Tableau Connector for Tableau CRM Analytics

Build 24.0.9175


Create a dataset from a CSV file.


Name Type Description
DataSetName String The name of the dataset you want to create or update.
CSVFileLocation String The location of the CSV file you want to upload.
CSVContent String The Base64 encoded content of the CSV file you want to upload. If CSVFileLocation is specified you should not use this input.
Operation String The operation you want to use when you're loading data into the dataset. If set to Overwrite, a dataset with the given data will be created, and replaced if it exists.If set to Append, the given data will be added to an exisiting dataset or a new dataset will be created if it does not exist. A metadata file is required for Append operations. The data and metadata for the Append operations must exactly match the dataset on which the operation is happening.

The allowed values are Overwrite, Append, Delete, Upsert.

The default value is Append.

MetadataFilesLocation String The location of the metadata file. Set this to the path of the folder where your metadata files are stored, or the specific path of your file. If you specify only the folder, than your metadata files should have specific names. For example: datasetName.json.
AppName String The name of the app that contains the dataset. If the name is ommitted for when you're creating a dataset, the name of the user's private app is used. If the name is omitted for an existing dataset, the system resolves the app name. If the name is specified for an existing dataset, the name is required to match the name of the current app that contains the dataset.
CSVFileCharset String Set this to the actual charset of the CSV file you want to upload. You do not need to set this parameter if the charset is UTF-8.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Id String The Id of the upload job.
Success Boolean Indicates if the data was upload to Salesforce.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175