Power BI Connector for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963


Query, create, and update information regarding different inventory levels.

Table-Specific Information


To query this table InventoryItemId, LocationId or both should be specified. The supported SQL operators are '=' and 'IN'. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM InventoryLevels WHERE InventoryItemId = '123' 

SELECT * FROM InventoryLevels WHERE InventoryItemId = '123' AND LocationId = '456'

SELECT * FROM InventoryLevels WHERE InventoryItemId IN ('123', '456') AND LocationId IN ('123', '456')


  • Adjust the available quantity of an inventory item at a single location:

    INSERT INTO InventoryLevels (InventoryItemId, LocationId, Available, Operation) VALUES (534169354263, 1448280087, 5, 'Adjust')

  • Connects an inventory item to a location by creating an inventory level at that location:

    INSERT INTO InventoryLevels (InventoryItemId, LocationId, Operation) VALUES (534169354263, 4484497431, 'Connect')

  • Sets the inventory level for an inventory item at a location:

    INSERT INTO InventoryLevels (InventoryItemId, LocationId, Available, Operation, DisconnectIfNecessary) VALUES (534169354263, 4484497431, 42, 'Set', true)


You must specify the InventoryItemId and LocationId to delete an inventory level of an inventory item at a location.

DELETE FROM InventoryLevels WHERE InventoryItemId = '153681943' AND LocationId = '45678'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
InventoryItemId [KEY] Long False


The ID of the inventory item that the inventory level belongs to.

LocationId [KEY] Long False


The ID of the location that the inventory level belongs to. To find the ID of the location, use the Locations view.

Available Int False

The quantity of inventory items available for sale. Returns null if the inventory item is not tracked.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the inventory level was last modified.

Operation String False

An operation to apply to the InventoryLevel. Valid values for order: adjust, connect, set.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御したり、INSERT ステートメントのパラメータとして使用したりすることができます。

Name Type Description
RelocateIfNecessary Bool

Whether inventory for any previously connected locations will be relocated. This property is ignored when no fulfillment service location is involved. Used in insertions.

DisconnectIfNecessary Bool

Whether inventory for any previously connected locations will be set to 0 and the locations disconnected. This property is ignored when no fulfillment service is involved. Used in insertions.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963