CData Cloud offers access to Act! CRM across several standard services and protocols, in a cloud-hosted solution. Any application that can connect to a MySQL or SQL Server database can connect to Act! CRM through CData Cloud.
CData Cloud allows you to standardize and configure connections to Act! CRM as though it were any other OData endpoint, or standard SQL Server/MySQL database.
This page provides a guide to Establishing a Connection to Act! CRM in CData Cloud, as well as information on the available resources, and a reference to the available connection properties.
Establishing a Connection shows how to authenticate to Act! CRM and configure any necessary connection properties to create a database in CData Cloud
Accessing data from Act! CRM through the available standard services and CData Cloud administration is documented in further details in the CData Cloud Documentation.
Connect to Act! CRM by selecting the corresponding icon in the Database tab. Required properties are listed under Settings. The Advanced tab lists connection properties that are not typically required.
You can connect to either Act! CRM or Act! Premium Cloud. Set the following to connect:
By default, the Cloud attempts to negotiate SSL/TLS by checking the server's certificate against the system's trusted certificate store.
To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert property for the available formats to do so.
To connect through the Windows system proxy, you do not need to set any additional connection properties. To connect to other proxies, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
In addition, to authenticate to an HTTP proxy, set ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword, in addition to ProxyServer and ProxyPort.
Set the following properties:
CData Cloud models entities in the Act! CRM Premium APIs as relational Views. The Cloud leverages the Act! Web API for bidirectional access to Act! CRM data from Act! Premium on-premises and Act! Premium Cloud. The Cloud also supports Act! Premium for Desktop, but you need an active subscription to connect.
The views are defined in schema files, .rsd files with a simple format that makes them easy to edit. Set the Location property to the path to the folder containing the .rsd files.
The Cloud models the data in Act! CRM as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Name | Description |
Activities | Create, update, delete and query the Activities in your Act! CRM database. |
Companies | Create, update, delete and query the Companies created in your Act! CRM database. |
ContactNotes | Query and delete the Notes for a given Act! CRM Contact. |
Contacts | Create, update, delete and query the Contacts in your Act! CRM database. |
GroupContacts | Query and delete the Contacts belonging to a Group. |
Groups | Create, update, delete and query the Groups participating in your Act! CRM database. |
Histories | Get, Create, Update or Delete all history items. |
Notes | Create, update, delete and query the Notes in your Act! CRM database. |
Opportunities | Create, update, delete and query the Opportunities in your Act! CRM database. |
OpportunityCompanies | Query and delete the Companies related to an Act! CRM opportunity. |
OpportunityContacts | Query and delete the Contacts associated with an Opportunity. |
OpportunityGroups | Query and delete the Act! CRM Groups associated with an Opportunity. |
OpportunityProducts | Update, delete and query the Products associated with an Opportunity. |
Products | Create, update, delete and query the Products in your Act! CRM database. |
Create, update, delete and query the Activities in your Act! CRM database.
SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Location = 'London' SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Subject = 'Team meeting'
To insert a activity, you must specify atleast one contact, start time and end time.
INSERT INTO Activities (ContactsAggregate, StartTime, EndTime) VALUES ('123456', '2020-01-27 10:00:000', '2020-01-31 10:00:00')
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated. Specify the Activity Id when updating a group
UPDATE Activities SET ActivityPriorityId = 1, isPrivate = false WHERE Id = '12345'
Activities can be deleted by providing an Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM Activities WHERE Id = '12345'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A unique identifier that represents the activity. |
ActivityPriorityId | Integer | False |
Activity Priority value |
ActivityPriorityName | String | False |
Displays the priority of the activity. |
ActivityTypeId | Integer | True |
Displays the id of the type of the activity. |
ActivityTypeName | String | True |
Displays the type of the activity. |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | False |
Gets presentation name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | False |
Gets the extension of the Attachment |
AttachmentFileName | String | False |
Gets a string representing the directory's full path. |
AttachmentFileSize | Int | False |
Gets the size (bytes) of the attachments. |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | False |
Gets the displayable text representation of the attachment |
AttachmentFileType | String | False |
Gets the registered system file type name of the attachment |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | False |
Gets the last modified date of the attachment |
AttachmentPersonal | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the attachment is bound for the personal supplemental files or the workgroup supplemental files. |
CompaniesAggregate | String | False |
List of companies that are associated to this activity. |
ContactsAggregate | String | False |
List of contacts that are associated to this activity. |
Created | Datetime | True |
The date and time the activity was created. |
Details | String | False |
Additional detailed information about the activity. |
Edited | Datetime | True |
The date and time the activity was last updated. |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
The time the activity is to end |
GroupsAggregate | String | False |
List a groups that are associated to this activity. |
IsCleared | Bool | False |
Indicates that the activity has been cleared. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
Indicates elevated security that only the creator/owner has access to this activity. |
IsTimeless | Bool | False |
Indicates whether a specifies action is to be completed at a specific time-of-day. |
Location | String | False |
Describes the physical location that the activity is to take place. |
OpportunitiesAggregate | String | False |
List a opportunities that are associated to this activity. |
RecurSpecDayDayAsInt | Int | False |
An integer representation of the day of the week portion of a recurrence pattern. |
RecurSpecDayDaysOfWeek | String | False |
Representation of the day of the week portion of a recurrence pattern. |
RecurSpecDayDayType | String | False |
Describing the day-portion of the recurrence pattern. |
RecurSpecDayOrdinal | String | False |
Describes recurrence in relative terms for certain recurrence patterns (i.e. First, Third, Last) . |
RecurSpecDayTypedDay | String | False |
Describing the TypedDay (Day, WeekDay or Weekend Day) for the recurrence pattern when DayType is |
RecurSpecFrequency | Int | False |
Represents how often for the recurrence patterns |
RecurSpecIsEndless | Bool | False |
Flag denoting whether an end date has been specified for the pattern. Note: If false, the following defaults are used: For Daily and Weekly: 2 years beyond the start date For Monthly and Yearly: June 6, 2073. |
RecurSpecMonth | Int | False |
Represents the specific month for certain recurrence patterns |
RecurSpecRecurType | String | False |
Represents a unit of time used to separate recurences (i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly). |
RecurSpecSeriesEnd | Datetime | False |
Specifiying the ending time for a given day. |
RecurSpecSeriesStart | Datetime | False |
Specifiying the starting time for a given day. |
ScheduledBy | String | True |
The contact who created this activity. |
ScheduledFor | String | False |
The name of the activity's organizer. |
SeriesID | String | True |
A unique identifier that represents the activity. The id that is returned is based on if it is a recurring or not. Recurrent activity: RecurSourceActivityId or Single Occurence activity: ActivityID |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
The time the activity is to begin |
Subject | String | False |
A description of the action to be completed. |
Create, update, delete and query the Companies created in your Act! CRM database.
The Cloud uses the Act! CRM API to process search criteria that refer to the supported fields.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are
processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE Id = '12345' SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE Name = 'TSS company'
To insert a company, you need to specify the Company Name
INSERT INTO Companies (Name) VALUES ('New Company')
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated. Specify the Company Id when updating a group
UPDATE Companies SET AddressCity = 'Bangalore', AddressCountry = 'India' WHERE Id = '12345'
Companies can be deleted by providing an Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM Companies WHERE Id = '12345'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier (id) for this company. |
Created | Datetime | True |
Created date of the company. |
Name | String | False |
The company's given name. |
AddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
AddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
AddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
AddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
AddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
AddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
AddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
BillingAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
BillingAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
BillingAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
BillingAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
BillingAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
BillingAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
BillingAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
Description | String | False |
A brief written representation or account of this company. |
Division | String | False |
The name of a smaller part of a parent company tasked with overseeing different types of products or services than those offered by the parent company. |
Edited | Datetime | True |
Edited data of the company. |
EditedBy | String | True |
User who edited the company record. |
Fax | String | False |
The company's fax phone number. |
FaxExtension | String | False |
The company's fax phone number extension. |
HierarchyLevel | Int | False |
The positional level of where this company lays within a company hierarchy. |
IdStatus | String | False |
The relative social or professional position of an individual within a group or organization. |
Industry | String | False |
Economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. |
NumberOfEmployees | Int | False |
The total number of employees that this company operates with. |
ParentID | String | True |
The unique identifier (id) of the parent company. |
Phone | String | False |
The company's phone number. |
PhoneExtension | String | False |
The company's phone number extension. |
RecordOwner | String | True |
Owner of the company record. |
ReferredBy | String | False |
Mention or allude to. |
Region | String | False |
A part of a country, of the world, etc., that is different or separate from other parts in some way. |
Revenue | Decimal | False |
The amount of money that this company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions for returned merchandise. |
ShippingAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
ShippingAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
ShippingAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
ShippingAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
ShippingAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
ShippingAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
SicCode | String | False |
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment. |
Territory | String | False |
Geographical area. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
An arrangement of characters (usually letters) representing a particular security listed on an exchange or otherwise traded publicly. |
TollFreeExtension | String | False |
The company's toll free phone number. |
TollFreePhone | String | False |
The company's toll free phone number. |
Website | String | False |
The company's website. |
Query and delete the Notes for a given Act! CRM Contact.
SELECT * FROM ContactNotes WHERE ContactId = '12345'
ContactNotes can be deleted by providing ContactId and Id (Note Id) and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM ContactNotes WHERE ContactId = '12345' AND Id = '56789'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) for a given note. |
ContactId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) for the contact included in the note. |
ManageUserID | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) of the user managing the note. |
CreateUserID | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) of the user who created the note. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | False |
Indicator if the note is private. |
NoteText | String | False |
Descriptive text of the note. |
NoteTypeID | Long | False |
The id of the type of the note. |
DisplayDate | Datetime | False |
Display date of the note. |
Created | Datetime | False |
Datetime of the note creation. |
Edited | Datetime | False |
Datetime of the last edit of the note. |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | False |
Display name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | False |
File extension of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileName | String | False |
File name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSize | Long | False |
File size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | False |
Display file size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileType | String | False |
Type of the attachment file. |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | False |
Last modified datetime of the attachment. |
AttachmentPersonal | Boolean | False |
Indicator if the attachment is personal. |
Create, update, delete and query the Contacts in your Act! CRM database.
