Power BI Connector for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963


Returns the plans attached to the app subscription.

Table-Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

  • AppInstallationId supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

  SELECT * FROM AppSubscriptionLineItems
  SELECT * FROM AppSubscriptionLineItems WHERE AppInstallationId = 'Val1'


The following columns can be updated:

UsagePricingPlanCappedAmount, UsagePricingPlanCappedAmountCurrencyCode


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

A globally-unique ID.

AppSubscriptionId String True

A globally-unique ID.

AppInstallationId String True

A globally-unique ID.

RecurringPricingPlanDiscountDurationLimitInIntervals Int True

The total number of billing intervals to which the discount will be applied. The discount will be applied to an indefinite number of billing intervals if this value is blank.

RecurringPricingPlanDiscountPriceAfterDiscountAmount Decimal True

The price of the subscription after the discount is applied. Decimal money amount.

RecurringPricingPlanDiscountPriceAfterDiscountCurrencyCode String True

The price of the subscription after the discount is applied. Currency of the money.

RecurringPricingPlanDiscountRemainingDurationInIntervals Int True

The remaining number of billing intervals to which the discount will be applied.

RecurringPricingPlanValueAmount Decimal True

The value of the discount applied every billing interval. Decimal money amount.

RecurringPricingPlanValueAmountCurrencyCode String True

The value of the discount applied every billing interval. Currency of the money.

RecurringPricingPlanValuePercentage Double True

The value of the discount applied every billing interval. The percentage value of a discount.

RecurringPricingPlanInterval String True

The frequency at which the subscribing shop is billed for an app subscription.

RecurringPricingPlanPriceAmount Decimal True

The amount to be charged to the subscribing shop every billing interval. Decimal money amount.

RecurringPricingPlanPriceCurrencyCode String True

The currency to be charged to the subscribing shop every billing interval. Currency of the money.

UsagePricingPlanBalanceUsedAmount Decimal True

The total usage records for interval. Decimal money amount.

UsagePricingPlanBalanceUsedCurrencyCode String True

The total usage records for interval. Currency of the money.

UsagePricingPlanCappedAmount Decimal False

The capped amount prevents the merchant from being charged for any usage over that amount during a billing period. This prevents billing from exceeding a maximum threshold over the duration of the billing period. For the merchant to continue using the app after exceeding a capped amount, they would need to agree to a new usage charge. Decimal money amount.

UsagePricingPlanCappedAmountCurrencyCode String False

The capped amount prevents the merchant from being charged for any usage over that amount during a billing period. This prevents billing from exceeding a maximum threshold over the duration of the billing period. For the merchant to continue using the app after exceeding a capped amount, they would need to agree to a new usage charge. Currency of the money.

UsagePricingPlanInterval String True

The frequency with which the app usage records are billed.

UsagePricingPlanTerms String True

The terms and conditions for app usage pricing. Must be present in order to create usage charges. The terms are presented to the merchant when they approve an app's usage charges.

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Build 24.0.8963