Power BI Connector for Tableau CRM Analytics

Build 24.0.9175


The Tableau CRM dataset Dataset_Quota.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
OwnerName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OwnerName field in the dataset.

QuotaAmount String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the QuotaAmount field in the dataset.

StartDate String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate field in the dataset.

StartDate_Day String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_Day field in the dataset.

StartDate_day_epoch String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

StartDate_Hour String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_Hour field in the dataset.

StartDate_Minute String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_Minute field in the dataset.

StartDate_Month String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_Month field in the dataset.

StartDate_Quarter String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

StartDate_sec_epoch String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

StartDate_Second String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_Second field in the dataset.

StartDate_Week String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_Week field in the dataset.

StartDate_Year String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StartDate_Year field in the dataset.

UserFullPhotoUrl String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserFullPhotoUrl field in the dataset.

UserId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserId field in the dataset.

UserName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserName field in the dataset.

UserRoleDeveloperName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleDeveloperName field in the dataset.

UserRoleHierarchy_RoleNames String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleHierarchy_RoleNames field in the dataset.

UserRoleName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleName field in the dataset.

UserRoleParentRoleDeveloperName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleParentRoleDeveloperName field in the dataset.

UserRoleParentRoleName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleParentRoleName field in the dataset.

UserRoleParentRoleId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleParentRoleId field in the dataset.

UserRoleRoleNames String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleRoleNames field in the dataset.

UserRoleRoleNamesPath String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleRoleNamesPath field in the dataset.

UserRoleRolePath String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleRolePath field in the dataset.

UserRoleRoles String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserRoleRoles field in the dataset.

UserSmallPhotoUrl String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserSmallPhotoUrl field in the dataset.

UserUniqueUserName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserUniqueUserName field in the dataset.

UserUsername String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserUsername field in the dataset.

UserUserRoleId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the UserUserRoleId field in the dataset.

Username String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Username field in the dataset.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175