The Cloud uses the Act! CRM API to process search criteria that refer to the supported fields.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE Id = '12345' SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE FullName = 'Full contact name'
To insert a contact, you need to specify the contact name.
INSERT INTO Contacts (FirstName) VALUES ('Contact First Name')
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated. Specify the Contact Id when updating a group
UPDATE Contacts SET Company = 'User Company' Website = '' WHERE Id = '12345'
Contacts can be deleted by providing an Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM Contacts WHERE Id = '12345'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier (id) for this contact. |
Created | Datetime | True |
Created date of the contact. |
FullName | String | True |
The first name, any middle names, and surname of a contact. This may also include name prefixes and sufixes that are defined within Act! |
Company | String | False |
The organization that this contact is associated with. |
AltEmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
AlternateExtension | String | False |
The contact's alternate phone number extension. |
AlternatePhone | String | False |
The contact's alternate phone number. |
Birthday | String | False |
The anniversary of the day on which a person was born. |
BusinessAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
BusinessAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
BusinessAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
BusinessAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
BusinessAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
BusinessAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
BusinessExtension | String | False |
The contact's business phone number extension. |
BusinessPhone | String | False |
The contact's business phone number. |
CompanyID | String | False |
The unique identifier (companyID) for a given companies. |
ContactType | String | True |
The type of contact: Contact, Secondary, or User. |
Department | String | False |
An area of special expertise or responsibility. |
Edited | Datetime | True |
Edited date of the contact. |
EditedBy | String | True |
User who edited the contact. |
EmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
FaxExtension | String | False |
The contact's fax phone number extension. |
FaxPhone | String | False |
The contact's fax phone number. |
FirstName | String | False |
A personal given name. |
HomeAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
HomeAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
HomeAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
HomeAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
HomeAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
HomeAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
HomeAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
HomeExtension | String | False |
The contact's home phone extension. |
HomePhone | String | False |
The contact's home phone number. |
IdStatus | String | False |
The relative social or professional position of an individual within a group or organization. |
IsUser | Bool | True |
An indicator if this contact is also a user within the system. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The title or position this contact holds. |
LastName | String | False |
The family name or surname. |
LastResults | String | False |
Identifies last communication or action with a contact. |
Latitude | Decimal | False |
The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
Longitude | Decimal | False |
The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
MessengerID | String | True |
An online identifier alias. |
MiddleName | String | False |
A name between one's first name and surname. |
MobileExtension | String | False |
The contact's mobile phone extension. |
MobilePhone | String | False |
The contact's mobile phone number. |
NamePrefix | String | False |
A patronymic prefix. |
NameSuffix | String | False |
Provides additional information about the person that identifies an individual position, educational degree, accreditation, orffice, or honors. |
PagerExtension | String | False |
The contact's pager phone number extension |
PagerPhone | String | False |
The contact's pager phone number. |
PersonalEmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
RecordOwner | String | True |
Owner user of the contact. |
ReferredBy | String | False |
Indiciates how this contact came about. |
Salutation | String | True |
A gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgment. |
Website | String | False |
The contact's web site. |
Query and delete the Contacts belonging to a Group.
SELECT * FROM GroupContacts WHERE GroupId = '12345' SELECT * FROM GroupContacts WHERE FullName = 'Contact name'
GroupContacts can be deleted by providing GroupId and Id (Contact Id) and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM GroupContacts WHERE GroupId = '12345' AND Id = '56789'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) for this contact. |
GroupId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) of the group to retrieve contacts from. |
Created | Datetime | False |
Created date of the group. |
FullName | String | False |
The first name, any middle names, and surname of a contact. This may also include name prefixes and sufixes that are defined within Act! |
AltEmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
AlternateExtension | String | False |
The contact's alternate phone number extension. |
AlternatePhone | String | False |
The contact's alternate phone number. |
Birthday | String | False |
The anniversary of the day on which a person was born. |
BusinessAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
BusinessAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
BusinessAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
BusinessAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
BusinessAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
BusinessAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
BusinessExtension | String | False |
The contact's business phone number extension. |
BusinessPhone | String | False |
The contact's business phone number. |
Company | String | False |
The organization that this contact is associated with. |
CompanyID | String | False |
The unique identifier (companyID) for a given companies. |
ContactType | String | False |
The type of contact: Contact, Secondary, or User. |
Department | String | False |
An area of special expertise or responsibility. |
Edited | Datetime | False |
Edited date of the group. |
EditedBy | String | False |
User who edited the group. |
EmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
FaxExtension | String | False |
The contact's fax phone number extension. |
FaxPhone | String | False |
The contact's fax phone number. |
FirstName | String | False |
A personal given name. |
HomeAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
HomeAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
HomeAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
HomeAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
HomeAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
HomeAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
HomeAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
HomeExtension | String | False |
The contact's home phone extension. |
HomePhone | String | False |
The contact's home phone number. |
IdStatus | String | False |
The relative social or professional position of an individual within a group or organization. |
IsUser | Bool | False |
An indicator if this contact is also a user within the system. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The title or position this contact holds. |
LastName | String | False |
The family name or surname. |
LastResults | String | False |
Identifies last communication or action with a contact. |
Latitude | Decimal | False |
The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
Longitude | Decimal | False |
The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
MessengerID | String | False |
An online identifier alias. |
MiddleName | String | False |
A name between one's first name and surname. |
MobileExtension | String | False |
The contact's mobile phone extension. |
MobilePhone | String | False |
The contact's mobile phone number. |
NamePrefix | String | False |
A patronymic prefix. |
NameSuffix | String | False |
Provides additional information about the person that identifies an individual position, educational degree, accreditation, orffice, or honors. |
PagerExtension | String | False |
The contact's pager phone number extension |
PagerPhone | String | False |
The contact's pager phone number. |
PersonalEmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
RecordOwner | String | False |
Owner user of the record. |
ReferredBy | String | False |
Indiciates how this contact came about. |
Salutation | String | False |
A gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgment. |
Website | String | False |
The contact's web site. |
Create, update, delete and query the Groups participating in your Act! CRM database.
SELECT * FROM Groups WHERE Name = 'Group name'
To insert a group, you need to specify the Group Name
INSERT INTO Groups (Name, Description) VALUES ('Group Name', 'This is sample group')
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated. Specify the Group Id when updating a group
UPDATE Groups SET isPrivate = false, AddressCity = 'Group City', AddressCountry = 'Group Country' WHERE Id = '12345'
Groups can be deleted by providing an Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM Groups WHERE Id = '12345'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier (id) for a group. |
Created | Datetime | True |
A timestamp when this group was created |
Name | String | False |
The name of the group. |
AddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
AddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
AddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
AddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
AddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
AddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
AddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
AddressLatitude | Decimal | False |
The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
AddressLongitude | Decimal | False |
The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
Description | String | False |
A brief written respresentation of a group. |
Edited | Datetime | True |
Edited date of the group. |
EditedBy | String | True |
User who edited the group. |
HierarchyLevel | Int | False |
The level this group appears in its hierarchy. |
ParentID | String | True |
The group's parent entity. |
HasSubgroups | Bool | False |
An indicator if this group contains subgroups. |
RecordOwner | String | False |
Owner user of the record. |
RecordManager | String | True |
Manager user of the record. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | False |
Indicator if the group is private. |
Get, Create, Update or Delete all history items.
SELECT * FROM Histories SELECT * FROM Histories where ID = '1234'
To insert a history, you must specify atleast one contact or company or opportunity or groups along with start time and end time.
INSERT INTO Histories (ContactsAggregate, StartTime, EndTime) VALUES ('9ff95080-7ca2-46ae-8161-04ac83bb20c5, 0ee7ab70-40df-4396-a7ef-132c7555e3ad', '2020-01-27 10:00:000', '2020-01-31 10:00:00')
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated. Specify the History Id when updating a group
UPDATE Histories SET Regarding = 'Test', isPrivate = false WHERE Id = '12345'
Histories can be deleted by providing an Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM Histories WHERE Id = '12345'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Id of the history item created |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | True |
Name of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | True |
FileExtension of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileName | String | True |
FileName of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileSize | Integer | True |
File Size of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | True |
File Size Display of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileType | String | True |
FileType of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | True |
File Last Modified date of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentPersonal | Boolean | True |
Attachment Personal |
CompaniesAggregate | String | False |
Companies associated with a history |
ContactsAggregate | String | False |
Contacts associated with a history |
Created | Datetime | True |
The datetime when history was created |
CreateUserID | String | True |
User Id of the user who craeted the history |
Details | String | False |
Details of history |
Duration | String | True |
Duration |
Edited | Datetime | True |
Datetime when history was last edited |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
End Time of history |
GroupsAggregate | String | False |
Groups associated with history |
HistoryTypeDescription | String | True |
Description of the type of history |
HistoryTypeId | Integer | True |
History Type ID |
HistoryTypeName | String | True |
Name of history type |
TypeID | Integer | False |
Id of history type |
IsPrivate | Boolean | False |
Indicates whether history is private or not |
ManageUserID | String | True |
User Id of manager |
OpportunitiesAggregate | String | False |
Opportunities associated with history |
OutlookID | String | False |
Outlook Id |
RecordManager | String | True |
Record Manager |
RecordManagerID | String | True |
Id of Record Msnager |
Regarding | String | False |
Tells what history is about |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
Start Time |
Create, update, delete and query the Notes in your Act! CRM database.
The Cloud uses the Act! CRM API to process search criteria that refer to Id. (Note that the Id is a required criteria to query the Notes view)
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE Id = '2413d3d1-2345-6578-4859-792664d177af'
To insert a note, you must specify atleast one of the contacts, groups, companies or opportunities.
INSERT INTO Notes (NoteText, Contacts) VALUES ('This is sample note', ['123456'])
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated.
