ADO.NET Provider for Shopify

Build 24.0.8963


All metaobjects for the shop.

View-Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Shopify API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The 本製品 processes other filters client-side within the 本製品.

  • Type supports the '=,IN' comparison operators.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

  SELECT * FROM MetaObjects
  SELECT * FROM MetaObjects WHERE Type = 'Val1'


Name Type References Description
ID [KEY] String A globally-unique ID.
Handle String The unique handle of the object, useful as a custom ID.
DisplayName String The preferred display name field value of the metaobject.
CreatedByDeveloperName String The name of the app developer.
DefinitionId String The identifier of the MetaobjectDefinition that models this object type.
Title String Name of the app.
Type String The type of the metaobject.
Key [KEY] String The object key of this field.
Value String The assigned field value, always stored as a string regardless of the field type.
TypeField String The type of the field.
UpdatedAt Datetime When the object was last updated.
CapabilitiesPublishableStatus String Metaobject capabilities for this Metaobject. The publishable capability for this metaobject.
CapabilitiesOnlineStoreTemplateSuffix String Metaobject capabilities for this Metaobject. The Online Store capability for this metaobject. The theme template used when viewing the metaobject in a store.
ThumbnailFieldKey String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The object key of this field.
ThumbnailFieldThumbnailHex String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The hexadecimal color code to be used for respresenting this metaobject.
ThumbnailFieldFileId String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. A globally-unique ID.
ThumbnailFieldFileAlt String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. A word or phrase to describe the contents or the function of a file.
ThumbnailFieldFileCreatedAt Datetime The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The date and time when the file was created.
ThumbnailFieldFileUpdatedAt Datetime The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The date and time when the file was last updated.
ThumbnailFieldFileFileStatus String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The status of the file.
ThumbnailFieldFileFileErrors String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. Any errors that have occurred on the file.
ThumbnailFieldFilePreviewStatus String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The preview image for the media. Current status of the preview image.
ThumbnailFieldFilePreviewImageId String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The preview image for the media. A unique ID for the image.
ThumbnailFieldFilePreviewImageAltText String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The preview image for the media. A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image.
ThumbnailFieldFilePreviewImageHeight Int The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The preview image for the media. The original height of the image in pixels. Returns null if the image isn't hosted by Shopify.
ThumbnailFieldFilePreviewImageWidth Int The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The preview image for the media. The original width of the image in pixels. Returns null if the image isn't hosted by Shopify.
ThumbnailFieldFilePreviewImageUrl String The recommended field to visually represent this metaobject. May be a file reference or color field. The file to be used for visual representation of this metaobject. The preview image for the media. The location of the image as a URL.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963