Power BI Connector for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963


Returns a list of the line items in the draft order.

View-Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

  • DraftOrderId supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

  SELECT * FROM DraftOrderLineItems
  SELECT * FROM DraftOrderLineItems WHERE DraftOrderId = 'Val1'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String A globally-unique ID.
DraftOrderId String


A globally-unique ID.
Name String The name of the product.
Title String The title of the product or variant. This field only applies to custom line items.
VariantTitle String The name of the variant.
Custom Bool Whether the line item is a custom line item ('true') or a product variant line item ('false').
Quantity Int The number of product variants that are requested in the draft order.
Sku String The SKU number of the product variant.
Taxable Bool Whether the variant is taxable.
Vendor String The name of the vendor who created the product variant.
DiscountedTotal Decimal The line item price after discounts are applied.
OriginalTotal Decimal The total price (without discounts) of the line item, based on the original unit price of the variant x quantity.
RequiresShipping Bool Whether physical shipping is required for the variant.
TotalDiscount Decimal The total value of the discount that is applied to the line item.
DiscountedUnitPrice Decimal The 'discountedTotal' divided by 'quantity', resulting in the value of the discount per unit.
IsGiftCard Bool Whether the line item is a gift card.
OriginalUnitPrice Decimal The variant price without any discounts applied.
AppliedDiscountTitle String Name of the order-level discount.
AppliedDiscountDescription String Description of the order-level discount.
AppliedDiscountValue Double The order level discount amount. If 'valueType' is 'percentage', then 'value' is the percentage discount.
AppliedDiscountValueType String Type of the order-level discount.
AppliedDiscountAmountV2Amount Decimal Decimal money amount.
AppliedDiscountAmountV2CurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
DiscountedTotalSetPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
DiscountedTotalSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
DiscountedTotalSetShopMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
DiscountedTotalSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
DiscountedUnitPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
DiscountedUnitPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
DiscountedUnitPriceSetShopMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
DiscountedUnitPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
FulfillmentServiceId String The ID of the fulfillment service.
ImageId String A unique ID for the image.
ImageWidth Int The original width of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify.
ImageAltText String A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image.
ImageHeight Int The original height of the image in pixels. Returns 'null' if the image is not hosted by Shopify.
ImageUrl String The location of the image as a URL.
OriginalTotalSetPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
OriginalTotalSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
OriginalTotalSetShopMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
OriginalTotalSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
OriginalUnitPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
OriginalUnitPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
OriginalUnitPriceSetShopMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
OriginalUnitPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
ProductId String A globally-unique ID.
TotalDiscountSetPresentmentMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
TotalDiscountSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
TotalDiscountSetShopMoneyAmount Decimal Decimal money amount.
TotalDiscountSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode String Currency of the money.
VariantId String A globally-unique ID.
WeightValue Double The weight value using the unit system specified with 'unit'.
WeightUnit String The unit of measurement for 'value'.

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Build 24.0.8963