UPDATE Notes SET isPrivate = false WHERE Id = 123456
Notes can be deleted by providing an Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM Notes WHERE Id = 123456
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier (id) for a given note. |
ManageUserID | String | True |
The unique identifier (id) of the user managing the note. |
CreateUserID | String | True |
The unique identifier (id) of the user who created the note. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | False |
Indicator if the note is private. |
NoteText | String | False |
Descriptive text of the note. |
NoteTypeID | Long | True |
The id of the type of the note. |
DisplayDate | Datetime | True |
Display date of the note. |
Created | Datetime | True |
Datetime of the note creation. |
Edited | Datetime | True |
Datetime of the last edit of the note. |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | False |
Display name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | False |
File extension of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileName | String | False |
File name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSize | Long | False |
File size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | False |
Display file size of the attachment. |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | False |
Last modified datetime of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileType | String | False |
Type of the attachment file. |
AttachmentPersonal | Boolean | False |
Indicator if the attachment is personal. |
Companies | String | False |
List of companies that are associated to this note entity. |
Contacts | String | False |
List of contacts that are associated to this note entity. |
Groups | String | False |
List of groups that are associated to this note entity. |
Opportunities | String | False |
List of opportunities that are associated to this note entity. |
Create, update, delete and query the Opportunities in your Act! CRM database.
SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE Name = 'Opportunity name'
To insert a Opportunity, you must specify the Name and EstimatedCloseDate
INSERT INTO Opportunities (Name, EstimatedCloseDate) VALUES ('Sample Opportunity', '2020-01-30')
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated.
UPDATE Opportunities SET ContactsAggregate = '123456' WHERE Id = 'f3fd9661-8fab-4fe3-8321-225f2b770f60'
Opportunities can be deleted by providing an Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM Opportunities WHERE Id = 'f3fd9661-8fab-4fe3-8321-225f2b770f60'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A unique identifier that represents the opportunity. |
Created | Datetime | True |
Created date of the opportunity. |
Name | String | False |
The opportunity name. |
ActualCloseDate | Datetime | False |
The date that the opportunity as closed. |
CompaniesAggregate | String | False |
List of companies that are associated to this opportunity entity. |
Competitor | String | False |
Gets the name of the competitor for this opportunity. |
ContactNames | String | False |
The names of the contacts associated with this opportunity. |
ContactsAggregate | String | False |
The names of the contacts associated with this opportunity. |
Creator | String | False |
Indicates elevated security that only the creator has access to this opportunity. |
DaysOpen | Int | True |
The number of days this opportunity has been opened. |
Edited | Datetime | True |
The date that this record was edited. |
EditedBy | String | True |
The user's name that last editied this record. |
EstimatedCloseDate | Datetime | False |
The date the opportunity is expected to be closed. |
GrossMargin | Decimal | False |
Represents the net sales less the cost of goods and services sold. |
GroupsAggregate | String | False |
List a groups that are associated to this opportunity entity. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
Indicates whether this opportunity is private |
Manager | String | False |
The name of the record manager of this opportunity. |
OpenDate | Datetime | False |
The date the opportunity was opened. |
Probability | Int | False |
The likelihood this opportunity will will be won by the close date. |
ProductTotal | Decimal | False |
The total cost of the product or services. |
Reason | String | False |
Describs why the opportunity status changed. |
RecordOwner | String | False |
The user's name that owners this record. |
RelatedEntitiesResolver | Bool | False |
If true prevents related entities from serializing. |
Source | String | False |
Describs the source of the opportunity. |
StageDescription | String | False |
Gets or sets the description of the stage. |
StageId | String | False |
Gets the unique identifier of the stage. |
StageName | String | False |
The name of the stage. |
StageNumber | Int | False |
The ordinal number of the stage. |
StageProbability | Int | False |
The probability of the stage. |
StageProcessDescription | String | False |
The description of the stage process. |
StageProcessId | String | False |
The unique identifier of the stage process. |
StageProcessName | String | False |
The name of the stage process. |
Status | Int | False |
The status of the opportunity. |
TotalPerCompany | Decimal | False |
The average total per associated company. |
TotalPerContact | Decimal | False |
The average total per associated contact. |
TotalPerGroup | Decimal | False |
The average total per associated group. |
WeightedTotal | Decimal | False |
The weight of the product. |
Query and delete the Companies related to an Act! CRM opportunity.
SELECT * FROM OpportunityCompanies WHERE OpportunityId = '12345' SELECT * FROM OpportunityCompanies WHERE Name = 'Company name'
OpportunityCompanies can be deleted by providing an OpportunityId and Id (Company Id) and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM OpportunityCompanies WHERE OpportunityId = '123456' AND Id = '345678'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) for this company. |
OpportunityId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the opportunity the companies are related to. |
Created | Datetime | False |
Created date of the company. |
Name | String | False |
The company's given name. |
AddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
AddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
AddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
AddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
AddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
AddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
AddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
BillingAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
BillingAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
BillingAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
BillingAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
BillingAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
BillingAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
BillingAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
Description | String | False |
A brief written representation or account of this company. |
Division | String | False |
The name of a smaller part of a parent company tasked with overseeing different types of products or services than those offered by the parent company. |
Edited | Datetime | False |
Edited date of the company. |
EditedBy | String | False |
User who edited the company. |
Fax | String | False |
The company's fax phone number. |
FaxExtension | String | False |
The company's fax phone number extension. |
HierarchyLevel | Int | False |
The positional level of where this company lays within a company hierarchy. |
IdStatus | String | False |
The relative social or professional position of an individual within a group or organization. |
Industry | String | False |
Economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. |
NumberOfEmployees | Int | False |
The total number of employees that this company operates with. |
ParentID | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) of the parent company. |
Phone | String | False |
The company's phone number. |
PhoneExtension | String | False |
The company's phone number extension. |
RecordOwner | String | False |
Owner user of the record. |
ReferredBy | String | False |
Mention or allude to. |
Region | String | False |
A part of a country, of the world, etc., that is different or separate from other parts in some way. |
Revenue | String | False |
The amount of money that this company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions for returned merchandise. |
ShippingAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
ShippingAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
ShippingAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
ShippingAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
ShippingAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
ShippingAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
SicCode | String | False |
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment. |
Territory | String | False |
Geographical area. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
An arrangement of characters (usually letters) representing a particular security listed on an exchange or otherwise traded publicly. |
TollFreeExtension | String | False |
The company's toll free phone number. |
TollFreePhone | String | False |
The company's toll free phone number. |
Website | String | False |
The company's website. |
Query and delete the Contacts associated with an Opportunity.
SELECT * FROM OpportunityContacts WHERE OpportunityId = '12345' SELECT * FROM OpportunityContacts WHERE FullName = 'Contact name'
OpportunityContacts can be deleted by providing an OpportunityId and Id (Contact Id) and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM OpportunityContacts WHERE OpportunityId = '12345' AND Id = '34567'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) for this contact. |
OpportunityId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) for the opportunity to query contacts from. |
Created | Datetime | False |
Created date of the contact. |
FullName | String | False |
The first name, any middle names, and surname of a contact. This may also include name prefixes and sufixes that are defined within Act! |
AltEmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
AlternateExtension | String | False |
The contact's alternate phone number extension. |
AlternatePhone | String | False |
The contact's alternate phone number. |
Birthday | String | False |
The anniversary of the day on which a person was born. |
BusinessAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
BusinessAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
BusinessAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
BusinessAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
BusinessAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
BusinessAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
BusinessExtension | String | False |
The contact's business phone number extension. |
BusinessPhone | String | False |
The contact's business phone number. |
Company | String | False |
The organization that this contact is associated with. |
CompanyID | String | False |
The unique identifier (companyID) for a given companies. |
ContactType | String | False |
The type of contact: Contact, Secondary, or User. |
Department | String | False |
An area of special expertise or responsibility. |
Edited | Datetime | False |
Edited date of the contact. |
EditedBy | String | False |
User who edited the contact. |
EmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
FaxExtension | String | False |
The contact's fax phone number extension. |
FaxPhone | String | False |
The contact's fax phone number. |
FirstName | String | False |
A personal given name. |
HomeAddressCity | String | False |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
HomeAddressCountry | String | False |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
HomeAddressLine1 | String | False |
Primary street address |
HomeAddressLine2 | String | False |
Secondary street address |
HomeAddressLine3 | String | False |
Miscellaneous street address |
HomeAddressPostalCode | String | False |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
HomeAddressState | String | False |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
HomeExtension | String | False |
The contact's home phone extension. |
HomePhone | String | False |
The contact's home phone number. |
IdStatus | String | False |
The relative social or professional position of an individual within a group or organization. |
IsUser | Bool | False |
An indicator if this contact is also a user within the system. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The title or position this contact holds. |
LastName | String | False |
The family name or surname. |
LastResults | String | False |
Identifies last communication or action with a contact. |
Latitude | Decimal | False |
The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
Longitude | Decimal | False |
The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
MessengerID | String | False |
An online identifier alias. |
MiddleName | String | False |
A name between one's first name and surname. |
MobileExtension | String | False |
The contact's mobile phone extension. |
MobilePhone | String | False |
The contact's mobile phone number. |
NamePrefix | String | False |
A patronymic prefix. |
NameSuffix | String | False |
Provides additional information about the person that identifies an individual position, educational degree, accreditation, orffice, or honors. |
PagerExtension | String | False |
The contact's pager phone number extension |
PagerPhone | String | False |
The contact's pager phone number. |
PersonalEmailAddress | String | False |
A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
RecordOwner | String | False |
Owner user of the record. |
ReferredBy | String | False |
Indiciates how this contact came about. |
Salutation | String | False |
A gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgment. |
Website | String | False |
The contact's web site. |
Query and delete the Act! CRM Groups associated with an Opportunity.
SELECT * FROM OpportunityGroups WHERE OpportunityId = '123456' SELECT * FROM OpportunityGroups WHERE Name = 'Group name'
OpportunityGroups can be deleted by providing an OpportunityId and Id (Group Id) and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM OpportunityGroups WHERE OpportunityId = '123456' AND Id = '345678'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier (id) for a group. |
OpportunityId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier (id) for the opportunity to retrieve groups from. |
Created | Datetime | True |
A timestamp when this group was created |
Name | String | True |
The name of the group. |
AddressCity | String | True |
An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
AddressCountry | String | True |
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
AddressLine1 | String | True |
Primary street address |
AddressLine2 | String | True |
Secondary street address |
AddressLine3 | String | True |
Miscellaneous street address |
AddressPostalCode | String | True |
A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
AddressState | String | True |
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
Description | String | True |
A brief written respresentation of a group. |
Edited | Datetime | True |
Edited date of the group. |
EditedBy | String | True |
User who edited the group. |
HierarchyLevel | Int | True |
The level this group appears in its hierarchy. |
ParentID | String | True |
The group's parent entity. |
RecordOwner | String | True |
Owner user of the record. |
Update, delete and query the Products associated with an Opportunity.
