Excel Add-In for Splunk

Build 24.0.8963


Create, query, update, and delete search jobs in Splunk.


The add-in will use the Splunk APIs to process the search Id (Sid) criteria specified in the WHERE clause. The Sid column supports server-side processing for the = operator. The add-in processes other search criteria client-side within the add-in.

SELECT * FROM SearchJobs
SELECT * FROM SearchJobs WHERE Sid = '123456789.1234' 


Splunk allows inserts only when EventSearch is specified. You can insert the Custom, EarliestTime, LatestTime, Label, and StatusBuckets columns and all pseudocolumns.

INSERT INTO SearchJobs (Custom, EventSearch, LatestTime, Timeout) VALUES ('custom1=test1, custom2=test2', ' from datamodel SampleModel', 'now', '60')


The SearchJobs table allows updates of the Custom column only when Sid is specified.

UPDATE SearchJobs SET Custom = 'custom1=test3, custom2=test4' WHERE sid = '123456789.1234' 


SearchJobs can be deleted by providing the Sid.

DELETE FROM SearchJobs WHERE Sid = '123456789.1234'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Sid [KEY] String False

The search Id number.

EventSearch String False

Subset of the entire search that is before any transforming commands.

Custom String False

Custom job property. In an INSERT operation, pass the values as a comma-separated list of pairs of keys and values.

EarliestTime String False

The earliest time a search job is configured to start.

LatestTime String False

The latest time a search job is configured to start.

CursorTime String True

The earliest time from which no events are later scanned. Can be used to indicate progress.

Delegate String True

For saved searches, specifies jobs that were started by the user. Defaults to scheduler.

DiskUsage Long True

The total amount of disk space used, in bytes.

DispatchState String True

The state of the search. Can be any of QUEUED, PARSING, RUNNING, PAUSED, FINALIZING, FAILED, or DONE.

DoneProgress Double True

A number between 0 and 1.0 that indicates the approximate progress of the search. doneProgress = (latestTime-cursorTime) / (latestTime-earliestTime)

DropCount Integer True

For real-time searches only, the number of possible events that were dropped due to the rt_queue_size (defaults to 100000).

EventAvailableCount Integer True

The number of events that are available for export.

EventCount Integer True

The number of events returned by the search.

EventFieldCount Integer True

The number of fields found in the search results.

EventIsStreaming Boolean True

Indicates if the events of this search are being streamed.

EventIsTruncated Boolean True

Indicates if the events of the search are not stored, making them unavailable from the events endpoint for the search.

EventPreviewableCount Integer True

Number of in-memory events that are not yet committed to disk.

EventSorting String True

Indicates if the events of this search are sorted, and in which order.

IsDone Boolean True

Indicates if the search has completed.

IsEventsPreviewEnabled String True

Indicates if the timeline_events_preview setting is enabled in limits.conf.

IsFailed Boolean True

Indicates if there was a fatal error executing the search. For example, invalid search string syntax.

IsFinalized Boolean True

Indicates if the search was finalized (stopped before completion).

IsPaused Boolean True

Indicates if the search is paused.

IsPreviewEnabled Boolean True

Indicates if previews are enabled.

IsRealTimeSearch Boolean True

Indicates if the search is a real-time search.

IsRemoteTimeline Boolean True

Indicates if the remote timeline feature is enabled.

IsSaved Boolean True

Indicates that the search job is saved on disk. Search artifacts are saved on disk for 7 days from the last time that the job was viewed or touched.

IsSavedSearch Boolean True

Indicates if this is a saved search run using the scheduler.

IsZombie Boolean True

Indicates if the process running the search died without finishing the search.

Keywords String True

All positive keywords used by this search. A positive keyword is a keyword that is not in a NOT clause.

Label String False

Custom name created for this search.

Messages String True

Errors and debug messages.

NumPreviews Integer True

Number of previews generated so far for this search job.

Performance String True

A representation of the execution costs.

Priority Integer True

An integer between 0-10 that indicates the search priority.

RemoteSearch String True

The search string that is sent to every search peer.

