CData Python Connector for Splunk

Build 24.0.8963


Create, query, update, and delete data models in Splunk.


The connector will use the Splunk API to process search criteria that refer to the Id column. This column supports server-side processing for the = operator. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.

For example, the following query is processed server side by the Splunk APIs:

SELECT * FROM DataModels WHERE Id = 'SampleModel' 


The Id column is the minimum requirement for an insert. In an insert, the DataModels table allows only the Id and Acceleration columns.

INSERT INTO DataModels (Id, Acceleration) VALUES ('initialname', '{"enabled":false,"earliest_time":"","hunk.file_format":"","hunk.dfs_block_size":0,"hunk.compression_codec":""}' )


The DataModels table allows updates for the Acceleration column when Id is specified. You can also set the Provisional pseudocolumn.

UPDATE DataModels SET Provisional = 'true', Acceleration = '{"enabled":false,"earliest_time": "-1mon", "cron_schedule": "0 */12 * * *","hunk.file_format":"","hunk.dfs_block_size":0,"hunk.compression_codec":""}' WHERE Id = 'initialname' 


The DataModels table allows deleting a record when Id is specified.

DELETE FROM Datamodels WHERE Id = 'initialname' 


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

Link of the data model.

Disabled Boolean True

Indicates if the data model is disabled/enabled.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

Datetime of the last update of the data model.

Description String True

Description of the data model.

Name String False

The name of the data model in Splunk.

DisplayName String True

The name displayed for the data model in Splunk.

Author String True

Splunk user who created the data model.

App String True

Splunk app where the data model is shared.

Owner String True

Splunk user who owns the data model.

CanShareApp Boolean True

Boolean indicating whether the data model can be shared in an app.

CanShareGlobal Boolean True

Boolean indicating whether the data model can be shared globally.

CanShareUser Boolean True

Boolean indicating whether the data model can be shared by the user.

CanWrite Boolean True

Boolean indicating whether the data model can be extended by the user.

Modifiable Boolean True

Boolean indicating whether the data model can be modified.

Removable Boolean True

Boolean indicating whether the data model can be removed.

Acceleration String False

Acceleration settings for the data model. Supply JSON to specify any or all of the following settings: enabled (true or false), earliest_time (time modifier), or cron_schedule (cron string).

AccelerationAllowed Boolean True

Boolean indicating that acceleration is allowed or not for the data model.

AccelerationHunkCompression String True

Specifies the compression codec to be used for the accelerated orc or parquet format files.

DatasetCommands String True

Data model commands.

DatasetDescription String True

The JSON describing the data model.

DatasetCurrentCommand Integer True

Current command of the data model.

DatasetEarliestTime Datetime True

Earliest time of data model events being processed.

DatasetLatestTime Datetime True

Latest time of data model events being processed.

DatasetDiversity String True

Diversity of events being processed.

DatasetLimiting Integer True

Limitations of events being processed.

DatasetMode String True

Search mode events being processed.

DatasetSampleRatio String True

Sample ratio of the data model.

DatasetFields String True

Indexed fields the data model has.

DatasetType String True

Dataset type.

Type String True

Data model type.

Digest String True

Content digest type.

TagsWhitelist String True

Whitelist of data model tags.

ReadPermitions String True

Permissions to read this data model.

WritePermitions String True

Permissions to write to this data model.

Sharing String True

Data model sharing type.

Username String True

Username of the Splunk user.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Provisional Boolean

Indicates whether the data model is provisional. Provisional data models are not saved. Specify true to validate a data model before saving it.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963