SELECT * FROM OpportunityProducts WHERE OpportunityId = '12345' SELECT * FROM OpportunityProducts WHERE Name = 'Product name'
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated.
UPDATE OpportunityProducts SET ItemNumber = 'Product Item Number', Price = 40 WHERE OpportunityId = '12345' AND Id = '34567'
OpportunityProducts can be deleted by providing an OpportunityId and Id (Product Id) and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM OpportunityProducts WHERE OpportunityId = '12345' AND Id = '34567'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A unique identifier (id) for a given product. |
OpportunityId [KEY] | String | True |
A unique identifier (id) of the opportunity containing the products. |
Created | Datetime | True |
A timestamp when this group was created |
CreateDate | Datetime | True |
The date that the product was created. |
Cost | String | False |
The cost of the product. |
EditDate | Datetime | True |
The date that the opportunity product was lasted modified. |
ItemNumber | String | False |
A item number assigned to this opportunity product. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the product. |
Price | String | False |
The price of the opportunity product. |
Discount | Int | False |
The opportunity product's discounted percentage (ignore on updates). |
DiscountPrice | Int | False |
The discounted price of the opportunity product. |
ProductID | String | True |
A unique identifier (id) for a given product. |
Quantity | Int | False |
The quantity of opportunity products. |
Type | String | False |
The quantity of opportunity products. |
IsQuickBooksproduct | Boolean | False |
Define is product linked with Quickbooks Product. |
RecordOwner | String | False |
Record Owner. |
RecordManager | String | False |
Record Manager. |
Total | Int | False |
The total pricie of the opportunity product (adjusted price * quantity). |
Create, update, delete and query the Products in your Act! CRM database.
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Name = 'Product name'
To insert a product, you need to specify the Product Name, Cost, Item Number and Price.
INSERT INTO Products (Name, Cost, ItemNumber, Price) VALUES ('Product 1', 10, 'PROD_1', 20)
Any column where ReadOnly=False can be updated.
UPDATE Products SET Cost = 20, Price = 30 WHERE Id = 12345
Products can be deleted by providing an Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM Products WHERE Id = 12345
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
A unique identifier (id) for a given product. |
CreateDate | Datetime | True |
The date that the product was created. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the product. |
Cost | Decimal | False |
The cost of the product. |
EditDate | Datetime | True |
The date that the opportunity product was lasted modified. |
ItemNumber | String | False |
A item number assigned to this opportunity product. |
Price | Decimal | False |
The price of the opportunity product. |
Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
Name | Description |
ActivityCompanies | Query the Companies participating in an Act! CRM Activity. |
AnalyticsHistory | Gets historical e-marketing information for a given date range. |
CampaignLeads | Gets contacts leads. |
CampaignLeadsinfo | Gets opportunities within a campaign within a specified date range. |
CampaignResults | Gets campaign result information. |
CampaignSent | Gets campaign sent within a specified date range. |
CloseReason | Generates opportunity data to summerizes how many times a reason has been closed. |
CloseReasonDetails | Generates opportunity data to summerizes how many times a reason has been closed. |
CompanyContacts | Query the Contacts belonging to a Company. |
CompanyNotes | Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Company. |
ContactActivities | Query the Activities for a given Act! CRM Contact. |
ContactGroups | Query the Act! CRM Groups the Contact belongs to. |
ContactHistories | Get all the history related to a contact. |
ForecastByProduct | Generates forecasted opportunity data by given products. |
ForecastByProductDetails | Generates forecasted opportunity data by a given product.. |
ForecastByRep | Generates forecasted opportunity data by given users. |
ForecastByRepDetails | Generates forecasted opportunity data by a given user. |
GroupNotes | Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Group. |
OpportunityCount | Generates a summary of the total number of opportunities within a stage. |
OpportunityNotes | Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Opportunity. |
Pipeline | Gets all opportunity matching the custom filter that are currently being worked. |
RevenueActualVsPredicted | Generates actual vs predicted opportunity revenue. |
RevenueCost | Generates opportunity periodic revenue versus cost data for given products. |
RevenueWonVsLost | Generates opportunty win versus loss data. |
SalesByProduct | Generates opportunity sales by product data for given products. |
SalesByProductDetails | Generates opportunity sales by product detail data for a given product. |
SalesByRep | Generates opportunity sales by user data for given users. |
SalesByRepDetails | Generates opportunity sales by user data for a given user. |
StageTime | Generates opportunity data for the average time in a stage. |
UserActivities | Generates activity sales by user data for given users. |
UserActivityDetails | Generated schema file. |
Query the Companies participating in an Act! CRM Activity.
SELECT * FROM ActivityCompanies WHERE ActivityId = '12345' SELECT * FROM ActivityCompanies WHERE Name = 'TSS Company'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for this company. |
ActivityId [KEY] | String | A unique identifier that represents the activity the companies are part of. |
Created | Datetime | Created date and the activity. |
Name | String | The company's given name. |
AddressCity | String | An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
AddressCountry | String | A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
AddressLine1 | String | Primary street address |
AddressLine2 | String | Secondary street address |
AddressLine3 | String | Miscellaneous street address |
AddressPostalCode | String | A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
AddressState | String | A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
BillingAddressCity | String | An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
BillingAddressCountry | String | A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
BillingAddressLine1 | String | Primary street address |
BillingAddressLine2 | String | Secondary street address |
BillingAddressLine3 | String | Miscellaneous street address |
BillingAddressPostalCode | String | A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
BillingAddressState | String | A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
Description | String | A brief written representation or account of this company. |
Division | String | The name of a smaller part of a parent company tasked with overseeing different types of products or services than those offered by the parent company. |
Edited | Datetime | Edited date of the activity. |
EditedBy | String | User that edited the activity. |
Fax | String | The company's fax phone number. |
FaxExtension | String | The company's fax phone number extension. |
HierarchyLevel | Int | The positional level of where this company lays within a company hierarchy. |
IdStatus | String | The relative social or professional position of an individual within a group or organization. |
Industry | String | Economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. |
NumberOfEmployees | Int | The total number of employees that this company operates with. |
ParentID | String | The unique identifier (id) of the parent company. |
Phone | String | The company's phone number. |
PhoneExtension | String | The company's phone number extension. |
RecordOwner | String | Owner of the activity. |
ReferredBy | String | Mention or allude to. |
Region | String | A part of a country, of the world, etc., that is different or separate from other parts in some way. |
Revenue | Decimal | The amount of money that this company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions for returned merchandise. |
ShippingAddressCity | String | An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
ShippingAddressLine1 | String | Primary street address |
ShippingAddressLine2 | String | Secondary street address |
ShippingAddressLine3 | String | Miscellaneous street address |
ShippingAddressPostalCode | String | A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
ShippingAddressState | String | A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
SicCode | String | Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment. |
Territory | String | Geographical area. |
TickerSymbol | String | An arrangement of characters (usually letters) representing a particular security listed on an exchange or otherwise traded publicly. |
TollFreeExtension | String | The company's toll free phone number. |
TollFreePhone | String | The company's toll free phone number. |
Website | String | The company's website. |
Gets historical e-marketing information for a given date range.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM AnalyticsHistory where Date > '2023-03-12' SELECT * FROM AnalyticsHistory
Name | Type | Description |
EmailActions | String | Email Actions |
Sends | Integer | Count of mail sent |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Gets contacts leads.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CampaignLeadsinfo where UserId = 'b7c23fa5-6cd3-4bcd-a036-f8bbb85ba760' SELECT * FROM CampaignLeadsinfo
Name | Type | Description |
AmaScore | Integer | Ama Score |
BusinessEmail | String | Business Email |
BusinessPhone | String | Business Phone |
CompanyName | String | Company Name |
ContactId | String | Contact Id |
ContactName | String | Contact Name |
Sends | Integer | Sends |
TotalClicks | Integer | Total Clicks |
TotalOpens | Integer | Total Opens |
UniqueClicks | Integer | Unique Clicks |
UniqueOpens | Integer | Unique Opens |
Gets opportunities within a campaign within a specified date range.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
SELECT * FROM CampaignLeadsInfo where Date >= '2023-04-15' SELECT * FROM CampaignLeadsInfo
Name | Type | Description |
CampaignId | String | Campaign Id |
CampaignName | String | Campaign Name |
LeadCount | Integer | Lead Count |
TotalValue | Integer | Total Value |
WeightedValue | Integer | Weighted Value |
Status | String | Staus |
UserId | String | User Id |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Gets campaign result information.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CampaignResults where Date >= '2023-03-12' and Date <= '2023-04-15' SELECT * FROM CampaignResults
Name | Type | Description |
CampaignDate | Datetime | Campaign Date |
CampaignName | String | Campaign Name |
Clicks | Integer | Clicks |
Opens | Integer | Opens |
Sends | Integer | Sends |
UniqueClicks | Integer | Unique Clicks |
UniqueSends | Integer | Unique Sends |
CampaignId | String | Campaign Ids |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Gets campaign sent within a specified date range.
Name | Type | Description |
CampaignId | String | Campaign Id |
CampaignName | String | Campaign Name |
SendDate | Datetime | Send Date |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunity data to summerizes how many times a reason has been closed.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Status is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CloseReason where Status = 'open'
Name | Type | Description |
Count | Integer | |
Reason | String | |
Status | String | Status of Activities
The allowed values are open, won, lost, inactive. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunity data to summerizes how many times a reason has been closed.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The Status and CloseReason are required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CloseReasonDetails where Status = 'open' and CloseReason = 'Not specified'
Name | Type | Description |
OppId | String | Opp Id |
OppName | String | Opp Name |
ActualCloseDate | Datetime | Actual Close Date |
ActualValue | Integer | Actual Value |
CloseReason | String | Close Reason |
Status | String | Status
The allowed values are open, won, lost, inactive. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Query the Contacts belonging to a Company.
