Power BI Connector for Tableau CRM Analytics

Build 24.0.9111


The Tableau CRM dataset Dataset_Pipeline_trending.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Amount Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Amount field in the dataset.

Amount_isUpdated Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Amount_isUpdated field in the dataset.

AmountPrev Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the AmountPrev field in the dataset.

CloseDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate field in the dataset.

CloseDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_Day field in the dataset.

CloseDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

CloseDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_Hour field in the dataset.

CloseDate_isUpdated Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_isUpdated field in the dataset.

CloseDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_Minute field in the dataset.

CloseDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_Month field in the dataset.

CloseDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

CloseDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

CloseDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_Second field in the dataset.

CloseDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_Week field in the dataset.

CloseDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDate_Year field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_Day field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_day_epoch field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_Hour field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_Minute field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_Month field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_Quarter field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_Second field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_Week field in the dataset.

CloseDatePrev_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CloseDatePrev_Year field in the dataset.

CreatedById String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedById field in the dataset.

CreatedDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Day field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Hour field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Minute field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Month field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Second field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Week field in the dataset.

CreatedDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDate_Year field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_Day String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_Day field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_day_epoch field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_Hour String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_Hour field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_Minute String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_Minute field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_Month String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_Month field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_Quarter String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_Quarter field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_Second String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_Second field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_Week String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_Week field in the dataset.

CreatedDatePrev_Year String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CreatedDatePrev_Year field in the dataset.

CustomFilter Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the CustomFilter field in the dataset.

Duration Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Duration field in the dataset.

ForecastCategory String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ForecastCategory field in the dataset.

ForecastCategoryForecastCategoryName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ForecastCategoryForecastCategoryName field in the dataset.

ForecastCategoryPrev String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ForecastCategoryPrev field in the dataset.

ForecastCategoryPrevForecastCategoryName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ForecastCategoryPrevForecastCategoryName field in the dataset.

Id String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Id field in the dataset.

IsDeleted Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the IsDeleted field in the dataset.

IsLastUpdate Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the IsLastUpdate field in the dataset.

IsPulled Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the IsPulled field in the dataset.

IsPushed Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the IsPushed field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountAccountSource String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountAccountSource field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountBillingCountry String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountBillingCountry field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountBillingState String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountBillingState field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountIndustry String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountIndustry field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountName field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountOwnerName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountOwnerName field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountOwnerId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountOwnerId field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountType String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountType field in the dataset.

OpportunityAccountId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAccountId field in the dataset.

OpportunityAmount Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityAmount field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Day field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Hour field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Minute field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Month field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Second field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Week field in the dataset.

OpportunityCloseDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCloseDate_Year field in the dataset.

OpportunityForecastCategoryName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityForecastCategoryName field in the dataset.

OpportunityIsClosed Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityIsClosed field in the dataset.

OpportunityIsLost String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityIsLost field in the dataset.

OpportunityIsWon Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityIsWon field in the dataset.

OpportunityLeadSource String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityLeadSource field in the dataset.

OpportunityName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityName field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerFullPhotoUrl String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerFullPhotoUrl field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerName field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleDeveloperName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleDeveloperName field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleHierarchy_RoleNames String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleHierarchy_RoleNames field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleName field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleParentRoleDeveloperName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleParentRoleDeveloperName field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleParentRoleName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleParentRoleName field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleParentRoleId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleParentRoleId field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleRoleNames String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleRoleNames field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleRolePath String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleRolePath field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerRoleRoles String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerRoleRoles field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerSmallPhotoUrl String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerSmallPhotoUrl field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerUniqueUserName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerUniqueUserName field in the dataset.

OpportunityOwnerId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityOwnerId field in the dataset.

OpportunityProductFamily String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityProductFamily field in the dataset.

OpportunityProductName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityProductName field in the dataset.

OpportunityRecordTypeName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityRecordTypeName field in the dataset.

OpportunityRecordTypeId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityRecordTypeId field in the dataset.

OpportunityStageSortOrder Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityStageSortOrder field in the dataset.

OpportunityStageName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityStageName field in the dataset.

OpportunityType String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityType field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Day field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Hour field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Minute field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Month field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Second field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Week field in the dataset.

OpportunityCreatedDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityCreatedDate_Year field in the dataset.

OpportunityId String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the OpportunityId field in the dataset.

StageIsClosed Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StageIsClosed field in the dataset.

StageIsWon Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StageIsWon field in the dataset.

StageSortOrder Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StageSortOrder field in the dataset.

Stage_IsAdvanced Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Stage_IsAdvanced field in the dataset.

Stage_isUpdated Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Stage_isUpdated field in the dataset.

StageName String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StageName field in the dataset.

StageNamePrev String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StageNamePrev field in the dataset.

StagePrevIsClosed String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StagePrevIsClosed field in the dataset.

StagePrevIsWon String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StagePrevIsWon field in the dataset.

StagePrevSortOrder Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the StagePrevSortOrder field in the dataset.

Time_In_Current_StageDuration_Seconds Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Time_In_Current_StageDuration_Seconds field in the dataset.

Unique_Sort_Key String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Unique_Sort_Key field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_Day field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_Hour field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_Minute field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_Month field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_Second field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_Week field in the dataset.

ValidFromDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidFromDate_Year field in the dataset.

ValidToDate Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_Day field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_day_epoch field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_Hour field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_Minute field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_Month field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_Quarter field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_sec_epoch Int64 False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_Second field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_Week field in the dataset.

ValidToDate_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the ValidToDate_Year field in the dataset.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111