Power BI Connector for Tableau CRM Analytics

Build 24.0.9175


The Tableau CRM dataset Dataset_DTC_Opportunity_SAMPLE.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Account_Name String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Account_Name field in the dataset.

Account_Owner String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Account_Owner field in the dataset.

Account_Type String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Account_Type field in the dataset.

Amount Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Amount field in the dataset.

Billing_Country String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Billing_Country field in the dataset.

Billing_State_Province String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Billing_State_Province field in the dataset.

Close_Date Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date field in the dataset.

Close_Date_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_Day field in the dataset.

Close_Date_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_day_epoch field in the dataset.

Close_Date_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_Hour field in the dataset.

Close_Date_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_Minute field in the dataset.

Close_Date_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_Month field in the dataset.

Close_Date_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_Quarter field in the dataset.

Close_Date_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

Close_Date_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_Second field in the dataset.

Close_Date_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_Week field in the dataset.

Close_Date_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Close_Date_Year field in the dataset.

Closed Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Closed field in the dataset.

Column1 Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Column1 field in the dataset.

Created_Date Datetime False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date field in the dataset.

Created_Date_Day Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_Day field in the dataset.

Created_Date_day_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_day_epoch field in the dataset.

Created_Date_Hour Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_Hour field in the dataset.

Created_Date_Minute Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_Minute field in the dataset.

Created_Date_Month Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_Month field in the dataset.

Created_Date_Quarter Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_Quarter field in the dataset.

Created_Date_sec_epoch Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_sec_epoch field in the dataset.

Created_Date_Second Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_Second field in the dataset.

Created_Date_Week Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_Week field in the dataset.

Created_Date_Year Double False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Created_Date_Year field in the dataset.

Forecast_Category String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Forecast_Category field in the dataset.

Industry String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Industry field in the dataset.

Opportunity_Name String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Opportunity_Name field in the dataset.

Opportunity_Owner String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Opportunity_Owner field in the dataset.

Opportunity_Source String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Opportunity_Source field in the dataset.

Opportunity_Type String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Opportunity_Type field in the dataset.

Owner_Role String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Owner_Role field in the dataset.

Product_Family String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Product_Family field in the dataset.

Product_Name String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Product_Name field in the dataset.

Segment String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Segment field in the dataset.

Stage String False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Stage field in the dataset.

Won Boolean False

This field is generated dynamically and corresponds to the Won field in the dataset.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175