SELECT * FROM CompanyContacts WHERE Fullname = 'Contact name'
CompanyContacts can be deleted by providing CompanyId and Id and issuing a DELETE statement.
DELETE FROM CompanyContacts WHERE CompanyId = '12345' AND Id = '56789'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for this contact. |
CompanyId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) of the company to retrieve contacts from. |
Created | Datetime | Created data of the contact. |
FullName | String | The first name, any middle names, and surname of a contact. This may also include name prefixes and sufixes that are defined within Act! |
AltEmailAddress | String | A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
AlternateExtension | String | The contact's alternate phone number extension. |
AlternatePhone | String | The contact's alternate phone number. |
Birthday | String | The anniversary of the day on which a person was born. |
BusinessAddressCity | String | An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
BusinessAddressCountry | String | A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
BusinessAddressLine1 | String | Primary street address |
BusinessAddressLine2 | String | Secondary street address |
BusinessAddressLine3 | String | Miscellaneous street address |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | String | A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
BusinessAddressState | String | A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
BusinessExtension | String | The contact's business phone number extension. |
BusinessPhone | String | The contact's business phone number. |
Company | String | The organization that this contact is associated with. |
ContactType | String | The type of contact: Contact, Secondary, or User. |
Department | String | An area of special expertise or responsibility. |
Edited | Datetime | Edited date of the contact. |
EditedBy | String | User who edited the contact. |
EmailAddress | String | A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
FaxExtension | String | The contact's fax phone number extension. |
FaxPhone | String | The contact's fax phone number. |
FirstName | String | A personal given name. |
HomeAddressCity | String | An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
HomeAddressCountry | String | A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
HomeAddressLine1 | String | Primary street address |
HomeAddressLine2 | String | Secondary street address |
HomeAddressLine3 | String | Miscellaneous street address |
HomeAddressPostalCode | String | A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
HomeAddressState | String | A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
HomeExtension | String | The contact's home phone extension. |
HomePhone | String | The contact's home phone number. |
IdStatus | String | The relative social or professional position of an individual within a group or organization. |
IsUser | Bool | An indicator if this contact is also a user within the system. |
JobTitle | String | The title or position this contact holds. |
LastName | String | The family name or surname. |
LastResults | String | Identifies last communication or action with a contact. |
Latitude | Decimal | The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
Longitude | Decimal | The angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. |
MessengerID | String | An online identifier alias. |
MiddleName | String | A name between one's first name and surname. |
MobileExtension | String | The contact's mobile phone extension. |
MobilePhone | String | The contact's mobile phone number. |
NamePrefix | String | A patronymic prefix. |
NameSuffix | String | Provides additional information about the person that identifies an individual position, educational degree, accreditation, orffice, or honors. |
PagerExtension | String | The contact's pager phone number extension |
PagerPhone | String | The contact's pager phone number. |
PersonalEmailAddress | String | A unique electronic address that an individual can be contacted. |
RecordOwner | String | Owner user of the record. |
ReferredBy | String | Indiciates how this contact came about. |
Salutation | String | A gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgment. |
Website | String | The contact's web site. |
Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Company.
SELECT * FROM CompanyNotes WHERE CompanyId = '12345'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given note. |
CompanyId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for the company included in the note. |
ManageUserID | String | The unique identifier (id) of the user managing the note. |
CreateUserID | String | The unique identifier (id) of the user who created the note. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | Indicator if the note is private. |
NoteText | String | Descriptive text of the note. |
NoteTypeID | Long | The id of the type of the note. |
DisplayDate | Datetime | Display date of the note. |
Created | Datetime | Datetime of the note creation. |
Edited | Datetime | Datetime of the last edit of the note. |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | Display name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | File extension of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileName | String | File name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSize | Long | File size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | Display file size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileType | String | Type of the attachment file. |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | Last modified datetime of the attachment. |
AttachmentPersonal | Boolean | Indicator if the attachment is personal. |
Query the Activities for a given Act! CRM Contact.
SELECT * FROM ContactActivities WHERE ContactId = '12345' SELECT * FROM ContactActivities WHERE Subject = 'Team meeting' SELECT * FROM ContactActivities WHERE Location = 'My Location'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | A unique identifier that represents the activity. |
ContactId | String | A unique identifier that represents the contact related to the activities. |
Created | Datetime | The date and time the activity was created. |
Subject | String | A description of the action to be completed. |
Location | String | Describes the physical location that the activity is to take place. |
ActivityPriorityName | String | Displays the priority of the activity. |
ActivityTypeName | String | Displays the type of the activity. |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | Gets presentation name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | Gets the extension of the Attachment |
AttachmentFileName | String | Gets a string representing the directory's full path. |
AttachmentFileSize | Int | Gets the size (bytes) of the attachments. |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | Gets the displayable text representation of the attachment |
AttachmentFileType | String | Gets the registered system file type name of the attachment |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | Gets the last modified date of the attachment |
AttachmentPersonal | Bool | Indicates whether the attachment is bound for the personal suppplemental files or the workgroup supplemental files. |
CompaniesAggregate | String | List of companies that are associated to this activity. |
Details | String | Additional detailed information about the activity. |
Edited | Datetime | The date and time the activity was last updated. |
EndTime | Datetime | The time the activity is to end |
GroupsAggregate | String | List a groups that are associated to this activity. |
IsCleared | Bool | Indicates that the activity has been cleared. |
IsPrivate | Bool | Indicates elevated security that only the creator/owner has access to this activity |
IsTimeless | Bool | Indicates whether a specifies action is to be completed at a specific time-of-day. |
OpportunitiesAggregate | String | List a opportunities that are associated to this activity. |
RecurSpecDayDayAsInt | Int | An integer representation of the day of the week portion of a recurrence pattern. |
RecurSpecDayDaysOfWeek | String | Representation of the day of the week portion of a recurrence pattern. |
RecurSpecDayDayType | String | Describing the day-portion of the recurrence pattern. |
RecurSpecDayOrdinal | String | Describes recurrence in relative terms for certain recurrence patterns (i.e. First, Third, Last). |
RecurSpecDayTypedDay | String | Describing the TypedDay (Day, WeekDay or Weekend Day) for the recurrence pattern when DayType is |
RecurSpecFrequency | Int | Represents how often for the recurrence patterns |
RecurSpecIsEndless | Bool | Flag denoting whether an end date has been specified for the pattern. Note: If false, the following defaults are used: For Daily and Weekly: 2 years beyond the start date For Monthly and Yearly: June 6, 2073. |
RecurSpecMonth | Int | Represents the specific month for certain recurrence patterns |
RecurSpecRecurType | String | Represents a unit of time used to separate recurences (i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly). |
RecurSpecSeriesEnd | Datetime | Specifiying the ending time for a given day. |
RecurSpecSeriesStart | Datetime | Specifiying the starting time for a given day. |
ScheduledBy | String | The contact who created this activity. |
ScheduledFor | String | The name of the activity's organizer. |
SeriesID | String | A unique identifier that represents the activity. The id that is returned is based on if it is a recurring or not. Recurrent activity: RecurSourceActivityId or Single Occurence activity: ActivityID |
StartTime | Datetime | The time the activity is to begin |
Query the Act! CRM Groups the Contact belongs to.
SELECT * FROM ContactGroups WHERE ContactId = '12345' SELECT * FROM ContactGroups WHERE Name = 'Contact name'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for a group. |
ContactId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for the contact included in the group. |
Created | Datetime | A timestamp when this group was created |
Name | String | The name of the group. |
AddressCity | String | An inhabited place of greater size, population, or importance than a town or village. |
AddressCountry | String | A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
AddressLine1 | String | Primary street address |
AddressLine2 | String | Secondary street address |
AddressLine3 | String | Miscellaneous street address |
AddressPostalCode | String | A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail. |
AddressState | String | A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. |
Description | String | A brief written respresentation of a group. |
Edited | Datetime | Edited date of the contact. |
EditedBy | String | User who edited the contact. |
HierarchyLevel | Int | The level this group appears in its hierarchy. |
ParentID | String | The group's parent entity. |
RecordOwner | String | Owner user of the record. |
Contact | Int | Get the total number of contacts within the group. |
HasSubgroups | Boolean | This readonly property indicates that this group has sub groups. |
RecordManager | String | Record Manager of the record. |
RecordManagerID | String | The record manager id of the record. |
ImportDate | Datetime | This readonly property displays the date that the opportunity was imported into the system. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | Indicates elevated security that only the creator/owner has access to this company. |
Get all the history related to a contact.
SELECT * FROM ContactHistories SELECT * FROM ContactHistories WHERE ContactId = '12345'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Id of the history item created |
ContactId | String | Id of the contact |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | Name of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | FileExtension of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileName | String | FileName of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileSize | Integer | File Size of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | File Size Display of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentFileType | String | FileType of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | File Last Modified date of the attachment related to a history |
AttachmentPersonal | Boolean | Attachment Personal |
CompaniesAggregate | String | Companies associated with a history |
ContactsAggregate | String | Contacts associated with a history |
Created | Datetime | The datetime when history was created |
CreateUserID | String | User Id of the user who craeted the history |
Details | String | Details of history |
Duration | String | Duration |
Edited | Datetime | Datetime when history was last edited |
EndTime | Datetime | End Time of history |
GroupsAggregate | String | Groups associated with history |
HistoryTypeDescription | String | Description of the type of history |
HistoryTypeId | Integer | History Type ID |
HistoryTypeName | String | Name of history type |
TypeID | Integer | Id of history type |
IsPrivate | Boolean | Indicates whether history is private or not |
ManageUserID | String | User Id of manager |
OpportunitiesAggregate | String | Opportunities associated with history |
OutlookID | String | Outlook Id |
RecordManager | String | Record Manager |
RecordManagerID | String | Id of Record Msnager |
Regarding | String | Tells what history is about |
StartTime | Datetime | Start Time |
Generates forecasted opportunity data by given products.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ForecastByProduct
Name | Type | Description |
CountPercent | Integer | Count Percent |
OppCount | Integer | Opp Count |
ProductId | String | Product ID |
ProductName | String | Product Name |
TotalValue | Integer | Total Value |
TotalValuePercent | Integer | Total Value Percent |
WeightedValue | Integer | Weighted Value |
WeightedValuePercent | Integer | Weighted Value Percent |
Generates forecasted opportunity data by a given product..
