Power BI Connector for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963


Provides the definition of a generic object structure composed of metafields.

View-Specific Information


The 本製品 processes all filters client-side within the 本製品. The following query is the only one processed server side:

  SELECT * FROM MetaobjectDefinitions


Name Type References Description
ID String A globally-unique ID.
Name String The human-readable name.
MetaobjectsCount Int The count of metaobjects created for the definition.
Type String The type of the object definition. Defines the namespace of associated metafields.
Description String The administrative description.
DisplayNameKey String The key of a field to reference as the display name for each object.
AccessAdmin String Access configuration for the metaobject definition. Access configuration for Admin API surface areas, including the GraphQL Admin API.
AccessStorefront String Access configuration for the metaobject definition. Access configuration for Storefront surface areas, including the GraphQL Storefront API and Liquid.
CapabilitiesPublishableEnabled Bool The capabilities of the metaobject definition. Indicate whether a metaobject definition is publishable. Indicates if the capability is enabled.
CapabilitiesTranslatableEnabled Bool The capabilities of the metaobject definition. Indicate whether a metaobject definition is translatable. Indicates if the capability is enabled.

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Build 24.0.8963