Tableau Connector for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963


Lists all disputes related to the Shopify Payments account.

View-Specific Information


The connector uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The connector processes other filters client-side within the connector.

  • Id supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • Status supports the '=,!=' comparison operators.
  • InitiatedAt supports the '=,!=,<,>,>=,=<' comparison operators.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

  SELECT * FROM ShopifyPaymentsAccountDisputes
  SELECT * FROM ShopifyPaymentsAccountDisputes WHERE Id = 'Val1'
  SELECT * FROM ShopifyPaymentsAccountDisputes WHERE Status = 'Val1'
  SELECT * FROM ShopifyPaymentsAccountDisputes WHERE InitiatedAt = '2023-01-01 11:10:00'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String A globally-unique ID.
LegacyResourceId String The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API.
ShopifyPaymentsAccountId String


A globally-unique ID.
EvidenceDueBy Date The deadline for evidence submission.
EvidenceSentOn Date The date when evidence was sent. Returns null if evidence has not yet been sent.
Status String The current state of the dispute.
Type String Indicates if this dispute is still in the inquiry phase or has turned into a chargeback.
FinalizedOn Date The date when this dispute was resolved. Returns null if the dispute is not yet resolved.
InitiatedAt Datetime The date when this dispute was initiated.
AmountAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
AmountCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
OrderId String A globally-unique ID.
ReasonDetailsReason String The reason for the dispute provided by the cardholder's banks.
ReasonDetailsNetworkReasonCode String The raw code provided by the payment network.

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Build 24.0.8963