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The ProductId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ForecastByProductDetails where Status = 'inactive'
Name | Type | Description |
EstCloseDate | Datetime | Est Close Date |
OppName | String | Opp Name |
ProbabilityPct | Integer | Probability Pct |
ProductName | String | Product Name |
ProductWeightedValue | Integer | Product Weighted Value |
Status | String | Status |
ProductId | String | Product Id |
Generates forecasted opportunity data by given users.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ForecastByRep where UserID = 'b7c23fa5-6cd3-4bcd-a036-f8bbb85ba760' SELECT * FROM ForecastByRep
Name | Type | Description |
CountPercent | Integer | Count Percent |
OppCount | Integer | Opp Count |
SalesRep | String | Sales Rep |
TotalValue | Integer | Total Value |
TotalValuePercent | Integer | Total Value Percent |
UserId | String | User Id |
WeightedValue | Integer | Weighted Value |
WeightedValuePercent | Integer | Weighted Value Percent |
Generates forecasted opportunity data by a given user.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. UserId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ForecastByRepDetails where UserID = 'b7c23fa5-6cd3-4bcd-a036-f8bbb85ba760'
Name | Type | Description |
EstCloseDate | Datetime | Est Close Date |
OppName | String | Opp Name |
ProbabilityPct | Integer | Probablity Pct |
RepName | String | Rep Name |
Status | String | Status |
WeightedValue | Integer | Weighted Value |
UserId | String | User ID |
Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Group.
SELECT * FROM GroupNotes WHERE GroupId = '12345'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given note. |
GroupId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for the group included in the note. |
ManageUserID | String | The unique identifier (id) of the user managing the note. |
CreateUserID | String | The unique identifier (id) of the user who created the note. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | Indicator if the note is private. |
NoteText | String | Descriptive text of the note. |
NoteTypeID | Long | The id of the type of the note. |
DisplayDate | Datetime | Display date of the note. |
Created | Datetime | Datetime of the note creation. |
Edited | Datetime | Datetime of the last edit of the note. |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | Display name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | File extension of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileName | String | File name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSize | Long | File size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | Display file size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileType | String | Type of the attachment file. |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | Last modified datetime of the attachment. |
AttachmentPersonal | Boolean | Indicator if the attachment is personal. |
Generates a summary of the total number of opportunities within a stage.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OpportunityCount where Date = '2023-03-12' SELECT * FROM OpportunityCount
Name | Type | Description |
Count | Integer | Count |
Ordinal | Integer | Ordinal |
StageId | String | Stage Id |
StageName | String | Stage Name |
Value | Integer | Value |
StartTime | Datetime | Start Time |
EndTime | Datetime | End Time |
DateType | Integer | Date Type |
ValueType | Integer | Value Type |
ProbabilityValue | Integer | Probability |
ProbabilityOperation | String | Probability Operation |
AmountValue | Decimal | Amount Value |
AmountOperation | String | Amount Operation |
OmitPrivate | Boolean | Omit Private |
TypeId | String | Type Id |
UserId | String | User Id |
StageId | String | Stage Id |
PickListItemId | String | Pick List Item Id |
Status | String | Status |
Query the Notes for a given Act! CRM Opportunity.
SELECT * FROM OpportunityNotes WHERE OpportunityId = '12345'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given note. |
OpportunityId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier (id) for the opportunity included in the note. |
ManageUserID | String | The unique identifier (id) of the user managing the note. |
CreateUserID | String | The unique identifier (id) of the user who created the note. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | Indicator if the note is private. |
NoteText | String | Descriptive text of the note. |
NoteTypeID | Long | The id of the type of the note. |
DisplayDate | Datetime | Display date of the note. |
Created | Datetime | Datetime of the note creation. |
Edited | Datetime | Datetime of the last edit of the note. |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | Display name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | File extension of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileName | String | File name of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSize | Long | File size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | Display file size of the attachment. |
AttachmentFileType | String | Type of the attachment file. |
AttachmentLastModified | Datetime | Last modified datetime of the attachment. |
AttachmentPersonal | Boolean | Indicator if the attachment is personal. |
Gets all opportunity matching the custom filter that are currently being worked.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Pipeline
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | |
CompanyName | String | Company Name |
ContactCount | Integer | Contact Count |
ContactName | String | Contact Name |
EstCloseDate | Datetime | Est Close Date |
Name | String | Name |
ProbabilityPct | Integer | Probability Pct |
StageId | String | Stage Id |
StageName | String | Stage Name |
TotalValue | Integer | Total Value |
WeightedValue | Integer | Weighted Value |
StartTime | Datetime | Start Time |
EndTime | Datetime | End Time |
DateType | Integer | Date Type |
ValueType | Integer | Value Type |
ProbabilityValue | Integer | Probability |
ProbabilityOperation | String | Probability Operation |
AmountValue | Decimal | Amount Value |
AmountOperation | String | Amount Operation |
OmitPrivate | Boolean | Omit Private |
TypeId | String | Type Id |
UserId | String | User ID |
StageId | String | Stage Id |
PickListItemId | String | Pick List Item Id |
Status | String | Status |
Generates actual vs predicted opportunity revenue.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM RevenueActualVsPredicted
Name | Type | Description |
Actual | Integer | Actual |
Potential | Integer | Potential |
Projected | Integer | Projected |
TimePeriod | String | Time Period |
Interval | String | Interval
The allowed values are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly. |
FiscalYearStart | Integer | Fiscal Year Start |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunity periodic revenue versus cost data for given products.
SELECT * FROM RevenueCost where ProductId = 'b7c23fa5-6cd3-4bcd-a036-f8bbb85ba760' Select * FROM RevenueCost
Name | Type | Description |
AlternateText | String | Alternate Text |
Cost | Integer | Cost |
OppCount | Integer | Opp Count |
Revenue | Integer | Revenue |
TimePeriod | String | Time Period |
ProductId | String | Product Id |
Interval | String | Interval
The allowed values are daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly. |
FiscalYearStart | Integer | Fiscal Year Start |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunty win versus loss data.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM RevenueWonVsLost
Name | Type | Description |
Count | Integer | Count |
CountPercent | Integer | Count Percent |
Revenue | Integer | Revenue |
RevenuePercent | Integer | Revenue Percent |
Status | String | Status |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunity sales by product data for given products.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesByProduct
Name | Type | Description |
Percent | Integer | Percent |
ProductId | String | Product Id |
ProductName | String | Product Name |
Revenue | Integer | Revenue |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunity sales by product detail data for a given product.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. ProductId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesByProductDetails where ProductId = 'b7c23fa5-6cd3-4bcd-a036-f8bbb85ba760'
Name | Type | Description |
ClosedDate | Datetime | Closed Date |
OppName | String | Opp Name |
ProductName | String | Product Name |
ProductValue | Integer | Product Value |
ProductId | String | Product Id |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunity sales by user data for given users.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
Name | Type | Description |
CountPercent | Integer | Count Percent |
OppCount | Integer | Opp Count |
Revenue | Integer | Revenue |
RevenuePercent | Integer | Revenue Percent |
SalesRep | String | Sales Rep |
UserId | String | User Id |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunity sales by user data for a given user.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. UserID is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SalesByRepDetails where UserId = 'b7c23fa5-6cd3-4bcd-a036-f8bbb85ba760'
Name | Type | Description |
ClosedDate | Datetime | Close Date |
OppName | String | Opp Name |
OppValue | Integer | Opp Value |
RepName | String | Rep Name |
UserId | String | User Id |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates opportunity data for the average time in a stage.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
Name | Type | Description |
AvgDays | Integer | Average Days |
StageName | String | Stage Name |
StageId | String | Stage Id |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generates activity sales by user data for given users.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UserActivities
Name | Type | Description |
ActivityCount | Integer | Activity Count |
UserId | String | User Id |
UserName | String | User Name |
TypeId | String | Type Id |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Generated schema file.
The Cloud will use the Act! CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. UserId is required to make a request and the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the Cloud.
The Cloud processes other filters client-side within the Cloud. For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UserActivityDetails where UserId = 'b7c23fa5-6cd3-4bcd-a036-f8bbb85ba760'
Name | Type | Description |
ActivityId | String | Activity Id |
ContactName | String | Contact Name |
Location | String | Location |
Regarding | String | Regarding |
Type | String | Type |
UserName | String | User Name |
TypeId | String | Type Id |
UserId | String | UserId |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Date | Datetime | Date Range of Activities By User |
Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the Cloud beyond simple SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations with Act! CRM.
Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Act! CRM, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.
