Power BI Connector for Tableau CRM Analytics

Build 24.0.9175

Create and Refresh a Gateway Connection

Creating an Power BI Online Connection

Before you can refresh data from powerbi.com, you must create a connection with your desktop Power BI Gateway. The following instructions describe how to create a connection in the Tableau CRM Enterprise Edition.

  1. Log into your powerbi.com instance.
  2. Select the gear menu in the top-right corner of the screen and click Manage connections and gateways.
  3. In the On-premises data gateways tab, hover your mouse over the name of the gateway you created earlier and click the ... menu.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. In the gateway Settings panel, select Allow user's custom data sources to refresh through this gateway cluster, click Save, then click Close.
  6. Click the Connections tab, then click +New near the top-left corner of the screen.
  7. In the Gateway cluster name dropdown, select your gateway's name.
  8. Supply a name for the connection.
  9. In the Connection type dropdown, select CData Power BI Connector for TableauCRM.
  10. In the Data Source Name field, enter your system DSN name. By default, this is CData PBI TableauCRM Sys.
  11. Set Authentication > Authentication method to Anonymous.
  12. Set General > Privacy level in accordance with your data privacy needs. Choose Public, Private, or Organizational.
  13. Click Create.

Refreshing a Semantic Model

To refresh the semantic model:
  1. Open the My workspace page of your workspace.
  2. Hover your mouse over the semantic model corresponding with the name you provided during the publication step.
  3. Click the Refresh now icon.

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Build 24.0.9175