Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services is an OLAP database that exposes data as cubes, which you query with MDX (multidimensional expressions). The 本製品 models these cubes in relational views that you can query with SQL-92, or MDX.
Accessing Cubes as Views
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services is fundamentally different from a relational database; reflecting these differences, the CData ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services does not support many SQL-92 features found in a driver for an RDBMS. To bypass any limitations with query translation, you can submit pass-through MDX queries from the 本製品.
See Analysis Services データの取得 for query limitations and more information on querying Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services.
Modeling Views Dynamically
You can query all of the cubes in your Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services instance; when you connect, the 本製品 retrieves the metadata from Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services and displays the available dimensions and measures as columns for the views (cubes). The 本製品 dynamically updates the schemas over subsequent connections.
Instead of retrieving metadata every connection, you can set CacheLocation.
Measure Attributes
By default, all measure attributes are listed in a 'Measures' view. However, you can set SplitMeasures to 'true' to split the measures view; the result is each measure attribute is included in its respective view based on the Measure Group value. Further classification based on 'Measure Directories' is not included.
Accessing Schema Information
Query the システムテーブル to access schema information and other 本製品 metadata.