only present if your account has collaborator tagging enabled.
TicketRestriction String Specifies which tickets the collaborator has access to. Possible values are: organization, groups, assigned, requested, null.
TimeZone String The time zone of the collaborator.
TwoFactorAuthEnabled Boolean If two factor authentication is enabled.
Url String The API url of the collaborator.

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Build 23.0.8839