Tableau Connector for Tableau CRM Analytics

Build 24.0.9175


The Tableau CRM dataset Dataset_Activity.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AccountAccountSource String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountAccountSource field in the dataset.

AccountAnnualRevenue Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountAnnualRevenue field in the dataset.

AccountBillingCountry String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountBillingCountry field in the dataset.

AccountBillingState String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountBillingState field in the dataset.

AccountIndustry String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountIndustry field in the dataset.

AccountName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountName field in the dataset.

AccountNumberOfEmployees Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountNumberOfEmployees field in the dataset.

AccountOwnerName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountOwnerName field in the dataset.

AccountOwnerRoleName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountOwnerRoleName field in the dataset.

AccountOwnerRoleParentRoleId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountOwnerRoleParentRoleId field in the dataset.

AccountOwnerRoleRolePath String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountOwnerRoleRolePath field in the dataset.

AccountOwnerRoleRoles String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountOwnerRoleRoles field in the dataset.

AccountOwnerUniqueUserName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountOwnerUniqueUserName field in the dataset.

AccountOwnerId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountOwnerId field in the dataset.

AccountType String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountType field in the dataset.

AccountId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AccountId field in the dataset.

ActivityDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_Day field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_Hour field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_Minute field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_Month field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_Second field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_Week field in the dataset.

ActivityDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ActivityDate_Year field in the dataset.

AssignedToName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AssignedToName field in the dataset.

AssignedToUniqueUserName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AssignedToUniqueUserName field in the dataset.

CallDisposition String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CallDisposition field in the dataset.

CallDurationInSeconds Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CallDurationInSeconds field in the dataset.

CallType String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CallType field in the dataset.

CreatedDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Day field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Hour field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Minute field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Month field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Second field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Week field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Year field in the dataset.

CustomFilter Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CustomFilter field in the dataset.

DaysOverdue Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the DaysOverdue field in the dataset.

DurationInMinutes Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the DurationInMinutes field in the dataset.

EventSubtype String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the EventSubtype field in the dataset.

Id String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Id field in the dataset.

IsClosed Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the IsClosed field in the dataset.

IsOverdue Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the IsOverdue field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_Day field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_Hour field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_Minute field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_Month field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_Second field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_Week field in the dataset.

LastModifiedDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the LastModifiedDate_Year field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountAccountSource String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountAccountSource field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountBillingCountry String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountBillingCountry field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountBillingState String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountBillingState field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountIndustry String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountIndustry field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountName field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountOwnerId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountOwnerId field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountType String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountType field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountId field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Day String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Day field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Hour String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Hour field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Minute String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Minute field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Month String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Month field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Quarter String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Second String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Second field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Week String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Week field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Year String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Year field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Day String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Day field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Hour String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Hour field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Minute String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Minute field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Month String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Month field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Quarter String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Second String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Second field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Week String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Week field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Year String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Year field in the dataset.

OpportunityDaysPastDue Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityDaysPastDue field in the dataset.

OpportunityDaysSinceLastActivity Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityDaysSinceLastActivity field in the dataset.

OpportunityForecastCategoryName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityForecastCategoryName field in the dataset.

OpportunityId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityId field in the dataset.

OpportunityIsClosed String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityIsClosed field in the dataset.

OpportunityIsLost String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityIsLost field in the dataset.

OpportunityIsPastDue String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityIsPastDue field in the dataset.

OpportunityIsWon String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityIsWon field in the dataset.

OpportunityLeadSource String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityLeadSource field in the dataset.

OpportunityName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityName field in the dataset.

OpportunityNeglected String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityNeglected field in the dataset.

OpportunityOpportunityAge Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOpportunityAge field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerId field in the dataset.

OpportunityProductFamily String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityProductFamily field in the dataset.

OpportunityProductName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityProductName field in the dataset.

OpportunityRecordTypeName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityRecordTypeName field in the dataset.

OpportunityRecordTypeId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityRecordTypeId field in the dataset.

OpportunityStageName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityStageName field in the dataset.

OpportunityType String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityType field in the dataset.

OwnerFullPhotoUrl String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerFullPhotoUrl field in the dataset.

OwnerName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerName field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleDeveloperName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleDeveloperName field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleHierarchy_RoleNames String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleHierarchy_RoleNames field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleName field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleParentRoleDeveloperName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleParentRoleDeveloperName field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleParentRoleName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleParentRoleName field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleParentRoleId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleParentRoleId field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleRoleNames String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleRoleNames field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleRoleNamesPath String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleRoleNamesPath field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleRolePath String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleRolePath field in the dataset.

OwnerRoleRoles String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerRoleRoles field in the dataset.

OwnerSmallPhotoUrl String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerSmallPhotoUrl field in the dataset.

OwnerUniqueUserName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerUniqueUserName field in the dataset.

OwnerUsername String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerUsername field in the dataset.

OwnerUserRoleId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerUserRoleId field in the dataset.

OwnerId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerId field in the dataset.

Priority String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Priority field in the dataset.

Status String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Status field in the dataset.

Subject String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Subject field in the dataset.

TaskSubtype String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the TaskSubtype field in the dataset.

WhatId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the WhatId field in the dataset.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175