ReportSearch String True

If reporting commands are used, the reporting search.

ResultCount Integer True

The total number of results returned by the search. In other words, this is the subset of scanned events (represented by the ScanCount) that actually matches the search terms.

ResultIsStreaming Boolean True

Indicates if the final results of the search are available using streaming (for example, no transforming operations).

ResultPreviewCount Integer True

The number of result rows in the latest preview results.

RunDuration Decimal True

Time in seconds that the search took to complete.

ScanCount Integer True

The number of events that are scanned or read off disk.

SearchEarliestTime Datetime True

Specifies the earliest time for a search, as specified in the search command rather than the EarliestTime parameter. It does not snap to the indexed data time bounds for all-time searches.

SearchLatestTime Datetime True

Specifies the latest time for a search, as specified in the search command rather than the LatestTime parameter. It does not snap to the indexed data time bounds for all-time searches.

SearchProviders String True

A list of all the search peers that were contacted.

StatusBuckets Integer False

Maximum number of timeline buckets.

TTL String True

The time to live, or the time before the search job expires after it completes.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
SearchMode String

Searching mode, realtime or normal. If set to realtime, the search runs over the live data.

The allowed values are normal, realtime.

EnableLookups Boolean

Indicates whether lookups should be applied to events.

AutoPause Integer

If specified, the search job pauses after this many seconds of inactivity. (0 means never autopause.)

AutoCancel Integer

If specified, the job automatically cancels after this many seconds of inactivity. (0 means never autocancel.)

AdhocSearchLevel Integer

Specify a search mode. Use one of the following search modes: verbose, fast, or smart.

The allowed values are verbose, fast, smart.

ForceBundleReplication Boolean

Specifies whether this search should cause (and wait depending on the value of SyncBundleReplication) for bundle synchronization with all search peers.

IndexEarliest String

Specify a time string. Sets the earliest inclusive time bounds for the search, based on the index time bounds.

IndexLatest String

Specify a time string. Sets the latest exclusive time bounds for the search, based on the index time bounds.

IndexedRealtime Boolean

Indicates whether or not to use the indexed-realtime mode for real-time searches.

IndexedRealtimeOffset Integer

Sets disk sync delay for indexed real-time search (seconds).

MaxCount Integer

The number of events that can be accessible in any given status bucket.

MaxTime Integer

Comma-separated list of (possibly wildcarded) servers from which raw events should be pulled.

Namespace String

The application namespace in which to restrict searches.

Now String

Specify a time string to set the absolute time used for any relative time specifier in the search. Defaults to the current system time. You can specify a relative time modifier for this parameter. For example, specify +2d to specify the current time plus two days.

ReduceFrequency Integer

Determines how frequently to run the MapReduce reduce phase on accumulated map values.

ReloadMacros Boolean

Specifies whether to reload macro definitions from the configuration file.

RemoteServerList Integer

The number of seconds to run this search before finalizing. Specify 0 to never finalize.

ReplaySpeed Integer

Indicate a real-time search replay speed factor. For example, 1 indicates normal speed, 0.5 indicates half of normal speed, and 2 indicates twice as fast as normal.

ReplayStartTime String

Relative wall-clock start time for the replay.

ReplayEndTime String

Relative end time for the replay clock. The replay stops when the clock time reaches this time.

ReuseMaxSecondsAgo Integer

Specifies the number of seconds ago to check when an identical search is started and return the search Id of the job instead of starting a new job.

RequiredField String

Adds a required field to the search.

RealTimeBlocking Boolean

For a real-time search, indicates if the indexer blocks if the queue for this search is full.

RealTimeIndexFilter Boolean

For a real-time search, indicates if the indexer prefilters events.

RealTimeMaxBlockSecs Integer

For a real-time search with RealTimeBlocking set to true, the maximum time to block. Specify 0 to indicate no limit.

RealTimeQueueSize Integer

For a real-time search, the queue size (in events) that the indexer should use for this search.

Timeout Integer

The number of seconds to keep this search after processing has stopped.

SyncBundleReplication String

Specifies whether this search should wait for bundle replication to complete.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963