Tableau Connector for Act! CRM

Build 23.0.8839


Query the Activities for a given Act! CRM Contact.

Table Specific Information


  • ContactId supports the '=' operator.
  • Created supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • Subject supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • Location supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • AttachmentDisplayName supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • AttachmentFileExtension supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • AttachmentFileName supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • AttachmentFileSize supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • AttachmentFileSizeDisplay supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • AttachmentFileType supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • AttachmentLastModified supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • AttachmentPersonal supports the '=' operator.
  • CompaniesAggregate supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • Details supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • Edited supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • EndTime supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • GroupsAggregate supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • IsCleared supports the '=' operator.
  • IsPrivate supports the '=' operator.
  • IsTimeless supports the '=' operator.
  • OpportunitiesAggregate supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • RecurSpecFrequency supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • RecurSpecIsEndless supports the '=' operator.
  • RecurSpecMonth supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • RecurSpecRecurType supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=,CONTAINS' operator.
  • RecurSpecSeriesEnd supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • RecurSpecSeriesStart supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
  • StartTime supports the '<=,<,=,!=,>,>=' operator.
The connector uses the Act! CRM API to process search criteria that refer to the supported fields. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ContactActivities WHERE ContactId = '12345'

SELECT * FROM ContactActivities WHERE Subject = 'Team meeting'

SELECT * FROM ContactActivities WHERE Location = 'My Location' 


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String A unique identifier that represents the activity.
ContactId String A unique identifier that represents the contact related to the activities.
Created Datetime The date and time the activity was created.
Subject String A description of the action to be completed.
Location String Describes the physical location that the activity is to take place.
ActivityPriorityName String Displays the priority of the activity.
ActivityTypeName String Displays the type of the activity.
AttachmentDisplayName String Gets presentation name of the attachment.
AttachmentFileExtension String Gets the extension of the Attachment
AttachmentFileName String Gets a string representing the directory's full path.
AttachmentFileSize Int Gets the size (bytes) of the attachments.
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay String Gets the displayable text representation of the attachment
AttachmentFileType String Gets the registered system file type name of the attachment
AttachmentLastModified Datetime Gets the last modified date of the attachment
AttachmentPersonal Bool Indicates whether the attachment is bound for the personal suppplemental files or the workgroup supplemental files.
CompaniesAggregate String List of companies that are associated to this activity.
Details String Additional detailed information about the activity.
Edited Datetime The date and time the activity was last updated.
EndTime Datetime The time the activity is to end
GroupsAggregate String List a groups that are associated to this activity.
IsCleared Bool Indicates that the activity has been cleared.
IsPrivate Bool Indicates elevated security that only the creator/owner has access to this activity
IsTimeless Bool Indicates whether a specifies action is to be completed at a specific time-of-day.
OpportunitiesAggregate String List a opportunities that are associated to this activity.
RecurSpecDayDayAsInt Int An integer representation of the day of the week portion of a recurrence pattern.
RecurSpecDayDaysOfWeek String Representation of the day of the week portion of a recurrence pattern.
RecurSpecDayDayType String Describing the day-portion of the recurrence pattern.
RecurSpecDayOrdinal String Describes recurrence in relative terms for certain recurrence patterns (i.e. First, Third, Last).
RecurSpecDayTypedDay String Describing the TypedDay (Day, WeekDay or Weekend Day) for the recurrence pattern when DayType is
RecurSpecFrequency Int Represents how often for the recurrence patterns
RecurSpecIsEndless Bool Flag denoting whether an end date has been specified for the pattern. Note: If false, the following defaults are used: For Daily and Weekly: 2 years beyond the start date For Monthly and Yearly: June 6, 2073.
RecurSpecMonth Int Represents the specific month for certain recurrence patterns
RecurSpecRecurType String Represents a unit of time used to separate recurences (i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly).
RecurSpecSeriesEnd Datetime Specifiying the ending time for a given day.
RecurSpecSeriesStart Datetime Specifiying the starting time for a given day.
ScheduledBy String The contact who created this activity.
ScheduledFor String The name of the activity's organizer.
SeriesID String A unique identifier that represents the activity. The id that is returned is based on if it is a recurring or not. Recurrent activity: RecurSourceActivityId or Single Occurence activity: ActivityID
StartTime Datetime The time the activity is to begin

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839