Power BI Connector for Act! CRM

Build 24.0.8963


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.

Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.

CData Power BI Connector for Act! CRM Views

Name Description
ActivityCompanies Query the Companies participating in an Act! CRM Activity.
AnalyticsHistory Gets historical e-marketing information for a given date range.
CampaignLeads Gets contacts leads.
CampaignLeadsinfo Gets opportunities within a campaign within a specified date range.
CampaignResults Gets campaign result information.
CampaignSent Gets campaign sent within a specified date range.
CloseReason Generates opportunity data to summerizes how many times a reason has been closed.
CloseReasonDetails Generates opportunity data to summerizes how many times a reason has been closed.
CompanyNotes Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Company.
ContactGroups Query the Act! CRM Groups the Contact belongs to.
ContactHistories Get all the history related to a contact.
ForecastByProduct Generates forecasted opportunity data by given products.
ForecastByProductDetails Generates forecasted opportunity data by a given product..
ForecastByRep Generates forecasted opportunity data by given users.
ForecastByRepDetails Generates forecasted opportunity data by a given user.
GroupNotes Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Group.
OpportunityCount Generates a summary of the total number of opportunities within a stage.
OpportunityNotes Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Opportunity.
Pipeline Gets all opportunity matching the custom filter that are currently being worked.
RevenueActualVsPredicted Generates actual vs predicted opportunity revenue.
RevenueCost Generates opportunity periodic revenue versus cost data for given products.
RevenueWonVsLost Generates opportunty win versus loss data.
SalesByProduct Generates opportunity sales by product data for given products.
SalesByProductDetails Generates opportunity sales by product detail data for a given product.
SalesByRep Generates opportunity sales by user data for given users.
SalesByRepDetails Generates opportunity sales by user data for a given user.
StageTime Generates opportunity data for the average time in a stage.
UserActivities Generates activity sales by user data for given users.
UserActivityDetails Generated schema file.

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Build 24.0.8963