Name | Description |
AddCompanyToOpportunity | Associate the company (if it is not already present) to an opportunity |
AddContactToGroup | Associate the contact (if it is not already present) to a group |
AddContactToNote | Associate the contact (if it is not already present) to a note |
AddContactToOpportunity | Associate the contact (if it is not already present) to an opportunity |
AddGroupToOpportunity | Associate the group (if it is not already present) to an opportunity |
AddOpportunityProduct | Creates a new Opportunity Product |
AddOrRemoveContactToActivity | Add or remove the contact to an activity |
AddOrRemoveContactToCompany | Associate the contact (if it is not already present) to a company. |
ClearActivity | Clears an activity. |
ClearActivityAlarms | Clears an activity alarms |
SubscribeContactToHotLeads | Subscribes a contact to hot-leads |
UnclearActivity | Unclears an activity. |
UpdateContactAccessLevel | Updates access level of an already existing contact. |
Associate the company (if it is not already present) to an opportunity
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for AddCompanyToOpportunity are OpportunityId and CompanyId. For example:
EXEC AddCompanyToOpportunity CompanyId = '123456', OpportunityId = '567890'
Name | Type | Description |
OpportunityId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given opportunity. |
CompanyId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given company that aren't associated with a opportunity. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Associate the contact (if it is not already present) to a group
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for AddContactToGroup are ContactId and GroupId. For example:
EXEC AddContactToGroup ContactId = '123456', GroupId = '567890'
Name | Type | Description |
GroupId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given group. |
ContactId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given contact that is associated with a group. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Associate the contact (if it is not already present) to a note
Name | Type | Description |
NoteId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given note. |
ContactId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given contact that is associated with a history item. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Associate the contact (if it is not already present) to an opportunity
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for AddContactToOpportunity are OpportunityId and ContactId. For example:
EXEC AddContactToOpportunity ContactId = '123456', OpportunityId = '567890'
Name | Type | Description |
OpportunityId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given opportunity. |
ContactId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given contact that aren't associated with a opportunity. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Associate the group (if it is not already present) to an opportunity
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for AddGroupToOpportunity are GroupId and OpportunityId. For example:
EXEC AddGroupToOpportunity GroupId = '123456', OpportunityId = '567890';
Name | Type | Description |
OpportunityId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given opportunity. |
GroupId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given group that aren't associated with a opportunity. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Creates a new Opportunity Product
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for AddOpportunityProduct are OpportunityId, ProductName, ProductCost, ProductDiscount, ProductDiscountPrice, ProductItemNumber, ProductPrice, ProductQuantity and ProductTotal. For example:
EXECUTE AddOpportunityProduct OpportunityId = '123456', ProductName = 'Sample Opportunity Product'
Name | Type | Description |
OpportunityId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given opportunity. |
ProductName | String | The name of the product |
ProductCost | String | The cost of the product |
ProductDiscount | String | The discount value |
ProductDiscountPrice | String | The discount price value |
ProductItemNumber | String | The item number of the product |
ProductPrice | String | The price of the product |
ProductQuantity | String | The product quantity |
ProductTotal | String | The product total |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Add or remove the contact to an activity
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for AddOrRemoveContactToActivity are ContactId, ActivityId and Type. For example:
For Adding Contact
EXEC AddOrRemoveContactToActivity ContactId = '123456', ActivityId = '567890', Type = 'add';
For Removing Contact
EXEC AddOrRemoveContactToActivity ContactId = '123456', ActivityId = '567890', Type = 'remove';
Name | Type | Description |
ActivityId | String | The Id of the activity to which contact will be associated or disassociated |
ContactId | String | The Id of the contact to be associated or disassociated |
Type | String | Type to specify whether to add or remove contact. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Associate the contact (if it is not already present) to a company.
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for AddOrRemoveContactToCompany are ContactId, CompanyId and Type. For example:
For Adding Contact To Company
EXEC AddOrRemoveContactToCompany CompanyId = '123456', ContactId = '567890', Type = 'add'
For removing contact from company
EXEC AddOrRemoveContactToCompany CompanyId = '123456', ContactId = '567890', Type = 'remove'
Name | Type | Description |
CompanyId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given company. |
ContactId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given contact that aren't associated with a company. |
Type | String | Whether to add or remove the contact |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Clears an activity.
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for ClearActivity are ActivityId and other activity information. For example:
EXEC ClearActivity ActivityId = '123456', IsPrivate = true
Name | Type | Description |
ActivityId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given activity |
HistoryTypeId | String | The unique identifier of the history type |
HistoryTypeName | String | The name of the history type |
HistoryTypeDescription | String | The description of the history type |
StartTime | Datetime | The time the activity is to begin |
EndTime | Datetime | The time the activity is to end |
IncludeDetailsToHistory | Boolean | Indicates whether the details will be included to activity history |
Details | String | Additional detailed information about the activity |
Subject | String | A description of the action to be completed |
IsPrivate | Boolean | Indicates elevated security that only the creator/owner has access to this activity |
AttachmentDisplayName | String | The presentation name of the attachment |
AttachmentFileExtension | String | The extension of the attachment |
AttachmentFileName | String | The directory's full path |
AttachmentFileSize | Integer | The size (bytes) of the attachment |
AttachmentFileSizeDisplay | String | The displayable text representation of the attachment |
AttachmentFileType | String | The system file type name of the attachment |
AttachmentPersonal | Boolean | Indicates whether the attachment is bound for the personal supplemental files or the workgroup supplemental files |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Clears an activity alarms
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for ClearActivityAlarms are ActivityId. For example:
EXEC ClearActivityAlarms ActivityId = '123456'
Name | Type | Description |
ActivityId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given activity |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Subscribes a contact to hot-leads
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for SubscribeContactToHotLeads are ContactId and Active. For example:
EXEC SubscribeContactToHotLeads ContactId = '123456', Active = true;
Name | Type | Description |
ContactId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given contact |
Active | Boolean | If the contact will be subscribed to hot leads. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Unclears an activity.
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for UnclearActivity are ActivityId. For example:
EXEC UnclearActivity ActivityId = '123456';
Name | Type | Description |
ActivityId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given occurrence activity. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored Procedure Execution Status |
Updates access level of an already existing contact.
Act! CRM allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available columns for UpdateContactAccessLevel are ContactId, Type, Id, AccessorType and Name. For example:
INSERT INTO AccessorAggregate#TEMP (Id, AccessorType, Name) VALUES ('123456', 'Accessor Type Value', 'Accessor Name'); EXEC UpdateContactAccessLevel AccessorAggregate = 'AccessorAggregate#TEMP', ContactId = '567890', Type = 'Public';
The second way of using the Stored Procedure is by adding the aggregate itself:
EXECUTE UpdateContactAccessLevel AccessorAggregate = '{ "Id": "123456", "AccessorType": "Accessor Type", "Name": "Accessor Name" }', ContactId = '567890', Type = 'Public'
Name | Type | Description |
ContactId | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given contact. |
Type | String | The type of the contact |
Id | String | The unique identifier (id) for a given accessor. |
AccessorType | String | The type of the accessor |
Name | String | The name of the accessor |
AccessorAggregate | String | This is a map of your property names to the values for this object. These are the values that we will sync into corresponding Accessor object. |
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Whether or not the access level was updated. |
You can query the system tables described in this section to access schema information, information on data source functionality, and batch operation statistics.
The following tables return database metadata for Act! CRM:
The following tables return information about how to connect to and query the data source:
The following table returns query statistics for data modification queries:
Lists the available databases.
The following query retrieves all databases determined by the connection string:
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The database name. |
Lists the available schemas.
The following query retrieves all available schemas:
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The database name. |
SchemaName | String | The schema name. |
Lists the available tables.
The following query retrieves the available tables and views:
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The database containing the table or view. |
SchemaName | String | The schema containing the table or view. |
TableName | String | The name of the table or view. |
TableType | String | The table type (table or view). |
Description | String | A description of the table or view. |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | Whether the table can be updated. |
Describes the columns of the available tables and views.
The following query returns the columns and data types for the Activities table:
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Activities'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The name of the database containing the table or view. |
SchemaName | String | The schema containing the table or view. |
TableName | String | The name of the table or view containing the column. |
ColumnName | String | The column name. |
DataTypeName | String | The data type name. |
DataType | Int32 | An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment. |
Length | Int32 | The storage size of the column. |
DisplaySize | Int32 | The designated column's normal maximum width in characters. |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | The maximum number of digits in numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data. |
NumericScale | Int32 | The column scale or number of digits to the right of the decimal point. |
IsNullable | Boolean | Whether the column can contain null. |
Description | String | A brief description of the column. |
Ordinal | Int32 | The sequence number of the column. |
IsAutoIncrement | String | Whether the column value is assigned in fixed increments. |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | Whether the column is generated. |
IsHidden | Boolean | Whether the column is hidden. |
IsArray | Boolean | Whether the column is an array. |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | Whether the column is read-only. |
IsKey | Boolean | Indicates whether a field returned from sys_tablecolumns is the primary key of the table. |
Lists the available stored procedures.
The following query retrieves the available stored procedures:
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The database containing the stored procedure. |
SchemaName | String | The schema containing the stored procedure. |
ProcedureName | String | The name of the stored procedure. |
Description | String | A description of the stored procedure. |
ProcedureType | String | The type of the procedure, such as PROCEDURE or FUNCTION. |
Describes stored procedure parameters.
The following query returns information about all of the input parameters for the StoredProc stored procedure:
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='StoredProc' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The name of the database containing the stored procedure. |
SchemaName | String | The name of the schema containing the stored procedure. |
ProcedureName | String | The name of the stored procedure containing the parameter. |
ColumnName | String | The name of the stored procedure parameter. |
Direction | Int32 | An integer corresponding to the type of the parameter: input (1), input/output (2), or output(4). input/output type parameters can be both input and output parameters. |
DataTypeName | String | The name of the data type. |
DataType | Int32 | An integer indicating the data type. This value is determined at run time based on the environment. |
Length | Int32 | The number of characters allowed for character data. The number of digits allowed for numeric data. |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | The maximum precision for numeric data. The column length in characters for character and date-time data. |
NumericScale | Int32 | The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in numeric data. |
IsNullable | Boolean | Whether the parameter can contain null. |
IsRequired | Boolean | Whether the parameter is required for execution of the procedure. |
IsArray | Boolean | Whether the parameter is an array. |
Description | String | The description of the parameter. |
Ordinal | Int32 | The index of the parameter. |
Describes the primary and foreign keys.
The following query retrieves the primary key for the Activities table:
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Activities'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The name of the database containing the key. |
SchemaName | String | The name of the schema containing the key. |
TableName | String | The name of the table containing the key. |
ColumnName | String | The name of the key column. |
IsKey | Boolean | Whether the column is a primary key in the table referenced in the TableName field. |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | Whether the column is a foreign key referenced in the TableName field. |
PrimaryKeyName | String | The name of the primary key. |
ForeignKeyName | String | The name of the foreign key. |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | The database containing the primary key. |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | The schema containing the primary key. |
ReferencedTableName | String | The table containing the primary key. |
ReferencedColumnName | String | The column name of the primary key. |
Describes the foreign keys.
The following query retrieves all foreign keys which refer to other tables:
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The name of the database containing the key. |
SchemaName | String | The name of the schema containing the key. |
TableName | String | The name of the table containing the key. |
ColumnName | String | The name of the key column. |
PrimaryKeyName | String | The name of the primary key. |
ForeignKeyName | String | The name of the foreign key. |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | The database containing the primary key. |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | The schema containing the primary key. |
ReferencedTableName | String | The table containing the primary key. |
ReferencedColumnName | String | The column name of the primary key. |
ForeignKeyType | String | Designates whether the foreign key is an import (points to other tables) or export (referenced from other tables) key. |
Describes the primary keys.
The following query retrieves the primary keys from all tables and views:
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The name of the database containing the key. |
SchemaName | String | The name of the schema containing the key. |
TableName | String | The name of the table containing the key. |
ColumnName | String | The name of the key column. |
KeySeq | String | The sequence number of the primary key. |
KeyName | String | The name of the primary key. |
Describes the available indexes. By filtering on indexes, you can write more selective queries with faster query response times.
The following query retrieves all indexes that are not primary keys:
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | The name of the database containing the index. |
SchemaName | String | The name of the schema containing the index. |
TableName | String | The name of the table containing the index. |
IndexName | String | The index name. |
ColumnName | String | The name of the column associated with the index. |
IsUnique | Boolean | True if the index is unique. False otherwise. |
IsPrimary | Boolean | True if the index is a primary key. False otherwise. |
Type | Int16 | An integer value corresponding to the index type: statistic (0), clustered (1), hashed (2), or other (3). |
SortOrder | String | The sort order: A for ascending or D for descending. |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | The sequence number of the column in the index. |
Returns information on the available connection properties and those set in the connection string.
When querying this table, the config connection string should be used:
This connection string enables you to query this table without a valid connection.
The following query retrieves all connection properties that have been set in the connection string or set through a default value:
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | The name of the connection property. |
ShortDescription | String | A brief description. |
Type | String | The data type of the connection property. |
Default | String | The default value if one is not explicitly set. |
Values | String | A comma-separated list of possible values. A validation error is thrown if another value is specified. |
Value | String | The value you set or a preconfigured default. |
Required | Boolean | Whether the property is required to connect. |
Category | String | The category of the connection property. |
IsSessionProperty | String | Whether the property is a session property, used to save information about the current connection. |
Sensitivity | String | The sensitivity level of the property. This informs whether the property is obfuscated in logging and authentication forms. |
PropertyName | String | A camel-cased truncated form of the connection property name. |
Ordinal | Int32 | The index of the parameter. |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | The index of the parameter category. |
Hierarchy | String | Shows dependent properties associated that need to be set alongside this one. |
Visible | Boolean | Informs whether the property is visible in the connection UI. |
ETC | String | Various miscellaneous information about the property. |
Describes the SELECT query processing that the Cloud can offload to the data source.
See SQL Compliance for SQL syntax details.
Below is an example data set of SQL capabilities. Some aspects of SELECT functionality are returned in a comma-separated list if supported; otherwise, the column contains NO.
Name | Description | Possible Values |
AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS | Supported aggregation functions. | AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, DISTINCT |
COUNT | Whether COUNT function is supported. | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | The opening character used to escape an identifier. | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | The closing character used to escape an identifier. | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | A list of supported SQL operators. | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | Whether GROUP BY is supported, and, if so, the degree of support. | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OJ_CAPABILITIES | The supported varieties of outer joins supported. | NO, LEFT, RIGHT, FULL, INNER, NOT_ORDERED, ALL_COMPARISON_OPS |
OUTER_JOINS | Whether outer joins are supported. | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | Whether subqueries are supported, and, if so, the degree of support. | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | Indicates tables skipped during replication. | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | A string array containing a list of columns which will be used to check for (in the given order) to use as a modified column during replication. | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | String value indicating what string is valid for an identifier. | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | Indicates if the provider supports transactions such as commit and rollback. | YES, NO |
DIALECT | Indicates the SQL dialect to use. | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Indicates the properties which identify the uniform database. | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | Indicates if multiple schemas may exist for the provider. | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | Indicates if multiple catalogs may exist for the provider. | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | The CData Data Sync version needed to access this driver. | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | The CData Data Sync category of this driver. | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | Whether enhanced SQL functionality beyond what is offered by the API is supported. | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | Whether batch operations are supported. | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | A string value specifies the preferred cacheOptions. | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | Indicates if the driver directly supports advanced queries coming from Entity Framework. If not, queries will be handled client side. | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | A string array indicating the available pseudo columns. | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | If the value is true, The Merge Mode is forcibly executed in Data Sync. | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_DATE_QUERY | A select query to return the replicate start datetime. | |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side min. | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | Allows a provider to specify a replicate startdate. | |
REPLICATION_MAX_DATE_QUERY | A select query to return the replicate end datetime. | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | Allows a provider to specify the formula name to use for executing a server side max. | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | A list of tables which will skip dividing the replicate into chunks on the initial replicate. | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | Indicates whether the CheckCache statement should be done against the parent key column. | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | Indicates stored procedures that can be used for generating schema files. |
The following query retrieves the operators that can be used in the WHERE clause:
Note that individual tables may have different limitations or requirements on the WHERE clause; refer to the Data Model section for more information.
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | A component of SQL syntax, or a capability that can be processed on the server. |
VALUE | String | Detail on the supported SQL or SQL syntax. |
Returns information about attempted modifications.
The following query retrieves the Ids of the modified rows in a batch operation:
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | The database-generated Id returned from a data modification operation. |
Batch | String | An identifier for the batch. 1 for a single operation. |
Operation | String | The result of the operation in the batch: INSERTED, UPDATED, or DELETED. |
Message | String | SUCCESS or an error message if the update in the batch failed. |
The connection string properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection string for this provider. Click the links for further details.
For more information on establishing a connection, see Establishing a Connection.
Property | Description |
ActCloudName | The handle assigned to the Act! Premium Cloud account. |
ActDatabase | The Act! Database to connect to. |
URL | The URL of the ActCRM account. |
ActEdition | The edition of ActCRM being used. Set either Act CRM or Act Premium Cloud. |
User | The Act! CRM user account used to authenticate. |
Password | The password used to authenticate the user. |
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Property | Description |
Verbosity | The verbosity level that determines the amount of detail included in the log file. |
Property | Description |
BrowsableSchemas | This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC. |
Property | Description |
IncludeCustomFields | A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing. |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses. |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from Act! CRM. |
PseudoColumns | This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table. |
RowScanDepth | The maximum number of rows to scan to look for the columns available in a table. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
TypeDetectionScheme | Enables scanning Act! CRM Contact entities to determine unique columns. |
This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
ActCloudName | The handle assigned to the Act! Premium Cloud account. |
ActDatabase | The Act! Database to connect to. |
URL | The URL of the ActCRM account. |
ActEdition | The edition of ActCRM being used. Set either Act CRM or Act Premium Cloud. |
User | The Act! CRM user account used to authenticate. |
Password | The password used to authenticate the user. |
The handle assigned to the Act! Premium Cloud account.
ActCloudName is assigned to the account when it is created in Act! Premium Cloud.
It is found in the browser's address field when opening the online account, in the form
This property is only applied for Act! Premium Cloud connections, and must not be used if attempting to connect to an on-premise Act! Premium (Web) database.
The Act! Database to connect to.
If you are using Act! Premium for Desktop, the database name is shown at the top of the page, as Act! Premium - {DatabaseName}. If you are using Act! Premium Cloud, click the ? icon in the top right and select About Act! Premium. You will find the Database Name in the window that appears.
The URL of the ActCRM account.
The ActCRM URL is in the form http://{act crm instance}.com.
For Premium On-Premise this property should look like http://serverName/.
The edition of ActCRM being used. Set either Act CRM or Act Premium Cloud.
"Act CRM"
ActCloudName property is mandatory and needs to be filled only in Case of [Act Premium Cloud].
The Act! CRM user account used to authenticate.
Together with Password, this field is used to authenticate against the Act! CRM server.
The password used to authenticate the user.
The User and Password are together used to authenticate with the server.
This section provides a complete list of the SSL properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
The certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.
If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.
This property can take the following forms:
Description | Example |
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
A path to a local file containing the certificate | C:\cert.cer |
The public key (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.
Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.
This section provides a complete list of the Logging properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
Verbosity | The verbosity level that determines the amount of detail included in the log file. |
The verbosity level that determines the amount of detail included in the log file.
The verbosity level determines the amount of detail that the Cloud reports to the Logfile. Verbosity levels from 1 to 5 are supported. These are detailed in the Logging page.
This section provides a complete list of the Schema properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
BrowsableSchemas | This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC. |
This property restricts the schemas reported to a subset of the available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.
Listing the schemas from databases can be expensive. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string improves the performance.
This section provides a complete list of the Miscellaneous properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
IncludeCustomFields | A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing. |
MaxRows | Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses. |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from Act! CRM. |
PseudoColumns | This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table. |
RowScanDepth | The maximum number of rows to scan to look for the columns available in a table. |
Timeout | The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation. |
TypeDetectionScheme | Enables scanning Act! CRM Contact entities to determine unique columns. |
A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing.
Setting this to true will cause custom fields to be included in the column listing, but may cause poor performance when listing metadata.
Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or GROUP BY is used in the query. This takes precedence over LIMIT clauses.
The maximum number of results to return per page from Act! CRM.
The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results to return per page from Act! CRM. Setting a higher value may result in better performance at the cost of additional memory allocated per page consumed.
This property indicates whether or not to include pseudo columns as columns to the table.
This setting is particularly helpful in Entity Framework, which does not allow you to set a value for a pseudo column unless it is a table column. The value of this connection setting is of the format "Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3". You can use the "*" character to include all tables and all columns; for example, "*=*".
The maximum number of rows to scan to look for the columns available in a table.
The columns in a table must be determined by scanning table rows. This value determines the maximum number of rows that will be scanned.
Setting a high value may decrease performance. Setting a low value may prevent the data type from being determined properly, especially when there is null data.
The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown, canceling the operation.
If Timeout = 0, operations do not time out. The operations run until they complete successfully or until they encounter an error condition.
If Timeout expires and the operation is not yet complete, the Cloud throws an exception.
Enables scanning Act! CRM Contact entities to determine unique columns.
In the Act! CRM API, Contact entities can have different sets of associated attributes in addition to the standard columns.
To access these unique columns, set the following connection properties:
RowScan | Setting TypeDetectionScheme to RowScan will scan objects (rows) to heuristically determine additional columns when you connect. The RowScanDepth determines the number of objects to be scanned. |
None | Setting TypeDetectionScheme to None will return only the standard columns. |